Xmithie ficha por Immortals


Tras la confirmación del fichaje de Dardoch por CLG, IMT anuncia a Jake "Xmithie" Puchero como nuevo jungla.

Immortals entered the 2017 Spring Split with a nearly entirely new roster, including two players new to the region and a rookie. For Immortals, the Spring Split was focused on building synergy, determining our strengths and weaknesses, and building a foundation for long term, sustainable success.

With this in mind, we have decided to part ways with Joshua “Dardoch” Hartnett. Dardoch is an incredibly skilled jungler and we have no doubt he’ll be moving on to a successful career in the LCS. We are, however, making the difficult decision to focus on improving as a unit, and prioritizing building a cohesive, single minded team.

We’re confident that our new jungler will be more than capable of filling that role. We’re pleased to welcome Jake “Xmithie” Puchero to the #IMTeam. Xmithie is a true veteran, having played since Season 1. He is, of course, best known for his time on Counter Logic Gaming, where he was the perennially underrated jungler who served as the backbone of the team. On CLG, Jake took a leadership role both on and off the Rift, and he’ll be bringing those skills to IMT. We knew that we needed someone to take a vital, vocal role in Immortals, and Xmithie fits the bill perfectly.

Immortals CEO Noah Whinston noted, “Part of the task we’ve taken on at IMT is developing younger North American talent, starting in Spring with Cody Sun, and continuing into Summer with two yet-to-be-announced in house substitutes. We’re excited to see the impact that Xmithie’s veteran presence and wealth of experience will have on these promising rookies.”

To celebrate the newest addition to the IMT family, we’ve added a first edition jersey bearing his name to the store.

We’re excited to show our progress from Spring to Summer, especially with Xmithie in our corner. Be sure to follow us on Twitter and Facebook for any further announcements, and join us on Discord to discuss the latest news.


Pedazo de fichaje de Immortals, experiencia, solvencia y ese grado de calma que le puede venir muy bien a Immortals, muchisimas ganas de seguir viendo como evolucionan.

1 respuesta

#2 Han fichado al peor jungla de primavera, muy bien, que te regalen a Xmithie más un montón de billetes por Dardoch es bastante worth.

2 respuestas

Se merece un baylife, bastante le tiene que doler la espalda.


#3 Reignover volvió a IMT?

1 respuesta

#3 Ha tenido un split malo, pero no es el nivel habitual suyo. Mejor que dardoxh porque no se cargará el equipo es xd


#5 No, me hago eco de las mismas estadísticas que ponen por las nubes a Lira. Eso no me lo rebate nadie.

1 respuesta

#7 Si cambian a pobelter les puede quedar un muy buen equipo, xmithie tiene experiencia y es regular pero no es un carry y con flame solo no alcanza.

1 respuesta

flame carry en 2017... cuanto daño han hecho thorin y fionn


#8 que cambien a pobelter por Huhi


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