Anunciado Torchlight Frontiers


#16 buf hermano, que recuerdos ... la de horas que le metí

1 mes después

Preguntar por una alpha key es absurdo no? estan contadas supongo...

1 respuesta

Stream de ayer de los desarrolladores, comentando los cambios y el progreso hecho desde que terminó la alpha 2 (gameplay a partir del minuto 20 más o menos):

La siguiente alpha tendrá lugar pronto, en los próximos meses.

26 días después

Tercera alpha el 5 de marzo, y levantan el NDA. Y no serán tests de fin de semana, si no continua.

We started off doing short weekend tests to wreck the servers for Closed Alpha 1 and 2. We won; the servers are stable. Now we're here to run a test where you can really dive deep and get a good feel for the systems and mechanics in Torchlight Frontiers. We're going to keep the game up, keep you playing, and keep making regular releases of new features and content while we learn from players and react to your feedback. When does it end, you ask? We’re jumping into testing our live service and have no plans to turn off the alpha servers - so play, play, play! If you haven’t already, sign up here for a chance to be invited. Let's build the future of Torchlight now, together.

You can expect a full set of patch notes prior to March 5th, but here’s a short summary of significant improvements:

Frontier Levels have replaced the old Weapon and Armor Skills
Wardrobes are now available to store your gear collection within your Fort
New Mapworks features
Pet equipment slots
Expanded Hyvid Frontier area and quests
New intro experience
Improved Waypoint system


joder que ganitas le tengo

#62 yo por si acaso me he registrado...xd

1 respuesta

#65 puto mono de torchlight... T_T

17 días después

A las 19:00 arranca la alpha 3. No hay NDA, así que no habrá problemas para ver streams y comprobar que tal va la cosa.


Descargando me mandaron email para poder jugar !!!

Estan todos los idiomas menos el español, lul
No se si en el juego será igual.

1 1 respuesta

#68 A ver si nos cuentas qué tal

1 respuesta

#69 Esta noche jugaré un poco, las primeras impresiones son buenas.
La Bso me recuerda a diablo 2, al menos la que suena al comienzo xD

En el tutorial dice que hay objetos especiales que ganan XP y pueden desbloquear habilidades.
Luego tambien hay otros objetos muy poderosos que si te matan mientras los llevas, el objeto desaparece para siempre.

Hay un fuerte para el personaje que parece que es algo parecido a lo que hay en el POE.

Solo se pueden probar 2 personajes, el mago y una especie de robot.
Hay lag cuando te mueves con el raton, pero no se si es por el servidor o porque le falta optimización al juego al ser un alpha.

1 mes después



Yo mire un youtuber en ingles que hace analisis sobre todo de juegos ARPG y pese a que el juego, la jugabilidad esta bien y tal lo que es el meta game no le gustaba demasiado y a mi respecto a lo que explica tampoco... Según parece el mundo esta dividido en "zonas" grandes cada una con su historia y un bioma distinto y en cada zona te toca crearte un PJ totalmente de 0 y tienes que volver a lvlear desde nivel 1 y equiparlo y ponerle skills de acuerdo a la zona, ya que puede ser una zona centrada en enemigos de fuego , pues te centras en equiparlo en fire resist y a subir skills que hagan mucho daño a fuego, otra zona de veneno pues lo mismo.
Es decir el meta game se trata de subirte muchos pjs, todos ellos con equipo acorde a la zona en el que lo juegas y obviamente un pj solo te vale para esa zona.

2 respuestas

#72 PFfff pues suena fatal macho...


#72 Hmmmm lo de las zonas creo que lo has entendido mal. Habla de un sistema de skill con diferentes arboles y sus skillpoints que tienes que subir de 0 para cada zona, osea mismo personaje a nivel max pero por cada zona un arbol de habilidad diferente. Aun asi el juego va a centrarse en skill points // armas y no en subir niveles. Vamos algo parecido a Gw1 donde el nivel max es 20.

Luego tambien comenta algo muy interesante sobre armas epicas con un sistema de "niveles" (¿) que desbloquean habilidades nuevas.

7 días después

Nueva clase, Railmaster.

1 respuesta
7 días después

Están mandando keys ahora mismo a los registrados, mirad el correo.

1 respuesta

#76 Pues va a ser verdad.

1 respuesta

#77 Ya nos contarás.

1 respuesta

Me llegó una invitación también! Recién miré. Tenía más hype por New World pero aún no hay suerte. A ver que tal el Torchlight.


Se la han dado a todo el mundo que se registró?
Me ha dado por bajarmelo y puedo jugar, pero no he conseguido encontrar ningún correo con el invite.

1 respuesta

#80 No, a todo el mundo no. Yo tampoco recibi correo, directamente me salio el juego en el cliente del Arc.


Sin suerte por aqui.


#75 Se pasaron de originales xD


Por aquí tampoco ha habido suerte :(


Mis primeras impresiones fueron relativamente buenas. Es un juego simpático y los gráficos agradables. Sin embargo me ha dejado una impresión "meh", pero hay que tener en cuenta que es una alfa y que no llegué al end-game, por lo que los siguientes puntos seguramente no tengan mucha validez cuando se lance el juego.

Típicas quests de ir y venir, hablar con un NPC y volver, por un mínimo de recompensa. Quintillones de quests para hacer que no se ve que tengan mucha conexión o que sean interesantes. A esta altura prefiero un "mata 100 bichitos de éstos". El sistema de quest como es ahora me agota; será que me estoy volviendo viejo.

No puedo evitar compararlo con PoE. En PoE desde que comienzas todo tiene un sentido. Aquí las skills son limitadas y aburridas, y subirlas o desbloquear nuevas lleva años. La experiencia se gana muy lentamente y a través de aburridas misiones. Subir de nivel no es tan esperado o exitante como debería ser. No he visto ninguna mecánica original o interesante en el juego más allá del nuevo personaje que hace rieles. El equipamiento nuevo no parece ser la gran cosa o que dé una satisfacción de estar progresando. Los skills se hacen algo repetitivos. Hay pocos enemigos para abatir en la pantalla cosa que no me parece bien en un ARPG. En PoE por ejemplo tenemos en cada zona cientos de mobs para acabar usando y probando diferentes skills y constantemente renovando el equipamiento; aquí las zonas parecen vacías y el recorrido a pie se hace denso.

Seguiré probándolo (a ver si mejora más adelante), aunque solo de pensarlo me da algo de pereza (cosa que no es buena señal para un juego ARPG, pero de nuevo, es solo un alfa).

1 1 respuesta

Si alguien le sobra una KEY se lo agradecería ;)


#78 Básicamente suscribo lo que ha dicho #85. El juego tiene la intención de ser un MMO con mecánicas de ARPG más que un Hack and Slash cenital y no hereda demasiado bien el gameplay de Torchlight 2 que ya es rápido desde nivel 1. Con los personajes han buscado la originalidad en la gestión de recursos (maná) pero creo que se va a quedar en un intento de reinventar la rueda. También hay que decir que creo (léase espero) que muchos sistemas sean placeholder porque si esperan sacar el juego con el trillado "tráeme 100 de madera" y "mata 200 zombies" no les auguro un gran futuro.

Habrá que ver como evoluciona para dar una opinión sustancial y justa cuando salga de la alpha, yo de momento lo dejo en standby.


Ahora que comentais lo de las quest, no tiene historia principal ?¿

22 días después

Update 6: Adept’s Path, scheduled for release on Tuesday May 21, includes a new skill progression system and a leveling rebalance!
Why’d you make these changes?

The impetus comes straight out of player feedback: skill progression was unclear and the pacing felt off. We took a step back and asked ourselves what principles we’d use to guide us during a revamp.

  • Pacing: progress must feel consistent, and each skill-unlock or upgrade must feel significant.

  • Planning: players must be able to plan their build and anticipate what skills to unlock next.

  • Scalable: the new system must support the addition of future content without needing to rework the whole system each time.

Once we shared the proposed changes in our original forum post, our testers helped us brainstorm and refine the ideas presented below. For those already following the skill progression conversation on our forums, Discord, and other spaces, thank you! Your input has helped make Torchlight Frontiers stronger.
What does the new skill system look like?

Players now earn one Skill Point for every Frontier Level they gain up to a maximum of 100. These points are invested on two unique skill paths for each class: Brawl/Barrage for Forged, Dark/Light for Dusk Mage, and Lineage/Conductor for Railmaster.

The Railmaster’s Lineage path features both ranged and melee skills.

Skills on each path are divided among tiers. You’ll need to invest points in previous skills and tiers, as indicated by the tool tip, before you gain access to later tiers. You can invest a maximum of 12 points in each skill; in some cases, the point investment also synergistically boosts other aspects of your class’s strengths.

Investing points in Dark Spears increases the skill’s duration and also boosts all Light skills by reducing their mana costs.

How does the leveling rebalance fit in?

It’s all to do with pacing. Your skill progression is now directly linked to your level, so the pacing has to be adjusted. We’ve doubled the rate at which you gain levels. Additionally, and thanks to player suggestions, we’ve greatly increased the amount of XP received for defeating bosses and champions, and added XP rewards to quests. All of these changes feed into making the skill progression system feel natural, but it also requires that we overhaul the level ranges of the existing Frontiers.

Frontier zone levels now span from 1 - 30. This means that various adventuring areas have had their level ranges expanded. For example, Wood’s Edge was level 1-2 and will now be level 1-6 after the update. Making these changes actually involves an entire network of adjustments:

  • Damage and resistance modifiers have been tuned so that players can now more readily fight above their level at the early stages of play.

  • Chests are a more reliable source of potions to assist in fighting above your level.

  • We’ve adjusted the amount of HP you gain with every level up.

  • You’re now able to equip gear that is up to three levels higher than your current frontier level (e.g. you’re Goblin Frontier level 8 and can equip a new level 11 helm).

  • Relic weapon XP has been increased to be slightly faster than the new player leveling speed.

  • Monsters levels increase the further into an adventuring area you explore (i.e. the further you get from the entrance the tougher the monsters will become in areas with a wide level range).

All of the above is phase one of the conversation and revamp. Once the system is in players’ hands, we’ll roll their evaluations and assessments into the next wave of iteration and improvement. We’re already working on a few additional elements we’ll share details on at a later date. Again, thank you for all your contributions so far!

Tune in for the Update 6: Adept’s Path preview livestream at 11am (PDT) on May 16!

“We are really excited about Update 6. The new skill progression system harkens back to TL1 & TL2 as well as our work on Diablo 2. It provides the kind of choices and ownership we have heard you expecting from an ARPG. We also heard loud and clear that our leveling pace was too slow and grindy. Update 6 also does a few things to address that: bosses giving more XP, quests giving XP, monsters pacing improved, and lower leveling costs. Together, we feel like these changes have really made the game feel better. We hope you like it too.”

  • Added new Skill Paths for each class: Brawl & Barrage for Forged, Dark & Light for Dusk Mage, and Lineage & Conductor for Railmaster.
  • Skills on the various paths can be upgraded and feature numerous synergistic improvements for every point spent.
  • Players earn a maximum of 100 Skill Points and can invest up to 12 points into individual skills.

Existing characters will be migrated to the new system during Update 6 maintenance, be sure to check and latest forum post for the specifics of how your character will change while preserving earned progression.
Leveling Rebalance

One of the major areas affected by the skill progression changes is leveling speed. We’ve roughly doubled the rate at which players will level up at lower levels. In addition we’ve tweaked a few things along the way:

  • Players can now more easily fight above their level at the early stages of the game.
  • Bosses, champions, and quests now grant additional XP.
  • You can now equip gear that is up to three levels higher than your current Frontier level.
  • Levels ranges of the zones within each Frontier now span 1 - 30.

Revive Options

Having to run from the dungeon entrance after being defeated is a chore, and getting stuck reviving at an entryway choked with monsters was even worse. We’ve added a few quality of life elements in this area:

  • On death, players now have a choice of where to Revive. Certain choices have a gold cost.
    Right Here: 10% of current gold
    At Level Entrance: 5% of current gold
    In Town: no cost
  • After reviving, characters receive a short-duration buff which makes them invulnerable, untargetable, and able to move through monsters.

More Trains!

We just released the Railmaster with Update 5: Lonesome Whistle, and it’s time to up the firepower! Two new offense-oriented cars have been added to the repertoire:

  • Shotgonne Car: (Level 1) Passive: Periodically fire a large blast of fire that hits an area for 100% weapon damage. Active: Shoot a single, large slug that pierces enemies for 250% weapon damage. (This car is mutually exclusive with Shield Car)
  • Flamethrower Car: (Level 1) Passive: Adds a flamethrower car to the rear of the train that periodically shoots flaming missiles in 1 sec bursts that deal 10% weapon damage and leaves enemies burning for 6 sec. Active: Make the flamethrower shoot a 3 sec burst of flaming missiles that deal 50% weapon damage per hit and leave enemies burning for 2 sec. (This car is mutually exclusive with Mortar Car)

Other Notable Additions

  • Pet movement and behavior greatly improved. Pets now navigate the world without so much erratic skittering, and are a lot better about actively engaging in combat.
  • Pets have a tab in the skill menu, and players will see a skill bar for their pet while this tab is selected. This is part of the preparation for eventual pet-skill features.
  • Increased player movement speed by one meter per second.
  • New craftable wardrobes for all three classes. These are not limited availability - they provide a baseline for all players to be able to craft sufficient wardrobes for exploring across frontiers.
  • Loading tips. We got ‘em. Want more? Tell us what you want to see!


  • Increased Dark Spears base DPS by 50%.
  • Lowered the proc frequency of the Forge's Cyclone Mode.
  • Fixed the description for Shotgonne Blast and Slug shot to clarify the damage is calculated from your cannon.
  • The Dusk Mage's Holy Fury can now destroy breakable elements in the environment.


  • Pets can now be sent to town while in town, they'll sell stuff quickly. Additionally, if you travel to town while your pet is on the way there, you'll meet them there. Good boy!
  • Pets now run the appropriate direction toward town when fleeing and running errands.
  • Reduced pet damage from 75% to 50% of player damage.
  • Wardrobes now have slots for pet items.
  • Increased pet hit points from 200% to 300% of player hit points.

Monsters & NPCs

  • Made the intro experience of fighting goblins and Yapper in the Imperial Outpost a little easier and increased the XP earned.
  • Remaining monsters will now be defeated upon slaying Psora in the Ravaged Ravine.
  • Updated Snotskin Village, Gobstomp Stronghold, and Gobtown to have a better ebb and flow of monster spawns.
  • Increased Strongtusk's health and damage.
  • Increased the health of Goblin Gunners, Voracious Goblins, Brittle Skeletons, and Clumsy Zombies.
  • Added the Fiery Forest Sentry as a rare champion-only spawn to areas level 20 and over.
  • Adjusted the size and position of the Goblin Blaster's damage area to better match the VFX.
  • Monsters not killed in one strike now have a better chance of being disrupted with a hit animation.
  • Decreased the damage of most bosses.
  • Decreased the health of Rotface, the Interminable.
  • Reduced the damage of champion Netherlings.
  • Reduced the knockback on the Gob Hound death animation.
  • Removed mimic chests from the Den of Upheaval.
  • Disabled the Goblin Bomber due to gameplay issues. They’ll return soon.
  • Changed the location of the NPC Thanes Snow.


  • Updated the "Bogwood Hollow Suppression" quest to require Hyvid Gliders instead of Hyvid Fliers.
  • Updated the description of the "Best Frenemies" quest to be more clear.
  • Updated Kenik's dialogue for the "Fortuitous Arrival" quest.
  • Updated text for the "Netherdelve" quest to accurately describe requirements.
  • Updated the requirement to kill Cocooned Goblins for the "Missing Troops" quest to optional.
  • Increased the spawn rate for Netherlings to assist in completing the "They're Coming Out of the Nether Realm" quest.
  • You can now complete the "Key Bind" quest by talking to General Graye in the Imperial Outpost.
  • Updated the requirement to clear a % of monsters in the Den of Upheaval as part of the "Tidying Up the Den" quest to a flat number.
  • Increased the spawn rate for Hyvid Egg Pods in the Feeding Den to assist in completing the "Muther Krr'usha" quest.
  • Champion Hyvid Gliders and Larvae now count toward completing "The Greendark Infestation" quest.
  • Disabled the "Way Back" quest.
  • Added more netherlings to the Glimmering Grotto to assist in completing the "Netherdelve" quest.
  • Decreased the number of Hyvid Champions you must defeat for the "Hideout and Exterminate, Annihilate and Destroy" quest from 10 to 6.
  • Decreased the number of Chargerbugs to defeat for "The Acid Pools" quest from 10 to 3.


  • Added new map icons for resources, pets, portals, vendors, and party members.
  • Updated class mechanic descriptions in the Help Menu to be clearer.
  • Reduced the time it takes to harvest common resources.
  • Added help pop ups when learning about assigning skills during the introductory quest.
  • Fixed an issue causing "Disable Camera Shake" and "Mute Music" to be linked in the Settings Menu.
  • Equipped items are now displayed when in the Shared Stash menu.
  • Added animation to loading screens.
  • Updated the VFX for the second swing on the Railmaster's attack when using a mace.


  • Fixed an issue causing the Contract screen to display an invalid reward after the season has ended.
  • Fixed an issue causing the animation for Holy Fury to stutter when running low on energy.
  • Fixed an incorrect value in the tooltip for Holy Bolt.
  • Fixed an issue causing Holy Fury to fill both light and dark energy bars.
  • Fixed an issue causing the Dusk Mage's energy bars to misrepresent the level of charge.
  • Fixed the description for the Dusk mage dark and light energy mechanic.
  • Fixed a typo in the tooltip for Coal Launch.
  • Fixed an issue causing a crash when using the Railmaster's Blasting Charge on breakable items.
  • Fixed a funky tooltip that displayed "I love cheese” in French. Affineur hour, amirite?
  • Fixed an issue preventing the exit portal from spawning after defeating Wideload.
  • Fixed an issue causing players to become stuck in the Storage menu.
  • Fixed an issue causing an extra tab to appear on the wardrobe menus.
  • Fixed an issue preventing the equipped items tab from displaying in the wardrobe menus.
  • Fixed an issue preventing leaf piles from being clickable.
  • Fixed an issue causing players to get stuck on certain terrain in Gobtown.
  • Fixed an issue causing certain terrain in Hyvid Colony to not have collision properties.
  • Fixed an issue causing boss chests to have improper collision properties.
  • Fixed an issue causing pathing to sometimes be blocked in the Cave of Sorrows.
  • Fixed an issue preventing the saving of progress upon completing certain quest tasks.
  • Fixed an issue preventing the saving of progress when two different quests' requirements were met at the same time.
  • Fixed an issue preventing boss chests from spawning in certain cases.
  • Fixed an issue preventing Charger Juveniles from moving or attacking in some cases.
  • Fixed an issue causing Stun duration to use the highest value from a single affix instead of stacking.
  • Fixed an issue causing the boss and champion defeated animation to appear at their spawn point instead of where they fell.
  • Fixed an issue causing characters to appear with a different skin tone in the character select screen.
  • Fixed an issue causing some skeletal mapworks dungeons to be skeleton free. Spooky, but mostly annoying.
  • Fixed an issue causing certain area entrances and exits to be difficult to click on.
  • Fixed an issue causing player rubberbanding when affected by a speed boost.
  • Fixed an issue causing quest-related champions to activate even for players who did not have the quest.
  • Fixed an issue preventing the missile damage from Coal Launch.
  • Fixed an issue causing unintended terrain object to appear in Wood's Edge.
  • Fixed an issue causing Hyvid Crystal auras to remain after being destroyed.
  • Fixed an issue causing boss chests to appear in the wrong location in some cases.
  • Fixed an issue causing Goblin Gunner to fire at players instead of their current facing. Supes deadly, yo.
  • Fixed an issue causing the Keys for the "Key Bind" quest to be impossible to pick up.
  • Fixed an issue preventing certain items from being able to be picked up.
  • Fixed an issue allowing players to equip a 2h weapon and a shield in certain situations.
  • Fixed an issue causing certain clickables to twitch. It was freaky.
  • Fixed an issue with the Gob Hound's defeated animation.

Minipunto para el dev, se nota que vicia muchisimo a su juego para testear como dios manda.

Y yo todavia sin clave.

1 mes después

Trello Roadmap