[SWTOR] 1.2 patch trailer


Os dejo un video con avances de contenido del parche 1.2, que por lo visto se retrasa hasta Abril


Curioso ver un sith warrior usando la llamarada del bounty hunter, será que dependiendo de los parentescos en el legacy puedas aprender una u otra habilidad? veremos.


Te la meto.

1 respuesta

#2 gracias! tambien he encontrado información sobre la Trial del swtor http://www.swtor.com/news/news-article/20120305

+INFO confirmado en twiter que las dual spec vienen el el parche 1.2 :D https://twitter.com/#!/SWTOR/status/176987167199989761




Tiene una muy buena pinta


pinta de escandalo el parche nuevo, aunque son cosas que ya podrian haber puesto en la release


al fin valdra la pena el nightmare (o eso espero)


Novedades de la 1.2 tras levantarse el NDA del Guild Summit




    Note: All of the values will likely be retooled or changed before the 1.2 patch roll out. Everything here should be treated as such until the final values are updated. Values with * may be incorrect. All species unlocks can be unlocked by getting to 50 with a character of that species.
    Chiss – Unlockable for 1.5 million credits, legacy level 8
    Cyborg – Unlockable for 500,000* credits, legacy level 8
    Human – Unlockable for 500,000* credits, legacy level 8
    Miraluka – Unlockable for 1.5 million credits, legacy level 8
    Mirialan – Unlockable for 1.5 million credits , legacy level 8
    Rattataki – Unlockable for 1.5 million credits , legacy level 8
    Sith Pureblood – Unlockable for 1.5 million credits , legacy level 8
    Twilek – Unlockable for 1.5 million credits , legacy level 8
    Zabrak – Unlockable for 500,000* credits , legacy level 8


    Legacy of Sacrifice – Grants the use of the sacrifice ability to all characters. Injures your companion to instantly heal yourself. Requires level 50, Dark V, 250,000 credits, legacy level 10
    Legacy of Unity – Grants the use of the unity ability to all characters. Unity reduces damage to you and your companion for a short duration. Requires level 50, Light V, 250,000 credits, legacy level 10
    Legacy of Equilibrium – Grants the use of the equilibrium ability to all characters. Equilibrium increases damage and healing by you and your companion for a short duration. Requires level 50, neutral, 250,000 credits, legacy level 10

[u]Ship Unlocks:[/u]

    Mailbox – Unlockable for 250,000 credits, legacy level 10
    Repair Droid – Unlockable for 1 million credits, legacy level 8
    Operation Training Dummy – Unlockable for 250,000 credits, legacy level 10
    Warzone Training Dummy – Unlockable for 250,000 credits, legacy level 10, valor rank required
    Black Market Trade Terminal – Unlockable for 5 million credits, legacy level 35


    Legacy of Combat: Punch – Unlocks the unarmed combat function. Unlockable for 10,000 credits, legacy level 5, Valor rank level 5
    Legacy of Combat: Jab – Unlockable for 15,000 credits, legacy level 8, valor rank 10
    Legacy of Combat: Uppercut – Unlockable for 20,000 credits, legacy level 10,valor rank 15
    Legacy of Combat: Bash – Unlockable for 25,000 credits, legacy level 15,valor rank 25


    Legacy Fleet Pass – Cuts down the time of the use of Fleet Pass by increments of one hour for each of the levels. There are three levels to it and are unlockable for increments of 50,000 credits, 5 legacy levels (5, 10, 15)
    Legacy Quick Travel – Same as the above except that it is cut down by one minute each level instead.
    Rocket Boost – Short duration speed increase. Unlockable for 5 million credits, legacy level 20

[u]Achievement Mission Terminals :[/u]

    Several Achievement Mission Terminals are located in fleets of the two factions that now unlock achievement rewards for doing certain flashpoints, operations, etc.
    These feats require boss kills and more to unlock special speeder skins/colors.


[u]Novare Coast[/u]

    Novare Coast is a majority control Warzone that pits two sides against each other
    In order to win, a team will have to control two of the three turret control panels to damage the shielding opposing side’s base
    If interrupted, players can also continue the progress where they left off if they are able to get back to the panel before the other side proceeds to capture it in the other direction
    The capture mechanic works almost like a tug of war centered on the points.

Interview with Georg Zoeller:


    We’re not completely happy with the speed of some of the Operation’s fixes.
    We know there are a lot of pain points, especially in Eternity Vault with Soa.
    We now have a very senior team now dedicated specifically to going through all the Operations to make sure that every single report is verified and fixed
    Bugs: there is a dedicated team now dealing with these things and that should hopefully bring the response times more into a realm that we are happy with.
    There is a lot more interaction between the core combat, the balance team, and the Operations design team at this point.
    There are some pain points with area healing in Operations that we are addressing on the class side

[b]Class Balance / Buffs / Nerfs:[/b]

    Bounty Hunter Mercenary healers or Scoundrel healers: we bolstered their area healing capability with some nice quality of life changes to make their healing output more predictable and overall comfortable to play
    We did some improvement on the Sage and the Sorcerer as well, but we also identified some bugs/exploits that we fixed that caused the class to over-perform.
    Nerfs: it’s obviously controversial if we decide we have to nerf something. I don’t expect people to throw us a parade. Ultimately, people are going to be very unhappy.
    There is the small-minded approach of “so many people play Sorcerer, BioWare is never going to touch them.” No, that is not how it works.
    So we did some changes there to rebalance that particular tree to move a bit out of the Tracer Missile, and require you to be more active in your combat style to achieve that kind of effect. You can call that a nerf. I call that housekeeping.

No me apetece traducir que es enorme


Voy a preparar un post para la 1.2 como toca (like 1.1). Merci por la info Soltrac :D.

La 1.2 pinta estupendamente.


Pero han arreglado ya lo del lag en las habilidades?

1 respuesta

#10 hace cuanto no juegas? xD eso lleva ya un mes arreglado...

1 respuesta

#11 No esta aun fixeado del todo, pero el apaño que pusieron era considerable si tenemos en cuenta el lamentable rendimiento que sufrían algunas personas con dual cores.

Estará bien saber que optimizaran en este big patch =).


una duda.entonces en el 1.2 no aplican el sistema de rangos para pvp no?

1 respuesta

#13 Lo que he posteado no es todo, solo es una parte. En la 1.2 empieza la preseason y hay WZ ranked y no ranked.


sigue sin haber fecha oficial? tendrian que haberlo puesto antes del 21 de este mes que es cuando toca renovar y va a haber la desbandada..

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