

Buenas noches. Pues bien hace un par de años o tres vi un concierto de Roxette en Canal+ y me gustó bastante y llevo bastante tiempo buscando una canción.
Yo pensaba que se llamaba "fool", pero no es así xq hay otra canción que se llama "The fool" de Roxette que es completamente diferente.

Era en plan "She says, hello, you fool, i love uuuu"

Si alguien sabe como se llama o algo por favor comentadme :)

Gracias de antemano :p

Ah porcierto si además sabeis canciones de la banda sonora original de "Ace Ventura" tb lo os agradeceria :P


Gran grupo, aunque algo flojillos en sus últimos años :) Tienen canciones muy buenas, y esta es una de ellas.

Joyride (1991)

Hit the road out of nowhere, I had to jump my car
and be a rider in the love game following the stars.
don't need no book of wisdom, I get no money talk at all.
She has a train going downtown, she's got a club on the moon
and she's telling all her secrets in a wonderful balloon.
Oh she's the heart of the funfair,
she's got me whistling her private tune.
And it all begins where it ends,
and she's all mine, my magic friend

She says: Hello, you fool, I love you.
C'mon join the joyride, join the joyride

She's a flower, I can paint her, she's a child of the sun,
we're a part of this together, could never turn around and run.
Don't need no fortune teller to know where my lucky love belongs oh no.
Cos it all begins again when it ends, and we're all magic friends

She says: hello, you fool, I love you.
C'mon join the joyride, be a joyrider

I take you on a skyride,
a feeling like you're spellbound.
The sunshine is a lady




esk hacia mil q no la oia :)

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