Chuck norris,esta claro y mirar mi argumento, es irrefutable incultos:
Goku esta claro que no es valido pero lo de rocky y chuck norris?
No seras tan inculto que no sabras que chuck norris fue un crack peleando, que fue campeon del mundo de karate de la categoria de pesos medios, y que tubo un palmares de la ostia, asi mismo fue nombrado hombre del año.
But prior to that, Chuck was a martial arts star, winning many martial arts championships including being a six-time undefeated World Professional MiddleWeight Karate Champion. Chuck was also a renowned teacher in the martial arts. Some of his students were Steve McQueen, Bob Barker, Priscilla Presley and Donnie & Marie Osmond.
From 1964 to 1968, Chuck won many State, National, and International amateur karate titles. In 1968, Chuck fought and won the World Professional MiddleWeight Karate championships by defeating the World's Top Fighters. He held that title until 1974 when he retired undefeated.
In 1968, Chuck was inducted into the Black Belt Hall of Fame as Fighter of the Year. In 1975, he was inducted as Instructor of the Year and in 1977, Chuck received the honor of Man of the Year.
Chuck is also founder and President of United Fighting Arts Federation with over 2,300 black belts all over the world.
Y para los que ponen lo de bruce lee, os sonara a coña pero uno de los rivales mas imponentes para bruce lee fue chuck norris, es mas, eran amigos y rodaron una pelicula juntos(el camino del dragon).
A esto hay que sumarle que no solo es actor de walker, sino que es el productor, asi como de muchas peliculas mas.