Cierra Carbine Studios, desarrollador de Wildstar


El desarrollador de Wildstar, Carbine Studios, ha anunciado su cierre y que lo que queda de la compañía ahora mismo está en proceso de identificar a los equipos que se encargarán de llevar el juego a su clausura. Los jugadores que hayan hecho compras desde el 1 de Julio recibirán de vuelta su dinero, con fecha aun por determinar.

Según Kotaku, el staff fue informado del cierre en una reunión mantenida en el día de hoy, de acuerdo a alguien que se encontraba presente, pero era algo inminente desde hace un tiempo después de que dos de los proyectos del estudio fallasen en atraer el interés de la compañía madre, los coreanos NCSoft.


Es una lastima wildstar es un buen juego


Efectivamente, es muy buen juego. Qué pena.

La sombra del WoW es alargada :(



Voy a entrar ahora con mi coneja spellslinger ;...;


Wildstar no era buen juego; tiene muchos errores, y criticas negativas. Sobrestimaron el juego y tuvieron que cambiar el modelo de pago. No es para tanto.


es increible ver esto , despues te encuentras juegos de mierda tipo clikers o mmos basura sobreviviendo.

1 respuesta

No me extraña.

La historia de un ex-dev y el desarrollo de Wildstar :

"Ex Dev on wildstar here. Watched the video and although it was quiet informative, I just wanted to chime in on some of the key factors on why this game was a huge flop.
I worked on the game for 5+ years and let me tell you.. This games was destined to fail wayyy before there was any issues with servers or not enough updates.
Development on this project was a nightmare. The real Development time frame was closer to 10/11 years. Coming onto the project at the 5 year mark I soon realized that the leads and big boys had no fucking clue what a good game was and they could not commit to any idea. Too many cooks in the kitchen that can't cook anything other than Mayo and Beef Jerky sandwiches... Look for the double meaning in that. It's there.
One of the most prevalent issues with the game that I noticed was bad direction from top down. People like Tim Cain specifically made way more problems than they were worth. Honestly the guy was a total dick. Awful to work with and almost nothing he "did" ended up in the game. His lack of leardership I would say was one of the reasons why the first 4-5 years of the game were almost completely thrown out. Literally...
Then you have an art director who couldn't keep his nose out of anything. His selfishness drove off many of the best artists in the company including cory loftis. Literally... Cory Loftis LEFT the game which is based off of his style almost entirely because of this guy. This same art director was also responsible for hijacking the story and overall vision of the game as well. Wondering why there wasn't more raids and dungeons? Because the ART DIRECTOR thought several ALREADY MADE LEVELS didn't fit the story anymore... So they threw them away... He also made calls on gameplay... Which... is a hole other nightmare.

The gameplay was once good... I would say around the 7 year mark. 1v1 combat was very fun at this point and each class felt very unique and fun. Unfortunately most of that was thrown away and replaced with alot of new stuff that was just NOT tested enough. I repeat... most of what launched in Wild star combat wise was BARELY tested. Stuff like Warplots was broken to shit from start to finish. The designers leading WarPlots were absolute lazy trash and would knowingly put in broken systems and call them done just to appease their bosses. The only reason that warplots was even REMOTELY playable on launch was because of some amazing talent on the 3D prop team. I am not joking.. Artists LEANRNED HOW TO SCRIPT TO FIX THIS CRAP.
Pvp in general was absolutely broken. I didn't even work on paper let alone work in a multi million dollar game. The idea of telegraphs is pretty straight forward and seems to just work for most cases in combat.... except in any fight larger that has more than two characters per team... Attack telegraphs drawing on the ground is very clear when you have a small amount of people fighting but in medium to large pvp fights ( pretty much every fight that matters) the entire ground becomes a multi colored disco dance floor. Casual to moderate gamers were like deer in headlights during the VERY FEW playtests that were had for larger pvp battles. SO MUCH FEEDBACK was given by the teams that participated in these tests and almost nothing was fixed about it.
The leadership was god awful. Proof of this was that most of the BEST things in the games that players loved the most such as Double Jump and Hoverboards were things that were never planned for or schedules by leads. Those were passion projects. Double Jump was made by an ARTIST. That artist got in trouble for making double jump and eventually fired for other reasons. Never got credit either. Hoverboards were snuck in by an animator... He got written up for secretly working on hoverboards in his freetime with other coworkers. The place was a prison of ideas and everyone was getting shanked for even THINKING that they WANTED to think of something to improve the game.

Oh did I mention mandatory Crunch? We would crunch for months at a time. Mandatory. I remember working from 10am to 3 am everynight 6 days a week for about 3 months straight. And I got a talking to once because I was 10 minutes late to work. ONCE. Because Jeremy Gafney saw me coming in late. Everyone working on this game was absolutely DONE with the BS and it shows. The love died way before this game launched. No one in the studio really wanted to play the game. And then we shifted to try to cater to the hardcore audience?! ( this was the version on launch. The hardcore not for pansies mmo) During a time where pretty much almost every successful game was being carried hard by more casual players.

I can go on but... I think you get the picture. These devs thought they were clever enough to ignore pretty much every other successful business model and all other mmorpgs to make this.. There you have it..."

tl;dr: Lo mismo que ocurrio con Firefall.

4 2 respuestas

Como mucha gente, lo jugué en su momento (con todo el hype cuando salió) y fue una muy buena experiencia, tenía unas misiones entretenidas, gran diseño artístico, lore interesante etc. Una pena.


Que el apartado artístico del juego sea bonito y el combate tuviera "ideas" no significa que sea un buen juego. El juego era pésimo, WoW Killer lo llamaban...


No era un buen juego, era un GRAN JUEGO, pero Carbine no supo domar a la bestia y les salió el tiro por la culata, muy mala gestión en prácticamente todos los aspectos del juego desde el principio hasta el final; una pena la verdad.


#8 Lo leí en su momento y es para flipar. Ahora que la empresa chapa ya los rios de mierda si que van a ser curiosos

Yo he jugado a muchos, muchísimos mmos a lo largo de mi vida y este ha sido con el que más he disfrutado. 2 añitos que me supieron a gloria. Una pena su final pero espero que la industria en ese sector haya aprendido bastante con este juego en especial de cómo no hacer las cosas en los despachos



Personalmente no me gustaba wildstar, pero siempre es una pena que cierren estudios. Igualmente se veia venir, creo que la ultima vez que lo mire solo tenia un servidor y ni siquiera tenia mucha poblacion


Ni me suena el juego

1 respuesta

#15 pues tuvo un hype bestial hará... ¿4 años?
Las colas para entrar eran jodidamente inmensas.


Una pena, recuerdo el hype inicial, su apartado gráfico me encantaba, DEP.


#8 RPV plis?


Y tanto hype que hubo al principio... me registré en un monton de "fan sites" de distintos paises, en idiomas que ni comprendia xD Y todo para conseguir una key para la beta... y buenos, mis esfuerzos no fueron en vano :P

DEP Wildstar


#7 claro, una de las vías para ser rentable es no gastar mucho

Tuvo muchas pifias pero tengo que decir que me lo pasé mejor haciéndome las 2 dungeons de nivel 20~ que había que ciertas raids tochas del wow. El puto boss final ese con un martillo de fuego que convertía el combate en un bullet hell me flipaba. Y el robot que te ataba a un palo...Seguro que el high end era un desfase.

Una pena, buenas ideas, buen diseño, arte excelente...pero la ejecución y el desarrollo en sí no tanto


El juego tenía muy buenas ideas pero estuvo mal ejecutado.


Wowkiller decían


Empecé a jugarlo hace 2 días, un poco gafe soy


Wildstar era un juegazo pero no tenia la virtud del juego como el wow. En patatas no iba tan fino como deberia y que skill level necesario era alto para el jugador medio. En especial a crearse las builds de cara a tener breaks a los casteos. Si no sabias timearlos te podias comer los mocos cuando estabas en fase de equipamiento.

El pvp outdoor estaba chulo pues habia peleas por todos lados. Al final ocurrió la desbandada y ya no levanto cabeza

1 mes después

Los servidores de Wildstar cierran el 28 de noviembre


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