[SWTOR] Star Wars: The Old Republic - Legacy 1.2


La cuestión es quejarse, meten un parche de la ostia y estáis aquí muchos diciendo estupideces. A mi me parece que mejora el swtor una salvajada.

Si siguen currándoselo mucha gente va a volver.

1 comentario moderado

El hilo va del parche no de las opiniones personales, para eso tenéis otros hilos en este mismo foro.


Añado una cosa interesante y no tanta crítica:



bueno yo aun lo tengo pagado.. asike xD


I have discovered the UI dialog blocking or lag is gone on the PTS 1.2 environment. I was skeptical at first thinking it could be my character being a brand new lvl 1 with no gear or inventory, but when compared directly to the behavior in 1.1.5 on the same machine, same basic starting character, the fix is apparent.

No lag or FPS drop whatsoever with the inventory or character screens!

Just to clarify, this is the behavior that manifests itself when you bring up your inventory or character dialog while walking (or even not). In the current stable release, there is a very noticeable and annoying delay that blocks all screen updating and user input when bringing up a UI dialog.

Good job BioWare, this is a massive step forward. I predict at least 10-15% better FPS in warzones and just less UI blocking/hitching overall as a result of this fix, assuming the core fix was making the UI run more optimally in general. You've kept me onboard for now.

Demasiado tarde?

1 respuesta

#36 No para los que tenemos paciencia y ganas de disfrutar sin hacer QQ en foros xD.


Vengo de probar el PTS de forma exhausta, he alcanzado el nivel 30 y creo que es suficiente... pretendía subir al 50, pero es un poco enfermizo, por que tengo claro que cuando la 1.2 salga en el live, me subiré un personaje o todos xD.

Lo único que saco en claro por ahora de este parche es que BioWare al menos esta escuchando a la gente en los foros y en los blogs y esta tomando acciones y mostrando que nos hacen caso. Se que es su deber como vendedores para mantener unos clientes contentos, pero aun que parezca mentira las desarrolladoras de MMO's sudan bastante de sus clientes xD. Así que al menos Bio demuestra que aun le queda camino, pero que no es Funcom ni mucho menos.

Me gustaría preparar en detalle una review de lo que he probado todo este fin de semana, la verdad es que estoy bastante contento... decisiones muy acertadas y notables cambios es a priori lo principal.

Una mejora gráfica en los modelos HD, muy necesaria y realmente visible. Interfaz mejorada y con capacidad para ser personalizada es de las primeras cosas que resaltan junto con los modelos HD, así mismo también se nota que han metido mano en el combate, animaciones, velocidades y partículas.

Opciones nuevas como el match to chest, el cual funciona de maravilla y mejor de lo que yo me esperaba. Por ejemplo las primeras botas que te dan con el BH, cambia de color totalmente, exceptuando la parte blanca, para que quede perfectamente adaptado con los colores de tu pechera, algo bastante logrado.

El plato fuerte sin duda vendrá siendo el PVP y la nueva WZ, la cual, me ha encantado. Es rápida, muy rápida, te pone en combate en un momento y francamente es divertida.

Por lo demás aun es pronto para entrar a valorar, pero sin duda este parche es un boost para el juego considerable, no es el patch mágico que vaya a convertir el Swtor en el MMO definitivo, pero sin duda es este el camino a seguir para que sea un buen juego. Que sigan así.

1 respuesta


La animación del ataque aún no iba ni por la mitad que ya le faltaba la vida al mob, eso esta arreglado?

Para mi es algo muy molesto que le resta realidad al juego



post de gente afirmando que los problemas de fps se han ido..

1 respuesta

#40 Yo lo único que se, que con todas las opciones gráficas, incluidas sombras y vsync, además de la nueva opción de modelos en HD, estaba sacando entre 80-100 fps constantes, amen de que la interfaz responde como toca.

Esperemos que no sea cosa del PTS y en el LIVE siga igual.

1 respuesta

swtor strikes back! mola que se lo sigan currando me estoy pensando en volver y todo


#41 que dios te escuche stum, pinta genial este parche han echo el sistema perfecto para que no te canses nunca de subirte alters, a ver que más ideas tienen bajo la chistera


No hay forma de copiar el char al pts no? toca empezar de cero?
#45 Gracias, pues vaya espero que metan la opción próximamente.

1 respuesta

#44 Se puede siempre y cuando te apuntes con tu guild, y ellos te cojan. Pero en plan mi personaje al 50, no, tristemente.

#44 Hombre, como hagan igual que hicieron con el patch 1.1, no creo que de ni tiempo xD. El primer patch duro 2 semanas en el PTS y luego ya salió al live. Aquí han dicho que el 1.2 saldrá a principios de abril, atando cabos, otras 2 semanas.

1 respuesta

Este juego lo tienen pensado en sacarlo en español ?

2 respuestas

#46 Hombre, me imagino que quizás a la larga

1 respuesta

#47 #46 Yo lo veo poco probable, por que los primeros en irse del juego han sido los hurrpa durrpa españoles, y la mayor parte de la gente es de paises de Europa muy variados... así que mucho tiene que cambiar la cosa para que lo traduzcan.



Como pinta...

1 respuesta

#49 Exacto y la gente en el PTS esta pilladisima, que no saben si los progresos de optimización son una broma o que xDD. Al final será verdad que BioWare tiene a su disposición la increíble cifra de 80 ingenieros trabajando en el engine... Porque la verdad es que la optimización en al 1.2 es un paso adelante destacable.

Todo lo demás estoy muy de acuerdo. Eso si, que nadie espere encontrarse un juego diferente... simplemente, este es el camino a seguir por parte de BioWare. 4 parches como este y ojito.


Since the launch of Star Wars™: The Old Republic™, the Crew Skill system has been incredibly popular. Every week in-game, 52 million items are produced or harvested, 4.5 million item mods are installed and more than 35 million items change hands. Players actively participating in the Crew Skill system are generally better geared and have more credits in the bank than pure consumers.

That said, we still believe the Crew Skills can be made better. Without further ado, here are some of the things you can expect for your profession when Game Update 1.2: Legacy goes live.

Crafting Professions


Characters with the Armormech profession will now be able to learn Aim, Cunning, Shield and Absorb augments schematics, which may be reverse engineered for a chance to research their prototype and artifact variants.

Armormech crafters may now reverse engineer almost any modifiable outfit into an empty custom (orange) shell of the same name and appearance, which may now gain an augment slot when crafted with critical success.


Characters with the Armstech profession will now be able to learn Endurance, Surge, Critical, Accuracy and Power augment schematics, which may be reverse engineered for a chance to research their prototype and artifact variants.

We have also added new schematics to create custom (orange) ranged weapons to the profession and enabled the reverse engineering and researching of vibroknife and shotgun variations. As with Armormech, a critical success while creating a custom weapon may yield an additional augment slot.


As alluded to in a previous blog post, color crystals are seeing some change in Game Update 1.2. We want players to be able to choose their weapon color without having to worry about stats. To this end, we are introducing top-end crystals for all available colors to the game.

Lack of schematics is one of the major concerns we've heard from the community. To address this, we are adding a large number of schematics to the game. This includes elder game crystals as powerful as those found currently found through the highest level of Operations, as well as +Power crystals of various colors.

We have also added mid-level and end game schematics for the creation of the prestigious magenta crystal to the game along with a new exploration activity chain for obtaining them. All magenta crystal schematics have been changed so they can be freely traded via the Galactic Trade Network.

Artifice is also the first profession to gain some dedicated PvP crafting. Players may earn crystal schematics of various colors via PvP, making it the only profession able to create items that offer a permanent expertise bonus at this time. The required materials for these crystals will also be obtained through PvP, creating a closed loop for those players that prefer to only engage in Player versus Player conflict.

Finally, Artificers are now able to create willpower based shields for Sith Assassin and Jedi Shadow tanks and, while crafting Enhancements, gain a bonus item on a successful critical.


With BioChem being in a fairly good spot already, we are not making any major changes to the profession at this time. Some minor changes include producing an additional implant on a crafting critical, reclassifying 'Red Goo' as a Grade 6 Biochemical compound via Bioanalysis Missions and a new, special recipe for the creation of delicious Ice-Scrabbler Jerky...


If your character has the Cybertech profession, you will now be able to sell any of the vehicles you create on the Galactic Trade Network, as we have removed their binding restrictions from the game.

A critical success while crafting grenades now results in double the number of grenades (which also had their cooldown reduced to 3 minutes to allow more frequent use), and a critical success when creating item modifications now yields an additional mod for your efforts.


Players with the Synthweaving profession can now learn schematics allowing the creation of Strength, Willpower, Defense, Alacrity and Presence augments, which may be reverse engineered and researched into their prototype and artifact level variants. As with Armormech, a critical success crafting custom (orange) outfits will add an additional augment slot to the resulting item.

We have also added a number of additional light armor schematics and tweaked the material requirements for some custom (orange) outfits for better balance.

Gathering professions

After reading about augment crafting above, you are probably wondering where these changes leave the Slicing gathering profession, which previously was the only (and very random) source of augments for the game.

With Game Update 1.2, we are changing Augment Slicing missions to become the source of Sliced Tech Parts - the main material component used in the creation of Augments by Synthweaving, Armstech and Armormech crafters. We anticipate these components to be in extremely high demand once the update goes live, and enterprising Slicers should see considerable windfall from selling their wares on the Galactic Trade Network.

Slicing missions completed with a critical success may now occasionally yield premium quality augment schematics.

A large number of additional tweaks have been made to all other gathering professions, including new mission rewards, addition of high end material nodes in end game daily areas and the removal of mission failure from one-time mission discoveries. For a full list of our changes in this area, please look forward to the detailed patch notes that will accompany Game Update 1.2 when it arrives on the Public Test Server.

Reverse engineering and Research

Reverse engineering has shown to be a surprisingly popular mechanic practiced by a large number of our players. With this update, the team has not only significantly increased the chances of successfully researching a new schematic through reverse engineering, but also improved the overall functionality of the reverse engineering system.

For example, you will now see a 'Research Available' indicator in item tooltips while in reverse engineering mode, indicating if a schematic can be researched from an item. The dreaded 'You already know this schematic' message when discovering an already known schematic is also a thing of the past. Instead, players now discover another available schematic in that case, leading to less frustrating and more predictable research advancement.

We have also added new content for both the leveling and end game:

Players with the appropriate professions are now able to reverse engineer random loot items and acquire materials from them - including Operations materials from end game items.
Reverse engineering and research is now available for tier 2 end game items (and will automatically happen if the player wins a 'disassemble' loot in a group).
Mods from tier 2 end game items may now be extracted and researched. However, Armorings that provide a set bonus can only be extracted. They do not yield research schematics.
Modifiable weapons and armor can now be reverse engineered and researched into empty, custom (orange) shells with the same name and appearance, adding a wide variety of new outfits to the game.

Finally, on the topic of everyone's favorite character, the C2-N2 Droid and its Imperial counterpart, the equally charming 2V-R8 Ship Maintenance Droid, I am pleased to publish the following statement from the Republic News Wire:

"The C2 Droid Corporation is proud to announce the development of a new series of Droid sensors for their most popular product, the C2-N2. These sensors may significantly improve the crew skill efficiency and critical success chances of this unit when operated under normal, non combat conditions.
Not the be outdone by their Republic competition, the 2V Droid Corporation has announced a series of sensor updates for their popular 2V-R8 line of Droids. The corporation categorically denies reports that these new sensors may cause increase vocal frequency in the upgraded units!
Both lines of Droids reportedly had their personality matrix updated with an experimental emotion response chip, allowing them to accept gifts and tokens as a show of appreciation from their currently selected master. Crew skill performance of these units will increase upon acceptance of these objects in a way carefully created to simulate the response often associated with the transfer of goods between organics.
In related news, Balmorra Microprocessor Corporation has announced the discovery of a critical engineering flaw in the 'appreciation' subroutine of their bestselling 'Droid Vocal Response Chip' used on almost all ship maintenance droids currently available. The flaw is said to cause excessive expression of appreciation towards owners entering the proximity sensors of their Droids and is likely to blame for the sharp increase in escape pod related incidents around the galaxy over the last two months. A repair and replacement plan for the affected units has been devised and is said to take effect in the immediate future."
The road ahead

The above should give a good idea of what to expect from Game Update 1.2 in regards to Crew Skills and the economy. This is definitely not a complete list of changes and it is by no means the end to our improvement efforts. Game Update 1.2. is just one more step on our continuing journey.

May the Force be with you!

Georg Zoeller
Principal Lead Combat Designer


Los que habeis probado el PTS como funcionan las ranked de grupo? Te apuntas con 8 o pueden ser más?

Es decir, avanzas sólo o avanzas con cada grupo que estés apuntado?


Btw los clanes que están gozando en el PTS del nuevo contenido PVE, dicen que el nivel de dificultad se ha disparado y que incluso con el mejor equipo ahora mismo es un reto de cojones el HM de la nueva flashpoint.

Las mecánicas desde luego molan un rato.


Stum es normal que el un motor NO ACABADO, de ese salto de calidad, cuando algo no se depura , y la gente caga prisas pues leemos cosas como las que leemos a diario, yo me alegro x bioware porque nada vi las notas del pts digo, madre mía pobres programadores xDD


Pues gran noticia.


podrian currarse una wz de naves xdd


http://feature.mmosite.com/swtor/patch_1.2_new_armors.shtml algo de items

1 respuesta

Se podrán comprar cristales blancos en la 1.2 y colores raros?


#57 Joder, que feos

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