PlanetSide 2 #HG

Servidor elegido por MV: MILLER

Guia de optimizacion de Planetside 2

1. Entender el indicador de FPS y CPU / GPU
2. Formas de aumentar los FPS
3. Como configurar el modo ultra

Gracias a #1158


Hoy es el día

The Construction System has been released!

The battlefields of Auraxis are changing. Cortium, a powerful new mineral, allows for the near instantaneous deployment of player-built fortifications. This limited resource has prompted the deployment of Advanced Nanite Transports (ANTs), which harvest Cortium and convert it into battle-ready building material.

New Rescource: Cortium
Appearing across the wilder areas of Auraxis, Cortium crystals can be harvested and used to create and power player-constructed objects, defenses, and fortifications.

New Vehicle: The ANT
ANTs are 4 man transports that have mining lasers for harvesting Cortium nodes. They can store Cortium in an on-board tank or drop it off at constructed Cortium Silos. The ANT can be deployed at any time, which will reveal access to a building terminal, from which you can equip and then place fortifications, at cost to Cortium.

With the right upgrades and a tank full of Cortium, the ANT has some other interesting abilities as well…
· C300 Turbo Engine: The Cortium Turbo Engine grants powerful thrust by converting stored minerals into fuel.
· Transport Cloak: While active, the Transport Cloak drains the ANT's stored Cortium in exchange for limited invisibility.
· C-Barrier: While active, a barrier forms around the ANT, absorbing incoming damage at the cost of stored Cortium.

New Construction Objects
· In order to place a construction object, you’ll need to first have access to its schematic. Once you own the schematic, you’ll be able to use the terminals on the ANT or Silo to deploy those items with Cortium.
· These schematics can be obtained from either the Depot’s new Construction section, or directly from an ANT or Silo terminal.
· Each item has a limited number that can be active at once, so keep an eye on the counter or you’ll end up deconstructing earlier objects.

All players are granted the following schematics/items for free with the release of the new system:

· Cortium Silo
o The heart of any large base, this silo stores large quantities of Cortium. ANTs can offload Cortium to Silos using the same method as harvesting minerals; just approach the Silo and hold the firing button.
o Many objects require a nearby Silo (with stored Cortium!) to remain active, as the Silo acts as a fuel source for their abilities. Modules, for example, are constructs that can improve surrounding fortifications, but go offline if the Silo runs out of Cortium. While a module is near a Silo, Cortium will be drained automatically. The more objects that require power, the faster your Cortium Silo will drain.
o They can store up to 50,000 Cortium at a time.
o Claims the nearby area for you and your squad, which allows you to deconstruct (see Decon Tool) the fortifications of un-squadded allies near your Silo.
o Hardline Interference Volume Emitters or “HIVEs” are structures which can generate Victory Points over time.
o The “chassis” is vulnerable when unpowered, but while housing a Victory Core, the chassis becomes indestructible, and a small, shielded area becomes the only point where it can receive damage.
o Active HIVEs generate Victory Points based on their proximity to the enemy Warp Gate, and require Cortium from a nearby Silo to operate.
o Players must be BR 15 or higher to place a HIVE

· Rampart Walls
o Long, horizontal wall with high health, and firing areas for infantry.
· Bunkers
o Small, durable fortification with firing areas for infantry, and an open area on the top.
· Xiphos (Anti-Infantry) Phalanx Turret
o Mannable turret which excels at taking down enemy infantry.
· Decon Tool
o Can be used to deconstruct misplaced structures.

Other available schematics include:
· Sunderer Garage
o Small garage with enough cover to house a single Sunderer, ANT, or perhaps some other things you’d want to keep safe.
· Repair Module
o Cortium-powered module which quickly repairs nearby structures. This is an extremely important component of any base, especially for keeping hard targets like walls and bunkers alive
· Structure Shield Module
o Cortium-powered module that creates one-way shields for most of the openings on Bunkers, Rampart Walls, and Sunderer Garages.
· Skywall Shield Emitter
o Cortium-powered module which projects a shield above, protecting from aerial bombardment and severely injuring enemy infantry which drop through it.
· Turret AI Module
o Cortium-powered module which provides nearby deployed turrets with automated tracking abilities, allowing them to fire on enemies who stray too close.
· Spear (Anti-Vehicle) Phalanx Turret
o Mannable turret which excels at destroying enemy vehicles.
· Aspis (Anti-Air Phalanx) Turret
o Mannable turret which excels at destroying enemy aircraft.

Construction Placement
Added a new system to help with construction object placement.

A series of highlights and rings that appear when you are holding a construction item should help you determine what objects are affecting/being affected by other construction objects.
· Red highlights/rings show no deploy areas and objects that are creating that conflict for deployment
· Blue highlights/rings show active repair modules and their radius of effect
· Green highlights/rings show the things in the radius of effect of the object you are currently trying to place and/or objects other than the repair mod that will affect what you’re placing
· Orange ring shows the range of what can be powered by a placed Cortium Silo

These effects should only appear when relevant to keep the display from becoming overly cluttered.

Victory Cores
With the HIVE, we’re introducing the concept of Victory Cores. These cores are shared across each faction and can be viewed in the VP UI.

When a continent unlocks, each faction has a certain amount of cores available. By default, each faction gets 2 cores, with an additional core given to whichever faction unlocked the current continent. Cores are automatically placed in HIVEs the system thinks are the most viable every 180 seconds, with the following rules:
· The closer the HIVE is to an enemy Warp Gate, the faster it will generate Victory Points. HIVEs that can generate more VP are prioritized over those generating less
· If your active HIVE is in a contested area, your core can not be relocated.
· If you overextend into enemy territory without enough support, the system will determine your HIVE to be too dangerous to provide a core too. If you’re setting up in enemy territory, bring some significant backup or you won’t get a core.

When an active HIVE is destroyed, the faction who destroyed it will steal that core for their faction, and it will then automatically activate the most ideal HIVE, provided another empty HIVE exists.

It’s worth noting that Silos must be restocked with Cortium constantly, as HIVEs, like modules, require an active power source to function. If a Silo runs out of Cortium, an active HIVE will no longer generate Victory Points.

VP Scoring Changes
Additionally, the overall VP scoring has been updated as follows:
· All continents now require 15 Victory points to capture (including Indar)
· Indar alerts are now worth 5 VP
· Linking a single warpgate VP reward has been increased to 2, from 1
· Linking both warpgate simultaneously VP reward has been increased to 4, from 3
· Capturing all of any facility type VP reward has been increased to 3, from 2
· Capturing all facilities VP reward has been increased to 15, from 10
· VP reward has been increased to 2, from 1

Continent Faction Population Queue
Any player trying to zone into a continent where their faction has 10% more population than the lowest populated faction will be placed into a queue.
· At least one continent must have over 150 players on it for the queue to be active
· The target continent must have at least 50 players on for the queue to be active
· If the player’s faction is severely overpopulated on all unlocked continents, they will be able to play on the continent where their faction has the least population advantage

New Weapon: NS-20 Gorgon
Developed as a more mobile version of the M20 Basilisk, the NS-20 Gorgon provides MAX units with a balanced mix of anti-infantry and anti-vehicle firepower. Gold and Black variants are also available.


Pero de que trata cual es el objetivo de esto?

1 respuesta

#5882 Aparte de las ventajas obvias de construir una base donde tú quieras, las Colmenas generan Puntos de Victoria.


Wow pues se ve bastante guapo

Cuando termine de montar mi nuevo pc lo probare.

1 mes después

¿Queda gente española jugando? Estoy empezando pero ir solo apesta y si me junto con guiris ni me entero.

1 respuesta

#5885 si que queda, en el server de miller hay una brigada en cada faccion

1 1 respuesta



#5886 Estoy en Nc y he visto un par de clanes, pero a malas penas veo gente conectada. En que bando hay más españoles? No me importaría cambiar con tal de jugar con españoles.

1 respuesta

#5888 las brigadas mas grandes que conozco son escuadrón de las sombras [ES] en terran y mandrake [MDK] en vanu no sabría decirte cual de las dos es mas grande, creo que somos los de mandrake los que tenemos mas gente, de todos modos no somos brigadas exclusivas puedes jugar con las dos cambiándote de personaje

1 mes después

Me lo estoy volviendo a bajar a ver como esta ahora con el tema de la construcción. ¿Levanta cabeza o no?

P.D: Me echaron hasta de MDK por inactividad, lo mismo aprovecho y pruebo terran.

1 respuesta

#5890 Yo sigo jugando en miller terran, si quieres agregame: juejjjj

1 respuesta

La verdad que he durado poco de terran, me he vuelto a vanu mas que nada por todo lo que tengo ya subido :P #5891


puedes regresar a MDK cuando quieras lo único es que cada medio año o así hacemos una limpieza de todos los que llevan siglos sin conectarse

1 respuesta

#5893 Ya he vuelto, gracias de todas formas :)


Buenas, estoy pensando en volver después de varios años sin tocarlo e imagino que el estado actual del juego ni se parecerá a la release inicial del juego.

¿Alguien me puede decir qué es lo que más ha cambiado desde entonces? ¿Vale la pena volver?

1 respuesta

#5895 ¿lo que mas a cambiado? ¿desde la release? nuevos vehículos, nuevas armas, re balanceo de armas, cambio en el sistema de recursos para sacar veiculos, un nuevo continente, un par de re ediciones de los continentes antiguos, cambios en el sistema de adllacencia de bases, sistema de construcción de bases, cambio de la compañia que lo lleva de SOE a DBGC, implantes.... joder pensándolo en retrospectiva ha cambiado bastante, te recomiendo que entres a echarle un vistazo

2 respuestas

#5896 Gracias. Voy a darle una segunda oportunidad..


Yo ahora mismo si me pongo de medico farmeo certs a un ritmo brutal, el doble que hace 2-3 de años cuando jugaba.


Yo entro de nuevo cada x meses y siempre hay cosas cambiadas, bases sobretodo, no me quiero imaginar despues de años.


Ya voy mentalizado que será como empezar de 0 otra vez xD

Aún hay clanes/grupos españoles??

2 respuestas

#5900 están los MDK en Vanu, y los ES en TR en Miller.

Aunque yo personalmente me metí a ELME y tiro de inglés


#5900 Los vanu Mandrake, terran escuadron de las sombras y nc the furious sheep


#5896 Por cierto, qué pasó que cambiaron de empresa?

1 respuesta

#5903 nada en especial, Sony decidió vender soe a otra empresa ( parte de un holding de inversión) por que no le daría suficientes ganancias o por que les dio un vahio xD lo malo que perdimos el eqnext y que yo creo que van a quemar los juegos que ya tenía soe en marcha y luego a chapar la empresa.


Por lo demás, casi todos los empleados actuales de DBG son ex-empleados de SOE.

4 meses después

Hay alguien que le siga dando a esto?


Somos varias brigadas españolas todas en el servidor miler


y una el cobalt XD


Yo jugaba en miler con los rojos, pero hace mil que no juego. Hay algún sitio donde pueda ver las novedades o así?

27 días después

¿Cuanta población tiene actualmente? En Steam amrcasiempre 2000 personas y me echa para atras volver.

1 respuesta