VSH: SOE quiere cargarse los servidores Team PvP


Me jode tener que poner esta noticia, despues de haber estado recomendando el juego en el foro pero bueno, solo es una mala noticia para la gente a la que le gusta jugar en servers Team PvP como a mi.

Esta es la noticia sacada de Vgplayers:

Hey Everyone,

Here are the details on the server merge. We don’t have a firm date as we are still getting all the back-end details worked out. The intent is to have them done within the next three weeks. We will announce a date as soon as we have it.

Please feel free to comment as I know you will. I will try and clear up questions as they arise. I realize that not everyone will be happy with all of the decisions, but I’m open to suggestions if someone presents a better idea and it’s something that is feasible for us to implement in time.


There will be 2 US PVE, 1 EU PVE, and 1 US PVP server.
Thunderaxe, Woefeather, and Gulgrethor would merge into server A PVE
Targonor, Hilsbury, Flamehammer and Shidreth would merge into sever B PVE
Tharridon, Varking, and Frengrot would merge into sever C PVP FFA
Gelenia and Infineum would merge into server D EU PVE
For Florendyl we will be soliciting feedback via a poll and discussion as to whether or not the players think it should be merged.
We are open to considering the option of leaving it up with the understanding that the population is way under what it needs to be to be healthy but we wouldn’t recommend it.

All existing servers will go away and everyone will be moved to new servers.
We will post a poll so you can vote on the new server names.
PVP players will be able to move to PVP OR PVE servers.
PVE players will only be able to move to PVE servers.
PVP rule set will be FFA.

Characters that have not chosen a server will be moved based on popularity of servers.

US characters moved this way will be on a US server.

EU players moved will be on an EU server.

PVP players will be moved to the new PVP server.
Each character will get one free server move after the merge.

Character Naming

Characters name priority is based on
First created, if also played within the last 30 days
Last Played
Those characters that have name collisions will be marked, and upon next login will have to choose a new name before that character can log in.


The price for the player’s plot is refunded to the player in coin.
The resources used to generate the house are refunded to the player via the housing resource escrow.
The current upkeep balance will be refunded to the character
Fixtures and items in the house will be placed in the escrow.


Boats will be marked as needing to be named.

VGPlayers issues

We are still working out the specifics on this.

Corpses left in the world

All corpses will go away.
Any items left on corpses will go to your escrow account.
Exp on the corpse will be returned to you.


Any pending mail will be returned to sender.

Friends list

We are still working out the specifics on this.

Guild names

We are still working out the specifics on this.

Market items

Items in the market will be returned via mail.

One to Two weeks prior to the consolidation, players will be able to type a slash command (MOVESERVER) that will select what server they want that character to reside on.

Bien, pues han decidido que los que queremos jugar al Team PvP nos jodamos y nos metamos en un PvE o en un FFA, aparte de que esto va a traer un monton de lios con las casas, guilds, players, etc...
¿Por que siempre SOE la caga con los juegos? ¿No les basto con el SWG?
Yo no lo entiendo... solo espero que SOE lea los foros, vea todas las quejas que hay en ellos por quitarnos nuestro server Team PvP y actue en consecuencia (aunque me temo que para SOE actuar en consecuencia es pasar de nosotros)

Pd: El juego es el vanguard, se me habia olvidado ponerlo con el cabreo.


Se puede saber de que juego hablas?


Imagino que de Vanguard.


Estas cosas son las usuales que ocurren cuando has metido la gamba en algún momento de la pipeline de la preproducción del juego.


es normal, jugais 4 y teneis demasiados servidores.

Ademas, el pvp del vanguard es cuanto menos, apestoso.


YO fui uno de los primeros que me compre el juego ,sinceramente no llegue ni a la semana y lo tuve que dejar ,no era el juego que me esperaba ,a lo mejor lo deje muy rapido ,pero me esperaba otra cosa.


Hombre supongo que si habia mucha gente en los servidores de tipo FFA tiene sentido, si no : /

Yo tambien preferia el Team PvP


Este post podeis borrarlo, que en este foro ya esta otro igual.


losko "apestoso"

creo que estas exagerando 3 o 4 pueblos

pero bueno es tu opinion, asi que si no te gusta hay muchos juegos como WoW, lotro para que no te apeste tanto

un saludo

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