Gloria Victis #HG | Servidores cerrados


Una cosa que no sé, estoy pensando en comprarlo , pero leo en la página 1 que sera f2p , merece la pena o mejor espero


#209 La verdad, no daba mucho por este juego por lo verde que estaba. Además de que no aportaba demasiado en aquella.
Pero da gusto verles trabajar; las animaciones nuevas están muy conseguidas y los modelos de personaje nuevos están muy bien.

Si siguen trabajando así en todos los aspectos del juego les quedará un buen producto. Es más, puede que lo compre.


a ver si alguien puede contestarme plis, me e comprado el juego pensando que era un mmno con quests y tal.. pero o no las veo o no hay y funciona a base de eventos y de matar ? e recorrido toda la ciudad al crearme el pj y no e visto ningun npc que me de misiones, alguien podria por favor decime como va la mecanica de este juego?? gracias a los que respondais, el juego en si me da muy buenas impresiones y graficamente me encanta.

1 respuesta

#213 crafteo, pve por eventos, las misiones son o te apuntas a los eventos masivos o vas a los eventos pequeños que te salen por el mapa y son misiones, a si vas subiendo y tal, luego el crafteo es muy importante tambien.

1 1 respuesta

#214 muchas gracias Kranick, ya me habia rallado si era yo que no las veia o si era asi el juego !! pues nada, a disfrutar se a dicho :D feliz año nuevo !

19 días después
1 respuesta

#216 para cuando las animaciones?

1 respuesta

#217 La verdad que no tengo ni idea.

2 meses después

vídeo de los ultimos 50 updates puestos en steam, enseñan que han puesto en cada update y parece ser que pronto animaciones nuevas del creador de las animaciones de witcher y gears of war, y 50% mas de mapeado que parece que tambien pondran, también informan de que ahora trabajan en una oficina y no remotamente.


1 respuesta

#219 La verdad es que se lo están currando bastante, pero aún les queda muchísimo trabajo por delante hasta que sea potable del todo.

Al poco de salir en Steam dijeron que iban a lanzar una expansión del mapa que iba a ser una nueva isla y con ella iban a venir la construcción de barcos, combate naval y poco después el housing. Sabes si con la expansión del mapa va a ser eso o que es lo que van a hacer??

1 respuesta

Si que esta avanzando el juego para como estaba hace un año....estan currando a tope. Dan ganas de jugarlo y todo ahora.


#220 ni idea acerca se los barcos, pero acerca de si juego ahora es potable o no, te puedo decir que lo es totalmente y sin tener las nuevas animaciones/combate.

1 1 respuesta

Pues tiene una pintaza tremenda con esas actualizaciones


#222 Le eche bastantes horas nada más salir en Steam y me lo paso de puta madre y desde entonces ha mejorado muchisimo, no me malinterpretes, quería decir que sigue estando muy lejos de ser un producto terminado y sigue teniendo muchos fallos.

Le estáis dando o estáis en stand by esperando al LiF??

1 respuesta

tiene buena pinta, es jugable esto? XD

1 respuesta

#225 te recomiendo esperar un poquito al parche de animaciones ;)


#224 yo para el gloria estoy esperando para,las animaciones, que pinta que dejaran el combate wapisimo.


Buenos cambios, tocara catarlos.

1 mes después

Hello, warriors!

We have a pleasure to announce that the world expansion has been just applied! Adding more than 50% to the available lands, new areas are filled with precious resources, wild animals to hunt down and brand new settlements to capture!

New breathtaking lands offer a lot of variety. Your journey will lead you to massive mountain strongholds, smaller keeps and little houses scattered out in the wilderness. Each location will welcome you with something unique, traveller – either it will be a fort built on top of a massive bridge, a town set on a lake island, a mountain castle towering over surrounding hills and grasslands or a stronghold built on slope of an extinct volcano.

Next month will also finally bring the combat update! We are close to finish the polish stage of animations, controller and synchronization. We will also introduce the quest systems in one of the next updates, greatly expanding the lore of Gloria Victis world. At the same time our designers and artists keep working hard on introducing a new nation – Azebs! They will come with unique architecture and equipment, as well as new lands – be ready for another world expansion which also should come within a month!

See you in battle!

Changelog v.

– Applied the world expansion, adding more than 50% to the available lands including mountains, lakes, grasslands, hunting areas and a lot of minor points of interest
– Added 4 new settlements which can be captured and developed by players
– Added a lot of precious resources to gather and NPC enemies to defeat on the new lands
– Added new NPC enemies on the new lands
– Introduced the first version of a new map system allowing you to zoom and move the map, it also uses high quality renders of the in-game world which will greatly help you when exploring
– Fixed an issue allowing dead players to send trade requests
– Fixed an issue causing that receiving a trade request was preventing a player from performing attacks

Hotfix 2017-05-26 – v. Alpha

– Improved NPCs pathfinding on new lands
– Fixed underscaled objects on new lands (some houses, camps and trees)
– Minor fixes and improvements to models placement on new lands
– Fixed the First Aid exploit
– Fixed an issue causing blocking the trade after the first use

21 días después


Ya ha salido el parche con las nuevas animaciones de combate, aunque avisan que es un "soft launch" y van a aplicar una tonelada de hotfixes los próximos días. Las próximas actualizaciones traerán la nueva nación y el sistema de quests.

Hello, warriors!

We have a pleasure to introduce the long-awaited combat update! It introduces new animations, as well as reworked controller and synchronization. Since this version is already playing better and supports the “skill-based” combat much more than the old controller, we didn’t want to keep it in secret any longer so we decided to apply it as a soft-launch. Obviously it’s not perfect yet so brace yourselves, tons of hotfixes coming!

What does this update change in Gloria Victis combat?

  1. New synchronization and controller

From now on, synchronization is resolved in completely different way than it used to be. Server is much more authoritative in terms of determining character’s position and actions taken by players. It decides where your character will move and how it will fight. This change, which is the core of the combat update and took a massive chunk of the implementation time, makes it literally impossible to gain advantage by exploiting desynchronization issues. Therefore this update redefines the entire combat system and supports the player’s own skills even more. Moreover, new controller will allow us to solve most of problems of getting stuck here and there, most likely on stairs and fences. Some getting stuck may still happen but should be occurring less frequently. It also helps the problem of bypassing fortifications by walking across mountain slopes. Also, due to changes done to synchronization and controller characters are intentionally “heavier” – it was necessary to make things work properly.

  1. Motion-capture animations

Also being an incredibly massive task, new motion capture animations have been implemented. We had to replace literally every single action in game as well as to make the game fully enjoyable with new synchronization. Animations have been designed after authentic medieval combat manuscripts to give you the sense of combat in medieval armors, It was a lot of work, so some bugs may still be lingering. We know about it and keep fixing/polishing animations as we find those bugs.

  1. New combat mechanics

Blocking mechanics

Blocks have been divided into three zones – from now on you will have to aim at our opponent’s attack to block it. For now it has been implemented in PVP only. This system is still being improved so we’re looking for your feedback!


From now on, you can perform a charge attack to reach evading enemy. To do it, perform full power attack while sprinting – you will get some speed boost for a short while. At the moment, successful charge is being indicated by changing color of your stamina bar.

Keybinds for directional attacks

A long-time requested feature – you can assign each type of attack (left, right, stab and overhead) to different keybinds. Hope you’ll love it as much as we do!

Shields on back

If you’ll switch from 1-handed weapon and shield to 2-handed weapon, shield will be moved to your back. It also blocks damage taken to the back, including arrows.

Shield strike

When you have a shield equipped and no weapon, you can attack your enemy with shield.

Combat in water

From now on, you can fight in water. This is quite experimental feature [WIP] – if you’ll like it, we’ll keep it in game, so looking for your feedback!

Known issues/todo

As previously mentioned, the combat isn’t perfect yet. We are aware of numerous, lesser or bigger issues. Our programmers keep working on fixing bugs, animations are being polished and overall combat is being improved to make sure it plays great and feels great.

– In some cases, character may appear to move really slowly when it should run or move when no button is pressed. If that happens, press and release the button that is “misbehaving”, e.g. if your character moves forward while no button is pressed, press and release W button.
– When spawning in starting areas, character spawns few meters above the ground, this gets fixed by first movement.
– In some cases, character may not stop sliding when supposed to; we have some reports of sliding upwards. This usually have to be waited over – character unstucks after a while.
– AI needs to be adjusted to the new system – right now, it was only made compatible. It will get a lot of tweaks once we are certain this update is stable.
– It’s impossible to jump while standing still, we will fix that in a nearest hotfix.
– Power-bar may get out of sync sometimes.
– Arrows of other players seem to be flying in a wrong direction. This is strictly visual issue – archery works as intended on player’s own client and on server.
– Swimming doesn’t eat up stamina at the moment – we will turn it on soon.
– Stamina doesn’t get a regeneration boost while standing still or walking.
– Free camera rotation is limited to 90 degree – this is temporary limitation on our side; will restore old free camera rotation as soon as possible.
– Dead player bodies block movement until respawn.
– Emoticons are temporarily disabled.
– Diving is temporarily disabled. It is now possible to fight in water though!
– Charge doesn’t get interrupted when hitting an enemy - this is a bug, NOT a feature :)

– Player rotation may glitch on low-end PCs.
– Some armors may cause skinning problems, i.e. animations may mix weirdly for some armors.
– Character hair are invisible.
– Interaction animation doesn’t make weapons invisible, resulting in a weird movement.
– 2h axes are improperly positioned after logging in.
– Some NPCs equipment may display improperly.
– Other players animations may be glitching after login.
– Jump animation when unarmed is bugged.
– Cloth physics are not ready just yet – hang in there!

Once all the necessary fixes are applied, you can expect summary of the last year of Gloria Victis development and marketing campaign next week. Also, be ready for the incoming features, like quests and new nation – Azebs!

3 1 respuesta

#230 pues a probarlo, tenia ganas ya las animaciones nuevas y el.combate pintan geniales!

1 mes después

Esta a 35% y tengo lo suficiente en la cartera de steam, merece la pena o sigue muy verde?

Edit: Alguno que haya probado Life is Feudal me podria decir sus opiniones y recomendaciones, para elegir este o Life is Feudal.

1 respuesta

#233 Este no lo he probado, estoy esperando a ver que tal resulta a la gente. Pero el life is feudal si y puedo decirte que es un juego al que hay que echarle MUCHAS horas y es imposible jugarlo en solo duo e incluso trio, es un juego para clanes grandes y de mucho farmeo, terraforming etc..

Si tienes amigos en un clan grande y tienes tiempo te animo a probarlo, es muy divertido.

11 días después

Es verdad que está abandonau?

2 respuestas

#235 Yo lo probé el otro día que lo pillé en un bundle de g2a y me dio asco xD es decir en planteamiento es bueno, pero esta muy verde


#235 Sacan acrualizaciones prácticamente cada semana, no está abandonado ni mucho menos.
A mi me gusta mucho, pero ya le di bastante cuando salio el early access y quiero esperar a que metan mas cosas.
El sistema de crafteo es muy completo, los asedios y el open pvp molan también bastante y el combate con el nuevo sistema de animaciones es una delicia.


yo estoy esperando a que pongan el market, el crafting no me gusta.

de abandonado nada de nada.


Está en un Bundle de G2A. ¿Puedo suscribirme un mes para conseguir el juego y quitarme? así me cobran solo un mes = 3 euros ¿no?

1 respuesta

#239 Hay una opción de compra única, que es la que yo usé

1 respuesta