Petición: subforo de Ciencia


#360 Mod en motor.

1 respuesta

#361 Muy majos todos. Y guapos.

Y altos.

1 1 respuesta

#362 Así me gusta. Buen chico.
Te aseguro que motor, de los foros "pequeños" es de los que más movimiento tiene. Al menos nuestra primera página son todo threads de hace dos semanas (Y eso que estamos en verano)

Hay por ahí foros que en su primera página tienen threads de febrero #JustSaying

1 respuesta

#363 veo por donde vas. Pero en libros el ultimo hilo de la primera página tiene 9 dias

1 respuesta

#364 8 el de Motor :clint:
Hablemos de Smite. Qué bonita pradera de nada.


Prefería leer los rants de niños de instituto del grupo ese chorra creyendo que la ciencia se limita a las asignaturas que dan en el bachillerato de ciencias que la pelea esta entre foro-gafas y foro-carros.


Sólo para que los admins lo sepan, en el hilo de ciencia estamos acumulando propuestas y futuros hilos para el subforo, y estamos esperando su apertura cuanto antes! Desde un AMA de mTh, pasando por un hilo de un amigo de un user que estudia si existen valores culturales en primates, hasta un hilo de discusión y aprendizaje sobre inteligencias artificiales. Entre otras cosas, claro.

No puedo enfatizar más que nos cundía tenerlo cuanto antes!

3 1 respuesta

#367 Ya se han cansado de discutir sobre las categorías, ahora van a discutir sobre los mods.


1 respuesta



como va la cosa?


Está creado, solo falta encontrar un icono decente y las categorías.


Teniendo en cuenta el origen de esta web, creo que el icono para el foro de ciencias es obvio...

Aparte del guiño, creo que pocas ciencias se pueden quejar de no sentirse representadas

The lambda particle is a type of subatomic particle in subatomic particle physics.
Lambda is the set of logical axioms in the axiomatic method of logical deduction in first-order logic.
Lambda was used as a shield pattern by the Spartan Army. This stood for Lacedaemon, (Λακεδαίμων, Lakedaímōn), the name of the region of Sparta.
Lambda is the von Mangoldt function in mathematical number theory.
In statistics, Wilks's lambda is used in multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA analysis) to compare group means on a combination of dependent variables.
In the spectral decomposition of matrices, lambda indicates the diagonal matrix of the eigenvalues of the matrix (mathematics).
In computer science, lambda is the time window over which a process is observed for determining the working memory set for a digital computer's virtual memory management.
In astrophysics, lambda represents the likelihood that a small body will encounter a planet or a dwarf planet leading to a deflection of a significant magnitude. An object with a large value of lambda is expected to have cleared its neighborhood, satisfying the current definition of a planet.
In crystal optics, lambda is used to represent the period of a lattice.
In NATO military operations, a chevron (a capital lambda symbol) is painted on the vehicles of this military alliance for identification.
In chemistry there are Δ (delta) and Λ (lambda) isomers, see: coordination complex
In electrochemistry, lambda denotes the "equivalent conductance" of an electrolyte solution.
In cosmology, lambda is the symbol for the cosmological constant.
In optics, lambda denotes the grating pitch of a Bragg reflector.
In evolutionary algorithms, λ indicates the number of offspring that would be generated from μ current population in each generation. The terms μ and λ are originated from Evolution strategy notation.
Lambda indicates the wavelength of any wave, especially in physics, electronics engineering, and mathematics.[4]
Lambda indicates the radioactivity decay constant in nuclear physics and radioactivity. This constant is very simply related (by a multiplicative constant) to the half-life of any radioactive material.
In probability theory, lambda represents the density of occurrences within a time interval, as modeled by the Poisson distribution.
In mathematical logic and computer science, lambda is used to introduce anonymous functions expressed with the concepts of lambda calculus.
Lambda is a unit of volume, synonymous with one microliter (1 μL), that is, one cubic millimetre (1 mm3). This use is currently deprecated.
Lambda indicates an eigenvalue in the mathematics of linear algebra.
In the physics of electric fields, lambda sometimes indicates the linear charge density of a uniform line of electric charge (measured in coulombs per meter).
Lambda denotes a Lagrange multiplier in multi-dimensional calculus.
In solid-state electronics, lambda indicates the channel length modulation parameter of a MOSFET.
There is a lambda phage virus in biology.
In ecology, lambda denotes the long-term intrinsic growth rate of a population. This value is often calculated as the dominant eigenvalue of the age/size class matrix (mathematics).
In formal language theory and in computer science, lambda denotes the empty string.
Lambda is a nonstandard symbol in the International Phonetic Alphabet.
In telecommunications, lambda indicates the wavelength in a wavelength-division multiplexing optical communications system. This is actually a form of the long-established concept of frequency-division multiplexing.
Lambda denotes the Lebesgue measure in mathematical set theory.
The Goodman and Kruskal's lambda in statistics indicates the proportional reduction in error when one variable's values are used to predict the values of another variable.
Lambda denotes the oxygen sensor in a vehicle that measures the air-to-fuel ratio in the exhaust gases of an internal-combustion engine.
A Lambda 4S solid-fuel rocket was used to launch Japan's first orbital satellite in 1970.[5]
Lambda denotes the failure rate of devices and systems in reliability theory, and it is measured in failure events per hour. Numerically, this lambda is also the reciprocal of the mean time between failures.
In criminology, lambda denotes an individual's frequency of offenses.
In cartography and navigation, lambda denotes the longitude of a location.
Lambda is the symbol of the musician Richard D. James or Aphex Twin.
Lambda denotes Christopher Langton's parameter for the classification of Stephen Wolfram's classes of cellular automata.
In electrochemistry, lambda also denotes the ionic conductance of a given ion (The composition of the ion is generally shown as a subscript to the lambda character).
In neurobiology, lambda denotes the length constant (or exponential rate of decay) of the electric potential across the cell membrane along a length of a nerve cell's axon.
In the science and technology of heat transfer, lambda denotes the heat of vaporization per mole of material (a.k.a. its "latent heat").[6]
In the technology and science of celestial navigation, lambda denotes the longitude as opposed to the Roman letter "L", which denotes the latitude.
King Louis XIII of France used the letter lambda as his personal symbol rather than monogram.
In Volvo automobiles, lambda denotes an engine, fuel, or ignition system failure.
A block style Lambda is used as a recurring symbol in the Valve computer game series Half-Life, referring to the Lambda complex of the fictional Black Mesa Research Facility.
The lambda was selected as a symbol by the Gay Activists Alliance of New York in 1970, and declared the international symbol for gay and lesbian rights by the International Gay Rights Congress in Edinburgh, Scotland, in 1974.
The "lambda sign" is used for diagnosis of dichorionic twins in obstetric ultrasonography
In bifurcation theory, lambda is used to parameterize a family of differential equations
Lambda was used by Pythagoras to denote the "Lambda number sequence" 1, 2, 3, 4, 9, 8, 27, ...,(sequence A098293 in OEIS) formed by the integers of the form 2i and 3i, for nonnegative integer


Ya, bueno, pero dudo que alguien asocie la lambda a Ciencia en esta web... xD

1 respuesta


Si hasta se pone a huevo la descripción 'graciosa' del foro en la portada:

No, no ha salido half life 3

Caveat: pero esa línea quedará anticuada cuando salga half life 3.

Respuesta: "cuando salga half life3" hahahahah




polinizo, abridlo ya
edit: porfa :3


La frase deberia ser.
Sin umpa lumpas.
o algo adi JEAJEAJEA


Usemos pi para ciencia.


La frase está clara:

¿Eres magufo? -> Ban


Y porque no escogéis un atómo de icono? Es sencillo. Se asocia a la ciencia y mantiene el estilo minimalista del resto de iconos de subforos


O haced un juego con los simbolos quimicos rollo Breaking Bad...

Para la frase pondría: "... de este universo."


Propongo para la frase:


Esta función se corresponde con el siguiente plot:


Un átomo como icono no estaría mal


Hay que tener en cuenta que tiene que quedar bien en 24x24.

4 4 respuestas

#384 No he podido redimensionar ningun atomo asi que he hecho dos probetas, una gorda y otra delgada, a ver que os parecen:

EDIT: Era muy cutre, la mas oscura creo que quedaria mejor:


Categorias viendo de lo que mas se habla en el post de ciencia:

  • Noticias y publicaciones
  • Fisica
  • Biologia
  • Salud
  • Matematicas
  • Quimica
  • Dudas
  • Otras ciencias

Evitaria tanto informatica como nutricion porque creo que ya tienen sus propios foros en los que encajan mejor.

2 respuestas

#386 Astronomía-Cohetes también es un tema recurrente en el hilo de ciencia.

1 1 respuesta

#387 Cierto, me deje astronomia.


OJO! La sección Otras Ciencias es un imán para magufos


#384 Ese icono quedará perfect