Dogma: Eternal Night #HO


Dogma: Eternal Night es un MMORPG Sandbox, donde tomarás el rol de un vampiro y, como otras entidades naturales, tratarás de sobrevivir en una megalópolis moderna. Te transformarás en uno de los no-vivientes y te introducirás en una basta comunidad donde vivirás en la noche y occultarás su existencia ante los mortales.

-Miles de jugadores online, todos en un mismo server.
-Ciudades y monumentos, adaptados del mundo real.
-Ambiente dinámico - tus acciones pueden influir a otros, así como al mundo.
-Sin limitaciones para crear tu personaje de la manera que quieras.

  • No hay restricciones de clase o de nivel. Plenitud de oportunidades para encuentros sociales, permitiendote establecer contactos, interrelacionandote con otros jugadores y haciendo tratos con tu enemigo.
    -La posibilidad de muerte te mantendrá de los nervios y te forzará a pensar cuidadosamente el alcance de tus acciones.
    -Eventos en directo in-game. Juntando a los jugadores y a los personajes de la historia principal, desde los que te encantan hasta los que posiblemente odies de la hisotria de Dogma, abarcando todas las facetas conocidas del mundo MMORPG (PvP, RP and PvE)

(Las siguientes animaciones de correr/andar/saltar NO SON finales. Lo que estás viendo en este video es meramente para finalidades funcionales en el testeo. El resultado final será 1000 veces más realista, inclinándose hacia un sistema de parkour de saltos y running)

El equipo se ha inspirado en juegos como EVE Online, Secret World, Assasin's Creed, Batman Arkham series y muchos otros. Hemos incorporado elementos de interacciones sociales avanzadas entre jugadores y NPCs, libre de ataduras de movimiento entorno a vastas ciudades, y también hemos intentado preservar y recrear ese estilo gótico/punk del universo.

El mundo de los no muertos llega con buenas longitudes para esconderse de los ojos de los mortales. Esta sociedad inmortal ha existido durante siglos pero está en la naturaleza vampira resistirse relacionarse a si mismos con ningún tipo de organización o concepto ideológico. A medida que el tiempo ha pasado, solo cuatro grandes organizaciones han emergido. Los Kindred prefieren llamarse los Sabbaths, en memoria de la Inquisición que identificó erróneamente las reuniones de vampiros con cónclaves de brujas.

Domini es la alta sociedad de los vampiros, interactuando cercanamente con las civilizaciones mortales y tomando interés en la educación y las artes. Fuera de todos los Sabbaths, Domini son los más cercanos al mundo de los mortales: disfrutando los frutos de la civilización moderna, los Domini viven verdaderamente en el regazo del lujo incluso tras la muerte.

Los Hort Packs siguen las reglas primitivas de la supervivencia y la selección natural, preservada desde tiempos ancestrales. Esta vieja existencia significa que no hay necesidad de ningún tipo de jerarquía, los no muertos de Hort pueden recorrer el mundo solos o bandolear juntos en pequeñas familias con lideres nominales o ermitaños. Como buitres de ciudad hambrientos, ellos vagabundean por los suburbios y bajos, buscando presas alejadas de su rebaño, cazando incluso gente enferma o intoxicada por alimentos (Los Hort no son nada quisquillosos con la comida). Mientras tanto, los laberintos de los callejones de la ciudad esconden sus guaridas, en silencio dando testimonio de los rituales primordiales de los Hort Packs.

La Teocracia Ortodoxa es una organización religiosa conservadora, una sociedad-iglesia soberana liderada por Holy Crown. Esta Ortodoxia nomuerta cree en su lazo de parentesco con el creador, ante lo cual no ayuda las ofensas de sangre. Ellos construyeron una sociedad donde los mortales son corderitos de sacrificio, y sus inmortales pastores rinden su correcto lugar acordemente al designio del creador. La Teocracia presenta una posibilidad de una reconciliación natural con tu depredador natural no solo para todo aquel que se introduce en sus rangos, sino también para los creyentes de otras sociedades también. Como tal, se ve como un camino recto por muchos vampiros, ya que no sólo justifica el proceso de la caza ( y la actitud de los vampiros a los mortales como vasos de alimentación ), sino que también lo santifica. Según el creador, su propósito es alimentarle a Él y a todos Sus virtuosos hijos.

La CRUOR Corp es una corporación global, establecida durante los tiempos de la revolución industrial, conocida por los mortales como un exclusivo propietario monopolístico de un gran número de compañias de aplicaciones domésticas, alimenticias y productos farmaceuticos para el consumo en masa. Entre los no muertos, CRUOR es conocida como una sociedad de inmortales quienes escarbaron en los secretos de la sangre, y su influencia y efectos en los objetos tanto vivos como inanimados. Practicando "Theurgy", magia ritual, los vampiros lentamente cambian a los consumidores y unos pocos inmortales pueden predecir las consecuencias de esos experimentos.

Controlling the character is done by combining the targeting system and mouse-look – you can either use mouse and keyboard, or a gamepad, like in many 3rd person action-adventure games. These controls let you freely move around the city and climb the rooftops, implementing a parkour-based movement system. You can control the camera with a mouse or gamepad analog stick.

Combat is done in action mode – by aiming with the mouse/gamepad, you can use hand-to-hand attacks, firearms or special powers. You can also switch to the aiming mode, either to increase the effectiveness of firearms, or to lock onto target for hand-to-hand combat. The character always maintains their freedom of movement.

Vampires are supernatural creatures, but their bodies are not. Abilities grant massive physical and spiritual power, allowing you to change your body or affect the items around you, but they don’t make the Kindred all-powerful. Vampires aren't capable of true magic, their abilities are just brute force. Sharp fangs and teeth, the might of 10 people, mind control or ritual witchcraft – this is the extent of the most common vampiric powers.

Our main task was to create a flexible system of creating and combining various skills while their effects can be positive, negative, or mixed. For example, nobody will stop you from getting an ability that is both offensive (by inflicting damage) and influencing the enemy (or your character) by applying various effects. This type of combination will allow the character to create a large variety of combat skills, accompanied by diverse visualizations.

In the future, we will expand the list of possible Abilities and implement special skills that have their own unique effects and aren’t tied to the main combination chart (or have only partial connection).

In this game, you can permanently lose your character. In order to track your character’s well-being/sanity, we have created an indicator that changes every time the character commits these deeds.

But don't worry. This is only a last resort and I doubt most of you will experience death for yourself. Eternity is waiting for you.

The city nightlife is centered on numerous night Establishments. These places are the most important part of the gameplay; they are centers of the nominal city districts they influence. As a player, owning an establishment will increase your influence and the range of your territory. When visiting establishments, vampires can access the Black Market, make business deals and interact with mortals.

The game is based on the principle of free trade; any item can be put on sale on the Black Market. Just visit an Establishment, register the trade offer (indicate the price and the length of the auction) and pay the tax set by the owner of the Establishment.

Potential buyers, interested in your item, will pay the necessary sum and will be able to pick up the item from the chosen location. Market interfaces are available in every Establishment and will show offers from all around the city; however, you will have to pick up the item yourself.

Things can be created with mortals. By using their skills, your mortal servants can gain the trust of certain representatives of large companies or corporations. After establishing these connections, you can manufacture your own goods through their companies.

By having necessary materials and components, you can order the manufacturing without raising any suspicion. However, while you will be manufacturing large quantities of goods, you will not be able to lay your hands on all of them, as this might draw unnecessary attention. This is why the items produced for your own needs or the Black Market will be sent one piece at a time or in small installments.

Finally… we understand how hard it is to spend a lot of time in the game and it’s even more difficult for those who don’t have that much free time to begin with. We will try to solve this problem by developing online/mobile services and API so that the players can get access to a limited number of game features, even if you don’t have a game client nearby. Mobile apps and web-resources on smartphones, tablets and browsers will allow you to make deals, control your mortals and exchange emails and messages.

Our soundtrack is the part of our game that we particularly like and therefore pay a lot of attention to. We've communicated with many musicians and composers to create a unique soundtrack for our game. Among them are famous Russian composer and sound designer Misha Dioxin, and musical projects such as Chiasm, Project Hypoxia and Darkmind Project.

We have spent more than a year developing the project in our free time and in the last couple of months, we have received a lot of positive feedback about our work, both from our Russian fans and from abroad. Now we’re finally ready to realize our dream.

The team has almost finished working on a prototype. Movements, interactions with objects and opponents, mechanics of various locations and the ability to travel between them, and so on. We are still working on various other models and lore. Now we hope to turn this into a full-fledged game.

However, we are an independent company and would like to keep it that way. We don’t receive any sort of external financial support and the costs to create new content and improvement to existing work will keep increasing. The team needs expensive equipment, software, a lot of effort from the artists, designers, programmers, and a lot of time as well. We need to create new animations, better textures and effects, tweak the game balance, and put in new content along with other exciting game possibilities. Out of all of this the team could only do it with the help of the community.

With your help, we can finally make Dogma our number one priority and put all our time and effort into it. Collected funds will be put into necessary tools for our team and we will be able to take up development on a scale of a full-time job, or even longer, if that’s necessary.

After the Kickstarter is finished and we're done with all the preparations, all of our efforts will be put into developing the final version of Dogma: Eternal Night (assuming the campaign is successful). Collected funds will be used for the following:

  1. TEAM SUPPORT - allowing us to finally focus on the project full-time or longer.

  2. SERVERS - Purchase of powerful server components and their placement in the best data-centers we can get. This will ensure stable connection, quickly connecting thousands of players to the game.

  3. EQUIPMENT - Buying (or renting) powerful state-of-the-art equipment will make the set goals easier to achieve. We will be able to create (and later, demonstrate) quality environments, realistic character models and breathtaking effects.

We are planning to get one of these. Xsens MVN will allow us to create extremely high-quality animations for your characters.

  1. SOFTWARE - Development of any product requires professional software. Your help will allow us to acquire the best tools to create the best graphics, gameplay and maximum client and server optimization.

  2. LORE AND STORYLINE - We are building a large universe with advanced storylines, but this requires a lot of effort from our designers. Your funds will allow us to hire more professionals to make this part of the game better and even more interesting.

  3. MUSIC AND AUDIO - Atmosphere, music and sound effects are an important parts of our vision. To create that, we will need quality equipment and partnerships with recording studios. Furthermore, we want to hire professional musicians for some parts of the soundtrack.

  4. CHARACTER DESIGN - Character appearance and clothing are one of the most important parts of the game. We put a lot of effort into creating clothing and accessories but we want to give you guys even more.

This reward will be available to everyone who supported the project with any sum. We will put your name (or nickname) into the “Thanks” section of the credits, as well as on our website and social networks. This reward will be available immediately after the end of the campaign.

Special forum badges on our official website. There are 5 types of badges, depending on how much you pledge to the project. These badges will make you stand out among other forum users and they will be available immediately after the end of the campaign.

In-game bonus for your character – depending on how much you pledge to the project, a special set of clothing that will make your character stand out and highlight your status, private apartments in the center of the city you selected, you don't have to buy it in the game and no one does it before you. Finally, you will receive your own residence, a mansion. We will talk more about these rewards in the updates.

Our pledgers will receive these rewards once the game is released.

Another reward for everyone who supports our project. This is a set of five full-sized pieces of concept-art which we will send you to be downloaded digitally. The set will be based on the official works of our artists. We will prepare this set soon after the completion of this campaign.

This is an official digital edition of our soundtrack, containing main tracks from the game. It will include the best tracks created by composers and musicians with whom we collaborate or will collaborate in the future. The creation of this soundtrack will take some time. Therefore, we plan to give you this award during the alpha or beta testing.

Our official invite to be the first one to join the society of the undead. You won’t need to buy the game separately, everyone who pledged $25 (or $20, in case of a limited offer) or higher, will gain access to the game a few weeks before its official release and 3 months of free access to the full game without restrictions after release, which is planned to take place in 2017.

In addition to the previous reward, you will also receive an invite to one of the phases of the closed beta-testing. The phases you’ll be invited to will be decided by a random draw, as we will be working to ensure the stability of all systems. We plan to start beta-testing our project as early as 2017.

Once in a lifetime chance to become one of the first Kindred. The phases you’ll be invited to will be decided by a random draw, as we will be working to ensure the stability of all systems. We hope we will be able to reach the first alpha release in the fall of 2016.

Have you ever wanted to use your favorite name in an MMO, only to find out that it was already taken? Now you will have an opportunity to reserve it for our game and nobody except you will be able to use it.

We will prepare several exclusive DVD-box sets of the game, developed for this campaign. Inside you will find two discs (containing the game and the soundtrack), and some additional bonuses, along with a thank you from the team. All of the production and shipping costs are on us, you will be able to receive the reward close to the release date.

You will receive a colorful artbook full of concept art from our artists. Glossy pages bound in a hard cover include all the details about the game universe and will be a great addition to your collection. All of the production and shipping costs are on us, production of the artbooks will begin after the game’s release.

Owners of this reward will be able to take part in further world-building. We will be creating game content based on your sketches, photos or descriptions. For example, this can be a building, a special set of clothing, your own statue, a new NPC or a street sign named after you.

We will add more, if you reach the maximum.

Prelude Games Factory is a young team of developers, formed in April 2014 with a goal to create and develop a setting called Dogma: Eternal Night. Our team has members from post-soviet countries, such as Russia or Republic of Belarus, as well as those from numerous other countries from around the world such as the United States. The most important tenet our team upholds is “for the fans, by the fans” and each and every one of us are, first of all, a part of the gaming community and secondly, we’re then developers.

The idea to create the team and the project first appeared at the end of 2013, as the rumors about the cancellation of a well-known IP began to circulate. As cancellations for many promising games happened, in April 2014, the members and the administrators of a Russian community decided to join forces and create their own game.

Riesgos y desafíos

Game development is a difficult and risky endeavor, and Massively Multiplayer Online games are among the most challenging. The Dogma: Eternal Night team, led by Denis "AiryKai" Petrov, consists of some of the most passionate developers, gamers and professionals in world.

All time lines have been planned and estimated as well as possible internally, however game development is an iterative process and this means that schedules cannot always be guaranteed. This includes release dates for stages of development, betas (internal, Alpha, etc).

Our commitment to you:

  • We will use ALL of the funds raised to directly further the development of Dogma: Eternal Night.

  • We will do our best to deliver each stage of the game on time and with the highest level of polish possible.

  • We will stay in constant communication with you, our community, to let you know of changes to our content, features or schedule. This can be already seen on our social media platforms as well as our forums.

He traducido algo menosde la mitad. En otro momento traduzco el resto.


Pinta muy interesante, lo seguire de cerca, gracias por la info.


tiene detalles de vampire, a ver si sale la cosilla

me gusta me gusta

1 respuesta

#3 detalles? Pero si todos los putos clanes son una copia de los de V:TM, xDDD

Domini: Toreador

Hort Packs: Nosferatu

Orthodox Theocracy: Lasombra sin Obtenebración

The Cruor Corp: Tremere

1 respuesta

#4 vale, tiene copias de todos los putos clanes, me gusta

a ver si sale algo 11 años despues

1 respuesta

#5 ufff no sé, a mi el gameplay me ha dado cáncer de sida... veremos a ver.


Recuerdo que los creadores de EVE online estaban haciendo un juego parecido a este, que no se en que quedo xD

Este no pinta mal, a ver si sale adelante.

1 respuesta

devs nuevos, unity 5.

no thanks.


#7 Era el mismo concepto artistico solo que CCP cancelo tirando 6 años de desarrollo y estos tomaron el concepto para sacarlo .
(Creo que no compraron la licencia )

Los devs son ucranianos / rusos o algo de por alli . Alguien confirma ?


[Last Updated: November 6th 2015]

Dogma: Eternal Night is a massively multiplayer online roleplaying game (MMORPG), with a social sandbox focus.


The game is inspired by the World of Darkness, but is a completely separate and new entity.

It is being developed on the Unity 5 game engine.

The game will launch with English and Russian languages supported. Others may follow post launch.

The intention is to use a single server system, but it may be likely that there are mega servers for the two languages. A shard system is also possible.

A Boomstarter campaign in Russia successfully reached its target funding.

A Kickstarter campaign is currently scheduled for November 24th 2015, to allow western fans to donate and help support the project.

The game is open world, with free roam capability. There are PVE and PVP elements, but social interaction allows for you to progress without killing anyone should you so choose.

You start the game as a mortal human. You can remain in this state, or become a Vampire. Vampires can only be created by the Embrace of existing Vampire players, but the mortal must give consent.

There are plans for other playable factions, with Lycanthropes (Werewolves) planned to be the first post launch. Humans (Hunters), Ghosts, Witches and Demons will be considered.

The current animations are only placeholder, and are not final.

The game is expected to receive a mature rating in all territories. (18+)

The expected business model is pay-to-play (p2p, subscription). Free-to-play, or buy-to-play models would not allow them to support their post launch plans. A final decision has not yet been made.

There are no current plans for Microtransactions. But if they were introduced it would be for cosmetic items only.

There are no plans to support private servers.

There are no plans to support Oculus or other VR hardware.

There has not been a decision yet if they will use the Steam platform.

There are plans to support Linux, but not certain yet.

The game is currently set to release on PC only. It does support gamepads, so there remains a possibility of console versions at some point.

System requirements are not yet known. It is far too early, but there will be varied settings to allow low and high end PCs to run the game.

The release date is unknown. The game remains in development.


The Dogma – Vampire society is unified, with a Dogma as their ruling set of laws to be upheld to maintain their superiority and link with humanity. If the Dogma of a city falls, it can have wide impacts such as increasing crime, mafia, law enforcement and military presence. Production, laboratories and contracts can also be affected. It is in the interest of all players to hold true to the Dogma.

Vampire society has four major organizations; The Hort Packs, The Cruor Corp, The Orthodox Theocracy, and the Domini Aristocracy. They are considered akin to political parties, but are not openly at war with each other. They will undermine each other though, through many means. Players can increase their reputation within a Sabbath and are free to join any, or choose to stay independent of them.

Vampire society has ranks, and as you rise through them you can eventually rule over entire cities.

Player actions and decisions will have consequences, affecting the history of the world as time progresses.

Coven – A group of Vampires, allied to a common goal. Your traditional MMO guild.

Kindred – The common descriptive term used amongst Vampires to describe themselves. The Vampire fights “The Beast” within them, the eternal hunger for blood.

Ancient – A long lived Vampire, usually several centuries old.

Neonate – A newly created Vampire.

Addict – A mortal human NPC who has become addicted to your blood.


The game will launch with Los Angeles as the main playable area. Other cities are planned for post launch.

The intention is not to have many loading screens, but this may be unavoidable – such as when moving between cities.

There is no day and night cycle. Only the long, bitter, eternal night.

There are plans for clothing boutiques, hair salons, and tattoo parlours.

The entire city is a PVP zone, but there are numerous safe areas to allow for socialising and role play.

You can gain power in your city by completing quests, missions, orders, or dealing with rival players.

Social Interaction – Nightclubs are major gathering points for players to meet, socialise and scheme their next moves. Unite with friends, gain an enemy’s trust, or destroy them from within.

Havens – These are player owned areas that any character can purchases, such as apartments, skyscrapers or clubs. The current functionality allows for storage of your items, a wardrobe for your clothes, a place to rest and recuperate, and to equip different items. You can catch up on the latest events by watching your television, or browsing your computer. Havens are currently planned to be customizable, with long term plans to allow you to change furniture, materials or redesign them.

Territory Control – Areas of the map can be controlled by specific covens or players, akin to Barons. Holding power in a domain will allow you to control the majority of operations carried out there, such as setting taxes and receiving payments. Territories can be obtained through peaceful or violent means. For example, you could send an Addict in to bribe local government officials, or establish a gangster network. Or you could enter the territory yourself, and hunt down the minions of the rival Baron – directly undermining their power.

Business – Players can create their own business, with the ability to trade or produce your own items. Addicts can also produce items for you, with some specialising in specific fields.

Raiding – Whilst not the same as traditional dungeon raiding, there are plans for a different take on this formula.

Addicts – Multiple mortals can be forced to serve you, persistently. The long term plan is to allow them to be customizable, with you able to spend blood to improve their statistics. They can be sent on missions such as infiltration, espionage and manipulation. The result of these missions will allow you to gain money, influence, blood, and other rewards.


The intention is to give a wide variety of options to players in terms of their equipment; modern firearms, cold weapons, ancient artifacts, mystical charms, enchanted items, and supernatural powers.

Confirmed Weapon Types – Handguns, Rifles, Daggers, Swords.

Handguns and Daggers are concealable, whereas Rifles and Swords are not. The payoff is that the latter do more damage, but of course carry more risk.

There will be blood magic, known here as Theurgy – more information will follow later.

Catalepsy – If you are downed by another player, you will (after a time) resurrect in a hospital morgue. This will result in losing all of your blood, along with some other assets. You can request an Addict to come to your aid to offer their blood, but this can result in them perishing in your place.

Essence – The essence of your humanity. Every time you go on a killing spree, your Vampire will lose their essence. This will directly change the appearance of your Vampire, as you take on a more monstrous visage. If you break the Dogma rules too often, the whole of Vampire society will hunt you down. Essence will gradually restore over time, but there are other ways to replenish it.

Permadeath – If you purposefully lose all of your essence, upon your next defeat your soul will finally leave your body – and it will reach the Final Death. This outcome is not forced on players, and will only be enacted if the player has purposefully run on a path of self destruction. To this end, it opens up the usage of Diablerie – allowing a Vampire to consume another.

There are no PVP flags. You can be attacked anywhere, except for the safe areas.


There are no character levels.

There are no classes. You are free to customize your character as you see fit.

Attributes are broken down as Ability Powers in the following categories:

Physical – Strength, Dexterity, Stamina
Social – Charisma, Manipulation, Appearance
Mental – Perception, Intelligence, Wits
Knowledge – Finance, Occult
Skills – Brawl, Dodge, Melee, Firearms

Clothing will have statistics, that will increase your attributes. Some will have added funtionality, such as body armor increasing your armor level, or high heels that will reduce your jumping ability.

Abilities – These include buffs (short and long term), AoE, Auras, Direct Damage, and other effects.

Each attribute, and skill can have blood invested into it to improve it. Most can be upgraded up to 5 points by mortals, with Vampires able to exceed these parameters.

Customization – You can currently adjust the skin tone, hair, tattoos, scars, jewelry and piercings of your character. There is a heavy focus on clothing, and making sure there are styles that fit the theme of the game.

There are plans for stealth/sneak mechanics, but these will be discussed later.


Quests – There will be some quests in the game, but the social interactions of the game will remain the primary focus. The intention is for these quests to be cinematic in nature.

Inventory – There is an inventory system, with drop and drag functionality.

The Black Market – Akin to Auction Houses of other MMOs, this will allow you to trade items throughout various nightlife locations.

UI – The current UI includes an action bar, for skills and keybinds.

Camera – The camera system has a standard 3rd person MMORPG angle, which will adjust and zoom to a shoulder position for a reflex combat camera angle.

External Support – There are plans to support the game from outside of the client. The intention is to use a remote access application that will allow players to log in via Smart Phones or web browsers to access certain in game elements – such as your in-game computer. E-mails can be sent to other players within the game client.

Live Events are a planned feature.

Some elements of parkour are present, as you are able to scramble up the side of buildings, and jump across and down from rooftops.

There are plans for emotes, with idle stances reflecting your mood.

Havens are planned to have interactive furniture.

There are currently three character slots in the current build.


There will be voice acting with several voice actors already on standby.

Chiasm has signed to do some music for the game. She is familiar to WoD fans for her track “Isolated” from the 2004 game; Vampire The Masquerade: Bloodlines.

Misha Dioxin has composed some tracks for the game, which are used in some of the official trailers:

Dogmat Theme
Neo Dogmat

Thanks for reading! As new information emerges, the guide will be updated regularly.

En mi opinión y para mi gusto con cuotas están completamente fuera.

1 mes después

Wow , pinta bien por lo menos .

3-7 segundos de personaje en movimiento casi al final . La UI parece bastante decente

Me ha recordado bastante. Quizas no sea todo palabreria

9 meses después

El juego sigue en desarrollo, se puede apoyar comprándolo en su página web:

Aquí unos cuantos avances, demos:

Rain and wet:

Male editor footage:

Female editor footage

Update #17:

Feeding test demo:

Powers test demo:


Dialogue Early Short:

Por cierto, han abierto una cuenta en Patreon:

9 meses después

Ya está disponible la alpha, pero están aun muy muy verdes tanto animaciones como opciones, aunque eso si, van metiendo todos los meses bastantes mejoras. Sirve para ver un poco el potencial.


Joder el patreon es todo un éxito >_< , ni unas cañas se pagan .

1 respuesta

Por 10 euros entras a la alpha?

1 respuesta

#15 Si XDDD por ahora parece que no esta teniendo mucha repercusión

#16 Para entrar a la alpha son 30€

1 respuesta

#17 joder que la idea no es mala y el post este es del 2015 xD

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