Como montartse un Server ???


por favor explicar si kereis como montarse un server k toy bastante interesado pa hacer pruebas y esas cosas!

Gracias amigos! :D


depende del emulador con el ke kieras montarlo etc.

Brief description: The official server software that Gravity uses to maintain RO, most likely under a user-friendly GUI offering easy administration of the numerous servers hosting RO.
Download Link:

ASB Aegis 2.0.1 (+2.0.2 Patch)
Brief description: The official AEGIS package of the Aegis Support Boards. It is a collection of the identical software (from AEGIS) which run the RO server, which various members have been able to obtain (most through Demon). However, it is not the full 'AEGIS package' but it is still AEGIS per se. However, the entire package itself is not updated as frequently as the components within it because it is a community effort - so stay up to date by getting the latest InterServer, ZoneServer, Transproxy, etc. on the boards. However, updates have been slowing down and progress is now limited to client-side access. AEGIS is the most stable, resource-consuming, and reliable way to host RO. It is recommended you have a dedicated or standalone server to run AEGIS.
Download Link:
Forum Support:
IRC Support: irc://
Open-source: no
Bug Tracking:

(j)Athena 1042
Brief description: The creation from the works of a team of Japanese developers working on an emulator to AEGIS but still utilizing RO's client. Only a few developers in the AEGIS community are able to keep in direct touch with the developers, as they are not public. A very active project, with updates coming out at least every week. Being open-source but not being AEGIS, there are disadvantages and advantages to using Athena: 1. Athena cannot follow Gravity server-side updates quickly, if at all; 2. It is more flexible - new customized features and options can be added; 3. Although there is bug-tracking, it is not as reliable as AEGIS which Gravity uses; 4. It consumes much less resources and makes it possible to play on the same machine; 5. It is more easy for newbies because there is no SQL database (although you can use one if you dislike TXT). These advantages/disadvantages apply for all Athenas, but it is recommended you not use (j)Athena unless you know Japanese.
Download Link:
Forum Support: underground
IRC Support: n/a
Open-source: yes
Bug Tracking: n/a

eAthena 1.0.0 Rc3 (+Update)
Brief description: The second most popular package to host RO. eAthena is however, not official Gravity server as it is developed as an open-source project, so therefore not illegal (not violating the DMCA). eAthena, with its modifications, is based on (j)Athena, the original and ongoing 'Athena.' The most active English emulator at the moment.
Download Link:
Forum Support:
IRC Support: irc://
Open-source: yes
Bug Tracking:

AthenaAdvanced 0.1 / OmniAthena 1038
Brief description: A seperate development branched off from (j)Athena, led by different developers in the AEGIS community. AthenaAdvanced is basically a user-friendly package with binary installer derived from OmniAthena - which is the source code project behind it all. It is the only other English Athena development that is currently active.
Download Link: (AA can be found on their forums)
Forum Support:
IRC Support: irc:// irc://
Open-source: yes
Bug Tracking:

Project Odin 1.6.8
Brief description: Project Odin is a project based off of Project Yare, which was a project based off of a very early version of (j)Athena. It is now the only active YARE project. It was created because of the discontinuation of FREYA, which was another attempt of continuing the Project YARE.
Download Link:
Forum Support:
IRC Support: irc://
Open-source: ?
Bug Tracking: ?

Fusion 1.212 I
Brief description: Fusion is the continuation of an emulator called eWeiss. eWeiss was a translation of Weiss, the beginnings of a Japanese emulator based on Athena. It recently went open-source.
Download Link: http://www.Disallowed Link/
Forum Support: http://www.Disallowed Link/forum
IRC Support: irc://
Open-source: yes
Bug Tracking: http://www.Disallowed Link/bugs

Vidar E.M.U. Beta 4
Brief description: Vidar was also known as DarkWeiss, and that was a emulator project that branched off from early eWeiss (now known as Fusion). It is not fully complete, but the project is still active.
Download Link:
Forum Support:
IRC Support: irc://
Open-source: yes
Bug Tracking: ?


a tu elepcion y sobre todo k sea sencillo


Los mas recomendables por este orden son:

Aegis, eAthena o Omniathena y vidar.

Yo personalmente e usado vidar i los 2 athena y e de decir que eathena i omniathena son el emu mas bueno que e visto despues de aegis claro, pero chupan mucho menos ordenador tambien.

28 días después

Aegis es el servidor oficial.

Lo demas son emuladores.


de entrada el aegis no es ningun server oficial, es el emulador basado del orignal pero el orginal no lo tiene nadie mas q graviti, aun asi aegis tiene bugs i demas cosas pero no tanto como los demas.


Insisto en que aegis es el servidor oficial, pues lo unico que hicieron es trincarlo de Gravity y distribuirlo por la red. Mas tarde aparecieron los foros sobre como manejarlo etc etc
Los bugs que tiene Aegis son errores debidos a la translacion del koreano al Ingles y en las formulas del SQL.
Aun asi, es el mas estable y que desarrolla 100% fielmente lo que es RO.
Igual estoy equivocado, pero esto solo lo saco de:

9 días después

Brief description: The official server software that Gravity uses to maintain RO, most likely under a user-friendly GUI offering easy administration of the numerous servers hosting RO.
Download Link:


sino --> ?¿ ->

  • Instalación y configuración de un mod propio del emulador aegis.


18 días después

Te aconsejo visitar , aunq ahora mismo esta en remodelación. Espero que te ayude

17 días después

se dice aeg*s xd


Bueno para todo el que no lo sepa como decis Aegis es el Emulador oficial por lo tanto el uso de dicho emulador es "ILEGAL" ya que Gravity nunca cedio el codigo sino que lo robaron ^^ Si no porque creis que Aegis cambia tanto de pagina, unicamente porque Gravity se las chapa


8 días después

nadie puede poner un manual de como montarse un server para probar cosas en casa? xD

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