VSH: se save algo sobre los dioses?


pues eso, me hare una cleriga y me vendria saver almenos el nombre de los dioses y diosas para escrivir mi historia, agradeceria cualquier aportacion, gracias :P


Pues te dire el dios de los elfos oscuros por que es el unico que me se xD

Haelufir, que tambien es dios de los dragones :P


pues es el unico que necesito :P, asias Imperator^^


dioses? para qué es esto? :s


Pues es un gran elemento de roleo, basicamente, luego pueden implementar ayuda de los dioses o cualquier poyada :P


Por roleo basicamente :p queda muy bien gritar antes de una batalla : " Por [insterte nombre de su deidad]" Aunq mis chars normalmente son ateos :p


claro, digamos que en los juegos de rol el clerigo vive para y por su dios, si eres clerigo y quieres rolear necesitas imprescindiblemente conocer el dios al que sirves ya que no puedes ser clerigo de un dios al que desconoces :P, yo lo necesito ahora para ir escriviendo la historia de mi personaje^^


Es obligatorio cometerer esas faltas de ortografía tan horribles para rolear?


Segun a quien roleas xDDD


no, no es necesario pero tampoco lo es no ponerlas^, no pretendo que me den un nobel de literatura :P


El Clerigo de mi pueblo, mas conocido como Monaguillo cree en el Dios todo poderoso Mahoma ;D.

Listado de dioses a los que sirven los cleridos.

Al'Takar - Dios del pueblo Takar.

Storm - Dios del rayo y poder.

Elium - Dios del Pueblo Lumber.

La verdad que me los he inventado pero no me diras que no quedan creibles xDDDDDDDDD


iZidur: Dios de las mentiras y el engaño :P


Izidur.... clerido:


#1 esto fue posteado hace tiempo, son la lista de dioses de VG, a los fanaticos del lore se k os encantara, a ver si en algun hueco lo traducimos y subimos a VH:

One of our designers (Garret) recently cleaned up one of the deity reference documents and I thought it would be a good idea to give you guys a glimps at a subset of it. Now we just need to have it more represented in the game

Also Known As
The Hunter
The Stalker
The Foe Slayer
The Weapons Master

Foe Slaying
Weapon Craft

Methods of Worship
Creation of high quality weapons
Hunting of mythical beasts
Slaying of an enemy of Sartholas

Vision and Driving Beliefs - Dogma
Sartholas believes that few things in life are as enjoyable as a good hunt. Tracking and slaying ones prey is an art form that takes much discipline and patience. He believes that this discipline and patience can allow mortals to better enjoy their short lifespan. Sartholas encourages his followers to strive for perfection and not sell themselves short.

Sartholas believes that his followers should hunt down and slay their true enemies though he does not promote slaughter or killing for frivolous reasons. Only if truly wronged must one make amends by destroying the offender.

Sartholas is also worshiped by some weapon crafters who wish to create perfect hunting instruments and weapons that will strike down ones foes. Sartholas himself is said to be a great crafter of exotic yet functional weapons.

Personality Traits
Sartholas is a quiet deity that prefers decisive action as opposed to the wagging of tongues. He is methodical and has the patience that only a deity can possibly have. Attentive to detail, this deity is always alert and ready for the unexpected.

Sartholas prefers to spend his time alone engaging in such activities as watching mortals or hunting a subset of his summonlings while on his home plane. When he does appear to mortals and other deities alike he is never expected – even if he has been watching and contemplating the matter at hand for long periods of time.

Physical Appearance
Sartholas most often takes the form of a muscular humanoid wearing a hooded cloak that blends with the environment around him. Nearly all of his body is also covered in light armor and camouflage hiding his skin from view. The full form of Sartholas is almost never seen, he is almost always partially invisible or partially hidden behind objects in the environment.

Races that Often Worship this Divine Being
Half Elf
Lesser Giant
Thestran Human
Wood Elf

Professions that Often Worship this Divine Being

Relationship with Other Divine Beings
Sartholas is a fairly solitary deity though he does have some friendly rivalry with other deities that enjoy the hunt. He has been known to consort with vengeful deities from time to time.

Also Known As
Lady of the Harvest


Methods of Worship
Harvesting of rare plants
Rescuing of innocents
Using diplomacy to create peace

Vision and Driving Beliefs - Dogma
Gloriann teaches her followers to live in peace with one another. It is the will of Gloriann that her followers work the land raising crops and strong families. The followers of this deity are taught that the harvest cycle represents eternity just as the birth and death of mortals does.

While this deity is known for teaching her followers to live peacefully with one another she has also taught them that it is their duty to protect that peace. She teaches that the weak must be protected from those who would destroy peace and happiness; that the happiness and lives of others are worth fighting and dying for.

Personality Traits
Gloriann is a blissful deity who always tries to see the good side of things. This is not to say that she is always a happy goddess, her great wisdom simply allows her to understand and accept the difference between the things she can and cannot change or control.

Speaking with this goddess is a calming experience even for those deities that have much internal rage. Gloriann is greatly perturbed by those who simply wish to cause pain and suffering to others and often tries to enlighten those who bring about chaos and destruction.

Physical Appearance
Gloriann’s common form is dependant upon the beholder. No matter who (or how many) behold her she will appear as the most beautiful being that each individual has ever seen. Her appearance is also soothing and calming to any that behold her.

Races that Often Worship this Divine Being
Half Elf
High Elf
Wood Elf

Professions that Often Worship this Divine Being

Relationship with Other Divine Beings
Gloriann is on good terms with nearly all deities that desire peace and other agricultural deities.

Also Known As
The Beholder
Prince of Beauty

Quality - As it relates to Beauty

Methods of Worship
Creation/sacrifice of jewelry/other beautiful objects
Pilgrimage to a beautiful location, performing a ritual there
Gathering of flowers to present to Theindal

Vision and Driving Beliefs - Dogma
Theindal teaches his followers that beauty allows one to become closer to perfection. The followers of this god have been taught that one may judge a person by what they find beautiful. The beauty that Theindal speaks of however is not simply superficial beauty; he speaks also of the inner beauty, a message that has been lost on many of his worshipers.

Theindal has also taught his worshipers that art allows one to create beauty, and that creating art may lead one to enlightenment. In a way, this deity asserts that perfect art and expression can create perfect people. Works of art can last forever and it is best to have many beautiful things in the world.

Personality Traits
To most other beings Theindal comes across as a vain and superficial god. This portrait of Theindal is not exactly true as he can find non-physical beauty in almost anything. It is his ability to find imperfections in anything that has led to this characterization. Theindal cares little for matters that do not relate to art and beauty and most often simply dismisses conversations that are not related to those subjects.

Physical Appearance
Theindal most often appears as a humanoid male with extravagant or foppish clothing. His body is not too muscular nor too scrawny and he carries himself with a roguish confidence.

Races that Often Worship this Divine Being
High Elf
Qaliathari Human
Wood Elf

Professions that Often Worship this Divine Being

Relationship with Other Divine Beings
Theindal enjoys the company of other deities that enjoy art and finds little use for those who do not appreciate, or destroy, such things.

Also Known As
The Valorous
The Guardian


Methods of Worship
Ritual honoring ancestors, could involve items
Protecting an elder
Recovering forgotten knowledge

Vision and Driving Beliefs - Dogma
Vothdar teaches his followers to be ever-vigilant and to protect their own kind. Valor and strength are noble indeed as individual strength makes the group more powerful as a whole. It is best to be strong and help the weak become more powerful as the weakest member of a group may hold it back.

Those who worship Vothdar are also taught to respect their elders and their ancestors as they are a source of great wisdom and knowledge. One should never be ashamed to learn lessons from those who have come before.

Personality Traits
Vothdar is a dour and vigilant deity that looks after his followers needs. This deity tries to take the burden away from others, often overstraining himself. Vothdar gives praise where praise is merited and is also quick to point out others transgressions.

Physical Appearance
Vothdar most often appears as a burly humanoid with tanned skin. He always appears to be wearing some type of armor and carries at least two visible weapons at all types, most often a sword and a one handed axe.

Races that Often Worship this Divine Being
Kojani Human
Qaliathari Human

Professions that Often Worship this Divine Being

Relationship with Other Divine Beings
Vothdar has a long memory and has been slighted by a number of gods over the millennia. These offenses have never been forgotten or forgiven. Those gods who have not slighted this deity are generally on neutral terms with him.

Also Known As
The Strategist
The Philosopher
Scholar of the Stars


Methods of Worship
Discovering new literature or knowledge (especially tactical)
Defeating an army in battle

Vision and Driving Beliefs - Dogma
Vaelion teaches his followers to become masters of all things intellectual. The study of war, philosophy, and mathematics are but the beginning for those who worship him and they often dedicate their entire lives to the pursuit of learning.

As masters of strategy, Vaelion and his followers are no strangers to combat. They tend, however, to avoid physical combat, preferring instead roles of leadership where their patient and astute tactics make their ability to command armies unsurpassed. It is often said that when armies meet sword with shield, only Vaelion holds the outcome.

Personality Traits
Vaelion is a solitary deity, considered to be an intellectual elitist by most of the pantheon. He views Telon with the ambivalence of a scientist observing an experiment, never becoming involved in the day to day struggle of its inhabitants. He prefers, instead, to watch, listen, and learn from a safe distance. He reserves action for only the most extreme circumstances.

Physical Appearance
Vaelion is wizened with age and wears a flowing robe of pale blue. His white, shoulder-length hair rests behind his ears. He wears a calm, detached expression on his face as he stares inquisitively toward the horizon.

Races that Often Worship this Divine Being
High Elf

Professions that Often Worship this Divine Being

Relationship with Other Divine Beings
Because Vaelion is considered an intellectual elitist by most of the other deities of Telon, they rarely deal with him. Those who do interact with him respect him for his great intellect, and though they rarely understand him, they consider him trustworthy. Vaelion’s only enemies are those deities which strive to destroy knowledge. Against only they do the armies of Vaelion march.

Also Known As
The Quick
The Prankster
The Joker of Ages

Concealment (especially hidden places)

Methods of Worship
Stealing something valuable
Playing a prank on someone
Defeating a stronger/more skilled adversary through cunning
Discovering something hidden

Vision and Driving Beliefs - Dogma
Finch teaches his followers to be cunning before strong and secretive before overt. Trickery and thievery are highly valued skills among his worshippers. His followers make excellent treasure hunters due to their seemingly intuitive ability to locate hidden places and things.

Finch is also a fairly solitary deity. His followers generally shun formal society. Instead, they form small bands of like-minded individuals who often relish the opportunity to involve unsuspecting townsfolk in their mischief. They will also make use of large crowds to mask their movement while helping themselves to any valuables within reach.

Personality Traits
Finch is a trickster and rogue; some say he's the only divine being with a sense of humor. He has a fascination with hidden things and objects which others value. He quickly loses interest in objects which he possesses; only finding them fascinating while in the possession of others or unknown to all. For Finch, taking or discovering is the thrill and he will often hide objects throughout Telon for himself or others to find later.

Physical Appearance
Finch, ever the clown, is always represented jovially. Most commonly, he is depicted as diminutive in stature with a broad, almost maniacal smile and bright, red hair. Because of his hair, he is often depicted in a hood to indicate his disposition toward sneakiness.

Races that Often Worship this Divine Being

Professions that Often Worship this Divine Being

Relationship with Other Divine Beings
Much to the chagrin of the rest of the pantheon, Finch frequently involves other divine beings in his pranks and has, on occasion, earned their wrath. Most notably, Finch feuded with Vaelion for several ages when Finch stole Vaelion’s rarest manuscript and hid it among 500,000 identically bound, blank manuscripts. Most of the pantheon tolerates Finch as a little brother.

Also Known As
The Skilled
Creator of Magnificent Things
He Who Brings Order to Chaos


Methods of Worship
Crafting of unique objects
Promoting trade
Organizing (objects, ideas, etc.)
Increasing the influence of a political organization

Vision and Driving Beliefs - Dogma
Alurad teaches his followers to find enlightenment through creation and organization. Those who worship him are the most skilled outfitters and smiths in Telon, and they pride themselves on their ability to craft the most intricate objects.

Alurad avoids combat, but does not condemn it. Indeed, the most legendary weapons in the history of Telon were created by Alurad himself. Similarly, his followers tend to avoid armed combat and instead focus on resolving disputes diplomatically.

Personality Traits
Alurad has made several unsuccessful attempts at becoming the true leader of the common pantheon; he is troubled by its tumultuous nature and yearns to organize the divines politically. He seeks simplicity and structure in nature throughout Telon and, where it does not exist, strives to create it.

Alurad believes in diplomatic resolution to conflicts and has worked to mediate many disputes among both pantheon members and the peoples of Telon. In extreme cases, however, he has provided weapons of such unimaginable power they were enough to turn the tide of battle.

Physical Appearance
Alurad is most frequently depicted with a hammer in his calloused hands, standing mid-strike over an anvil. There are also various interpretations of this image, but crafting is always central to the physical visage of Alurad.

Races that Often Worship this Divine Being
Half Elf
Thestran Human

Professions that Often Worship this Divine Being

Relationship with Other Divine Beings
Prior to the cataclysm, Alurad was as close to king as the pantheon had known. In the terror and chaos that followed, he lost what influence he held over the other divines as they recoiled in fear and panic. Now he serves only as a go-between during dispute resolution, and even that is rare.

Also Known As
The Loyal
Protector of Many
The Honorable


Methods of Worship
Forming of alliances
Creating player cities
Proving loyalty to an affiliation

Vision and Driving Beliefs - Dogma
Sihari teachers her followers to remain true to those they swear allegiance to. Her followers prefer the company of others and form long-lasting alliances with large numbers of people. Sihari encourages the forming of guilds and other organizations throughout Telon.

Followers of Sihari have a burning desire to belong to something greater than themselves. As a result, they commonly make incredible sacrifices for the good of their respective affiliations.

Personality Traits
Like those who worship her, Sihari is usually found in the company of others. She often contemplates binding herself to Telon so that she may more easily interact with its peoples but, as of yet, has not done so.

Physical Appearance
Sihari is always depicted with the commonest of appearances possible, be it a simple farmer, a foot soldier, a novice, etc. The only prevailing theme is that Sihari is always female and her symbol is always displayed on her forehead.

Races that Often Worship this Divine Being
Lesser Giant

Professions that Often Worship this Divine Being

Relationship with Other Divine Beings
Sihari has been able to befriend all but the most aggressive of the divines. In the past, she worked with Alurad in attempting to unite the common pantheon but has since turned her focus to Telon and its people. Recently, she has all but abandoned her ties to the pantheon, preferring instead the company of the people of Telon.

Also Known As
The Silver-tongued
Conniver of Shadows
Princess of Deceit

Secrets (especially intellectual)

Methods of Worship
Manipulation of others (especially through deceit)
Learning of secrets
Successful intrigue

Vision and Driving Beliefs – Dogma
Kaerellun teaches her followers to be coldly calculating in their manipulations. Those who worship her are cunning diplomats, often able to contort the will of others to their whim. They are no strangers to deceit and duplicity, considering them to be among their most useful tools.

Her followers will rarely declare their intentions outright, preferring to cloak their motives behind a veil of secrecy. Similarly, they are wary of open combat and instead lurk in shadow inciting others to violence.

Personality Traits
Because of her great affinity for secrecy, Kaerellun is one of the least understood members of the pantheon. What is known is that Kaerellun covets the dominion of wills and her invisible hand can be seen throughout the history of Telon. She loathes and sometimes attacks those she cannot control.

Physical Appearance
Kaerellun most commonly appears as a woman of great beauty and seduction, usually dark skinned, and always clothed in black with a veil obscuring the lower half of her face.

Races that Often Worship this Divine Being
Dark Elf
Kojani Human

Professions that Often Worship this Divine Being
Blood Mage
Dread Knight

Relationship with Other Divine Beings
The wills of the pantheon members are far too strong for Kaerellun to control. Because of this, she has a very tenuous relationship with them. Eons ago, during the period of Alurad's greatest influence, she attempted to bend Alurad’s mind to her will. She failed miserably. To this day, the other divines still mistrust her. Alurad blames her for his repeated failures to unite the pantheon under a common banner, so their relationship is especially strained.

Also Known As
The Judge
The Lawgiver
The Chain of Retribution
She Who Imprisons

Law (both enforcement and legislation)

Methods of Worship
Bringing a criminal to justice
Solving a crime
Preventing a crime
Punishing the deserving

Vision and Driving Beliefs – Dogma
Fautri teaches those who follow her to be mindful of law and to punish those who disobey it. She stresses impartiality when judging the crimes others and demands that punishments be humane.

Worshippers of Fautri will often be found in government and law enforcement. They strive to maintain the rule of law and are renowned for their dogged adherence to every detail. They have a great disdain for criminals and will go to great lengths to bring them to justice.

Personality Traits
Fautri is known first and foremost for her impartialness as a judge of others. Despite her powerful disdain for criminals, she has never let suspicion get the better of her. She is obsessed with the laws of Telon and spends much of her time reading or preparing interpretations on them.

In the centuries following the cataclysm, Fautri has become less and less involved in the enforcement of Telon’s laws and increasingly secludes herself in her home plane. She will still aid in the capture and judging of the most egregious criminals, but that is now exceptional.

Physical Appearance
Fautri most commonly appears as a thin, angularly faced woman dressed in a plain gray robe holding only a small stone gavel. The color of the robe represents her impartiality; the fact that she does not prejudge others to be good (white) or evil (black) but instead meets them neutrally.

Races that Often Worship this Divine Being
Kojani Human
Thestran Human

Professions that Often Worship this Divine Being

Relationship with Other Divine Beings
Fautri views most of the other divine beings with neutrality. The exceptions to this are Ghalnn, who she believes to be responsible for all violent crime, Finch, who she believes responsible for all crimes of theft, and Kaerellun, who she believes is responsible for all crimes of intrigue. Her inability (due to lack of authority) to bring justice to those three deities torments her greatly and is said to be one of the greatest causes of her recent seclusion.

Also Known As
The Brilliant
Bringer of Flame
The Purifier

The Sun

Methods of Worship
Rituals of Purification (especially involving flame)
Destroying impurity or those who are impure

Vision and Driving Beliefs – Dogma
Krifur teaches his followers that purity is of paramount importance. To them, he represents truth and the pure light of the sun. His most zealous followers perform excruciating purification rituals, often using fire to metaphorically burn away impurities.

It is not uncommon for them to seek out those they deem impure and force these rituals upon them or even kill them if they determine the impurities cannot be purged.

Personality Traits
Krifur is closely related to Fautri; however he is much more violent in the handling of those deemed unworthy or impure. He is resolute in his quest to purify Telon and has shown no limit to his tenacity. He is often unfair in his judgments, and tends to find something to warrant purification in anyone or anything. He has become increasingly maniacal and fanatical since the cataclysm.

Physical Appearance
Krifur is most commonly portrayed as a tall and muscular man with flowing blond hair. He wears brilliantly gleaming plate-mail and a white tabard emblazoned with his symbol. He wields a great fiery sword.

Races that Often Worship this Divine Being

Professions that Often Worship this Divine Being

Relationship with Other Divine Beings
Most of the other divine beings are wary of Krifur and fear that, in his maddened fanaticism, he will turn his efforts of purification to them. He and Fautri stand in an uneasy alliance which is becoming increasingly strained as Fautri becomes more withdrawn and Krifur more extreme and prone to violence.

The Sisters
Also Known As
The Divided One

Natural Death


Methods of Worship
Rituals honoring ancestors
Attending a wake

Murdering someone
Discovering necromantic relics

Vision and Driving Beliefs – Dogma
The Sisters is a single deity divided into two contended halves which metaphorically express the duality of death. The positive side represents natural death, ancestral bonds, and peace. The negative side represents murder, Necromancy, and depression. The contention between the two sides spills over into those who worship The Sisters and drives a wedge between the two sects. The two sects worship in very different ways, and followers of The Sisters must choose between one or the other.

Personality Traits
The Sisters is a dynamic deity, shifting between good and evil as one side gains temporary power over the other. The Sisters’ personality fluctuates as a reflection of the complexity of death and the myriad ways in which mortals either peacefully or violently meet their end.

Physical Appearance
Depending on which side is being represented, The Sisters’ appearance can change dramatically. The positive side is generally paled and clearly recently deceased, serene and peacefully prostrate, and dressed in a white robe and wearing a gold burial wreath. The negative side is typically depicted as a black-boned skeleton with eyes of flame and sometimes dripping liquid from the teeth.

Races that Often Worship this Divine Being
Dark Elf
Qaliathari Human

Professions that Often Worship this Divine Being
Blood Mage
Dread Knight

Relationship with Other Divine Beings
The other divine beings are not sure what to make of The Sisters and, as a result, there is an overriding flavor of distrust to their interactions with The Sisters. Beyond that, The Sisters’ relationships with the other divines tend to wax and wane depending on which side is in control. The positive side is generally on better terms with the members of the pantheon.

Also Known As
The Soul Devourer
The Cruel
Caller of War
The Black


Methods of Worship
Murdering someone and presenting their head to Ghalnn
Presenting Ghalnn with the souls of his enemies

Vision and Driving Beliefs – Dogma
Ghalnn instills in his followers anger and a thirst for violence. Worshipers of Ghalnn live for the releasing of souls to their master, and kill without regard. The most atrocity-filled wars in the history of Telon have been fought in honor to Ghalnn. His followers are known for their prowess in battle, short tempers, and thirst for destruction.

Personality Traits
Ghalnn is a violent, spiteful warmonger. He craves violence, the death of his enemies, and the splintering of bones beneath his boots.

Physical Appearance
Ghalnn is commonly displayed in red plate-mail; double-bladed axe in one hand, a recently decapitated head held aloft in the other, his streaked face contorted in a grimacing half-smile.

Races that Often Worship this Divine Being
Dark Elf
Lesser Giant

Professions that Often Worship this Divine Being
Blood Mage
Dread Knight

Relationship with Other Divine Beings
Ghalnn is universally despised by the other divine beings. He is unconcerned by this and would sooner kill them as look at them. Centuries before the cataclysm, Ghalnn attempted an invasion of Gloriann’s home plane after one of her followers stopped his worshipers from razing an Elven village near what is now Leth Nurae. Only the combined might of the pantheon was able to drive Ghalnn back. It was several centuries before his armies recovered from the defeat.



muchas gracias Arthan, The Sisters, me gusta^^


Mirando en el foro viejo, en concreto para cleric tienes:

A servant of the divine, the Cleric heeds the call of the gods in all things. For this devotion the cleric is able to share a portion of the power of the divine. These powers manifest themselves in the form of powerful healing spells that enable him to tend to fallen and wounded allies. He is also granted mighty destructive spells and is a formidable melee opponent.

Clerics in Vanguard do not pledge themselves to a particular. Instead they can draw power from all of the gods. Affinities are the Cleric's ability to focus himself on an aspect of a deity. There are 2 potential levels of affinity and the cleric has a limited number of totally affinities he can take.

Each affinity is themed and tied to a diety. Here are a few examples

Affinity: Peace
Diety: Gloriann
Affinity 3: New ability: Wave of Peace - AE self only Memblur

Affinity: Death
Diety: The Sisters
Affinity 1: Increased damage to all nukes.

Affinity: Light/Purity
Diety: Fieros
Affinity 3: New ability: Sunbeam - Very large undead nuke. Blinds all others, greatly reducing accuracy.

Affinity: Life
Diety: Gloriann
Affinity 1: Increased HP buffs, increased potency for poison cures, increased Con buffs.

Affinity: War
Diety: Ghaln
Affinity 3: New ability: Power of Carnage - Self only major combat buff

Affinity: Travel
Diety: Finch
Affinity 2: Immunity to Roots, Snares. Increased potency for root spells.
Affinity 3: New ability: Sojourn - Travel buff (levitate, water breathing, swim speed increase, invisibility, run speed)


Ghalnn... ya tengo dios al que servir... leete la descripcion seiks, a ver que te parece :D


rendiré culto a Vothdar como buen monje kojani :) xD thank you por la info!


me sigo quedando con las hermanas^, lo mejor para una cleriga dark elf, una sociedad matriarcal tiene que seguir a deidades femeninas y si es de la muerte mejor que mejor :P


Ohstia yo no sabia de la existencia de esto... El devorador de almas... que bonito :D

Ostia si que habran de feminas, este viaje toca casar a seikan que en dnl no hubo boda :P xD

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