bueno aqui pongo nuas noticias frescas
para mi muy importantes
y dan unos puntos
1 - que ñasemana que viene hay parche nuevo
2 - que el bug de crash a escritotiro como dejeron en otro post la semana que viene lo arreglan definitivamente o eso prentenden
3 - que no esta cerrao lo del merge, y que la semana que viene diran definitivament como acaba la cosa
4 - que tendran encuenta las opiniones de la gente
5 - que van a cambiar de 6 semanas a menos, los planes de objetivos a realizar
Hey Everybody,
It's been a busy week without much feedback on various topics, so I wanted to give everyone a quick update.
* Patch to fix various crash issues in build 1843
o The build was pushed to QA earlier this week and it currently being tested. We had hoped to push it to live this week, but we wanted to give it a couple of extra days of testing. We will push it live as soon as we are able. Thank you for your continued patience.
* Server merge
o We are still busy reading all the feedback as well as determining what is feasible versus not. Between forum posting and PM's, there is a lot of feedback for which we greatly appreciate. But... still reading it. We will post an updated plan next week.
* Polls
o The polls are in, thank you very much for voting. We will include the feedback with the updated server merge post next week.
* Milestone 1
o We are wrapping up Milestone 1 today. Yes, I know I said they would be 6 weeks long, but we made this one is a little shorter in order for us to get a Game Update out to you sooner. The team will be showing the results of the milestone to the rest of the team on Monday. So expect a post in the later part of the week containing the contents of Vanguard Game Update 2 and a date for when it will go live.
So not a whole lot of exciting news other than, "Just wait until next week!" But we haven't forgotten about you guys, we've just been busy wrapping up this milestone.
hay muchas posivilidades de que haya un server team
tb de que no haya nada de pvp :razz:
pero bueno yo creo que en gneral son buenas noticias ,y de que cada vez se estan pniendo mas las pilas, y viendo las opiniones y contando con las opiniones de la gnete para mejorar el juego
otra noticia, es que unos de los clanes mejores del pvp team, han dicho que han sino elegidos para testear las raids y mirar fallos y mejoras en jugavilidad y ideas, otra noticias muy buena
un saludo