Yellowstar nuevo Head coach de Team LDLC


If there is a name on League of Legends that is no longer needed to be presented, it is for sure Bora “YellOwStaR” Kim. The young Frenchman has won many victories, from his debut on Warcraft III, to his multiple participations in the Worlds of League of Legends.

Over the years, Bora has become an exemplary player, one of the best that the game has ever known, and he also enjoys an excellent reputation as a captain.

In search of a new ambitious project, it is now within our family that Bora will officiate as Head Coach. Joining the League of Legends team, he will be surrounded by Leo “Lounet” Maurice (Manager) and Sofiane “Kirdos” Arabtani (Coach).

We have gathered with these three French young people a solid foundation of management and coaching, in order to build, hopefully, one of the most beautiful French projects on League of Legends.

Following my return to France, I am pleased to announce that I have joined LDLC as a member of the League of Legends team, specifically as the Head Coach. As such, my overall mission will be to help the structure and the team to develop on the Riot’s game.

I hope to be able to use the experience gained until now in competition to support this team that is still very young on the European scene.

It was important for me to dedicate myself once again to a French project and it is therefore with great pleasure that I join Team LDLC for a future full of ambition and potential.
Bora “YellOwStaR” Kim, Head Coach, Team-LDLC

I am pleased with the arrival of Bora in Team LDLC. For the season 2018, our ambition was to develop our presence on the League of Legends scene and so, to become with, to reinforce the staff already in place.

Recognized for his talents and his involvement, the integration of Bora into the team already in place at Team LDLC finds nowadays all its meaning. Despite a somewhat difficult year at PSG, I trust him to succeed along us.

The whole team joins me to welcome him officially.
Anthony “Marty” RABBY, Esport Directeur, LDLC EVENT

Team composition

Jérémy ‘Eika’ Valdenaire – Mid Laner

Juš ‘Crownie’ Marušič – AD Carry

Amaury ‘Moopz’ Minguerche – Support

Bor ‘Kektz’ Jeršan – Top Laner

Duncan ‘Skeanz’ Marquet – Jungler

Sofiane ‘Kirdos’ Arabtani – Coach

Bora “YellOwStaR” Kim – Head Coach

Léo ‘Lounet’ Maurice – Manager


pd: no deja insertar


No, no funciona el insert, ahora pego la noticia:


Joder ya decía yo, estandi desde el celular y no me salía :(


Deja de robar yellow


Increíble lo rápido que encuentra otro lugar donde seguir robando este muchacho...


NicoThePico vol2


Ya sabemos donde va a acabar si algún día echan a Yamato


Es la primera vez que escucho a ese team :/

1 respuesta



#9 ese team era top en CS GO... en lol no lo conocía

2 respuestas

¿Alguno podría explicarme por qué la fama de YellowStar de robar? ¿Hubo alguna polémica en torno a él recientemente?

2 respuestas

Estos eran los franceses del go no?


#12 jajaj se refiere a todo lo que le pudo haber pagado PSG vs los resultados que logro

1 respuesta

#11 Son un equipo que todos los años siempre estan entre los favoritos en los open para ascender a CS pero nunca consiguen dar el salto.


#11 En lol ha estado este último año en los clasificatorios para CS.


#12 porque se lleva años arrastrando y cobrando una pasta alla por donde va


#14 yolo era manager en el psg, no coach, me parece.

Algun dia sera el entrenador de fnatic, cuando se canse de timar.

2 respuestas

#18 yolo era encargado de todo lo relacionado al e-sport o algo así

1 1 respuesta

#19 #18 Era Manager y Coach


Yolo es como Peke, Dios de Dioses en la Grieta, inútil fuera de ella.

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