DF: 213 hackers baneados ....


Tasos lo acaba de decir hoy .: speed hackers, wallhack etc .... Al parecer no se refeire a macroers, g15 , autclik etc, sino a gente que ha usado hacks como los que venden en laguna web que otra ...

We banned 213 cheaters today. These are the people using 3rd party programs to cheat with. They were not banned for macroing, they were banned for cheating. They were automatically detected and also verified manually in a variety of ways. This number represents 90% of the cheaters in Darkfall right now. The rest have also been detected, and we’re waiting for them to be verified before we ban them as well.

These people were warned repeatedly. They chose to believe that we cannot detect what’s going on in our game. They took the word of the makers of these hacks over the word of the creators and administrators of the game. There are no exceptions. We don’t care if journalists, clan leaders, or our friends are among them. They were cheating in order to gain an unfair advantage over the rest of us. They deserve to be banned.

What comes into play here is something called “selfish punishment” in social science. Cheaters are likely to be some of the most outspoken people against cheating, and more likely to report cheaters. This is as so to maximize the benefit for themselves - taking it away from others. This is also the case here; we recognize some of the people from the boards habitually accusing the company for not doing anything and complaining that cheating is rampant in Darkfall, when in reality it’s not.

If you cheat in the game, you will lie about it too. Whenever we ban a cheater he or she will appeal to the community, denying it on the forums. Then come the excuses to Darkfall support about their little brother, their roommate, or about their account being hacked. So now we expect a couple of hundred people to take to the boards. Threads along these lines will be removed and posters will be banned. Darkfall Support has been instructed to not provide more than the automated ban message. Do not side with these people just because you may have played with them and didn’t happen to observe them cheating. They were cheating beyond a shadow of a doubt, detected and verified in more than one ways. There is no appeals process, our decision is final, and we will not reveal our methods.

We will keep aggressively detecting and banning players that cheat in the game. If you’re not running 3rd party cheats, you have nothing to worry about. Those that don’t take our word for it, will be banned like those banned today.

Thank you,
The Darkfall Team


pd: he visto a mas de uno que usaba speedhack varias veces, a ver si es verdad que no le vemos mas online :)


Me parece bien, una cosa es macrear, y otra mucho peor es usar programas de estos q te venden en webs, para q corras como un GM y saltes como un pollo.


:D y que sigan.


Un número algo corto ... pero algo es algo.


Que se jodan por chetos


Eso esta bien, fijate.


genial noticia. Que les den x el ojete.


Ya me parece triste usar cheats en un single player, pero en un MMORPG ya es... en fin, diversión -1


parece que al tio al que vi salir del subsuelo, robar una montura y volver a desaparecer debajo del suelo le han baneado ....


Serenity now se ha ido a la mierda muahahahhaahahha adios kay kay y samurai :D


no banearon a ky ky q yo lo vi hoy xD


enfin entonces no se a quien coño han baneado se han cebado con los españoles o que? XDD el ky ky o kay kay como se llame ese tio hace cosas que no son ni normales enfin xd


parece ke pone ahi ke el dark fall tiene un sistema busca chetos, a ver si los banean ya, que da asco que venga 5 tios a una city y la armen con speedhack


#9 vaya ninja xDD


Me gusta esta limpia

12 días después

#9 xDDDDDDDDDDDDDD es imaginarmelo y me descojono xDDDDD


#12 te banearon?


#17 no

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