Mortal Online


Que ganas de probarlo

¿Han posteado en algun lado ya el cliente subido a megaupload?


Los chicos de la Rosa lo han subido a rapidshare. Lo tienes en mo-esp en la sección descargas.

P.D: a ver si te conectas al ts mariquita!


Jastro no es suficientemente mistico para jugar con nosotros :clint:


Funciona el server? me pone fail to connect login server.


#2192 esperare a megaupload que tengo cuenta y me ira ma rapido ^^
#2193 ya os hare un rallamiento mistico y volvere a ser aceptado :P


#2192 A mi el jdownloader me dice que los links del 44 en adelante están fuera de linea y si lo intento manualmente me sale como si estuvieran mal puestos y pertenecen todos al archivo 43


Alguien me puede explicar que hay que hacer para jugar, me he bajado todos los parches etc pero me dice que no se puede conectar al login server.


El server ahora mismo esta cerrado.


#2197 Eso de "me he bajado todos los parches etc" suena sospechoso. No se si lo sabes pero esta semana pasada salió un parche nuevo que invalida el cliente anterior. Se tienen que descargar de nuevo los 5gb y pico y borrar/desinstalar todo lo anterior.


holy shit, y donde me bajo ese client nuevo


De mortal online .com


#2199, no se refiere a los parches, se refiere a los archivos rapidshare de la web.

A ver si Hispano nos lee o se lo comento mañana xD


Creo que se está subiendo el nuevo cliente a MU tambien, aunque no lo sé seguro... por otro lado, los del RS, por lo menos a mi, me ha dejado bajarlos todos sin problemas...

A ver cuando terminan las pruebas con las skills poniendo y sacando y podemos entrar a jugar de forma más normal, que hay ganas y no es plan de no poder hacer ciertas cosas que quizá en ese momento necesitas... como restear xD


Buenas gente,
voy a probar este juego, ya que he borrado el WoW, porque me ralla.

Vamos allá, ¿este juego, hay que comprarlo, hay que pagar cuotas mensuales? Hago las preguntas, porque no puedo mirar la web oficial desde el curro, porque el WebSense me las capa casi todas xDDD

Este juego lo voy a probar si o si, ya que busco algo que no todo sea matar y hacer PVE o PVP, ya que me han dicho que este juego la "sociabilidad" importa mucho, te puedes hacer tu propia casita, etc etc....

Bueno, cabe decir, que busco una guild, donde avanzar, poner mi experiencia de otros MMO y demás. Me dedicaré mas que nada, a criar mi huerta, ser el mejor artesano y vivir del cuento (del comercio xDD) para así llevar a mis compañeros de clan con lo mejor ^^ eso sí, ayudaré lo que pueda con mi espada.

¿El juego está en español?


He leido #2138 y #2136 y no me ha quedado claro. ¿El juego es gratuito hasta que temrine la fase de open beta que se empezará a pagar las mensualidades?, ¿Cuando acabe la fase beta y sea normal, se guardarán los pjs creados?


mejor que lo compres porque ahora mismo han anunciado el final de la open beta y la release yeeeeeaaaaaaaa


Es de pago, ahora hay descuento aprobecha hasta el lunes que viene.
Pago de mensualidades, unos 12 eurillos o por hay.
No esta en español.

Y clanes si quieres canarios el nuestro XD, na en serio, hay mucho y variados, informate por hay, y recuerda que hay mas clanes que los que dice la gente ;)


Link directo a lo #2205

Salida el 9 de Junio


Una cosa, después de la beta, se resetean todos los PJs a lvl 1, o la gente tendrá su pj de la beta?

¿Se sabe si en un futuro el juego estará en español?

Un saludo.

#2206 te mandé un privado xD


No tienen intencion de sacarlo en otro idioma que no sea ingles, yo lo descartaria totalmente.

Y si, se hara wipe cuando salga el juego.


Matizar que no es por levels xDD, es un sandbox, vas subiendo tus skills, las que tu quieras, y demas, te personalizas el muñeco al 100%


Tengo muchas ganas que les salga bien el juego, pero aún lo veo muy verde en todos los sentidos..


Lo buenos tiempos de la closed beta volveran!

8 días después

Bueno hablad un poco, ¿qué tal va el juego ahora? ¿Hay algo nuevo?

Voy a tener que ir volviendo a jugar ya que falta poco para la release :D


Capullo, pasate pr el ts hombre xD.

Y no hay mucho, mañana se supone que ponen parche y podremos jugar a la beta como siempre hasta la release.


En teoria mañana nuevo cliente, tendria que haber estado antes pero tenian problemas en el patcher para archivos de mas de 2 GB.

En teoria lo arreglaron el Viernes pero por si acaso falla no querian dejarlo todo el finde empastrado, o eso comento Pompei.


Cliente del juego definitivo!

To download this patch, you will need to download a new installer from the website when the patch has been uploaded.

Also, the launcher patches in SILENT mode (wont display patching windows etc), so it might seem as its not doing anything but it is patching.


This patch is first and foremost about bringing the game back to where it was prior to the merging of the new builds but in a more stable and less desynced environment. What this means is that some system are still disabled (see below the notes) as they are not yet up to the standard of functionality we want them to be and there are minor issues in some of the active systems. Overall, this patch brings back a large portion of the game to you as a player that allows you to progress your character and delve into the new content we have added.

------ ADDITIONS & CHANGES ------


  • Stable functionality has been altered. A maximum of five (5) pets can now be stabled at a time. The five pet maximum is limited by the amount of receipts you have in your inventory and/or your bank. This means that if Player A has five receipts and sells one receipt to Player B. Player A can then stable a new pet, bringing the amount of receipts back to five.
  • The murder count system has been altered. When you receive a murder count it will start a short term and long term timer. The long term timer is 20 hours long and keeps track of the amount of murder counts. The short term timer is based of the long term timer and when your long term timer reaches 10 hours or less (since long term timer started counting down) you will no longer loose stats for the remaining time of the long term timer. These timers reset themselves when the next murder count starts counting down.
  • For the time being, loot bag functionality has been changed. You can now only open a loot bag once. Once you close the bag, you will not be able to open and loot it again. So be careful when looting!

AI & Mounts:

  • Five new mounts have been introduced to Nave. These are: The Bullhorse, the Jotun Horse, the Mongrel Horse, the Desert Horse and the Donkey.
  • All mounts now have individual characteristics such as: speed, health, attack damage, stamina and jump height. Also the mounts require different levels of taming and creature control skill.
  • Navmeshes functionality has been added to certain locations for testing purposes.
  • Creatures will now align with the terrain (leaning hills and so on).

Art & Sound:

  • A lot of new creatures have been introduced. Some of these are: spiders, felines and bears.
  • Several new race specific NPCs added across Myrland.
  • Spider caves have been added in Myrland. Don't forget your torch!


  • The amount of durability on an armor piece that was lost when struck has been significantly reduced. The lifespan of an armor piece is now much longer. (Do note that this does not necessarily affect the lifespan of the person wearing the armor ^^)
  • Reduced the stamina cost of Axes to make them more useful in combat. They still cost more stamina then Swords and Spears, but do more damage as well.
  • Reduced the damage done by Thrusting Blade to bring it in line with other weapon combinations.
  • Minor Bandages now have a cool down of 20 seconds and cannot be used in combat mode.
  • Minor Health Potions now have a cool down of 60 seconds. Potions can be used in combat mode.

------ BUG FIXES ------

We've been working very hard on getting the game back up and running to where it were two months ago, this involves a lot of bug fixes that has been found and fixed in house. The few fixes listed below are fixes that were made to bugs that were in the game prior to the merging of the new Unreal and Atlas versions. Please note that a lot of old issues that were on the bug tracker have been resolved (sadly not all of them) but won't be listed here (because it would take to long to write it all down). We will be setting up a new section on the bug tracker for this version so we can start fresh with the new game build. So if you find an issue that you know previously existed on the tracker, please report it again on the new tracker.

Found here:


  • The Equerry (stable keeper) will no longer take money from you if you fail to stable your pet.
  • You should no longer get a message saying you have the to many pets stabled when in fact you don't.

AI & Mounts:

  • Mounts will no longer come to a sudden stop when riding across bridges.

------ KNOWN ISSUES ------

  • The Backgrounds in the Character Creation are bugged. The Backgrounds at the moment are mirrored left to right. So if you select a Recruit, you will spawn as a Weaponsmith. Also note that selecting an Acolyte will make you spawn as a Recruit not a Ruffian.
  • Armors will appear to have horizontal stripes all over them.
  • The Mercy Mode and Knockdown Animations are not working correctly.
  • The Earthquake spell is not functioning.
  • The Charge and Swing animations for weapons will get stuck at times. Re-swing to “unstuck” it.
  • The loot window does sometimes appear of screen. Increase your resolution or delete NowUiSettings.ini to revert it to its default position.
  • Shields will not be seen if equipped.
  • Equipment and Inventory weight will not display correct values in the profile/inventory window.
  • The inventory window is “one behind”. For example, if you have ten potions and consume one. It will be listed as if you have ten potions until another update is done to the inventory window, for example moving the stack.
  • Mounting whilst in combat mode will make your weapons disappear until you equip/unequip an item or go out and back into combat mode.
  • Weapon and Armor icons will not display their correct icon.
  • When a player takes damage the 'targets health bar” will only update upon re-targeting of the target. (This only applies when the target is a player).
  • You will be visible to other players whilst logging in (when you are on the loading screen).

------ DISABLED SYSTEMS ------

  • Housing (Houses, keeps, palisades and bridges)
  • Guilds
  • Thievery
  • Line of sight checks for Magic temporarily turned off.
  • Locking/Decreasing of Attributes and Skills.

P.S - We are aware of some other issues. These will be worked on tomorrow.

PLEASE NOTE - These notes are not final and are subject to change.




Montaremos un negocio de taxis-burra


Siguen sin haber imagenes del burro :clint:


Estan un poco estaticos no?

Tema cerrado