Ragnarok Online 2: LotS - (NA) + Transferencia de personajes a versión Europea


donde carajo se canjea el codigo, cuando inicias sesion con warpportal no hay ningun sitio donde ponerlo xD

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Vaya troll el Kiba hahaha


#976 para las instancias no h tenido ningun problema solo ponerme en la puerta del dungeon y pedir party como mucho he tenido que cambir de canal.

#988 es que las dungeon se wipean por dño y la siguiente instancia a pociones la veo muy dura.... a no ser que el mago se haga de suport

#991 supongo que en la cuenta habra una seccion de canjear codigos.

a mi me han aparecido 200 puntos en mi cuenta del ro2 y el requiem ¿es eso normal?

#995 tambien tengo cuenta del requiem, en sus momento era bastante chulo, el caso es que me ha aparecido en las 2 cuentas.

#996 yo me he hecho un priest pero mujer ¿tambien soy hombre?

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En fin, he dropeado al puto Acolito xD y me he hecho un Mago :qq: ahora si... ahora si que se juega bien xD

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#993 Requiem?

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#994 No seras un hombre de verdad hasta que no te subes un priest :3

1 2 respuestas

hay hueco en la guild no voy subiendo mal, hago partys y hasta me encuentro gente para las dungeons pero el resto del tiempo es un poco aburrido

#998 silvananandor

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#997 Dime nick

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#996 Lo malo es que iba para Monk, no priest xD

El mago está wapens, además de que puedo tirar para healer tb que no lo sabia ^^


He leido que uno de los mejores equipos es el del Coliseo?
Fact or fake?

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#1000 Es el mejor actualmente


alguien me explica porque no me tira el puto ro2? estuve jugando la beta y despues deje de jugar y ahora que vuelvo, veo que hay que hacer mil historias para poder jugar?...
Tengo creado el grupo de trabajo "Users" y con todas las casillas marcadas...
Entro en la carpeta donde esta instalado el ro2 y aparte de que tengo que poner los permisos porque sino no me deja verla, me pasa lo mismo con el client.
A la hora de iniciar el juego me un error "sting file not found" esta resuelto bajando el archivo y metiendolo en el directorio "Launcher".
Y finalmente me da este error cuando esta sale el mini cuadro del path "El nombre de archivo, el nombre de directorio o la sintaxis de la etiqueta del volumen no son correctos. IP Addr:"
Alguno puede echarme una mano? gracias :/

EDIT: ya lo solucione jeje :)


Señores estan dando las pociones por el tiempo de juego DURANTE el finde semana (Se encuentran en el icono del regalo gordo, en la pestaña evento), se supone que nuestros pjs > lvl 30 obtendran el titulo sin necesidad de usar estas pociones. Se supone, recomiendo no usarlas aun.

Recordar no cojer las pociones, la pestaña evento es compartida por todos los personajes, las pociones no se pueden tradear ni vender ni nada.


Han metido cositas nuevas? Yo no veo el contador de tiempo :S




Aprovechad que hacen el cambio en una hora.


Mantenimiento por el parche nuevo.

Muchas cosillas cambian y otras nuevas :D

1. Kafra Shop (New Items)

A. VIP Package (New Spore Name Tag)

B. Premium Mount Box III

C. Munil’s Costume Random Box II

D. Munil’s Accessory Random box III

E. Red Footed Tortoise

F. Guardian Rune

G. Acc. Fusion Tablet

H. Costume Fusion Tablet

I. Rune Maintain Slate

J. Appearance Maintain Slate

K. Card Designated Synthesis

L. Card Designated Synthesis Bundle

M. Phantom Pyramid 3rd, 6th, 7th Floor rewards are being changed.

i. 3rd Floor Reward: Memorable RO Prop Box I -> Memorable RO Prop Box II

ii. 6th Floor Reward: FoxWolf Random Box -> Ali Baba Random Box

iii. 7th Floor Reward: Phantom Cape -> Hero Cape

2. Area

A. [Bug Fix] Monsters behind pillar not able to attack the character in Secret Forest Tomb has been fixed

B. Characters able to go through the map from lake in Western Mjolnir Mountain area has been fixed

  1. Quest

A. Union Quests have been added

  1. System

A. Daily Reward System has been added

i. 1st day reward: Wind Elixir

ii. 2nd day reward: Red Potion(VI)

iii. 3rd day reward: Spinel Purple Potion

iv. 4th day reward: Speed Elixir

v. 5th day reward: Heavenly Sausage

B. Hourly Reward System has been added

i. 1 Hour Reward: Explorer’s Red Potion

ii. 2 Hours Reward: Spinel Repair Kit

iii. 3 Hours Reward: Screw Fin Cocktail

  1. Icon to distinguish Male/Female items

A. Mushroom Hat (Female)

B. Mushroom Hat (Male)

C. Mushroom Costume (Female)

D. Mushroom Costume (Male)

E. Recruit Hat (Female)

F. Recruit Hat (Malt)

G. Recruit Costume (Female)

H. Recruit Costume (Male)

  1. Monthly Costume

A. Additional Stats for monthly costume will be transferred from ‘Recruit’, ‘Tuxedo/Wedding Dress’ to ‘Goth Guy’ and ‘Goth Girl’ Set

B. Set effect for Alibaba set items (+10 STR/AGI/WIS/INt/VIT, +30% item drop – when equipped both hat and costume)

C. Set effect for Goth Guy/Goth Girl set items (+5 STR/AGI/WIS/INt/VIT – when equipped both hat and costume)

E. The may special costumes will retain permanently those bonus stats, this was not the intended design, but due to oversight with the description it is necessary to maintain fairness to players who purchased them.

Upon further investigation I have found some distressing news... We never meant to misrepresent the title nor the costumes. We honestly always intended these changes, and never should the title even been viewable before distribution, when I checked prior it wasn't showing up in the list. We never wanted the stats of the title to be a "bait" for participation, rather it was meant to be a something special for the thousands of players that took up that moderate challenge of getting to 30 in our opening month.

It was not meant to turn what a joyous distribution of these titles being into a community mess because information that wasn't meant to exist yet was shared unwittingly with you. But I do accept responsibility as it is our job to do the final check and make sure you are not unwittingly harmed, and to do right by you.

We will be keeping the stats on the Tux, Wedding dress and recruit outfit for now. And the next set will have the stats more clearly labeled to expire at specific time.

The Title will get upgraded a bit, but cannot be the 30 to all, that would wrap all the gameplay around that title invalidating any other title forever, and be unattainable for future players. I am requesting +12 to all with +16 to Vit for the FOunder title.

Still discussing with dev team to continue to improve the situation, this particular set of circumstances, especially the title, caught us flat footed because it was supposed to ever be known what the stats were and certainly shouldn't have displayed huge numbers like that. But it did, and now we are in fix it mode rather than sleep and prepare for a busy patch mode.
It is obvious that we couldn't just leave it like it was, unless we truly just didn't care, which we've put far to much of ourselves in this and spent to much time with the community and games in general to stop caring when we have some sort of option to fight for.
So please give us a little patience, let us try to stave off this change a bit and let us move forward positively.

And my last post before 30 minute nap shower and back to office.

Title item: will get a level restriction of 40. The title itself will keep stats you all saw in the window. So consume the title item NOW to avoid the lvl restriction.

The costumes, will remain as is permanently.

In the end we made a mistake in oversight weeks ago, and we are doing all we can now to make it right.


Pues al Tuxedo y al Weding le quitan los stats creo o eso he leido... menos mal que aun no he comprado el mio


Locuraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa millones de cosas, la gente vendiendo sus items de kafra desfasados XD


Me da fallo al updatear le pasa a alguien mas???

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#1009 a mi tmb m falla al updatear... :(


Go to C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Ragnarok Online 2
Open MD5FileList.txt with Notepad, select all the text, and delete it.
Save the now-empty MD5FileList.txt.
Right-click MD5FileList.txt, go to Properties, and check off Attributes: Read-only, then hit Apply and OK.
Delete the other MD5 file in your RO2 folder -- it'll either be MD5FileList.txt_tmp, or some .bin file whose exact name I can't remember.
Run RO2Client.exe.

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#1011 Ya esta!!! Gracias!



Aqui explican las unions


evento? puf no llego :_(


Buenas, si estais buscando guild española, os invito a la nuestra. Queremos gente lvl 50 porque estamos montando ya raids, asi que si estais a puntito de subir o recien subidos al 50, wispeadme in game y lo hablamos.

La guild esta a lvl 2, a punto de subir al 3.

Ingame podeis wispearme a Skarten o a Yanay.

Un saludo !

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#1015 Este es territorio de la guild de MV!!


Chiquita petada no?

Edit: Ya esta up.


Alguien sabe como va el tema de las dailies de las union ? porque a mi las quests de dungeon hace 2 días que no me aparecen u.u

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Pero ya las has completado?

Alomejor las cojistes el primer dia y las tienes ocultas y aun no las has echo


Sisi, las complete todas, y las de dungeon no se me han reseteado aun