Nueva canción de Enemy Alliance


Podriamos decir que los "retirados" Satanic Surfers han vuelto a la carga. Enemy Alliance surgió de la unión de miembros de varios grupos disueltos y tenían como "estrella" a Rodrigo, líder de Satanic Surfers. En estos últimos meses la banda sueca ha tenido muchos cambios que han obligado a Rodrigo, que ejercía como batería, a volver al micro y a tomar las riendas del grupo junto a Stefan. Con Rodrigo en el micro, podemos ver que Enemy Alliance se acerca mucho al estilo de los antiguos Satanic Surfers. Podéis escuchar su nuevo single Prove Me Wrong en su myspace (

Comunicado de los cambios:

"In the beginning of the year, as many of you already know, some line-up changes were made in ENEMY ALLIANCE. When Fredrik decided to quit the band, we felt that the easiest and most natural solution was to have Mike back on bass while Stefan took over Fredriks spot as a guitarist. ENEMY ALLIANCE then started to rehearse intensively with the new line-up.

However, things started to stagnate and all of the members had other bands besides ENEMY ALLIANCE. Dana, Mike, Flygare and Rodrigo had VENEREA and Stefan had ATLAS LOSING GRIP to work with.

We all felt that it was time to put the efforts into our respective bands instead and either keep ENEMY ALLIANCE as a side project or maybe even call it quits.

To avoid letting all the work from the past year be in vain, Rodrigo decided to record some of the material he had already written for ENEMY ALLIANCE. Stefan liked the idea and was on for this project. It felt natural to keep the name ENEMY ALLIANCE for this recording-session since, after all, this material was written for this band and nothing else.

And so we come to the present.... The recording is done and we will soon post some tracks from it here for your listening pleasure. At this moment, we have no idea what we will do with it. Maybe release it as an album, maybe keep it to ourselves.

What the future holds no one knows....

Hail Satan!

// Rodrigo & Stefan


Este pseudopunk/pseudohardcore es para turbomalotes pseudointelectuales no? Por que la complejidad de su musica no tiene nada a envidiar de Beethoven.

Ahora en serio, son necesarios threads de cada disco/maqueta/pedo-de-lavabo de este tipo de grupos?


No me gustan enemy alliance. Venerea y sobretodo SATANIC SURFERS les dan 80.000 patadas. Suerte que hay de mas grupos suecos como Atlas losing grip, Skumdum, Randy, o de mas que no se pueden comparar con estos xDD

#2 hardcore melodico/tecnico por favor


#2 Pues estos hilos son mucho mas necesarios, que tus posts metiendo mierda sin aportar un carajo, intentando hacerte el graciosillo.

La verdad es que no me gustan tanto como Satanic surfers, pero tienen su puntito.

23 días después

Nuevo tema up!

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