VSH: los guild hall


usthan, sorry si no lo traduzco, pero es que mal traducido seria una chapuza, por que a lo mejor devirtuo, al noticia

lo posteo para si te es util para ti, y para los demas, y si es destacable ya lo traduciras tu :P

Since the test server came up today, I did some searching and found a plot to get the listed requirements of materials. Hold onto your hats folks, these be some cRaZy numbers...

Qalian Style Guild Halls

Small Qalian Guild Hall

400 Max Fixtures / 8 Max Chests

3000 Qalian Granite Brick
1 Qalian Andecite Cornerstone
800 Qalian Granite Floor Tile
400 Qalian Obsidian Decrotive Tile
70 Qalian Granite Column
4 Qalian Granite Spire
100 Prime Wood Panel
40 Prime Wood Housing Beam
60 Qalian Premium Wood Lattice
20 Mithril Fasteners
1 Qalian Draconite Interior Dome
25 Mummy Mortar
61 Small Qalian Premium Window (could be a bug in comparison to large, might be 6)
6 Large Qalian Premium Window
1 Sultan's Guarentee of Occupation

Large Qalian Guild Hall

750 Max Fixtures / 12 Max Chests

9000 Qalian Granite Brick
1 Qalian Andecite Cornerstone
2400 Qalian Granite Floor Tile
1600 Qalian Obsidian Decrotive Tile
280 Qalian Granite Column
4 Qalian Granite Spire
100 Prime Wood Panel
40 Prime Wood Housing Beam
60 Qalian Premium Wood Lattice
20 Mithril Fasteners
2 Qalian Draconite Interior Dome
50 Mummy Mortar
10 Small Qalian Premium Window
12 Large Qalian Premium Window
1 Sultan's Guarentee of Occupation

Thestran Style Guild Halls

Small Thestran Guild Hall

400 Max Fixtures / 8 Max Chests

1600 Thestran Granite Brick
1 Thestran Andecite Cornerstone
400 Thestran Granite Floor Tile
80 Thestran Large Obsidian Housing Stone
800 Thestran Large Granite Housing Stone
200 Thestran Prime Wood Roofing Shingle
500 Prime Wood Panel
150 Prime Wood Housing Beam
90 Premium Wood Large Housing Beam
80 Mithril Fasteners
70 Thestran Mithril Housing Support Beam
14 Thestran Draconite Lattice
25 Fungal Mortar
8 Small Thestran Premium Window
1 Large Thestran Premium Window
1 King's Commission of Occupation

Large Thestran Guild Hall

750 Max Fixtures / 12 Max Chests

6400 Thestran Granite Brick
1 Thestran Andecite Cornerstone
1600 Thestran Granite Floor Tile
320 Thestran Large Obsidian Housing Stone
3200 Thestran Large Granite Housing Stone
75 Thestran Granite Column
200 Thestran Prime Wood Roofing Shingle
500 Prime Wood Panel
150 Prime Wood Housing Beam
20 Premium Wood Large Housing Beam
100 Mithril Fasteners
16 Thestran Draconite Lattice
1 Draconite Portcullis
50 Fungal Mortar
18 Small Thestran Premium Window
1 King's Commission of Occupation

Kojani Style Guild Halls

Small Kojani Guild Hall

400 Max Fixtures / 8 Max Chests

1000 Kojani Granite Brick
1 Kojani Andecite Cornerstone
200 Kojani Large Granite Housing Stone
400 Kojani Granite Housing Shingle
15 Premium Wood Large Housing Beam
2000 Prime Wood Panel
220 Prime Wood Housing Beam
8 Kojani Draconite Corner Piece
15 Kojani Mithril Housing Support Beam
200 Mithril Fasteners
25 Blood Mortar
90 Kojani Vielthread Window Covering
4 Large Kojani Steelweave Window Covering
1 Emperor's Sanction of Occupation

Large Kojani Guild Hall

750 Max Fixtures / 12 Max Chests

3000 Kojani Granite Brick
1 Kojani Andecite Cornerstone
1000 Kojani Large Granite Housing Stone
1500 Kojani Granite Housing Shingle
65 Premium Wood Large Housing Beam
7000 Prime Wood Panel
800 Prime Wood Housing Beam
8 Kojani Draconite Corner Piece
40 Kojani Mithril Housing Support Beam
500 Mithril Fasteners
50 Blood Mortar
210 Kojani Vielthread Window Covering
10 Large Kojani Steelweave Window Covering
1 Emperor's Sanction of Occupation

The cost of the plots are showing between 30pp and 40pp on test currently between all three continent locations I have found on Qalia, Thestra, and Kojan, but Sillus posted on the official Vanguard forums a day or two ago and said the plat cap was staying at 30pp and that the plots will also be 30pp, so its possible that this is a bug as well, or they may have changed their minds on some aspect of it.

Thats all three continents and their variations. Thanks and enjoy =)


Si todo esto ya estoy al tanto. Me interesa bastante el tema de los Guild Halls, lo k pasa k como aun no es "oficial" del todo, ya k incluso aun estan con los rekerimientos de los plots en los referente a si lo puede comprar solo Guild Leaders o guild con un cierto status.

A parte k los plots ya han dicho k como mucho 30 Platinos, no habran de 40, k ademas es el tope de dinero en un personaje. Lo k me parece tb una barbaridad a parte del coste del plot es el del Upkeep, k dicen k depende del tipo de guild hall y localizacion del plot y puede rondar de 20 a 60 golds. Todo es bastante experimental aun y no me extrañaria k hicieses algunos retokes pero weno sea como sea sera dificil obtener y manter un guild hall jeje.

En cuanto se confirme mas el tema ya lo subire a la web traducido y con todos los detalles :)


no si al final , vamos a tener que farmear 1 vez en semana todos los del guild para mantener la casa XDDD

deverian poner los quisitos un poco mas bajos en cuestion monetaria
que 40 platino son muhcos platinos

bueno ne la arena con lvl mas de 45 1 una mañana de hacer 1 platino pero es pegarte una mañana entera xDD

1 platino al mes ya seria mucho, para mantenimiento peor en 1 guild media se consigue en un dia facil

un saludo

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