Miscreated #HO | ¿Más zombis? ¡No, mutantes!

1 comentario moderado

Bueno he de decir ahora que he entrado con más calma que hombre teniendo en cuenta el estado del juego luce y pinta bastante bien, los escenarios y paisajes lo mejor, movimientos ortopédicos, es mejor jugar en primera persona, poco loot , sistema de disparo raro, falto de animaciones y tal, no me ha ido malejo, eso si me sube la gráfica a todo lo que da y no me gusta, no esta optimizado aunque mantenga 50-60 fps.


Valla un dayz


Patch 7 - 11/21/2014
Anti-cheat System

I want to start off by sort of apologizing for not talking about anti-cheat yet, but there has been a very good reason for it. Unbeknownst to the Miscreated community we've had anti-cheat measures in the game for around three weeks now, but we didn't want to publicly let people know. During that time we have collected a lot of information on cheaters in the game - many thousands of individual statistics, and we have already issued our first ban wave. Let me be perfectly clear on this - we will not tolerate cheaters. If you get banned, it's permanent.

Any forum posts or complaints about it will either be ignored, or more than likely just deleted and the forum accounts banned as well. We have also been working directly with Valve on making sure VAC is properly integrated into the game, so that will add another layer of protection. Having said that, no game will ever be free of cheaters and hackers, to say otherwise would be extremely naive of anyone, but we will do our absolute best to reduce them as much as possible.

Roadmap Items
More weapons and playable areas will be coming soon!

[ Updated ] Jump should now be more responsive and work on key press instead of release.
Delayed jumps will no longer be keeping you down!
[ Updated ] More of the existing released areas have been updated to look better.
Oh, shiny!
[ Updated ] Reduced physics impulse from all melee weapons.
Sorry, you can no longer hit a car with a squeegee and kill people.

[ New ] Small cave added,
added... added..... added~
[ Fixed ] House that still had a fridge in it that could cause you to get trapped inside.
OK, the fridges are seriously done eating people this time, we promise.
[ Fixed ] Adjusted speed and opening angles for fridge doors.
After one of the devs got knocked out cold, we figured we should fix them.
[ New ] More mobile home variations added.

User Interface
[ Updated ] All text areas should work better for future non-English translations and chat messages.
Yes, localization is coming!
[ Updated ] Green network spam messages have been removed.
Thank goodness...
[ Updated ] Game status messages are now displayed in the chat box, so you have a history of them.
[ Updated ] All on-screen text display has been removed from the game - console, displayinfo, etc.
On the bright side, you can see more!

[ New ] Face item added (has known clipping issues with other items for now).
Now we just need a machete and a catchy theme!
[ Fixed ] Magazine rounds being restored properly when logging in.
I wonder how many empty magazines we are going to find on the ground after this patch?
[ Fixed ] Canteen full/empty being restored properly when logging in.
Yes, you have to get your feet wet now.
[ New ] More hats added.
Hide your character's thinning hairline.
[ New ] More pants added.

[ Fixed ] Some trees updated to look better.
They threatened to leaf if we didn't fix them... OK I promise no more puns, I'll stop.
[ Fixed ] Reduced brightness of the pink boat.
[ Fixed ] Many clothing pieces updated to reduce clipping with other items.
[ Fixed ] Physics proxy on the bridge updated to be better.

[ Updated ] Some interiors updated to play correct sounds as you walk on different surfaces.


Sera otro proyecto engañoso? Por mi parte seguiré esperando cómo se desarrolla

1 respuesta

No se si al final lo dejaran o no, por el momento meten parche cada 1-2 semanas.


no es un stomping land por lo menos jeje


A raíz del parche me hace crash cad apoco, me congela la imagen y no puedo ni cerrar la aplicación, no se si le pasa a alguien más.

1 respuesta

#128 lo probe esta mañana y me iba perfecto.


#125 Llevas poniendo cosas así página tras página. ¿Qué te han hecho los early access? Debe haber sido algo muy malo.

1 1 respuesta

#130 Si solo fuese en este thread xD


Va bastante más fino ahora con el último arreglo, he tenido un par de luchas muy guapas pero estoy algo tocado de vida, de rojo he pasado a amarillo pero no se si se recupera o alguno sabe como, tengo pistola y tal por si alguien se anima para no seguir solo dando tumbos xd

1 respuesta

#132 agregame a steam, si me ves le doy contigo. karb_one

13 días después

Nueva info en steam, pinta bien.

2 respuestas

#134 gracias por el aviso, que lo habia dejado un poco de lado :)

Tres nuevas armas, me gusta me gusta.


#134 pero ya lo han implementado o sera en los proximos parches

1 respuesta

#136 Aún no hay update, querían informar creo yo porque la gente andaba preguntando y como explica han estado de abogados porque han aumentado el grupo de trabajo.


lo que se han tirado para 3 armas nuevas? esto huele a timo señores!

2 respuestas

#138 y tu hueles a cabra. xDD

2 1 respuesta

#139 comentario de niño de 3 años!


#138 siempre lo digo y se me tiran al cuello todos los defensores de este sistema llamado Early estafa

1 respuesta

#141 Porque algunos os creeis que modelar un arma, algo simple a priori, cuesta 5 minutos. Por no hablar de escribir miles de lineas de codigo, debugear, mapear, texturas, planificacion, arquitectura servidor...

Te reto a que hagas un juego para movil (super simple), a ver si tardas menos de 1 año.


Han estado semanas quitando bugs y fixeando el juego. Ahora va a ser que se han tocado el bolo todo este tiempo.


Solo dire que yo estuve aqui cuando dije eso, ya me paso en otro post donde mi criticaron y al final tuve razon.


Alguien que siga jugando? acabo de pillarlo y me gustaría unirme a algún grupo de españoles

1 respuesta

#145 Yo juego pero estoy esperando actualización que debe estar al caer.

1 1 respuesta

#146 te agrego a steam!

8 días después

No se si ya esta el update pero han metido generadores de luz a las cuevas.


Parche nuevo en beta:


12 -Gauge Shotgun
Lay waste to the armies of mutants with this boomstick. This top of the line shotgun features a walnut stock, cobalt blue steel, and a hair trigger. You got that!? Good. It features two ammunition types, slugs and pellets. Slugs are a single projectile that is accurate and more effective over range. Pellets are a spread, classic shotgun ammo, that are extremely deadly at close range but lack stopping power over distance.

Note: The shotgun's sounds are still a work in progress.

Police Baton
Exercise some excessive force with this standard issue police baton!

Lug Wrench
Whether you’re changing tires, or changing your opponent’s thoughts about messing with you. This handy lug wrench is sure to crack some skulls.

Hunting Knife and Survival Knife
Both of these knives will serve you well in your vie for survival. High-quality stainless steel with a carbon handle, definitely a strong friend in a close engagement. Note: Knife animations are still a work in progress, they are very standard right now.


6 new food/drink items. Yummy!
Items required for the generator to work (some of them are very heavy, so free up a lot of space in your inventory)
Reintroduced Anti-Radiation Pills (usable item now)
Increased FOV of the flashlight


Fridges have new sound effects
Updated sounds for wood and metal doors
NEW - Added jump sound effect


Procedural vegetation added. This is the first time use of the grass in-game, so bare with us through any hiccups with the system. This is a new feature from the CryEngine for us to try, this will help with performance by freeing up hand-placed grass, in place of procedurally generated grass.
Due to us being able to eventually remove almost 4 million instances of hand placed grassed (we've removed almost 2 million so far), this will help free up a lot of memory and increase performance. The replacement process is still ongoing, so not all of the original grass has been converted for this update.
Medium-sized cave added. Might want to bring a few of those anti-rad pills with you, and search well to find it.
New multi-story industrial warehouse building in Woodhaven. Interior is still a work in progress!
NEW - Small area across the river from Woodhaven and Sultan is now accessible - spawn spots there also.


[Fixed] Zooming into weapon from third person while using freelook.
[Fixed] Procedural vegetation should have corrected most instances of floating grass.
[Fixed] Floating refrigerator.

Known Issues

[WIP] Some generator part models are still being developed.
[Animation/WIP] Knives currently use Hatchet attack animations.
[Bug] During some Shotgun animations, you can see a white shell model that does not go away.
[WIP] New warehouse building still has some minor modeling issues being worked on.
[Bug] The shotgun's pump action sounds like it playing twice.
[WIP] Some of the new inventory items have placeholder icons, they are still being created.
[Bug] Lights, including the flashlight, are not as bright at night as during the day - Crytek bug.
[Bug] Need better feedback for when an item is too heavy to carry

Experimental Features

Generator Added
The generator is very much still a work in progress. We have a UI in place for it, and it functions in editor testing environment, as well the internal testing. This will be the first time testing in a public multi-player environment. We would appreciate any feedback about it!

This is the first interactable object we added to the game, which is why it took the time it did to get it working. Now that it is in place and functioning, we can start exploring opportunities to add powered devices. It will find uses in base building when we add the crafting system, and you can use it to power contraptions around your base. Such as lights, electronic doors, or even traps.

The generator in game currently does not have any sound effects.

Experimental Updates

Fixed Miscreated.exe icon
Fixed generator lights turning off when it is stopped
Added footsteps when carrying the shotgun
Adjusted water bottle material so it isn't quite a bright
Fixed new office building locations (had other structures inside of them, etc.)

9 días después

Han implementado ya el parche, metido algunas cosas nuevas, parece que va algo más fluido aunque en cuestión de animaciones, contenido y demás aún le queda un largo camino.

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