Revelation Online #HO


Tampoco tiene canales instanciados como pasa últimamente en algunos mmo's?

PeteKander ha confirmado que el juego será F2P para rusia, y teniendo en cuenta que es su marca subsidiaria en NA/EU, es más que posible que también lo vaya a ser para estas dos zonas.

Otra información de la versión rusa (y muy posiblemente de las otras dos):

-Officially the game will be called Revelation, not Revelation Online.
-The game will be free 2 play.
-Revelation has a unique system of “closeness”, that unlocks a marriage ceremony for 2 players at level 3 of friendship. will be turning off the ability for same-sex marriage in the game in accordance with Russia’s laws.
-There is currently a brand new 7th class in development.
-The RU version of the game (and probably NA/EU as well) will only be 1 or 2 patches behind, not too much, and will be trying to close the gap as much as possible.
-150 player cap in guilds, guild alliances available for up to 3 guilds. Both these numbers may vary for our versions, depending on the feedback.
-The game is well optimized for big open world battles.
-The player can level all the way to cap through only doing the story questline, and low level dungeons for gear and some exp. No grinding necessary.
-There will be a reward system for logging in and doing various things around the game that will reward the player with gifts.
-Recruit a friend program will be available, for recruiting over 10 friends into the game the player will be given some bonuses in regards to guilds. More perks for recruiting more people than 10 are currently being discussed.
-Content creators such as streamers, video makers, guide writers, bloggers, etc., all have a higher chance of getting a beta key, as the company is prioritizing people who can create the community and promote the game, as well as report bugs.
-No official beta date yet, aside from Fall 2016.
-Revelation has 3 settings of gameplay: click-to-move Lineage 2-like, WASD tab targeting World of Warcraft like, and non-targeting TERA-like. The player can choose which one suits them better and switch between them whenever.
-No plans so far to add more playable races.
-The world of Revelation is massive and non-instanced, which means there are no loading screens between switching zones.
-The publishers will be supporting and endorsing streamers and content creators that help the community and the game.

8 días después
Hachu muestra un par de skills del Blade Master.


y aqui uno jugando en el server chino y probando el nuevo parche en ingles

p.d: si alguno sabe de donde se descarga el parche ponerlo por aqui, que alguno lo agradecera.

1 respuesta

#34 Que mal me cae LazyPeon.
Humor forzado, criticas sin sentido y muchas veces parece que no tiene ni idea

Lo peor es que mucha gente lo usa como referencia .....*sigh


Entrevista exclusiva a Fabien Alexandre (productor NA/EU) de parte de Eterna Gaming

[b]E.G[/b]: Thank you for joining us today Fabien, I appreciate the time you took to answer our questions, and I know there were many.

 [b] E.G:[/b] So first question, and I thought I might as well go with the question every person is wanting to know. Will Revelation Online in North America be Pay To Win? How are you looking to prevent players from claiming this term on this game?

F.A: P2W is a term that gets used very freely since it’s not always very well defined. Any game with an in-game or premium shop runs the risk to be labeled with it. We are currently planning to only have offerings for convenience, progress and cosmetic purposes. Since best in slot items will be craftable, the premium shop will not sell that one golden revolver for your Gunslinger that will carry you to the top of the damage meters. It is also connected to the larger decision that involves our full business model, we aren’t ready to detail it in full today.

Fabien Alexandre
 [b]E.G:[/b] Alright, now that the hard question is out of the way, how are you guys going to be releasing the North American version? Will it be regularly updated (Monthly) or the most caught up version?

We are planning to apply our own streamlining updates on regular intervals. Updates that will bring the latest content that was released by our partners at NetEase will have to re-evaluated to be suitable for our market, localized and tested. This will take up to several weeks.

Fabien Alexandre

 [b]E.G:[/b] We’ve seen in the Chinese version that the server list is quite large – any estimation on what we should expect for our servers?

We are very pleased with our sign-ups for the Beta, but the CBT phase will be crucial to determine our final server plan

Fabien Alexandre
[b] EG[/b]: Will the community have a chance in naming the servers?

We are not planning on this.

Fabien Alexandre
[b]E.G[/b]: Speaking of servers, will there be East and West coast servers, or just Central servers?

This will also be determined after our first Beta tests. We need to get more information about performance.

Fabien Alexandre
[b]E.G[/b]: Will there be an IP block for some other countries? If so which ones?

There are currently no IP blocks planned.

Fabien Alexandre
[b]EG:[/b] Are we getting custom content for the North American version of the game? By that I mean, will we get content, perhaps even cosmetics, that are not available in the original version of the game?

We are actively discussing the possibilities with NetEase, we are working very closely with the development team. But to manage expectations, this would indeed be limited to cosmetics for the time being.

Fabien Alexandre

 [b]E.G[/b]: On the podcast from June 21st with Imba Shadow and Dmitriy Plohov, it mentioned that marriage is restricted to male/female characters–at least for the Russian localization. Will this apply to NA/EU also?


Fabien Alexandre
[b]E.G[/b]: Will people be able to stream CBT content or will there be an NDA?

The first tests during in the testing phase will be under NDA, but in later stages when we open up to a bigger group, still during CBT, we won’t have an NDA in place.

Fabien Alexandre
 [b] E.G[/b]: Is our version going to be using the same gold to cash shop currency conversion system? If so will this allow players to spend cash and turn it into gold?

This is interwoven with our choice of Business model. Unfortunately, at this point in time we are not ready to reveal more information.

Fabien Alexandre
  [b] E.G[/b]: Considering NA/EU are very active in PVP in most games, will you be changing any aspects of PVP, like the timers or penalties? Will you consider removing the timing restrictions?

We have no intention of ignoring what made the game a success in China. We will review case by case where it makes sense to westernize systems. We are not changing the offer of PvP or its mechanics initially.

Fabien Alexandre

   [b] E.G[/b]: Will have any form of content control over the North American version of the game, or rather will have much influence over changes that may better the Western version? is not only publishing the game but also actively discussing the development with NetEase. Both parties are very aware that players don’t expect the same things globally. But simply put, we will need player driven data to change content. The initial launch offer is going to be a fully featured MMO with a wealth of quality content to explore, we will monitor it from there.

Fabien Alexandre
  [b]E.G[/b]: How many raids available at release?

We are intending to release the current version of Revelation Online which contains four raids.

Fabien Alexandre
   [b]E.G[/b]: Will we be getting 1v1/3v3/5v5 arenas equalized? Are you planning to endorse or host community tournaments to help the PvP scene flourish?

PvP was designed to be no less important experience in the game than PvE, there are lots of exciting end-game PvP modes and activities, such as: duels, battlegrounds, arena seasons, special PvPvE zones etc. We expect players will love the chaotic massive castle sieges you highlighted or like to organize in Guilds and construct their own fortresses and challenge the best Guilds from other servers. But the smaller scale PvP will indeed be the most feasible mode to promote through community tournaments.

Fabien Alexandre
   [b]E.G[/b]: How do you plan on competing with against long standing western MMOs that dominate the market? What is this game doing tremendously different?

Revelation Online will offer a lot of content at launch and the focus lays on the quality of the content. The story driven adventures, the freedom of flying and the game expansive quest system provide for a fun ride. The elaborate PvP features and interesting Guild mechanics will make your experience a unique one, for sure!

Fabien Alexandre
   [b] E.G[/b]: Will you keep the crafting system as it is or are you planing to change it in some way, as most NA/EU players don’t like stamina-like systems?

With multiple gathering and crafting professions Revelation will cater to players who like to create. Especially knowing that what they create will be easily tradable through Auction Houses or player driven shops. These items will take effort to create but will be top tier items in the game. We are not planning to make changes to these systems initially.

    [b]E.G[/b]: Will listen to players feedbacks and complains and resolve it as soon as you can? You are ok with transparency?

This is where we can make a difference. With Armored Warfare we have grown the experience of working with player feedback. We are able to translate the voice of the community into workable parameters for developers. This is also something that matters to NetEase since this is their first indigenous developed game published in Western regions.

Fabien Alexandre
      [b]E.G[/b]: In the Chinese version of the game, there are active Game Masters (GMs) available in game – will our version have the same support system?

Our CM’s and Game Masters will definitely be active and provide local support and host local events. They will also need to monitor, analyze and eventually combat less pleasing player behavior.

Fabien Alexandre
       [b]E.G[/b]: Will there be a VIP membership (Optional subscription)?

Again this is unfortunately tied to the business model question.

Fabien Alexandre
      [b] E.G[/b]: As for the last question, I’m hoping that we’ll get something more juicy. Though Fall is an extremely vague answer, have you guys narrowed down between September – December which months the game may launch its CBT?

[quote= Fabien Alexandre]I understand the question, but at this point we don’t want to make any empty promises. We have targeted fall for testing and we are hard at work to give our test group a solid game to test and help improve for the bigger groups to follow into the game.[/quote]



Me sorprendería que algún día un publisher o desarrolador contestara con un sí a la pregunta de si es pay2win o no.

1 respuesta


jajajaja eso es una utopia,no lo veran tus ojos...

Esperemos a ver como resulta el server EU , si no saliera bien podiamos probar el server chino (por eso preguntaba lo del parche en ingles) ya que un conocido mio lo probo antes de que saliera el parche a ver si le funcionaba bien y le iba muy fluido,casi como si jugara aqui al lado.


#38 Pues tu amigo tenia suerte o VPN o algo raro, yo soy de al lado de BCN y he probado el servidor chino y no bajo de los 300350 de Ping. Pero si puedo decir que el juego tiene muy buena pinta ^^


Nuevos videos , esta vez del swordmage:

Revelation Online

Combat Style
Swordmages use ranged magic damage, specializing in area of effect spells. They invest all of their energy in elemental magic, leaving them relatively weak and vulnerable to focussed attacks.
Be sure to sign up for beta:

The Swordmages wield the power of the elements. During the era of the Five Emperors, the Green Emperor ascended the Jade Peak, where he taught man the principles of elemental magic.

Be sure to sign up for beta:

p.d: sry por ponerlo asi, pero no se como linkar los videos del FB aqui


Trailer mostrando las clases:


Para el que quiera echar un vistazo han mejorado la web:

12 días después



Habitaciones a lomos de una tortuga gigante con un piso que tendrá la función de HUB. [/center]

  The concept here is that at level 40, players will travel to said giant turtle and purchase an apartment of their own. There’s a common area on the bottom floor  where characters can socialize, with the instanced apartments accessible off of that room. Players can also port right to their room from anywhere in the world and invite friends to come over to check out their creation.

    These apartments can be fully decorated with over 160 different types of furniture and come in two wildly different themes. Some of this furniture can be crafted through the profession systems in the game and some will even be rewarded for completing quests. Players will get the freedom to arrange the furniture but also can create different spaces for a walk-in closet, a bedroom and even a bath with a spa.

  Players don’t have to enjoy all of this on their own, they can give the key to five of their friends and they can port to the apartment from any location in Nuanor. Some of the decorative belongings are interactive: the heroes can comfortably relax on the couch or in a chair, take a bath or try on a suit in the spacious closet. Some interactivity will be available to the guests, but will only be fully unlocked to the player’s spouse. The number of objects to use in the apartment will increase in the future and owners can expect to get a garden, pets and staff to help around the apartment. Revelation Online News

KONRA = p2w confirmed.

2 respuestas

#45 Argumenta.
Allods no me vale. Ya han demostrado que saben hacer las cosas bien con Armored Warfare e ir con pies de plomo con Skyforge.

1 respuesta

#46 porque no te vale allods?

1 respuesta

#47 Porque allods tiene 5-6 años. Ademas de que es antes de que adoptase el nombre de en el 2012 y empezase a dejar de lado su pasado judio.


En armored warfare no lo estan haciendo nada mal



Parece que duele que hayan hecho el BDO p2w y has venido a meter la mierda que no quieres en el hilo a los otros

1 respuesta

#50 te equivocas, ojala no sea p2w para jugarlo.

1 respuesta

#51 En ese caso me he equivocado, mis disculpas. Y si, ojalá no sea p2w


Se sabe cuando sacaran la beta en el ruso?


aun no ha habido ninguna asociacion de padres americanos que haya denunciado a uno de estos juegos por producir epilepsia?, luces por todos lados parpadeantes.

1 respuesta

#54 Es peor lo de las películas de ciencia ficción. Lucecitas blancas y azuladas por todos los lados xD


Al parecer se puede jugar en el chino sin necesidad de vpn ni leches, el tio random lo explica


Espero que no la cague con este porque tiene buena pinta.

Yo jugue 6 meses al Skyforge cuando salio y el P2W inicial era poca cosa pasaron los meses, sacaban contenido y cada vez era peor al llegar al punto que en el primer evento del jefe final mechanoid o lo matabas con exploit de godform o tenias que tener a varios P2W en la raid porque a fuerza bruta no habia suficiente dps para tirarlo.

16 días después


      Revelation Online offers a vast range of possibilities to make a truly mighty hero! It’s not enough to simply obtain the maximum level and pick up a good set of equipment. This game offers a very deep development system that enables you to optimize character stats in line with the challenges you face.

       Today we’re going to focus on the following forms of development:
    - Experience and new levels
    - Guild Bonuses
    - Development Options (builds)
    - Talents for each of the skills
    - Special Skills
    - Milestones
    - Soul Grid

Experience and new Levels.

     Players can expect a fascinating journey from level one to the maximum level. Complete quests, watch storyline cut scenes, explore dungeons and battle against other players — all of this will gain your hero valuable experience and progression to the next level. Soaking it in at the Hot Springs or training with a mentor are also great ways to rack up experience points.
     In Revelation Online, you have total control of the speed of your hero's development. Starting from level 40, your character will not automatically move to the next level. Instead, when your experience is sufficient you can decide for yourself when to move to the next level and when to wait, collecting suitable weapons & equipment or improving battle skills.

Guild Bonuses

Developing your guild base also develops your character. In exchange for special guild resources, you can train your character's special skills and upgrade their stats: defenses, resistances, maximum health, maximum mana, attack power, spell power and healing power.
To this end, the guild leader creates a special building. Apart from upgrading character stats, it also provides access to various other opportunities. For example, it enables you to explore skills that your character can use to move around the world.

Development Options (Builds)

Level up to unlock new skills. By investing development points into each of them, you can create unique builds for different situations. The game allows you to save several builds at the same time and switch between them as necessary. For example, you can invest your points in different skills, some more suitable for PvP and others for PvE, then simply save both combinations and use them interchangeably.

Talents for each of the skills

All skills have their own development tree — a range of additional modifying talents. These talents can increase inflicted damage, reduce mana consumption, burn or freeze targets, and more, allowing you to create a truly unique build, selecting the most effective combinations. The higher your character's level and the more milestones you unlock — the more talent points become available to you. You can get them by spending experience points and Asterion Taels, earned by completing quests and killing monsters.

Special Skills

Special skills are super abilities unique to each class that become available as a fight progresses.
The more often your character uses their special skills, the more powerful they become. Use these skills at every opportunity and their level and efficiency will grow. You can also spend points earned from guild quests to hone your special skills at the guild base via a special NPC. In this case your special skills level will grow passively, sparring you a few visits to the base.

Each special skill has a development tree. Activate a branch to imbue your skills with special properties. For example, you can modify one of the Spirit Shaper healing skills to also confer an armor boost. To modify special skills, you will need special items from PvP, PvE, or completing dungeons.


All characters have 6 milestones, each of which provides a whole range of bonuses: Stat boosts, aerial skills, an increase in maximum health and attack power, unique class mounts, and much more. There are different requirements for achieving each milestone, but most are linked to character development: Reaching a certain level, using talent points and stats, improving your special skills, and so on. Those who carefully progress through plot quests can obtain a special item that they can use to activate each milestone.

Soul Grid

The Soul Grid is a special disc, into the center of which you can insert magic crystals. The better the quality of the disc, the more slots it has. By inserting different combinations of precious stones, you can activate passive bonuses that boost character stats, increase resistances, or bolster your healing capabilities. Change the combination of crystals to achieve different objectives when required.
This is just a brief guide on the opportunities available to heroes in the world of Revelation Online! In a future article we will go into more detail about the different aspects of character development and game mechanics.

Fuente: My.Com


Yo me apunte a la beta... a ver si me toca y llega pronto :D
