Rekkles no podrá jugar la Season 3


American law puts down "Rekkles"
Isn't allowed to have League of Legends as a career - until he turns 17
One of Sweden's hottest names in the E-sports scene right now is Martin "Rekkles" Larsson.
This weekend, "Rekkles" wants to win yet another gold medal, but that medal could be his last for a long while. The international "League of Legends" team Fnatic won both Dreamhack Winter and Thor Open over the course of just a few weeks. When Intel Extreme Masters is settled in Cologne this weekend - with a prize pool of over 400 000 swedish kronor up for grabs - Fnatic is yet again among the favourites to win.
-- We have a good team and a good shot at the finals. We also have a good chance of winning, says Fnatic's Martin "Rekkles" Larsson, 16, from Älvängen just outside Gothenburg. "Rekkles" is highly motivated to win IEM, as the tournament could be his last until next September.
-- Next year, I won't get to play until I turn 17, Larsson says.
Biggest prize pool in history
This August, Riot Games - the "League of Legends" developers who are extremely keen to establish their game as a major e-sport - announced that they would begin paying salaries to eight of the best teams in the world. Riot boasted not only about their Championship Series league, which would be launched wtih the biggest prize pool in history as well as high-definition TV broadcasts every week, but also that the salaries "would be a stable choice for professional e-sports players."
"Perhaps the best in Europe"
For Martin Larsson, however, the career is far from stable so far. Under U.S. law, he must have reached the age of 17 to engage in what would be classed as a full time job. Of course, there's a small risk that Fnatic won't qualify for Riot's Championship Series.
-- I think we're going to qualify, though, seeing as we're perhaps the best team in Europe right now, "Rekkles" says.
If the rules could've been circumvented, Martin had been planning to take a sabbatical from his studies at IT-gymnasiet in Gothenburg. After this weekend, though, he'll have to swap the crowded arenas for classrooms.

Straight from the US Department of Labor Website...
The Federal youth employment provisions do not: require minors to obtain "working papers" or "work permits," though many States do; restrict the number of hours or times of day that workers 16 years of age and older may be employed, though many States do; apply where no FLSA employment relationship exists; regulate or require such things as breaks, meal periods, or fringe benefits; regulate such issues as discrimination, harassment, verbal or physical abuse, or morality, though other Federal and State laws may.
So I'm guessing the problem lies in actually getting him a Work Visa.


The main law regulating child labor in the United States is the Fair Labor Standards Act. In general, for non-agricultural jobs, children under 12 may not be employed, children between 12 and 16 may be employed in allowed occupations during limited hours, and children between 16 and 18 may be employed for unlimited hours in non-hazardous occupations. [1] A number of exceptions to these rules exist, such as for employment by parents, newspaper delivery, and child actors. [1] The regulations for agricultural employment are generally more lenient. Children as young as 12 may be employed unlimited hours outside of school hours with parental permission. Children under 16 may not be involved in hazardous tasks

Y esto escribió Marcou "1.3.2 Age
All players must submit proof that they will be 17 years or older as of February 8, 2013."

Conclusión: Es peligroso trabajar para Riot xd


#59 Es verdad, y los actores menores que pasa ? tss menuda mierda de leyes joder.

Que le paguen en negro xD

#63 gracias gracias, es que no tenia ganas de leer a estas horas xD

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#62 lo he puesto en ese tocho que pasa con los actores

A number of exceptions to these rules exist, such as for employment by parents, newspaper delivery, and child actors.

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#62 Las unicas diferencias que se me ocurren (no conozco la legislacion americana) son que en las peliculas y demas se contrate "por obra" y esto sea un contrato fijo, que quiza por ejemplo en los rodajes tengan un maximo de 30 horas semanales con los chavales o 20 o las que sean pero nunca 40, etc...

Pero es que si nos ponemos esquisitos los de fnatic podrian hacerle un contrato solo por ir a las competiciones, y los entrenamientos ya son cosa de el...

En cualquier caso deberian llevar esto a un juez a ver si se puede hacer algo, las leyes estan para interpretarlas no para seguirlas como borregos a raja tabla (interpretarlas un juez, no nosotros en nuestras casas).

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#64 simplemente lo pone en la ley, miratelo, estuve mirando antes las leyes y ponía que eso excluía a las leyes de edad vamos


#64 Creo que la legislatura en USA son 4 años


Nada que se venga a europa, y listo jejeje

#68 Pero ... si es sueco ahora si que no lo pillo. Se deberia de tomar las normas del pais del que vive no? Por lo que se ve no jjajaja

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#67 Eso que se venga a Europa, que Suecia pilla cerca

edit: #67 creo que es porque riot es americana y tiene que actuar segun las leyes de alli pero tampoco me hagas mucho caso porque no me estoy leyendo los tochos que ponen sobre eso xd

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#68 efectivamente son tratados como empleados de California, y por un caso aislado no van a dejar de ser así


Lo encuentro una chorrada, se designa un tutor legal para rekkles, que sea el que cobra en vez de el, y listos.

Sí jugara la s3, me juego una skin de 260 rp

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Y se estan barajando ya nombres o todavia nada de nada?


No me jodas, seguro que jugara...

Aparte que riot no les paga a los jugadores no? les paga al equipo para que organice el tema de salario y demas. De ser así, que cobre en negro y listo.

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#72 y riot sé va arriesgar a eso por ni 5 jugadores no? Bajar de la Luna...

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#73 no, pero estaría bien xD
Lo del contrato con riot como esta? por que según tengo entendido cobrarán los finalistas de la S2, por lo que en teoría araneae debería cobrar?


que se mude a otro pais

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#75 Y con eso que gana exactamente si Riot sigue en NA?


no entiendo esque por ejemplo yo ahora mismo me meten en sk gamming yo no podre jugar en ese equi o en otro sin tener 17 años ?

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#77 efectivamente, antes de eso deberías tener una educación básica


que pena para mi esta entre los 5 mejores ADC del mundo :( que decepción :(


#70 pero no es por el dinero. Es por el hecho de trabajar.


Vamos a ver, ¿tan difícil es comprender que no le pueden hacer un contrato con 16 años y que Riot no va a ser tan jodidamente subnormal de presentar en publico a un tío que según vosotros debería aunque sea cobrar en negro sin contrato?

#82 Porque se podría ver como explotación infantil.


Yo lo que no entiendo es porque no podría jugar 4 fun. Sin cobrar, va a los torneos si gana bien y si no para casa. Cuando tenga edad ya se le hará contrato.

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Vamos a ver, el chico es europeo, riot no va a mover un dedo por los europeos nunca, fin

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#83 Pobelter y más de TD están con el mismo problema.. no es cosa de Europa


#83 No digas tonterías de ese calibre, que Rekkles no es el único afectado, pero PUEDE que gracias a Riot sea el único con solución. (Salvo que aparezca un caso similar en Europa)

Riot Games Ireland puede ofrecer contrato a mayores de 16 años. Sería gestionar el jugador desde aquí, algo que no es descabellado.

Riot Games también tendrá oficinas en Brasil dentro de poco, puede ser otro parche temporal para los jugadores Americanos.


Si fuese yanki, se habrian buscado la vida de cualquier manera para que pudiese jugar pero al ser un europeo (que además se mea en los americanos) pues está jodido.


pero vamos a ver, que os dejeis de historias, esto es un complot de TSM para ganar la S3, no os engañeis


De momento Rekkles esta en Irlanda... volverá con el contrato debajo del brazo?

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#88 no creo

Martin 'Rekkles' Larsson
Hello everyone, I got some good and bad news for you and I'd share them.

I will start with the bad one;

It's now 100 % sure that I will not be able to compete professionaly untill i turn 17. So I'd like to start with wishing my team good luck in finding a new AD Carry, and doing well in the season 3 qualifiers. Also a big thank you to everyone from Fnatic for giving me the chance to experience how it is to be a professional player.

So onto the good one;

Since I'm a determined guy, who strives to be the best, I will most likely be creating a "Amateur team", a team who is not playing as top 8 Europe, untill i turn 17. Also I will be streaming constantly as soon as i get my new internet, untill then only times when i got internet, such as gaming cafés and LAN partys. Also would like to thank you all for supporting me and my team over the past, even though the journey was short.

My schedule for the upcomming weeks:

24-26th of December - Taking care of family and friends.
27-30th of December - Streaming, from a LAN party.
31-2nd of December/January - New year with friends.
2-8th of January - Spending time with one of the best human beings on this planet ♥.
8-30th of January - School/Getting started with my amateur team.

Hope you had a nice christmas togheter with your family and friends! Love you less than tomorrow, more than yesterday ♥

Stay awesome

Se confirman los peores presagios


FnaticRC Creaton pls

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