This quote is on the NCSoft Aion Prepurchase site under the "Prepurchase Bonus" part: "We deeply apologize, but we will not be able to distribute the digital in-game items during the Head Start Program as we had promised. The in-game digital items will be available at the Aion? retail launch date for your region."
Here is the link to said site:
So it looks like we are not getting our Pre-order bonus's and/or CE bonus's until launch, regardless if you are getting the game through digital download or retail copy now.
Al parecer, NCsoft no será capaz de distribuir los items a los que da derecho la preorder del juego durante el headstart que va del día 20 al 25 de Septiembre, así que tocará esperar a la fecha de la release oficial del juego para hacernos con ellos.