Jeff Scott Soto


Buenas. Alguien tiene la letra de la cancion I'll be waiting de Jeff Scott Soto? es que la he buscado y no encontre ninguna pagina que la tubiera y le pregunte a un amigo mio que le gusta y m dijo que era muy dificil de encontrar. si alguien la tiene, por favor pegarla aki.



Jeff Scott Soto

'll Be Waiting

by Jacob/soto
IŽve heard the words out on the street
Your love is much in danger
Though I can hear the tears of pain
I can see the cries of anger

Oh, if you let me know
We can chase the night away

If you need somebody, call out my name
I'll be waiting right by your side
Everything changes, but love will remain
I'm waiting right by your side tonight.

Inside and outside and upside down
This merry-go-round U give in 4
Tell me the reasons why U go back
Back 2 the same old story

Oh, I can be the 1
Dance and Romance until the morning light

If you need somebody, call out my name
I'll be waiting right by your side
Everything changes, but love will remain
I'm waiting right by your side tonight.

We can chase the night away

If you need somebody, call out my name
I'll be waiting right by your side
Everything changes, but love will remain
I'm waiting right by your side tonight.


que voz OMG


oO o tio graciassssss (Y)


hombre ya que estamos...sabes de alguna pagina que tenga tablaturas de el o de Talisman. Grupo en el q estubo? sq mire en ultimate-guitar, una pagina q tiene muxas tablaturas y muy fiables, y solo habia dos de el...y no las que m interesaban

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