Del PBE:
For a while now, the Competitive and Player Behavior teams have been working together to develop ways to improve the quality of the ranked play experience, and we’re now ready to test a new feature on PBE. This experiment involves a feature called Ranked Restrictions. Negative players will have their in-game chat restricted, and also be temporarily prevented from joining ranked queues entirely.
In this test, restricted players will be unable to play ranked until they've completed a certain number of games in Normal Draft queue. As with Chat Restrictions, after finishing the predetermined number of games, we’ll perform a final evaluation to make sure they've actually improved their in-game behavior. (This is to prevent negative players from merely transferring their negative behavior to another queue, AFKing for 5 games, and then jumping right back into ranked).
Since this is a test, we’re looking for volunteers to be Chat and Ranked restricted on PBE. If you have current PBE access and would like to participate, please email [email protected] to join in.
As always, thanks for helping us with the PBE, and GLHF!
Estan buscando formas de mejorar las rankeds, una solución que proponen es que la gente con chat restringido no podra jugar Rankeds hasta que no juegue un determinado numero de normales
Tras jugarlas, se realizara una evaluación para comprobar que realmente ha mejorado su comportamiento (y no se han tirado todas estas partidas AFK esperando a que pasen)
Estan buscando voluntarios en el PBE para someterse a la prueba
Como esto salga adelante alguno no vuelven a pisar una ranked hasta la Season 6