Blade&Soul, nuevo mmorpg en desarrollo de NCsoft


Algunas screen de la cbt de un coreano privilegiado.


y el costo? seran 500 dolares al mes xdd


Ojala haya una clase support :D


viniendo de ncsoft otro juego de chinofarmers que para llegar a algo tienes que estar 24/7 metido en un spot farmeando para subir un triste 5%


ya sabemos de sobra lo resentido que estas con los juegos de nc pero tio , para ya de spamearlo coño que ya cansas.


El guild wars es de ncsoft y es otro chinofarmers? cuanto resentido con el lineage2 y el aion hay...

1 respuesta

A mi me encantó el l2 pero no dejaba de ser un grinder pero de los que ya no quedan xDDD y respecto a este, dudo mucho que lo hagan chinofarmer viendo como están evolucionando los mmorpg en korea


#126 para un juego casual que hacen....

3 meses después

Han anunciado la cbt2 para el 29 de agosto, los plazos para apuntarse son del 19 al 23 de agosto.

El trailer de la anterior cbt

1 respuesta

Se sabe algo del pvp? tendra loot o consecuencias?


#129 Se les ha olvidado que a las tías también les sale dedos gordos en los pies. Esta claro que no ven muchas desnudas últimamente con el juego.

1 respuesta

#131 eso es una cagada del dibujante xd, supongo que por las prisas que dan en esta industria y mas conociendo al pedazo de artista detrás de esa ilustración, mas quisiera yo dibujar como el.

Cualquier tio puede ripear los modelos del blade and soul, es muy fácil y mas siendo un juego que usa el unreal engine.
Aqui tienes tu 'desnuda' ripeada sin shaders xdddd.


NCsoft tiene ideas cojonudas, luego a ver si triunfan...

7 días después

Videos de la cbt2


Más videos, para quien tenga interés en este juego XDDDD.


warning! Mega korean grinder spotted


Un colega ha entrado en la cbt2 y esta 'comentando' como ve el blade and soul.

copy pasteo sus comentarios y screenshots

So the prologue is that you are in water floating unconscious. The man in that boat sees you floating and rescues you. First npc talk in-game on last screenshot. Fkin amazing~

combat is interesting. think aion online but having semi-free targetting system. meaning that u dont click ur target but instead move ur crosshair on the mob and press skill hotkeys. i do agree with dby2k in that it is a tad boring...but its still fun nonetheless. u have reaction skills depending on if u block or evade and whatnot. but, like kTera, if u are not in korea, you will have delay in attack skill input~ ie u press a key to attack and ur char will perform that action maybe 0.5 seconds later. kinda annoying but eh~

combat screenies from last night. Its what I described before~ you move your crosshair over a target and press certain hotkeys for attack combos. There are different combos that unlock as you level up higher.

that long haired dude is just a traitor. Looks like the girl is (was) the archnemesis of your ex-master. She got her hands on that magical blade, so we will see how the storyline turns out.

well this guy rapes face~

and this girl is apparently the prettiest girl in the village I am in. All the guys swooning over her~ (and she KNOWS it too LOL)

close up of that evil chick~


Me ha aumentado el hype por este juego así de la nada, que cosas oye.


Es que, que currada de personajes, todo el diseño me encanta :qq:


pff esta muy muy bien madre mia O_O


El diseño es el clásico de los coreanos pajilleros. No hay de qué sorprenderse.

1 1 respuesta
1 comentario moderado

#143 Eso es como querer ser más fuerte que Chuck Norris. Imposible.


Blade & Soul : Korean CBT2

1 respuesta

Lo de correr y volar por los aires me encanta xdd


A mi este juego cada vez me gusta más, mi hype por el Tera se esta desinflando por este juego xD.


Que ganas de ver vídeos de high lvl ., si al lvl 10 las skills están bastante bien, que serán las del 37 que creo es el tope no? :qq:


mas copy paste xdd

new outfit and new sword~

flying~ (or gliding...)

first party monster~ (gawd he has ton of hp....)

face shot of evil chick~

my caster(mage...w/e u wanna call it~)

bns targeting is still not considered real targeting in your terms. You don't click any mobs like Aion in order to use skills, you just need to have your crosshair on the target and be in range. How is that any different from the free targeting of Tera? You still need to have your crosshair on a mob as an archer or a mage to do any damage in Tera...(and be in range mite i add)

but then, we are talking strictly from ranged classes standpoint. If you think about it however, Tera combat is pretty much the same as BnS without the auto-lock feature.

new set of clothes~ (note: in this game, there are no actual armor sets that give stats...its all aesthetics)

touching upon the stats part, instead of armor pieces, there are things called tablets in this game. Each tablet gives stats and if you collect 8 of the same kind, it makes a full set. Depending on the quality of the set, your character will also emit a glow around his/her body~
tablet picture:

you can run on water~ (drains stamina)

you can also help revive a party member faster~

as far as I can tell, the clothes you get are all different. There is a specific set of clothes that is considered faction based. If you come across a player wearing a different faction clothing, you are able to attack that person. So basically, the whole BnS world is open pvp (or pk if you wanna look at it that way)

but considering how the koreans are respectable, you do not see much pk action going on~ though I did see one dude in the opposing faction clothes being mobbed by the npcs in a village...lolz

forgot to mention that the tablets give set bonuses at 3 pieces, 5 pieces, and then 8 pieces. You also have the option of combining tablets of different sets together for extra stat bonuses. In order to do that though, you need a specific material which can be obtained from disenchanting a tablet. Lots of varieties of builds you can do for each class imo. Since you can have 3 pieces of a set, and 5 pieces of another set for some different combinations.

one of the AoE skills for blademaster~ flashy

and another feature of BnS~ the game has something similar to the Talent tree in World of Warcraft. You get your first point at level 15 and gain a point every level. You can invest the points into a large variety of skills shown on the picture. Some skills will unlock other skills and stuff. Passives, new skills, chain skills, etc etc are at your disposal. You can mix and match however you like. BnS lacks in visual customization, but when it comes to builds, man so many possibilities

and this is one of the faction clothing~ first one you get in fact (I think?)

I do agree that the game seems to be a grindfest, but the "grind" is actually more in line with "quest grind". You gain very little exp from killing regular mobs, maybe a bit more if you kill elite mobs (party monsters), but most of your leveling will be done from questing.

I personally like it because its a fresh setting from all the games I've played~ (Vindictus, DFO, Aion, Tera) and the graphic design is superb. Combat is also on par with Cabal Online in terms of animation and effects (better actually...) so that is a plus in my book.


Joder joder joder joder joder.

¿Y esto para cuando sale en Europa?