[aion] Entrevista a Yongchan Lee (Principal diseñador)


Desde AionSource.com publican esta entrevista a Yongchan Lee, principal diseñador de Aion.

1) Any chance of adding in the much-requested dual-targeting UI feature? I love this feature in other games as it makes playing a support character that much easier and also paves the way for some very interesting and unique new ability options that require both an enemy and ally target.

-Personally, I enjoy dual targeting and find that feature very useful in other games. We had a quite a few spirited internal discussions about putting that feature in place. To put dual targeting into practice in Aion, a number of specific issues, including the amount of work related to do so at this time, meant that we decided not to implement dual targeting.

■ Traducción rápida: No se va a implementar sistema de objetivos doble.

2) Currently, Spiritmasters are nearly the most unpopular class for a number of reasons, the first being that the pet mechanics work against the Spiritmaster in PvP, especially in the Abyss. Because pets are unable to fly and are unsummoned at a very short distance from their summoner, the Spiritmaster, unlike every other class, loses a lot of its advantages in terms of DPS and survivability when taking to the air. Are there any plans to increase the utility of the Spiritmaster while flying, especially with the advent of rings that resist fear spells?

-We have released a tech video that shows Spiritmaster pet flight. We are planning to implement that feature on the live servers as soon as it is ready.

■ Traducción rápida: se estan haciendo cambios al SM.

3) Aion has been heavily praised for its graphics and artistic style. Might we someday see DirectX 10 (or higher) support to further enhance the look of the game?

-We are working on improving some fundamental technical implementations to allow Aion to display even better graphics. Reviewing support for DirectX 10 is one of our efforts.

■ Traducción rápida: se contempla el añadir soporte para DX10.

4) My only question, will swimming be implemented in Aion? If so, When?

-Based on the current lore, Daevas die when they go into the water. (I am joking, of course.)
Swimming should not be only a mere extension of the character controls and a pretty animation, but a fundamental aspect to the game. Until then, players won't be seeing it in the game anytime soon.

■ Traducción rápida: no se contempla añadir la opcion de nadar por el momento.

5) Will the Legion system be extended upon? Both in level (so more members) and depth wise (more privileges and the possibility to form alliances between Legions, like in Lineage II)?

-We plan on expanding the Legion system, but our focus is not just increasing the size of Legions, but also adding a variety of content or features for the system. Legion housing will be part of that effort.

■ Traducción rápida: Mejoras en el sistema de clanes y posibilidad de tener "housing" para clanes.

6) Will the dye system be expanded on? A lot of suits of armor have multiple colors. As it stands now, we can only dye with one color of dye. The system should allow us to choose which part of the armor to dye over which color for up to four different colors.

-We are always looking for ways to enhance the player's experience with the game. We take player feedback very seriously and consider all options in the development process. We'll review it and discuss the possibilities among the developers.

■ Traducción rápida: sobre el sistema de tintes.

7) The Balaur race is supposed to be threatening enough to be considered a third faction. Will their AI and aggressiveness be improved? Right now, they seem pretty static. Aside from their usual random fortress raids, they don't really randomly gank other players the way players do when they come through the rift. Will the Balaur start jumping through their own rifts attacking both Elyos and Asmodians? Will they feel more like fighting against players instead of behaving just like a fancy NPC race?

-We are improving the Balaur AI and behavior patterns as part of ongoing efforts to improve the game system. Our intent is to add tactical tricks and AI improvement for the Balaur so that players feel the Balaur is a worthy faction, but we can't make the Balaur as dynamically responsive as real players. Real players are real. They are infinity inventive by definition.

■ Traducción rápida: mejoras en la IA de los Balaur.

8) The ability to fly in all major cities/towns would be great. Are there any plans to implement this? Pandemonium takes ages to run around, and I can't really think of any reason that we can't currently do this.

-The beautiful cities have within their layout many challenges with complicated collision checks and other three-dimensional layering complications, such as getting stuck between objects and walls. For the time being, players won't be able to experience free flight that's not gliding inside cities. We are discussing ways to make transportation more convenient in the cities, though.

■ Traducción rápida: mejoras en el transporte dentro de ciudades. Descartada la posibilidad de volar en ellas.

9) Have you ever considered adding the ability to dye or customize wings?

-We are considering that, but nothing is final yet.

■ Traducción rápida: considerando la posibilidad de teñir las alas.

10) I've always been a fan of emotes and little details in games, and Aion, for the most part, does a great job with those things. I would like to see more fluidity to flight and falling, though. Is it a possibility to add more animations to flying and falling? For instance, in early footage of the game we see a Daeva spinning her body as she climbs into the sky, we see barrel rolls during the Ascension quests, and we also see a character dive from the platform instead of falling and flailing its arms. If we run out of flight time, I can see the falling animation as is, but turning off my character's wings or jumping from a ledge should trigger the dive, in my opinion.

-We are working on a variety of animations that reflect a character's status. One of these is a dynamically engaged animation display during gliding and flight.

■ Traducción rápida: animaciones extra.

11) Legion Halls have been talked about. Any chance that the Halls can be attacked like a fortress? And can the Halls give a minor buff to stats?

-We can't really go into the specifics of Legion Halls just yet, but we are planning a variety of features and weighing many possibilities.

■ Traducción rápida: se estan considerando cambios para los halls de los clanes.

12) I know Aion has a stance against UI modifications. Will you be offering a more customizable stock UI that lets a player individually position and size things like health bars, target windows, hot bars, and so on? The UI feels very constricted.

-We are currently reviewing these issues and player requests regarding them.

■ Traducción rápida: considerando la posibilidad de modifcaciones en la UI por parte de los jugadores o mas modificaciones/opciones por parte de NCSoft.

13) Will there be any stronger/faster or other arrows then the normal arrows?

-The Ranger class is currently a very strong class, so adding upgraded or diverse Ranger items is a lesser priority than addressing other classes' needs-for example, the Spiritmaster's pet flight.

■ Traducción rápida: no se van a incluir flechas con distintos tipos de daño, etc. Primero se mejorara el SM (su pet).

14) Will we be seeing reimplementation of game design features that were initially scrapped during the course of development?

-So many different things got scrapped, from those that were trivial to giant content possibilities, like cross-server trade. We will revisit some of the features that got scrapped based on game need.

■ Traducción rápida: Algunas de las caracteristicas que se habian anunciado han sido rechazadas sin embargo NCSoft todavia esta considerando añadir algunas de estas caracteristicas iniciales.

15) Is there a possibility in the future for implementing a system where Legions of the same faction can battle each other?

-We are discussing something like that based loosely on a tournament. However, it won't be as simple as a battle between Legions. We are imagining something more connected to gameplay, and it will take some time to implement if we decide it's a good fit for the game and future plans.

■ Traducción rápida: Posible torneo entre clanes (incluyendo entre los de la misma faccion).

16) To expand on the question about expanding Legion options, have you considered anything functional or aesthetic to promote good Legion participation on the server? Is there even a way for you folks to track this stuff in development? Such as temporary Legion titles for participation in the Abyss, aesthetic cloak upgrades for fighting defending rift areas, character decorations for avenging the deaths of lowbies from ganking high-ranks, as examples.

-As I mentioned, we are continuously expanding Legion content. What we implement is likely to be different from exactly what you described, but we are considering some changes that include updated looks or titles.

■ Traducción rápida: Mejoras al sistema de clanes.

17) At the moment, a lot of casting spells end with an animation that freezes you in place when in combat. Are there any plans to allow these animations while moving to create a more versatile, fluid, and fast-paced combat and PvP system? The animations are great, but they currently create a very jumpy or hesitant style of combat.

-We will continue our efforts to improve combat by creating a more fluid and dynamic feel. You must understand that there are both animation issues and gameplay issues in the animations shown and the way that they are shown in combat. We must consider whether animations look good in combat while balancing gameplay issues pertaining to monster response with a PC. As an example of our efforts in this area, a moving attack skill for the Ranger class was added to the Stigma tree in version 1.5.

■ Traducción rápida: Sobre animaciones.

18) Are you going to implement more cities similar to capitals? What about the city built into the mountain that we see at the login screen?

-While we have no immediate plans to add new cities, our current cities will be continually expanded.

■ Traducción rápida: no se van a incluir nuevas ciudades/capitales pero las ya incluidas se expandiran.

19) Is there currently anyone working on-or planning to rework-Aion's texture mapping to improve Aion's overall visual quality and make it more consistent? Several vocal people share my concern about low-quality ground and object textures and poorly done texture mapping hiding in or on every corner or in some whole areas. They are visible even with maximum settings.

-We have no plans to fix or improve the currently implemented textures. However, we are working to improve the overall visual appearance of the game by improving the real-time rendering. Such rendering improvements will produce much broader and more arresting visual game results than just fixing some textures.

■ Traducción rápida: Se estan trabajando en mejorar el entorno grafico en general.

20) What is the likelihood of implementing a more user-friendly disconnection system? Could you allow the user to return to the login screen upon disconnecting or a failed login attempt rather than having to relaunch the game.

-If you are talking about cases when the game client suddenly crashes, we are reviewing what can be done on the client programming side, and trying to implement improvements for more graceful relaunches.

■ Traducción rápida: sobre desconexiones.



Tintar las alas seria un puntazo..


Este es el tio que me whispea tol rato vendiendome oro


#3 Y a mi.. bueno cuando podia jugar ya no :(


Menos tintes y mariconadas y mas montura de tierra.


Estas van a ser las unicas monturas que vas a ver en el Aion xD


Habia rumores de monturas terrestres.. yo pondria vuelo en tos laos y punto.


De monturas terrestres más que rumores había una confirmación de la misma manera que se dijo que no serían un método de transporte.


Si planeas bien no hacen falta monturas... almenos yo no las hecho en falta :S


Planea cuesta arriba... xD


#9 El planear lo domino a la perfeccion pero a no ser que haya cuesta, al final te ralentiza mas


No estaria mal que pusiesen una competicion aun que sea entre la misma facción en plan como las olimpiadas del Lineage II.

7 días después

Jajaajja, me parto con las "Traducciones rápidas". Sólo te ha faltado poner en alguna:

Traducción rápida: Ha dicho algo.

Nah, es coña. Buen curro y buena entrevista para los que sabemos inglés.


Tintar las alas NO mola, porque es una de las formas más rápidas de distinguir Asmodians con Elyos. Las alas yo las dejaría así.

Lo de volar en todos sitios no mola por varias cosas:

1) ES jodidisimo de programar un entorno tan grande completamente sobrevolable y que sea jugable y divertido. Ya lo ha dicho el entrevistado que los problemas con colisiones y demás si hacen sobrevolable sólo Pandemonium darían muchísimos problemas.

2) Muchas de las quests perderían su gracia... a no ser que hagas que los enemigos tengan un rango de visión MUCHO más amplio y te acribillen a flechas. Supondria rediseñar el juego casi por completo..


Como comprenderas es un resumen de una linea.

Las entrevistas de este tipo se caracterizan por no decir casi nada. Y lo siento pero no tengo ni tiempo ni ganas de traducir palabra por palabra. El que quiera saber que dicen exactamente que aprenda ingles. Personalmente, no tengo ninguna dificultad entiendo al señor Yongchan Lee.

Te animo a que completes las traducciones ya que parece que te interesa la precision de la traduccion y seguramente tengas mas tiempo libre que yo.


#14 No te mosquees, coño, que era broma. Sólo que me ha hecho gracia. Verás como después de comer lo ves todo con otros ojos.


Cada vez esto me gusta mas, y eso que no las tenia todas.
Si hace todo lo que pone ahi tendremos un puto juegazo.

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