Anunciado Palia, un MMO que mezcla Animal Crossing con Zelda BotW


Pinta interesante, habrá que seguirle el rastro a ver si sale un juego con potencial o un Hokko Life >_<

26 días después
3 1 respuesta

Por discord han repartido la primera oleada de alfas.


#62 me alegra que hayan recaudado bien, ojalá le saquen buen provecho y salga un juego de puta madre


Oye pues buena pinta


solo hay que estar en discord no? si es asi no me ha tocado nada.

que seria raro que me tocara con +25k personas xd

18 días después

pero tiene full loot? :P

4 meses después

Nueva info saca del Ask The Team, posteada ahora mismo en el Discord oficial. Si alguien se aburre y lo quiere traducir que me lo mande por MP y edito este post.


Can you tell us more about the world outside of the town? How different are the areas from one another such as forest, swamps, or desert areas to explore. And will there be any kind of challenges (difficult enemies or puzzles for example) for players to overcome in these zones? Also are there more villages to discover and possibly build a house there as well?


Hi Dragon,

Palia is a big world with extremely diverse locales we’re excited to take players to over time. At launch only a small portion of that world will be accessible, but we plan to continuously expand the playable space over time.

We call the major overworld areas outside of the village ‘Adventure Zones’ and their settings will be as varied as you suggest, with distinct flora, fauna, and gameplay possibilities. Where the village is meant to capture the charm and comfort of home, Adventure Zones are meant to capture the joy of exploration and discovery. Each adventure zone will feature a bevy of new content and features unique to the zone for you to uncover and experience.

  • Aidan


I am really looking forward to the crafting aspect but have seen some games time gate crafting behind limits. Is there going to be some time gating on some of the crafting, whether it is limit per day or some recipes take several hours to complete? Also FF14 has a unique crafting system that requires you to pay attention and use crafting abilities at the right time, and each craft can be different. What level of active work will the crafting have or will it just be hit the craft button and you get the item if you have the resources?


Hi Lazerez,

We aren't committed to a single approach for crafting in Palia. For example, we’ve developed an involved mini-game with our Cooking skill where each of the steps involved can affect the outcome. We felt this approach most aligned with the fantasy and skill element of cooking in real life. Simultaneously, some other crafting options are as simple as putting resources into a crafter and letting them do their thing. In this case we do have an element of time gating, but it's important to note that we mostly time-gate crafting materials, and not final, usable products (such as décor and tools).This makes it important to think strategically about how you’re going to allocate those resources to meet your evolving needs.

  • Bourbon, Senior Game Designer


With climate change & wildlife protection being such big topics in the real world, will the game feature such elements as well?
I am thinking of things like replanting trees, making sure our impact on an area isn’t harmful to the flora & fauna living there, or animal rescue & rehabilitation. Follow up question: While palia is a fantasy game, are you considering the educational potential it has, particularly for its non-fantasy elements?


Hi Fay,

Our first priority is, of course, making sure the game is delivering a great experience to players. However, there are a variety of themes we take into consideration when trying to find the right direction for a feature.

One of the themes we think has a lot of synergy with the values of Palia is indeed conservation. This particular theme can be difficult to balance with a game so focused on acquiring resources to make progress in the game, but we’ve found a couple methods already we think help speak to that direction and are always keeping an open mind on opportunities to support it in the future.

A couple elements that come to mind:
- Players are able to plant new trees, as well as grow a variety of crops
- Players can progress skills like cooking without leaning on wildlife if they so choose

We are interested in hearing how players feel about these themes and elements, so please share your feedback when you play the game 🙂

  • Aidan & Bourbon


I'm hoping to create a community both within the game and outside, however many MMOs often require large groups to be "competitive". My personal preference in MMOs is to find a small tight-knit community and enjoy the game like this. However, I am afraid of potentially losing out on content because my community is not big enough. What is being done to prevent smaller communities from being excluded from content, or are there avenues that smaller communities can take so they can still enjoy the game to the fullest?


Hi there Mollerz,

We are focused on supporting Neighborhoods large and small! There are definitely challenges with supporting different sized groups through any social progression, so the game is intended to have the goals tuned in such a way that the group size is taken into consideration. This will likely not result in perfect scaling, but will make it possible for any player style to be successful and have fun.

  • EinarHugBestHug


How exactly would it work if more than one player wants to romance one of the NPCs? Like how would that look like? Would it interfere with anything?


This is another one we got a lot of questions about! Shout-out to @NomadinStasis, Pichi2214#2331, and more!

Hello Minime!

Yes, you can romance as many of the eligible NPCs as you want. We are still determining exactly how other NPCs acknowledge these relationships. Our goal is to balance realism with the fantasy of getting to explore multiple relationships in a low pressure setting. So in most cases, “dating around” probably won’t be talked about that much, though the player will have a way to signal who they are dating to other NPCs, and those NPCs may have positive or negative responses to the player being involved in particular romances, but we aren’t currently pursuing storylines involving jealousy or “cheating.” We really value giving players the chance to play the way they want to play, and exploring relationships is a big part of that!

  • EmbrasAshes


Do you have any plans to support roleplayers or a roleplaying community as the game seems uniquely tailored towards it?


Hiya, Khaltarr!

We absolutely believe Palia to be an immersive experience that fans of roleplaying would enjoy! We’re definitely looking to play a role in helping like-minded players find each other, and group up by joining the server or Neighborhood that speaks to their playstyle and interests. We also want to offer ways to find folks spur-of-the-moment, and party with a passerby even if you aren’t part of the same Neighborhood.

  • AmeliaMarz

We want to be able to allow players to create or join themed Neighborhoods, as well as allow for group chats that are not tied to a static social structure. For example, a voice chat feature we’re developing will help people socialize in different ways, not just in your neighborhood, but also in curated groups while you play more casually.

As for immersion, we’re excited about the different toys, emotes, character control, and the ability to freely choose your costume; because clothing items will not have gameplay benefits, you don’t have to worry about crafting your outfit around special abilities or bonuses. You can customize your look according to your specific tastes or the needs of the moment!

  • Nyvkal & EinarHugBestHug


I love ||secrets||. 🤫
Lost messages from bottles, books that contains “myths” that make you question if they may be real. Riddles of what could lead to a completely different quest from the typical go-bring-take-kill. A treasure to look for, a tale from the bard, a secret switch to a dark passage…
Will there be secrets in Palia? Not necessary into the main story-line, but like completely optional and hidden stuff for the most curious ones. How unexpected will they be? I love the idea of things that makes the game somehow “unpredictable”, at least in terms of how far something can go (like how many fish species are, or animals to hunt, seasonal/random spawning, skills needed to see/find more strange stuff, etc)
Thank you!😊


Hellooo!! Will there be hidden quests to get rare items? Or trips with riddles to a loot? Like a treasure hunt! 😄


Hi Kakaouêt!

Yes, there will be secret lore items for the player to discover and many mysteries to be unraveled. Some of these will be smaller atmospheric details, but others take the shape of items you find that unlock secret quests or books you can find to piece together bits of the backstory. We want the world to be full of fun secrets to explore and contemplate for years to come.

  • EmbrasAshes


Will there be in game mounts and pets?


SO MANY PEOPLE ASKED THIS! Special shout-outs to Skeletoncats, Sloth#4645, Zer0GShade, sami#5432, and so many more!

We are a huge fan of pets at Singularity 6, and know this is something players are very excited about as well. Additionally, we think pets are a great fit for Palia and would be surprised if we didn’t support multiple, distinct pet features in the game over time. While we’re not ready to confirm any pet features today, they are definitely on our road map and we’re looking forward to getting to the point where we can share more.

  • Aidan

That wraps it up for November/December's edition of Ask The Team! We hope there was lots of fun stuff to tantalize the imagination, and that you are ready to ask even more questions in submit-your-question, open NOW ➡️ December 17th at 12:00pm PT!

💡 As a reminder, Singularity 6 will be on holiday from December 18th - January 3rd, 2022, which means the next batch will not be up until the last week of January, 2022. We appreciate your patience as the team gathers their strength to come out strong next year! 🍾 🥂

As always, Thank you all for keeping us sharp with your questions, and letting us know what you're most interested in! 💜


Hay estimación de año de salida aunq sea? xD

2 meses después

Me ha llegado un email para la alfa, mirad a ver vuestros correos.

1 respuesta

#70 no ha habido suerte :(



1 respuesta

#72 Cual es la cabecera del email?, es que tendo muchisima mierda en spam xddd

(me apunté en su discord hace tiempo)

1 respuesta

Es necesario estar en el discord para recibir la alpha?

1 respuesta

#74 Si no recuerdo mal se hacía una encuesta en una hoja de google drive

1 respuesta

#75 sí, la hice pero no sabía si había más chance al entrar a discord y tal, gracias!


Beta por aqui, aunque no creo que pueda darle 🙁

1 respuesta

#73 El email lo envía Singularity 6


#77 regalamela :3

1 respuesta

#79 tarde 😂

20 días después


Ya estamos preparando todo para la llegada de Palia, no sabemos aun casi nada de como seran los servidores pero en caso de poder abrir uno dedicado, lo tendremos.
Contacto directo con los Devs del juego y esperamos posicionarnos como comunidad reconocida.
Tenemos experiencia en gestion de comunidades y mods ya que tambien somos la comunidad de habla hispana mas grande de Valheim

Os esperamos en Palia Hispana, sala de espera para la salida del juego


Saludos farmers!

3 1 respuesta

#81 cuando sale?
Han puesto algo de pve? La última vez que entre se podía cazar, nada más de combate

1 respuesta

se espera que sea MMO o servers dedicados con un máximo de 50+-100 jugadores por server?

1 mes después

#82 Cuéntanos más, qué tal lo que probaste?

2 respuestas

#84 muy vacio todo, es tan "social" que si no hay apenas gente te quedas sin hacer nada, le faltan muchisimas cosas por poner, se han centrado ams en hacelro bonito que en emter mecanicas en mi opinion

1 respuesta

#84 muy vacio todo, es tan "social" que si no hay apenas gente te quedas sin hacer nada, le faltan muchisimas cosas por poner, se han centrado ams en hacelro bonito que en emter mecanicas en mi opinion


#85 pero hace cuánto lo probaste?

1 respuesta

#87 hara 2 meses


pues otro juego de carebears :D
ya nadie quiere darse de ostias en los mmo

1 respuesta

#89 Macho, machote, titán, musculoso, predador, testosterónico.