Atlas, nuevo survival MMO de piratas de los creadores de ARK

Nota de la moderación

Todos aquellos mensajes que vayan con la intención de meter "mierda" al juego serán moderados (bajo el juicio de la moderación).

Sin embargo se ha creado un hilo para que os podáis desfogar y poder soltar todos aquellos memes o críticas al desarrollo de ATLAS.

#2369 Grande y pequeña de velocidad, y a no ser que vayas con exceso de peso eres un F1

#2365 A modo protección y tener más rango y superficie donde poner los lanzallamas. Extermina todos los NPC del barco con lo que si los usabas para manejar velas o cañones estás fucked, y lo más importante, reduce la velocidad y maniobra de tu barco en cuanto te jode una vela o dos, un barco pequeño te da igual es barato, pero a un galeón le jodes dos velas y está jodido jodido.

Salvo que tengas mucha potencia de fuego atrás para frenarlo, o ganes en velocidad es bastante efectivo, no te hunde el barco pero lo deja inútil para el combate.

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#2371 Se ve que hay unas boleadoras para lanzar a las velas desde un cañon. Y dejas totalmente inmóvil esa vela. No sera casi lo mismo ?


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#2373 ?¿?¿

No lo pillo, algo que se me escape?

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#2374 Pues que tienen una prisión con un montón de jugadores prisioneros. ¿Se te escapa eso? xD

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#2375 Ah vale, no pensé que fuera eso lo que te llamaba la atención, perdona. Han de ser ellos mismos haciendo la tontería.

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#2376 Son jugadores de otros clanes, no son ellos metidos ahí.


jajajajajaaj, putos chinos!


pues fuera bromas, como se turnen para darles de comer y beber, esos prisioneros les va a tocar pillarse otra key para poder jugar.

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#2379 Puedes borrarte el personaje y empezar uno nuevo.

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#2380 ostia es verdad, no lo habia pensado, pero por lo menos te fuerzan a empezar de 0 con el nivel.

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Jajajajaja, imagina ser lvl 50 y tenerte ahí ad infinitum.

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#2382 seria conectarse a las tantas de la madrugada o depende la zona horaria del enemigo para pasar unas 3 h sin hacer nada y morir, con suerte nadie te da de comer.

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#2373 joder, eso es todo un puntazo jajaja


#2383 los chinos no duermen


Son tantos que por estadística siempre habrá alguno conectado.


#2379 Eso lo hemos hecho nosotros con niños rata en el ark, y como eran cap level entraban a llorar un rato a horas random y nos meabamos de la risa, otro dia lo poniamos a picar o a hacer tareas de esclavo, comerse nuestras mierdas, si me cantas "x" te soltamos, a dos primos en la misma jaula, enfin..

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Ya solo por esto ya merece la pena el juego :joy:


#2387 Recuerdo mega raideos de semanas en ark, algún chino meter en el raideo 24/7 mientras estaba encerrado vídeos porno a todo volumen..... y durante todo el raideo escuchando gemidos en las fobs. xD


La compañia en la que estoy busca/recluta gente activa ( no hace un 24/7,pero si algun minimo razonable de actividad).

Estamos dentro de una alianza con las demas compañias importantes del sector, con la cual hace poco conseguimos repeler y echar a [Le Saint Empire] antiguo top10 frances, con lo cual tenemos ahora mismo en el sector una situacion "estable/segura".

Tenemos una isla completa para nosotros, con su base levantada ya practicamente y sus barcos. Buscamos gente debido a que tras el boom/hype inicial se nos han descolgado varias personas y nos vemos algo faltos de ciertas ramas de profesiones en segun que horarios.

Para mas detalles mandarme un PM por aqui mismo y hablamos.


Hoy se viene parche muy muy importante:


  • Claim Flags now allow a "Neutral Zone" setting which allows any other companies to build within them, with the specified tax rate applied to them. You are also able to specify an inclusion or exclusion list to these, to only allow or exclude specific company ID's / player ID's. All claim flags will have this enabled as a default setting when placed, and this will also be a retroactive change. However, it will not function until Thursday, the 9th of January, where we will release another server update to make Neutral Zones active. This means you will have two days, from Tuesday to Thursday, to decide and adjust the settings on your claim flag before the change is live.
  • Server performance improvements
  • All Cannons/Turrets can now be pin code protected for lever activation/deactivation
  • There are 4x as many trade ships on the seas, and they now also sell commodity types for gold, as do NPC's at Freeports.
  • Lawless servers can no longer be specified as Homesevers. If your Homeserver was a lawless server, you'll be required to pick a new (Freeport) Homeserver upon respawn. This does not mean that land will be claimable on these servers, just that they cannot be selected as a server to respawn on.
  • You can now buy a "Ramshackle Sloop" from the NPC Shipyardsman at Freeports. The "Ramshackle Sloop" is a pre-built sloop which has permanently lower plank HP, carry weight, and crew limit, but is cheaper and faster to acquire if you want to get into sailing faster.
  • "Favorites" server selection drop-down is added for Unofficial
  • Joining through Steam browser server list with password now properly caches the password for ATLAS travel
  • Fixed up some temperature scalings and Weather events are now indicated on the HUD
  • Armour effectiveness and some values have been adjusted so that firearms are more useful in PVP
  • Fixed some bugs related to Sea Claims, Enemy Claim Flags can now be directly pinged to identify any contesting enemies nearby, and the time required to steal an enemy claim now decreases the more Claims that enemy team has.
  • Farming rebalances to be easier; water can now pipe uphill, region requirements for growing crops are more forgiving, and crop growth & yield is much faster and higher. Crops now take much longer to spoil when placed in a preserving bag.
  • Reduced shovel stamina cost.
  • You can now fill waterskins/jars from ground spouts.
  • Metal Tools can no longer damage the planks of anchored ships.
  • 50 more player levels added, and Skill Points per level increased. Players will receive a forced respec with this update.
  • Loot stat scaling has been boosted (retroactively) by 60%
  • Some ship costs have been adjusted, and in some cases reduced by approximately about 50%
  • Eating poop is now instant-death
  • Fixed an issue where you couldn't kill yourself by exhaustion (for stuck situations)
  • Pipes can now move water upwards and the vertical limit on underground junctions has been eliminated. Also, pipes can go farther without foundation requirement, and underground junctions can now be snapped onto existing pipes.
  • Guns and melee weapons have had their damage and penetration values adjusted to make them more effective against armour
  • Throwing Knife does significantly more damage when thrown to unarmoured targets (body and headshot)
  • Armour penetration has been reduced on spear throw to make it less effective versus higher armoured targets
  • Explosive Barrel weight has been increased
  • Stone Arrows now stack to 60 and a bow can fire them 60 times before breaking
  • Fire Arrows now stack to 40 and a bow can fire them 40 times before breaking
  • Puckle damage has been increased and also been made more effective against armour
  • Fixed Salted Animal & Fish Meat so that they naturally generate when placed in an active preserving bag (must use raw meats)
  • Updated some legacy sounds and icons
  • Updated stair collision on shipyards
  • Fixed a bug which prevented passive feats from applying after death
  • Fixed a bug with the torch which caused it to repair endlessly
  • Lighthouses can now be lit even if they are touching the water
  • Using a bucket on a tamed cow now causes the bucket to lose durability
  • Fixed a bug where players would get stuck in the crouched position
  • Fixed a bug which sometimes would occur where players would disconnection when being invited to a company
  • Fixed a bug which prevented creatures from receiving experience points above a certain level
  • Inventory ranks per structure and creature will now work for companies
  • Fixed a bug which prevented admins from accessing remote inventories with the F key when changing group ranks.


  • Sea Monsters' damage has been reduced by 66%
  • Tames HP and Damage scaling nerfed by about 40%, and Gunshots and Cannons/Explosions damage to tames increased 50% due to level increase and scaling possibility
  • Killing the Monsterous Sperm Whale or Blue Whales (as they're now named) provides (one-time) 50 Discovery Points each to everyone within 100k units of that event.
  • Penguin AoE insulation now scales by level, the higher the level, the more insulation.
  • Updated Mounted and Rider buffs to display icon while active, to better inform players the source of stat boosts.
  • Dolphins now periodically leap out of the water. If you're nearby to witness that at close-range, you'll gain a temporary Intelligence buff!
  • Updated affinity ineffectiveness values based on the recent x2 taming increase
  • Updated creature specific buffs and ability value clamps to be scaled across 130 levels, due to recent extra 30 level ups for tames.
  • Increased Wolf attack destination offset and increased some physics bounds to reduce clipping into players. Temporarily increased Wolf saddle scale in the engine to limit fur clipping.
  • Updated taming ineffectiveness values to allow the highest efficiency to only be achieved with Taming Proficiency skill 3.
  • Updated some undesired movement speed bonuses on tamed creatures
  • Adjusted Seagull and Crow aggro speeds (Would previously take a long time to de-aggro). Updated collision to allow player attacks to land more consistently.
  • Updated Vulture AI to only target sleeping humans if the player is connected. Updated attack logic to better harvest corpses, while reducing its melee swing radius (Was previously hitting from very far away)
  • Reduced Bee movement to allow player attacks to land. Reduced sting buff duration to better reflect its size.
  • Increased harvest amount of fur and milk from Sheep and Cow to incentivise taming and better compete with natural resource gathering amounts. Updated max yield timings to scale with creature level, similar to other creature abilities, instead of food value.
  • Added durability decreased to the bucket when milking.
  • Clamped amount of fur gained from harvesting wild sheep, again to incentivise taming. Wild sheep will also flee and may attack players after excessive shearing.
  • Added Lion roar animation.
  • Fixed fur stretching on Wolf's face and hind leg
  • Decreased Crocodile swim speed.
  • Creature health regen rebalanced so that they're not regenerating health to full whilst in combat, also they can no longer regen health when force fed or from consuming corpses. With the exception of wild carnivores, which still can consume corpses to heal at a significantly reduced rate.
  • Baby breeding balance changes to compensate for the overall creature regen changes.
  • Wild Scorpions will no longer target large creatures, will no longer be aggressive towards Elephants, Giraffes, etc.
  • Lion will only dismount players that are on medium and less sized creatures, will no longer dismount players from Elephants, Giraffes, etc.
  • Updated taming foods to allow a variety of items to be used in taming creatures.
Tier 1
Chicken - Fruits, Berries
Monkey - Fruits, Berries
Parrot - Hardtack, or Berries
Rabbit - Carrots, or Berries
Sheep - Flowers, or Berries
Tier 2
Bear - Honey, Vegetables, Fruits or Berries
Cow/Bull - Rushes, Fronds, Vegetables, Fruits, or Berries
Crow - Worms, Fruits, or Berries
Horse - Sugarcane, Vegetables, Fruits, or Berries
Ostrich - Chili, Vegetables, Fruits, or Berries
Penguin - Prime Fish Meat, or Fish Meat
Pig - Maize, Vegetables, Fruits, or Berries
Seagull - Prime Fish Meat, or Fish Meat
Vulture - Spoiled Meat, or Worms
Wolf - Prime Animal Meat, Bones, or other Meats
Tier 3
Elephant - Wheat, Vegetables, or Fruits
Giraffe - Beets, Vegetables, or Fruits
Lion - Prime Animal Meat, or other Meats
Rhino - Turnip, Vegetables, or Fruits
Tiger - Prime Animal Meat, or other Meats
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#2391 por fin. Tengo berries a piñón.


Alguna forma fácil de sacar SAP? 3horas navegando iendo a temperate pero nada... XDD

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#2393 Fíjate en los árboles que tienen hojas rojas y amarillentas.

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#2394 eso buscaba pero no hay manera... a ver si mañana hay mas suerte

Tampoco entiendo por que han hecho así la tundra, no tiene ningún recurso especial, hace frio, poca fibra, sin SAP.. por eso están "vacias" ajajaj


#2380 #2381 Para hacer eso tienes que morir, y si te mantienen con vida no puedes.



Nectar - Tropical Zones
Sugar Cane - Tropical Zones
Honey - Tropical/Low Desert
Sugar - Low Desert
Sap - Tropical
Syrup - Temperate
Gum - Equatorial


Han puesto parche ya?

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Creéis que merece la pena el talento final de Piracy?

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#2398 Si, pero tienen que retocar algunas cosillas que han dejado mal de cojones. Por ejemplo el claimeo esta peor que antes xD

#2399 Todo seria probarlo, por lo que parece dice lo siguiente:

Unlocks Feat: What's Yours Is Mine - The player who activates this performs a feat of supreme piracy, allowing them to greatly accelerate the rate at which ship claim flags count down.

Entiendo que lo que pone es que robas muchísimo mas rápido los barcos no (cuando plantas una bandera)?

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