Lo prometido es deuda y esta semana vuelvo con otro álbum conceptual: Metropolis, Pt. 2: Scenes From a Memory (1999) de la banda neoyorquina Dream Theater. Scenes es el quinto álbum de la banda tras un duro período debido, fundamentalmente, al fracaso comercial de Falling Into Infinity. Tras éste período, se decidió dar rienda suelta a la creatividad y dejar de lado la búsqueda del éxito comercial; política que sigue la banda hasta día de hoy. Para ello nada mejor que continuar la historia que comenzaría unos años atras con Metropolis, Pt. 1: The Miracle and The Sleeper; canción del archiconocido álbum Images and Words (1992). Ésta no sería la única decisión de relevancia que tomaría la banda.
Jordan Rudess, -hasta entonces teclista del cuarteto Liquid Tension Experiment, junto al batería Mike Portnoy y al guitarrista John Petrucci- tras el despido de Derek Sherinian, sería invitado a la banda debido, fundamentalmente, a la buena química y entendimiento musical entre los miembros.
Metropolis, Pt. 2: Scenes From a Memory es, a día de hoy, Gold en Estados Unidos.
Victoria Page "Metropolis/Love" (en 1928)
Senador Edward Baynes "The Miracle" (en 1928)
Julian Baynes "The Sleeper" (en 1928)
Primer Acto
Regression [Scene One] - Con la relajante voz del hipnoterapeuta y un Nicholas en un estado hipnótico comienza este álbum. Podemos oír como Nicholas se somete a una terapia de regresión y, finalmente, recibe a una chica llamada Victoria.
spoiler''''' Hypnotherapist: '''
"Close your eyes and begin to relax. Take a deep breath, and let it out slowly. Concentrate on your breathing. With each breath you become more relaxed. Imagine a brilliant white light above you, focusing on this light as it flows through your body. Allow yourself to drift off as you fall deeper and deeper into a more relaxed state of mind. Now as I count back from ten to one, you will feel more peaceful, and calm. Ten. Nine. Eight. Seven. Six. You will enter a safe place where nothing can harm you. Five. Four. Three. Two. If at any time you need to come back, all you need to do is open your eyes. One."''
''' Nicholas: '''
Safe in the light that surrounds me
Free of the fear and the pain
My subconscious mind
Starts spinning through time
To rejoin the past once again
Nothing seems real
I'm starting to feel
Lost in the haze of a dream
And as I draw near
The scene becomes clear
Like watching my life on a screen
Hello Victoria so glad to see you
My friend.
Overture 1928 [Scene Two] - Nicholas está completamente sumergido en el estado de trance producido por la hipnosis y comienza a centrarse en la chica llamada Victoria. Por alguna extraña razón, la vida de Victoria le recuerda a su propia vida. Durante esta canción podemos oír fragmentos de otras canciones que pertenecen al disco e incluso riffs de Metropolis, Pt. 1.
Strange Déjà Vu [Scene Two] - Durante esta canción conoceremos las razones por las que Nicholas decide comenzar con la terapia. Cada vez que cierra sus ojos es transportado a un sueño de otra vida: ve un camino que llega a una casa. Dentro de ella, subiendo unas escaleras, ve a una chica en un espejo; todo le parece muy familiar. Nicholas se pregunta por qué está ahí, sabe que esa joven muchacha necesita contarle algo. Victoria comienza a revelar por qué acecha a Nicholas; a estado buscando una forma de revelar la verdad sobre su asesinato.
Nicholas sale del estado hipnótico y aunque esté despierto, los sentimientos vividos siguen muy presentes en su vida. Necesita resolver el misterio y nada le importa más que eso.
Subconscious Strange Sensation
Unconscious relaxation
What a pleasant nightmare
And I can't wait to get there again
Every time I close my eyes
There's another vivid surprise
Another whole life waiting
Chapters unfinished, fading
Closer now - Slowly coming into view
I've arrived - Blinding sunshine beaming through
There's a house I'm drawn to
Familiar settings nothing new
And there's a pathway leading there
With a haunting chill in the air
There's a room at the top of the stairs
Every night I'm drawn up there
And there's a girl in the mirror
Her face is getting clearer
Young child won't you tell me why I'm here?
In her eyes - I sense a story never told
Behind the disguise - There's something tearing
At her soul...
Tonight I've been searching for it
A feeling that's deep inside me
Tonight I've been searching for
The one that nobody knows
Trying to break free
I just can't help myself
I'm feeling like I'm going out of my head
Tears my heart into two
I'm not the one the sleeper thought he knew
Back on my feet again
Eyes open to the real world
Metropolis surrounds me
The mirror's shattered the girl
Why is this other life
Haunting me every day
I'd break through to the other side
If only I'd find the way
Something's awfully familiar
Feeling's so hard to shake
Could I have lived in that other world
It's a link that I'm destined to make
I'm still searching but I don't know what for
The missing key to unlock my mind's door
Today I am searching for it
A feeling that won't go away
Today I am searching for
The one that I only know
Trying to break free
I just can't help myself
I'm feeling like I'm going out of my head
Tears my soul into two
I'm not the one I thought I always knew
I just can't help myself
I'm feeling like I'm going out of my head
Uncanny, Strange Deja Vu
But I don't mind - I hope to find the truth.
Through My Words [Scene Three] - Nicholas descubre su conexión con Victoria. Sabe por qué se siente tan atraído; comparten una misma alma.
All your eyes have ever seen
All you've ever heard
Is etched upon my memory
Is spoken through my words
All that I take with me
Is all you've left behind
We're sharing one eternity
Living in two minds
Linked by an endless thread
Impossible to break.
Fatal Tragedy [Scene Three] - Alone at night... Así comienza esta canción. No es difícil imaginarse a un Nicholas tumbado en la cama reflexionando sobre todo lo que ha aprendido recientemente. Ahora sabe quién es Victoria pero necesita conocer el resto de la historia. Nicholas visita a un anciano; no se nos revela su identidad salvo que conoce una historia de una chica asesinada tiempo atrás. Nicholas escucha la historia del anciano pero todo sigue siendo un misterio.
En este punto, Nicholas comprende que mientras no consiga la verdad sobre Victoria no podrá seguir con su vida. Está obsesionado y no puede volver atrás. La canción acaba con las palabras del hipnoterapeuta, Nicholas vuelve para otra sesión de hipnosis. Recomendada.
Alone at night
I feel so strange
I need to find
All the answers to my dreams
When I sleep at night
I hear the cries
What does this mean?
I shut the door and traveled to another home
I met an older man, he seemed to be alone
I felt that I could trust him
He talked to me that night;
"Lad did you know a girl was murdered here?"
"This fatal tragedy was talked about for years"
Victoria's gone forever
Only memories remain
She passed away
She was so young
Without love
Without truth
There can be no turning back
Without faith
Without hope
There can be no peace of mind
As the night went on
I started to find my way
I learned about a tragedy
A mystery still today
I tried to get more answers
But he said, "You're on your own."
Then he turned away and left me
As I stand there all alone
He said, "You'll know the truth
As your future days unfold..."
Without love
Without truth
There can be no turning back
Without faith
Without hope
There can be no peace of mind
"Now it is time to see how you died. Remember that death is not the end, but only a transition."''
Beyond this Life [Scene Four] - Un periódico de 1928 revela que ocurrió. Un testigo, Edward Baynes, oye un horripilante ruido y al llegar a lugar descubre a una mujer muerta por un disparo, y al asesino a su lado. El testigo intenta ayudar pero el asesino se dispara a sí mismo. La víctima y el asesino habían sido amantes. El periódico revela que Victoria y Julian cortaron su relación recientemente debido al decadente estilo de vida de Julian. Se indica también que ella estaba dispuesta a perdonarle. En la escena del crimen había una navaja y en el bolsillo del asesino una nota; Julian se quitaría la vida en lugar de vivir sin Victoria, pero nada hacía sospechar de intenciones de hacerle daño y mucho menos acabar con su vida.
Headline: "Murder, young girl killed
Desperate shooting at Echo's Hill
Dreadful ending, killer died
Evidently suicide."
A witness heard a horrifying sound
He ran to find a woman dead and
Lying on the ground
Standing by her was a man
Nervous, shaking, gun in hand
Witness says he tried to help
But he'd turned the weapon on himself
His body fell across that poor young girl
After shouting out in vain
The witness ran to call for assistance
A sad close to a broken love affair
Our deeds have traveled far
What we have been is what we are
Our deeds have traveled far
What we have been is what we are
She wanted love forever
But he had another plan
He fell into an evil way
She had to let him down
She said, "I can't love a wayward man."
She may have found a reason to forgive
If he had only tried to change
Was their fatal meeting prearranged?
Had a violent struggle taken place?
There was every sign that lead there
Witness found a switchblade on the ground
Was the victim unaware?
They continued to investigate
They found a note in the killer's pocket
It could have been a suicide letter
Maybe he had lost her love
I feel there's only one thing left to do
I'd sooner take my life away
Than live with losing you
Our deeds have traveled far
What we have been is what we are
Our deeds have traveled far
What we have been is what we are
All that we learn this time
(What we have been is what we are)
Is carried beyond this life
All that we learn this time
(What we have been is what we are)
Is carried beyond this life
Our deeds have traveled far
What we have been is what we are
Our deeds have traveled far
What we have been is what we are
All that we learn this time
(What we have been is what we are)
Is carried beyond this life
All that we learn this time
(What we have been is what we are)
Is carried beyond this life.
Through Her Eyes [Scene Five] - Nicholas despierta. Ahora sabe que ocurrió en 1928 y siente la necesidad de visitar la tumba de Victoria. Le expresa el dolor que siente por ella y lo inocente que era. Todo esto lo ha comprendido viendo desde los ojos de Victoria y se da cuenta que también le ha pasado a él mismo. Al llegar a su tumba la tristeza le abruma, siente como si la muerte de Victoria fuera la suya y está asustado, lo compara con perder a un ser muy querido. La canción acaba; Nicholas asume la tragedia y comprende que ya puede continuar. El dolor durante todo este tiempo era necesario para aceptar su muerte en una vida anterior (Victoria). Recomendada.
She never really had a chance
On that fateful moonlit night
Sacrificed without a fight
A victim of her circumstance
Now that I've become aware
And I've exposed this tragedy
A sadness grows inside of me
It all seems so unfair
I'm learning all about my life
By looking through her eyes
Just beyond the churchyard gates
Where the grass is overgrown
I saw the writing on her stone
I felt like I would suffocate
In loving memory of our child
So innocent, eyes open wide
I felt so empty as I cried
Like part of me had died
I'm learning all about my life
By looking through her eyes
And as her image
Wandered through my head
I wept just like a baby
As I lay awake in bed
And I know what it's like
To lose someone you love
And this felt just the same
She wasn't given any choice
Desperation stole her voice
I've been given so much more in life
I've got a son, I've got a wife
I had to suffer one last time
To grieve for her and say goodbye
Relive the anguish of my past
To find out who I was at last
The door has opened wide
I'm turning with the tide
Looking through her eyes.
Segundo Acto
Home [Scene Six] - Durante esta canción se nos revela bastante información para completar la historia. Julian habla de sus problemas; Victoria le deja debido a su adicción, alguna combinación de cocaína, alcohol y el juego. También oímos a Edward contando como Victoria lloraba sobre la ruptura con Julian. Edward se siente atrapado por ella aunque también siente culpa por su hermano. Pero su obsesión por ella se hace cada vez mayor y la seduce aprovechando su vulnerabilidad. Durante la mitad de la canción podemos oír gemidos de una mujer y sonidos de máquinas tragaperras. Podemos interpretarlo como una relación entre Edward y Victoria mientras que Julian satisface sus adicciones. Recomendada.
spoiler'''The Sleeper:'''
Shine - lake of fire
Lines take me higher
My mind drips desire
Confined and overtired
Living this charade
Is getting me nowhere
I can't shake this charade
The city's cold blood calls me home...
Home... It's what I long for
Back home... where I belong
The city - it calls to me
Decadent scenes from my memory
Sorrow - eternity
My demons are coming to drown me
Help - I'm falling, I'm crawling
I can't keep away from its clutch
Can't have it, this habit
It's calling me back to my home
'''The Miracle:'''
I remember the first time she came to me
Poured her soul out all night and cried...
I remember I was told there's a new love that's born
For each one that has died...
I never thought that I
Could carry on with this life
But I can't resist myself
No matter how hard I try
Living their other life
Is getting them nowhere
I'll make her my wife
Her sweet temptation calls me home...
Home... It's what I long for
My home... where she belongs
Her ecstasy - means so much to me
Even deceiving my own blood
Victoria watches and thoughtfully smiles
She's taking me to my home
Help - he's my brother, but I love her
I can't keep away from her touch
Deception, dishonor
It's calling me back to my home
''[A craps stickman is heard calling out various bets during the gambling and sex sequence.]
...four, four, who wants the hard four?... ...who wants the hard four?... ...shooter had one, four... one, four... one and make it the hard way... ...got the shooter... ...coming out for a new player... take your best shot, gambler... ...who wants to come? better hop in... place your bets... who wants to come?''
Her story - it holds the key
Unlocking dreams from my memory
Solving this mystery
Is everything that is a part of me
Help - regression, obsession
I can't keep away from it's clutch
Leave no doubt, to find out
It's calling me back to my home.
The Dance of Eternity [Scene Seven] - Posiblemente representa el momento en que Victoria y Edward se acuestan juntos. La última línea de Metropolis, Pt. 1 dice así: "Love is the Dance of Eternity...".
One Last Time [Scene Seven] - Nicholas le da vueltas a todo. No acaba convencido; lo que cuenta el periódico puede que no sea del todo cierto. También a oído rumores, rumores sobre la aventura entre Edward y Victoria. ¿Hirió Victoria el corazón de Edward? Recomendada.
It doesn't make any sense
This tragic ending
In spite of the evidence
There's something still missing
Heard some of the rumors told
A taste of one's wealth
Did Victoria wound his soul?
Did she bid him farewell?
One last time
We'll lay down today
One last time
Until we fade away
One last time
We'll lay down today
One last time
We slowly fade away
Here I am inside his home
It holds the many clues
To my suspicions
And as I'm standing here right now
I'm finally shown what I have always known
Coincidence I can't believe
As my childhood dreams slowly come true
Are these her memories
Awakened through my eyes
This house has brought back to life
An open door
I walk on through
Into his bedroom
Feeling as cold as outside
The walls disappear
To some woman who's screaming
A man pleads forgiveness
His words I cannot hear.
The Spirit Carries On [Scene Eight] - Nicholas está convencido de que su alma transcenderá y que no necesita temer a la muerte. Ahora cree que Edward estuvo involucrado en el asesinato. Planea descubrir la verdad tras un crimen que ocurrió hace más de 70 años. De pronto Victoria aparece, en forma de revelación y le pide a Nicholas que siga adelante, ella le ha contado la verdad pero no debe olvidarla. Nicholas comprende la razón de todo lo ocurrido: la muerte no es el final, es una transición..
Where did we come from?
Why are we here?
Where do we go when we die?
What lies beyond
And what lay before?
Is anything certain in life?
They say, "Life is too short",
"The here and the now"
And "You're only given one shot"
But could there be more,
Have I lived before,
Or could this be all that we've got?
If I die tomorrow
I'd be all right
Because I believe
That after we're gone
The spirit carries on
I used to be frightened of dying
I used to think death was the end
But that was before
I'm not scared anymore
I know that my soul will transcend
I may never find all the answers
I may never understand why
I may never prove
What I know to be true
But I know that I still have to try
If I die tomorrow
I'd be all right
Because I believe
That after we're gone
The spirit carries on
Move on, be brave
Don't weep at my grave
Because I am no longer here
But please never let
Your memory of me disappear
Safe in the light that surrounds me
Free of the fear and the pain
My questioning mind
Has helped me to find
The meaning in my life again
Victoria's real
I finally feel
At peace with the girl in my dreams
And now that I'm here
It's perfectly clear
I found out what all of this means
If I die tomorrow
I'd be all right
Because I believe
That after we're gone
The spirit carries on.
Finally Free [Scene Nine] - Mediante esta canción comprendemos el resto de la historia. Victoria y Julian deciden quedar en secreto para hablar. Ella sigue amando a Julian y va a cortar la relación con Edward. Sabe que si Julian se enterase de su aventura con Edward le mataría. Edward aparece de repente y en una fuerte discusión saca una navaja. Edward acaba disparando a Julian; dice: "Open your eyes, Victoria" y le dispara también. Julian se arrastra, acaba sobre ella y pronuncia sus últimas palabras: "One last time, we fade away...".
Edward escribe una nota, la deja en el bolsillo de Julian y corre en busca de ayuda, jugando bien sus cartas acabaría como un simple testigo en un asesinato.
Nicholas vuelve a casa y pone a funcionar su gramófono para relajarse. De repente oye un coche llegar, es el hipnoterapeuta. Entra en la habitación y hace gritar a Nicholas diciéndole: "Open your eyes, Nicholas". El gramófono deja de sonar. Recomendada.
"You are once again surrounded by a brilliant white light. Allow the light to lead you away from your past and into this lifetime. As the light dissipates you will slowly fade back into consciousness, remembering all you have learned. When I tell you to open your eyes you will return to the present, feeling peaceful and refresh.
Open your eyes, Nicholas."''
'''The Miracle:'''
Friday evening
The blood still on my hands
To think that she would leave me now
For that ungrateful man
Sole survivor
No witness to the crime
I must act fast to cover up
I think that there's still time
He'd seem hopeless and lost with this note
They'll buy into the words that I wrote
"This feeling inside me
Finally found my love, I've finally broke free
No longer torn in two
I'd take my own life before losing you"
Feeling good this friday afternoon
I ran into Julian
Said we'd get together soon
He's always had my heart
He needs to know
I'll break free of the Miracle
It's time for him to go
This feeling inside me
Finally found my love, I've finally broke free
No longer torn in two
He'd kill his brother if he only knew
Their love renewed
They'd rendezvous
In a pathway out of view
They thought no one knew
Then came a shot out of the night
''"Open your eyes, Victoria"''
'''The Sleeper:'''
One last time
We'll lay down today
One last time
Until we fade away
One last time
We'll lay down today
One last time
We fade away
As their bodies lie still
And the ending draws near
Spirits rise through the air
All their fears disappear, it all becomes clear
A blinding light comes into view
An old soul exchanged for a new
A familiar voice comes shining through...
This feeling inside me
Finally found my life, I'm finally free
No longer torn in two
I learned about my life by living through you
This feeling inside me
Finally found my life, I'm finally free
No longer torn in two
Living my own life by learning from you
We'll meet again my friend someday soon...
'''''CNN Report:'''
"... their lead story, all anticipating the outcome of the man considered to be a member of American nobility. And as you can imagine, as the skies have grown darker here over Washington, the mood has grown darker as well and people here are beginning to resign themselves to the possibility that they are witnessing yet another tragedy in a long string of misfortunes. Reaction from everywhere, from Washington and certainly from around the world has guess..."
"Open your eyes, Nicholas."
Vuelvo la próxima semana con un nuevo álbum conceptual. Espero que os guste.
Actualizado: añadidas letras correspondientes a cada canción para facilitar la compresión de la historia. Estarán bajo Spoiler en cada apartado.