Muere Jeff Hanneman (Slayer)


Slayer is devastated to inform that their bandmate and brother, Jeff Hanneman, passed away at about 11AM this morning near his Southern California home. Hanneman was in an area hospital when he suffered liver failure. He is survived by his wife Kathy, his sister Kathy and his brothers Michael and Larry, and will be sorely missed.

Slayer esta desolada de informar que el compañero y hermano Jeff HAnneman, ha muerto sobre las 11 AM de esta mañana en su casa al Sur de California. Hanneman estaba en un area del hospital cuando ha sufrido un fallo en el hígado.

Our Brother Jeff Hanneman, May He Rest In Peace (1964 - 2013)

El guitarra principal y fundador de Slayer ha muerto de un fallo hepático.


Unos chupitos de agua en su honor


Una pena, de su cabeza han salido las bases de thrash metal más puro.


Fuuuu lo acababa de leer...


Se va un grande, y con el mis esperanzas de verlo junto a la banda este verano :(


Se nos va otro grande, la verdad es que estos dos últimos años están siendo horrorosos en lo que a fallecimientos se refiere...

Ghosts of War!!


Menudo mojón :(

Vaya movida tenía...

1 respuesta

Después de ver la foto de #7 he mirado qué era lo del brazo, y vaya locura:

RPV-traducción: El fallo hepático se debió a una supuesta picadura de araña en un brazo venida a más.

1 respuesta


#8 Estuvo a punto de endiñarla con la picadura:

Hanneman was kicking back in a hot tub with a couple of beers when noticed a spider bite him on the arm.

"Didn't even feel it," he says now. "But an hour later, I knew that I was ill." On his way to the hospital, "I could see the flesh corrupting," he recalls. "The arm was real hot. I got to the emergency room, and thank god the nurse knew straight away what it was. By chance, although it's pretty rare, she had seen a case a little while before. At that point, I was an hour away from death."

Although the spider bite itself was not serious, it had caused bacterial infection in the deeper layers of the skin and tissues of the arm.

"Unbelivably, the doctor was a SLAYER fan," says Hanneman, "First thing he said to me was: 'First I am going to save your life. Then I am going to save your arm. Then I am going to save your career.'"

Hanneman underwent emergency surgery to remove the dead and dying tissue. The doctor was able to save the muscles and the tendons, but the guitarist had a large open wound on his arm. He spent the next two months in hospital, having extensive skin grafts and heavy doses of antibiotics to suppress the infection.

"I had to learn to walk again," Hanneman says: "I hadn't stood up for a month, apart from anything else. The skin grafts were very painful and all the muscles and tendons in the arm where very weak. That was ok though. I count myself lucky that the nurse and doctor knew right away what had happened to me, because things could have been a whole lot worse."

While Hanneman's SLAYER bandmates fufilled their touring commitments with stand-in guitarist Gary Holt (EXODUS), Jeff spent most of 2011 rehabilitating. With the worst of it behind him, Hanneman can see the humour in the situation, too.

"It's the kind of thing I might have written a song about," he acknowledges. "Everything that could go wrong this year did, but you know, it turned out okay. Satan had my back."

Fuente: classic rock via blabbermouth


fuck spiders!


DEP, se va un grande :(


Unas cuantas figuras del metal recordando a Jeff:


iba a poner la noticia porque la acabo de ver por ahí, gracias buscador por evitarme la shitstorm.

una pena que gente tan sana se muera tan joven, jajajajja

ahora en serio, DEP, se va un grande

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