Final Fantasy XIV 2.0 - ¡Release date confirmada!


habéis trasteado algunos con el nuevo creador de chars? solo me sale el gear de paladin.. why why why?!

2 respuestas

#3931 Solo crea paladín menudo fail xD


#3931 Solo crea paladín porque tu personaje substituye al paladín que combate contra el dragón y seria raro ver a un CNJ tankeando.. y si es un poco chapuza.. Pero por lo menos podemos ver los trapos de un paladín según lv.. por cierto la del lv50 es un poco así, me gusta mas el diseño de los 30 o 20.

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2 1 respuesta

#3933 Aaah que si pones el benchmark sale el personaje como si fueras tú? Eso no lo probé xD luego miro a ver :3~~

#3934 lmao! XD


#3927 Soy yo o ¿se les ha colgado el dominio? los vi por el móvil pero no podía verlos bien y ya nada xD

¿Podrás tenerlos todos? Según entendí para los coleccionistas conseguían : Helm of Light, Coeurl Mount, Behemoth Barding, Baby Behemoth Minion

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en ya estan las skill del arcanist y equipo nuevo del q destaco las AF+1's-Coat-+1 y relics +1 xd

1 2 respuestas

#3937 tiene pinta de ser el warlock del WoW. No veo las skills del scholar

1 respuesta

#3937 No esta mal! Interesante, gracias!!

#3936 Pues a mi me sigue funcionando. No se nada sobre las mounts. Hay algunas que son "unicas" como el Gobbue (1.0) o el Coeurl que es de la CE.

1 respuesta


Scholar no, aun no estan...Arcanist y Summoner


#3939 Ahora si funcionan Sorry! xD por eso decía que aunque estén todas imagino que algunas no se podrían conseguir para todos :S los minions desde luego son genialees! Grax


No he visto la invocación de Garuda en xivdb, supongo que todavía les faltará datos por actualizar. Que haya tanta info sobre el smn es buena señal, a ver si lo meten para la open beta.

Las af+1 son lvl 90, supongo que serán difíciles de conseguir. Muy contento con todo lo que va saliendo, tiene pinta de haber bastante contenido para end game.

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Ya estan las skills del sch. Y me acabo de fijar que el item level de los objetos lvl alto ha bajado considerablemente. El darklight antes era ilvl 80, ahora 70. La relic antes era ilvl 95, ahora es ilvl80, y la relic+1 ilvl90.... no se si significara algo xD

2 respuestas

- Arcanist

Sub classes are Conjurer and Thaumaturge.

- Magitek Mount Abilities

Cannonfire Adventurer Lv.0 Cast Time 1.0 Recast Time 6.0 Range 40

Bombard the surroundings of a designated area.

Magitek Cannon Adventurer Lv.0 Cast Time Instant Recast Time 2.5 Range 0

Delivers an attack in a straight line towards target.

Photon Stream Adventurer Lv.0 Cast Time 2.0 Recast Time 6.0 Range 30

Bombard the surroundings of a designated area.

  • Craftable minions

Looks like five of the minions they have listed have recipes that accompany them. They are:

Gravel Golem - Goldsmith

Model Vanguard
- Goldsmith

Wind-up Aldgoat - Weaver

Wind-up Dullahan
- Armorer

Wind-up Qiqirn
- Weaver



  • Summoner Pet Abilities

    Titan Egi

-Mountain Buster: 70 AoE potency around Titan. Increases Enmity. 15s Recast

-Rock Buster: Single Target 85 Potency. Increases Enmity.

-Earthen Ward: Decreases damage suffered by pet by 20% for 20s. 2m recast.

-Landslide: 70 potency stun. 40s Recast.

-Enkindle: Earthern Fury - AoE 200 potency. Additional effect: Razed Earth.

Ifrit Egi

-Crimson Cyclone: 105 potency stun. 40s CD

-Burning Strike (?): Single target attack potency of 120.

-Radiant Shield: 50 potency damage everytime Ifrit is attacked.

-Flaming Crush: AoE 105 potency. 30s Recast.

-Enkindle: Inferno - Conal 200 damage. 20 Potency fire DoT for 15s.

Garuda Egi

-Wind Blade: Wind Potency of 100.

-Aerial Slash: Deals AoE wind dmg around target. 90 Potency.

-Contagion: Extends master's DoTs by 15s.

-Shockwave: 90 dmg knockback.

-Enkindle: Aerial Blast - 250 AoE dmg.

Mas habilidades (incluido fishing!):

- Housing

Mist - La Noscea

Lavender Beds - The Black Shroud

The Goblet -Thanalan

Source and pics:

1 respuesta

#3943 Me acabo de enamorar de las skills del SCH. GOES RELIC!!


¿Va a haber ultima fase de beta al final en breves?

Yo ya tengo reservado el mio , tambine tengo una duda, si registro un final fantasi xiv, ¿Me cobran la cuota como teniendo retail version? lo digo por que en algunas tiendas te lo encuentras a euro dos euros xD.

2 respuestas

#3946 Hay fase en breves si. Se supone que sera una open beta y sera la ultima, pero aun esta todo sobre el aire. El dia 8 de agosto daran un comunicado (live letter) sobre la info de la beta, duracion, release oficial etc...

Con respecto a tu segundo parrafo, no te entiendo muy bien. El precio por cuota es igual indiferente de la version que tengas, solo afecta si eres legacy (pagaste 3 meses en la 1.0) o no. Retail version no se que significa sorry, si me ilustras un poco te intento resolver mejor la duda XD

2 respuestas

#3947 Tambien varia si es la coleccionista ¿no? Es que a lo mejor la cambio por la coleccionista en game que estoy inflado a vales xD.

Es legacy que me he liado retail es otra cosa XD.

1 respuesta

#3948 Los coleccionistas pagan las mismas cuotas ke el resto. El precio de cuotas solo varia de 12 euros (normal) a 10 euros (legacy) aproximadamente. Ser legacy no se puede conseguir ya.

La edicion coleccionista trae algunas cosas in game xulas como una montura coeurl o un minion de behemot.


#3943 significa que lo que hay (mas bien habia de la 1.0) sera la version cutre y que la +1 sera la tocha

#3947 Yo te ilustro! retail version = versión final , que ya ha salido.

#3946 Si compras una retail de la 1.0 podrás usar esa key (si, la que vale dos euros) en el momento que salga la 2.0 (lo pone en la web de SE)

Furthermore, users who have version 1.0 registration codes that have not yet been registered will be able to register them and play FFXIV: ARR on PC at the start of the service.


#3944 Aumento tu info por que hay muchas cosas mas en el post de reddit que son muy interesantes, como el cambio de sub-classes en algunos jobs entre otros.


Alright, I think I got all of this correct. Feel free to comment on mistakes or things I may have missed. Will edit it in.

Riot Blade Combo potency increased from 200 -> 230
Rage of Halone Combo potency increased from 240 -> 260
Sword Oath: Auto attack potency increased from 25 -> 50
Shield Swipe: Potency Increased from 170 -> 210
Awareness: Reduced oncoming crit chance increased from 15% - 25%
Shield Oath: Both oncoming damage reduction and outgoing damage reduction flatlined at 20%
Circle of Scorn: Base potency increased from 30 -> 100. DoT Potency now 30.

-No longer has Gladiator as a sub-class.
-Now has Marauder as a sub-class.
Second Wind: Now scales off curing potency, which scales with attack power. Due to XIVDB basing ability tooltips off of level 50s, with Third Wind this has a 650 cure potency. Likely around 400 potency without Third Wind.
Touch of Death DoT potency reduced from 40 -> 25.
Fist of Fire Damage increase reduced from 10% -> 5%
Mantra: Now applies to the Monk and an area directly around the Monk.
Howling Fist potency reduced from 190 -> 170. Recast reduced from 300s -> 60s.
Dragon Kick: Also reduces target's INT by 10%.

Maim: Combo Potency increased 180 -> 190. Damage bonus increased from 10% -> 20%
Mercy Stroke Potency reduced from 250 -> 200.
Defiance: "Damage dealt reduction" decreased from 35% -> 30%
Butcher's Block Combo Potency increased from 260 -> 280
Inner Beast Potency increased from 260 -> 300 -Changed to absorb 300% of damage dealt
Storm's Path Now also has a combo potency of 250. Absorption Shield buffed to 50% of damage dealt with no max hp cap up from 20% of damage dealt capped at 10% max hp.
Storms Eye Combo Potency Increased from 230 -> 270 Now also applies reduced healing on target by 50%

-No longer has Archer as a sub-class.
-Pugilist has been added as a sub-class.
Keen Flurry: Parry rate increased from 20% -> 80%
Vorpal Thrust level reduced to 4
Keen Flurry Level increased to 6
Life Surge: Healing component reduced from 20% -> 10%
Jump: Potency increased from 180 -> 200. Recast reduced from 60s -> 40s.
Phlebotomize: DoT potency increased from 10 -> 20.
Power Surge: Recast reduced from 180s -> 90s.
Dragonfire Dive: Recast reduced from 300s -> 180s.
Exhilarate (trait): Additional TP gained from Invigorate increased from 450 -> 500.

Hawk's Eye: Additionally Grants 15% DEX
Windbite: DoT Potency increased from 40 -> 45
Quelling Strikes Level lowered to 36.
Flaming Arrow level increased. Potency Increased from 25 -> 35
Enhanced Quicknock: Level reduced to 36.
River of Blood (trait): Level increased to 48. Chance of Bloodletter CD resetting due to DoT damage on Venombite and Windbite increased from 20% -> 50%. Still requires DoTs to crit.
Rain of Death: No longer increases damage taken on targets hit by 10%

White Mage:
Stone: THM removed from list of classes.
Cure: Potency increased from 300 -> 400. ACN/SMN/SCH added to list of available classes.
Cleric Stance: SCH added to the list of available classes. THM has been removed from the list of available classes.
Protect: ACN/SMN/SCH added to list of available classes.
Medica: Potency Increased from 250 -> 300.
Raise: ACN/SMN/SCH added to list of available classes.
Cure II: Potency Increased from 500 -> 650.
Stoneskin: ACN/SMN/SCH added to list of available classes.
Regen: Potency increased from 50 -> 150.
Shroud of Saints: Refresh Potency increased from 60 -> 80.
Cure III: Potency increased from 400 -> 550.
Medica II: Potency Decreased from 350 -> 200. -Regen potency increased from 50 -> 100.

Black Mage:
Thunder: ACN/SMN/SCH added to list of available classes.
Surecast: ACN/SMN/SCH added to list of available classes.
Blizzard II: Now grants Umbral Ice II.
Scathe: Potency increased from 100 -> 120 (With trait from 200 -> 240)
Fire II: Now grants Astral Fire II.
Thunder II: WHM removed from list of classes.
Swiftcast: ACN/SMN/SCH added to list of available classes.
Blizzard III: Potency Increased from 200 -> 220. Now grants Umbral Ice III.
Fire III: Potency Increased from 200 -> 220. Now grants Astral Fire III.

-Sub classes are Conjurer and Thaumaturge.
(Lv1) Ruin: 80 potency. WHM, BLM, CNJ, THM
(Lv2) Bio: 40 Potency for 18s. WHM, BLM, CNJ, THM
(Lv4) Summon: Summons a caster/healer-type pet. (DEPENDS ON JOB EQUIPPED)
(Lv6) Aetherflow: Restores 20% of maximum MP.
(Lv8) Enhanced Aetherflow I: Grants 1 stack of Aetherflow when Aetherflow is cast.
(Lv8) Energy Drain: 150 Potency. If under the effect of Meta Ether absorbs 50% of damage as hp and restores MP.
(Lv10) Miasma: 20 initial potency. 35 potency for 24s. Disease: Reduces hp recovered by Cure spells by 50% and heavy+40% for 24s
(Lv12) Virus: Reduces target's STR/DEX by 15% for 10s. WHM, BLM, all classes.
(Lv14) Int boost 1: INT+2
(Lv15) (CLASS QUEST) Summon II: Summon a tank/support pet. (DEPENDING ON JOB)
(Lv16) Int boost 2: INT+4
(Lv18) Sustain Sacrifices 10% max hp to continuously restore 8% pet hp over 10s. Cannot execute if under 10% hp.
(Lv20) Enhanced Aetherflow II: Grants 2 stack of Aetherflow when Aetherflow is cast.
(Lv20) Enhanced Action Damage I: Appears to give +10% action damage bonus.
(Lv22) Ressurection: Raises a target in a weakened state.
(Lv24) (Trait) 20% chance on pet crit to give you 20% spell speed for 8s.
(Lv26) Bio II: 35 potency DoT for 30s.
(Lv28) Causes Virus to also reduce INT/MND by 15%.
(Lv30)(CLASS QUEST) Bane: Spreads Bio, Bio II, OR Miasma to all nearby targets for their remaining time. If Aetherflow effect is up, 15% chance for DoT durations to reset.
(Lv30)(SCHOLAR). Succor: Restores target hp. Potency of 300. Erects a barrier nullifying damage equal to the amount of hp restored. When heal crits, barried doubles.
(Lv30)(SUMMONER) Summon III: Summon an attacking pet.
(Lv32) Int boost III: INT+6
(Lv34) Eye For An Eye: Places barrier on target or pet for 30s. Anyone who strikes shielded target has a 20% chance to have their damage reduced by 10% for 20s. WHM, BLM, all classes.
(Lv35)(SCHOLAR) Succor II: Restores Hp in an area around the caster. Potency 150. Grants a shield to each member healed that nullifies damage equal to the cure.
(Lv35)(SUMMONER) Fester: Deals 100 potency on a target per DoT (Bio, Bio II, Miasma). Only self applied DoTs work and must be under Aetherflow effect. 10s CD.
(Lv36) Enhanced Energy Drain: Doubles MP gained from energy drain.
(Lv38) Ruin II: 80 potency. Blind for 10s.
(Lv40) Enhanced Aetherflow III: Grants 3 stack of Aetherflow when Aetherflow is cast.
(Lv40) Enhanced Action Damage II: Increases Action damage by 30%.
(Lv40)(SCHOLAR) Leeches: Removes a single detrimental effect on target. 1s cast time
(Lv40)(SUMMONER) Tri-Disaster: AoE Bind on target. 30 Potency.
(Lv42) Miasma II: 20 initial AoE potency around caster. 10 potency DoT for 15s. Disease.
(Lv44) Reduces Eye For An Eye CD to 120s.
(Lv45)(SCHOLAR) Sacred Soil: Creates an area where everyone inside takes 10% less damage. Duration 15s. 20% Next Succor II will cost no MP. Can only proc under Aetherflow.
(Lv45)(SUMMONER) Spur: Increases a pet's physical/magical atk power by 40%.
(Lv46) Rouse: Increases cure magic potency and damage deal by pet by 40%. When roused, pets are immune to all detrimental effects.
(Lv48) Reduces CD of Rouse to 60s.
(Lv50) Shadow Flare: Placed AoE of 25 potency for 30. 5% chance of inflicting Slow to targets.
(Lv50)(SCHOLAR) Lustrate: Restores 20% of Target's maximum hp. 1s GCD. Only available under Aetherflow.
(Lv50)(SUMMONER) Enkindle: Allows pet to use its signature attack. 5m Recast.

Arcanist Pet Abilities

Emerald Carbuncle
-Gust: 90 potency wind damage

-Backdraft: 80 wind potency knockback

-Downburst: AoE 80 potency

-Shining Emerald: Extends Masters DoT effects by 15s.
Topaz Carbuncle

-Shining Topaz: AoE 70 potency. Increased Enmity.

-Gouge: Single target 70 potency increased enmity.

-Curl: Decreased damage taken on pet by 20%.

-Storm: Delivers an attack for 60 potency that stuns.
Scholar Pet Abilities
Fairy (2 forms, support and healer)
-Whispering Dawn: AoE regen around pet. Potency 100 for 21s. 30s recast.

-Embrace (both forms): 300 potency cure.

-Silent Dawn: Silences for 1s. 40s recast.

-Fey Glow: Increases Spell speed around pet by 30% for 30s. 60s Recast. Cant use at same time as Fey Light.

-Fey Covenant: Increases Magic Defense around fairy by 20% for 20s. Recast 2m

-Fey Light: Increases skill speed around pet by 30% for 30s. 60s Recast. Cant use at same time as Fey Glow.

-Fey Illumination: Increases Cure magic potency around pet by 20% for 20s. Recast 2m.

Summoner Pet Abilities

Titan Egi

-Mountain Buster: 70 AoE potency around Titan. Increases Enmity. 15s Recast

-Rock Buster: Single Target 85 Potency. Increases Enmity.

-Earthen Ward: Decreases damage suffered by pet by 20% for 20s. 2m recast.

-Landslide: 70 potency stun. 40s Recast.

-Enkindle: Earthern Fury - AoE 200 potency. Additional effect: Razed Earth.

Ifrit Egi

-Crimson Cyclone: 105 potency stun. 40s CD

-Burning Strike (?): Single target attack potency of 120.

-Radiant Shield: 50 potency damage everytime Ifrit is attacked.

-Flaming Crush: AoE 105 potency. 30s Recast.

-Enkindle: Inferno - Conal 200 damage. 20 Potency fire DoT for 15s.

Garuda Egi

-Wind Blade: Wind Potency of 100.

-Aerial Slash: Deals AoE wind dmg around target. 90 Potency.

-Contagion: Extends master's DoTs by 15s.

-Shockwave: 90 dmg knockback.

-Enkindle: Aerial Blast - 250 AoE dmg.

Crafting Classes:

-Master's Mend II level reduced from 28 -> 25.
-All Brands as well as Flawless Synthesis and Steady Hand II have had their level increased from 25 -> 37.
-Standard Synthesis level decreased from 33 -> 31.
-Advanced Touch level increased from 37 -> 43.
-All previously level 43 crafting specific abilities (Careful Synthesis II, Byregot's Blessing, etc.) have had their level increased from 43 -> 50.
Gathering Classes:
Deep Vigor level increased from 23 -> 25.
NEW ABILITY: Truth of Mountains - Further survey the landscape to uncover unspoiled mineral deposits and rocky outcrops.
Toil of the Mountaineer level increased from 43 -> 50
Brunt Force level increased from 23 -> 25.
NEW ABILITY: Truth of Forests - Further survey the landscape to uncover unspoiled mature trees and lush vegetation.
Toil of the Pioneer level increased from 43 -> 50.
(Lv1) Quit: Abandon fishing attempt and reel in line.
(Lv1) Hook: Attempt to hook the fish nibbling on the bait.
(Lv1) Cast: Cast your line and begin fishing.
(Lv1) Bait: Select the bait to apply to your line.
(Lv8) Stealth: Conceal yourself and tread quietly, reducing movement speed, but enabling you to avoid enemies level 20 and below.
(Lv15) Ocean Whisperer: It is possible to fishing to discover the best-kept secret up to Level 15.
(Lv18) Enhanced Stealth: Able to avoid detection on monsters up to level 30 while stealthed.
(Lv25) Mooch: Use the fish already hooked to your line to attract even larger prey.
(Lv28) Enhanced Stealth II: Able to avoid detection on monsters up to level 40 while stealthed.
(Lv35) Ocean Whisperer II: It is possible to fishing to discover the best-kept secret up to level 35.
(Lv35) Sand Sea Fishing: It is to run as a cast fishing the sand sea.
(Lv38) Enhanced Stelath III: Able to avoid detection on monsters up to level 50 while stealthed.
(Lv40) Enhanced Mooch: The feed on fish caught in fishing swim, it is able to perform casting.
(Lv45) Sea of Clouds Fishing: It is to run as a cast fishing the sea of ​​clouds.
(lv50) Ocean Whisperer III: It is possible to fishing to discover the best-kept secret up to level 50.

THM removed from Stone I
WHM removed from Thunder II
DRG removed from Straight Shot
DRG removed from Raging Strikes
DRG removed from Venemous Bite
DRG removed from Hawk's Eye
DRG removed from Quelling Strikes
DRG added to Featherfoot
DRG added to Second Wind
DRG added to Haymaker
DRG added to Internal Release
DRG added to Mantra
MNK removed from Savage Blade
MNK removed from Flash
MNK removed froM Convalesence
MNK removed from Provoke
MNK removed from Awareness
MNK added to Foresight
MNK added to Skull Sunder
MNK added to Fracture
MNK added to Bloodbath
MNK added to Mercy Stroke
WHM, BLM, CNJ, THM added to Ruin
WHM, BLM, CNJ, THM added to Bio
WHM, BLM, all classes added to Virus
WHM, BLM, all classes added to Eye for an Eye



Ahora lo leere ke me has pillado en mitad de aram. De todas formas ponlo en spoiler porfi ke sino el post mide 2metros xDD

pd: mejoran todo en el pld excepto shield oath ke lo nerfean del 25% al 20%... ya decia yo k me parecia muy over la skill.


Ufff muchos cambios para testear... veremos como sientan, como me jodan al Dragoon :(...

1 respuesta

Puf nerf al monk xD y es muy obvio que sea mas la sub clase maraurder que gladi xD


SCH :qq: :qq: :qq: :qq: :qq: :qq:

Porque lo han hecho que mole tanto xDDDDD


Cuanto nerf xDD


1 respuesta

#3953 creo que están equilibrando un poco por el tema del pvp xD me da a a mí

1 respuesta

#3957 Mal empezamos, espero que sea por otros motivos, sinceramente.


#3956 Menos hablar de nerf y podrías currarte algo de info de #1 o algo en un postit que salga en todas las páginas para no repetir las mismas cosas 20 veces XD

1 1 respuesta

El SCH lleva el Raise del WHM y luego tiene un Ress ???

Y el WHM no se puede poner el Ress del SCH ???

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