VSH: empieza el 2008


Hello Vanguard!

It's been too long since we've talked. Holy smokes it's nice to see you again! You guys have to visit more often and at the very least, please call once in a while to let us know how you're doing. Heck, we never hear from you anymore!

I was driving to work this morning and I was thinking how I was going to wrap up all of the details into a letter that really represented the good work that we're doing right now. The same thoughts I have had for about a week now but haven't carved out the appropriate time to write it down in a consumable format. What I was really doing was over thinking the process. Not to simplify things to the point of having no depth but I think by the time you read down to the bottom, all you really want to know is what we're working on and how does that affect the game, you, your character and your play experience.

"Under Promise and Over Deliver"

This process can be a convoluted progression though (and I have many people here that will back me up on this). "Don't give out dates!" "Don't give out quantities!" "Don't promise anything!" These are the comments that remind me not to stick my head out too far or it will get lopped off. Internally and externally. Holy Smokes, I'm afraid of my own shadow at the moment. I'm afraid that if I promise you the sword of 1,000 lies or potentially a feature that was promised by a previous developer/producer/<fill in the blank>, I will be setting myself up for failure. We all know what happens when promises are made without any thought to implementation. That's why I'm NOT going to tell you a single thing about what we're working on right now. That's right - Nothing! How do you like those apples?

But, if I were to say something, it might look like this....

Update 4

Everyone knows that we just published Update 3 at the end of the year and the next update can only be Update 4 by chronological standards. ...And also, we may have already stated that we've been working on Update 4 so there isn't anything I can take back now and say we aren't working on Update 4. So yes, "I" let the cat out of the bag. Number 4 follows number 3...shhhh!

"Put a stake in the ground"

Seriously though, I made mention that we are working on a few things in a previous post and we are targeting the end of February to publish it live. Maybe I should not have done that but let's be honest about this for a minute... Below, you'll read through some of the items we are working on. If by some unexpected reason one or all of those items are not ready at the end of February, we will publish without it or hold off the update a few more days until it is done right. End of February - We have to have a target or we'll never hit the mark. If we miss the mark, we'll find out why and correct for the next time.

"We're past the point of publishing something that is incomplete"

Bug Fixing

We're making a conscious effort towards bug fixing, polish, and optimizing the game. That's it in a nutshell. Me in a nutshell. Without quantifying, we're spending a good portion of our time fixing bugs, putting polish on the game and increasing performance. Goal for the team is to put out an update every two weeks that contains nothing but these changes. We're targeting to fix a lot of things at one time, each and every time including targeted fixes to increase performance in APW to say the least.

Permanent Flying Mounts

Stolen from the desk of Lead Designer, Salim Grant:

The griffons of Telon are in trouble. An unknown force has been stealing the magic known as hybrid magic from the griffons, causing them to die painful deaths. In order to stop this, King Targonor has formed a group known as Griffon Watch. Griffon Watch's task is to investigate and stop the evil behind these deaths. As a player you will assist the Griffon watch in their task. As you do so, you will gain ranks, titles, a necklace that increase in power as your rank does, and most importantly a griffon mount to call your own. This quest will send players into battle all over Telon destroying the denizens of areas like Rahz Inkur, Old Targonor, and Gorgalok. There are also two solo boss encounters that will test your abilities as you use a flying mount to combat one of the bosses and play a mini game to defeat the other. When all is said and done you will have a flying mount to soar the skies high above Telon and if you can gather enough friends you can make that mount even more powerful.

Riftway Improvements

More information stolen from the design team

We will be making improvements to Riftways! We'll be placing Riftways in locations that are logical from the standpoint of content progression in order to increase accessibility and guide players from one content hub to the next. The goal isn't to supersede travel in the game as it is now by allowing too quick of travel to any location in the world at any given time. Vanguard is a realm of mounted travel by discovery and exploration. In the future, we may have additional abilities that assist in getting a party member from one area to another in order to group up faster for battle but let's see how this improvement helps towards that issue first.

We will be introducing players to the Riftway system a bit easier; a bit sooner and with a bit more intuitiveness. We'll be giving quests to new players that allow them to travel through the Riftway in order to get to regions similar in level in order to keep them in appropriate level ranged content.

Riftways will be more identifiable on the map and will be tiered and color coded by a level range to help players travel to content hubs equivalent to their own level.

Player Character Improvements / Helmets!!

We've talked about the improvements before but here is some information from the art and coding team on this subject.

For more than just the time we've been back from the New Year, art stepped up to the task of optimizing the player character skeletons. Also, we've had to re-weight and re-export all player character assets as a result of the skeletal optimizations and let's just say that the amount of assets and work put into this is pretty staggering.

On top of that, we've also managed to get helmets in, which is one of the benefits of the skeletal optimization. Sounds easy right? Well, here's a little breakdown of the work involved to put helmets into the game: A few dozen unique designs multiplied by two genders and then multiplied again by nineteen races. Not too shabby, eh? Do the math and you'll see that it is a great accomplishment by everyone involved.

Three Classes Revisited

During this next development cycle, we'll be revisiting three classes. The Druid, Dread Knight and Paladin.

In order to do a thorough job when revisiting and making changes to classes, we go through a series of steps to identify inconsistencies in most of the following areas: Solo, group and raid DPS; Usefulness in the solo, group and raid roles; Discrepancies between classes and their roles (perceived and real claims); and then we ask more questions along the way like: Do the abilities work as intended? Is the class fun and unique? Can we streamline the class to remove unintended features or non-features? Can we emphasize the strengths of the class further?

We use our own experiences playing these classes and/or talk to other team members to get feedback on previous line items. We run through a series of checks and balances on collected data and goals. We have class leads that give us feedback to consider when evaluating necessary changes. We read the forums to corroborate information and in the end, we make the changes, test it out and package it in an update for you.

That's enough about process so here are additional goals we had for ourselves when started to evaluate these classes:


* Low DPS compared to other caster classes
* Phenomena not being used toward the main purpose of the class (DPS) and not being used often enough
* Adding in some uniqueness
* Abilities that don't match the goal of the class
* Abilities that don't function correctly

Dread Knight

* Add 2 handed tanking for uniqueness
* Fix broken abilities


* Integrate their class mechanic, Gift of Virtues, within their gameplay more seamlessly
* Differentiate combat forms
* Fix broken abilities
* Make sure abilities add to fun factor of the paladin
* Add wield preference type weapon and shield

I am going to reserve the right to not go any further here and punt the ball back to the designers who will go into more detail as we get closer to our update.

"That's not everything"

We have many more things we will be doing in the next few weeks and like the punt to design from above, I need to reserve my right to button my lip (before someone else does) on further changes and disclose that slowly over the next few weeks leading up to launch. Also, it will allow me some peace with the Community, PR & Marketing Teams because they love getting their hands on this stuff first J

Gold Farmers

You may have noticed a few posts recently on the boards regarding gold spammers. I just wanted to reiterate that we are taking these players very seriously and we are banning each and every account that we catch. I wanted to thank everyone for helping us as well by sending in your /petitions. This helps quite a bit and we will be taking extra measurements to step up the process in getting these headaches out of Telon.

Best of the Best

One of the things that we would like to do more this year is by giving you extra events that you can look forward to throughout the year. The Best of the Best style tournament is just one of those ways to get you to show off who you are in game

Starting next week, Customer Service will be running a Best of the Best style tournament on all servers, for all classes. Get your swords and spells ready folks, because this is going to be a battle until the death, with only one left standing! Read more on this on our News Section and good luck!

That is about it for the Producer's letter. Thank you for reading through it and I look forward to your comments.


aqui, añado mas, preguntas y respuestas, muchas de ellas muy interesantes , para saber que se planea

We all got questions and comments, and sometimes they get lost in the cracks. Therefore, I thought maybe we should have a thread where we can ask those questions with out them falling off the main page so easily. If everybody likes this, maybe we can get it stickied. Then as a question is officially answered, we can link to the answer in this thread.

Here's the rules:

  1. No SoE bashing. No Dev bashing. No bashing period!
  2. State your question as completely and clearly as possible with out using any form of derogative or persuasive propaganda. In other words don't ask things like "when will Vanguard be more like GameX?"
  3. Don't ask a question that has already been asked.
  4. Do not comment or reply to other's questions. This thread is not for discussing the questions. This thread is for presenting the questions to the devs.
  5. No whining. No drama. No I am quiting if this doesn't get fixed posts.

Ok. Let the questions begin.

Answered so far:

Q: Jemand - When will we be able to put anything (armor, weapons, items, etc) in to our homes and have them show up

in-game in our homes/guildhalls as the item they are instead of a cup?

A: Silius - Have to get sometime to look into this. Have talked about it just have not had the time. (1/21/200SMILEY8)

Q: ZephyrVG - Will track for Rangers be put in the game at some point or has it been completely scrapped?

A: Silius - Yes it is planned to go in but whether it will or not I cannot promise. (1/21/200SMILEY8)

Q: Tarka - Are the devs intending on developing the placement of housing and player formed "towns" in the next 6 - 12


A: Silius - Have talked about it and have some design for it but have to find time. We would like to but have to measure

priority. (1/21/200SMILEY8)

Q: Blackwolf - Are there any plans to change the way you search for armor on the broker and on the players site to

include a filter for "light/medium/heavy"?

A: I have been meaning to bring this up to Hobart. Only he can tell me what the difficulty would be. (1/21/200SMILEY8)

Q: Parmenion - Will Disciples ever get a balance pass, and crucially, is it potentially possible for high level discs to

become less of a OCD micromanagement 1500 keypresses to do what the other healers do with 60 keypresses per hour, (i.e.

buff your group)...

A: Silius - All classes will get their time. (1/21/200SMILEY8)

Q: Siela - Are there plans to add more functionality to the Guild 'system', such as being able to change permissions for

the different ranks, allowing access to chests in the halls based on rank? Possibly adding more functionality to the very

expensive, very time consuming thing that is our Guild Hall? Other than trophy buffs - I'm thinking along the lines of a

limited rift, maybe even make it another big guild quest!

(We really do love our hall, but it WAS a ton of work for a bit more storage space and minor bragging rights. )

Oh, are there any estimates on when we will be able to sort crafting recipes by level/alpha/ cont. style?

A: In general any guild functionality will not be linked exclusively to guild halls as not every guild can have one due

to limited space. The functionality we add will be linked to guild headquarters seeing as that is one of the reasons the

headquarters functionality was put in. Yes we plan on adding more functionality but once again it is a matter of

measuring priority and resources. (1/21/200SMILEY8)

Q: Gwynella - When will T6 UR mining nodes be fixed?

A: Silius - Send me the exact issue and I will look into it this week. (1/21/200SMILEY8)

Q: TPasq98 - Will live group chat ever be incorporated into VG groups?

A: Silius - No plans atm. (1/21/200SMILEY8)

Q: Lusain - How long until the next raid zone is released? Has work begun? Why/why not? (APW is fun, but it isn't enough

yet. You have a long way to go).

ETA on a new dungeon designed to give APW players something to do when the raid ends (or before the raid begins), in the

NEAR future?

A: Silius - I finished working out the raid schedule last week. As we get closer to releasing them we will divulge the

details. (1/21/200SMILEY8)

Q: Glomus - Is SOE honestly interested in maintaining and expanding this game? Or are you really hoping that enough

people gravitate to PoTBS, EQ2, etc, that you can say "well, doesn't look like there are enough people to justify

spending money on Vanguard", and put the game on autopilot for the few who still want to play?

A: Silius - The dev team is interested in it and working towards that. Everyone above us has asked us to maintain that

mindset. From our perspective Vanguard's future looks bright, it may not be blinding but it is certainly shining.


Q: Zenephis - Why are you dismantling the starter areas and making a universal one instead?

A: Silius - Not dismantling stater areas. (1/21/200SMILEY8)

Q: Speaker - When are you going to make a serious effort to balance Players (classes) vs the mob content as been promised

since Beta 3.0?

A: Silius - That will be an ongoing process throughout the year. We are defining some things internally right now before

we move forward. I have made this a very high priority and am trying to make sure Talisker and Avair get what they need

to resolve this. (1/21/200SMILEY8)

Q: Nataas - Is there even a Possibility VG could ever have TWO teams. One for live content and one for developing future


A: Silius - If we get more members sure. (1/21/200SMILEY8)

Q: Tendryl - Will we ever get more than four hairstyles to choose from?

A: Silius - Actually a really good question, I think we would all like to see more hairstyles including bald. Hair is

something that when asked makes our art lead want to smash my face in from the frustration of adding new hairs. Once the

optimizations are done hopefully we can find some time for this but there are certainly higher priority items for the art

team. (1/21/200SMILEY8)

Q: Axel - When it anti-aliasing going in? GU4? I hope

A: Silius - No ETA currently. (1/21/200SMILEY8)

Q: Naelwyn - Full time Lore Dev, is there one? How many hours a day does he spend on Vanguard? When will he start


A: Silius - No.


Not sure. (1/21/200SMILEY8)

Q: Vorg - will there be any more Unique Land mounts(such as Shadowhound/Unicorn)added to the game?

A: Silius - Yes (1/21/200SMILEY8)

Q: Freestyle - When are you going to put in underwater flora/fauna etc?

When are you going to get rid of Dock NPC Transporters?

When are you going to change back the refesh time on the Xenn Lev Cape back to it's original refresh time? (as the

current refresh time blows chunks)

When are you going to put in 'proper' voiceovers for NPCs instead of the 'Hmmm?' & 'It's Hot out' .... (I mean how about

some personality)?

When are you going to put in ship to ship combat?

When are you going to stop advertising about other games on the Vanguard website and concentrate on this game?

Will you put noticeable thunder and lightening in your dynamic weather system?

Will you change the summoning mount sound for the Shadowhound from a horse sound to a proper sound?

A: Silius - No plans currently.

Probably will become obsolete when the new riftway system is introduced.

Not planned.

Heh when other higher priority and less expensive items are resolved.

If we do so it would be when other higher priority items are resolved and we have more resources. As it stands now there

are no plans to put it in.

Not something I am in control of.

Will expand on it as we get time.

Will bring it up next week see what our awesome art team can do. (1/21/200SMILEY8)

Q: Simnir - when will the DKP system in the guild window become activated?

i can set points for various members, but when i push "set notes" nothing happens. there is no (as far as i know) any

button setting those points.

A: Silius - Not sure. (1/21/200SMILEY8)

Q: FelixDomesticus - When do we see tails?

A: Silius - No plans atm. (1/21/200SMILEY8)

Q: Rokenn - Any chance of seeing additional stat combos on crafted armor? In particular would like to see a Dex/Int/Con

or Int/Dex/Con attuning, since so many bard abilities are now int based.

Also in the same vein can we get SDF on medium crafted armor?

A: Silius - Not planned atm and not a high priority. (1/21/200SMILEY8)

Q: Alawi - 1.Will the UNREAL game engine be upgraded to 3.0 and if so, what improvements can we expect?

  1. When can we expect a magnificent EQ2-like UI with Guild recruitment tool, events etc?

A: Silius - Upgrading the engine has not been talked about and once again it is one of those resource things.

Guild functionality is planned but can't give a time frame or a promise it will be completed currently. (1/21/200SMILEY8)

Q: Tumnayar - Will /assistoffensivetarget be implemented so we can assist mobs for rescue targets easier and healers can

target the person on aggro easier. We already have /assistdefensivetarget, so it would seem logical? Thanks

A: Silius - Will bring it up. (1/21/200SMILEY8)

Q: Rihdan - About the Model Revamp

Will the model revamp limit customizeability, and if so, in what areas?
Will we see a visual improvement to the models with this revamp?

A: Silius - Yes, facial area.

You should. (1/21/200SMILEY8)

Q: Teshuat - Q: Will the interconnecting sea chunks ever get turned back on so we can go sail the seas? Or are the plans

for this just teleporting?(I sure hope not...... It'd be nice to make ships useful. The only reason why I play Vanguard

is because of the potential of the sea and air. Every MMO has land content, make this one stand out from the crowd!)

Q: Since all the classes are getting revamped and the combat system is alot more powerful now, will the mobs get a

balance pass too, so they'll actually be challenging?

Q: Will Crossfire and SLI ever be supported by this game?

Q: Are there plans for doing an area-type pvp server instead of just ffa?

Q: Will we ever see mounted combat?

Q: There are some places in Telon where it just doesn't feel "finished". Lack of foliage, trees and land variation. Any

plans to breath some new life into some of the dull areas?

Q: Pie or Cake?

A: Silius - 1. Not planned atm.

  1. Hopefully

  2. Not planned atm.

  3. No

  4. Not planned atm.

  5. If time and resources permit.

  6. Whatever you consider Marie Callender's Kahlua Cheescake. (1/21/200SMILEY8)

Q: Slyde - Question #1: When the flying mount quests go live, will it just be the Griffon, or will the quests for the

Wyvern and Pegasus be ready at the same time?

Question #2: Silius already stated there there will be more quested ground mounts. Will there be additional flying

mounts as well ? (other than the 3 we can rent now).

Question #3: Some people are still losing their flying mount on chunking, and falling to their death. I rode Randolph

all over the place and this never happened to me. But, as soon as Randy was grounded, my first rented griffon let me

fall to my death after chunking twice. Is this problem being looked at ? Perhaps a 15 minute Parachute buff that is

placed on you as soon as you summon the mount, and cannot be clicked off or removed unless you are on the ground.

A: Silius - 1. Plans are to put the wyvern mount out as well but that is only if I can squeeze it in, since it is not a

quest there is a good chance.

  1. Wyrm for sure and others I am hoping we can put out are dragon and manticore.

  2. It is something that we look into constantly as we get reports. (1/21/200SMILEY8)

Q: dosi - will there be raid type mobs for guilds smaller than the 18 man raids. that yield the same type of

challenge/drops as in the larger raids ?

A: Silius - Some 6 man challenging mobs will be introduced with the update as a part of the griffon mount quest (this

content is not particular to the quest anyone can do it without being on the quest and gets some loot form it.) We want

to do this where we can but we have many things to support and I don't want to spread things to thin. (1/21/200SMILEY8)

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