Atentado terrorista en Rusia (Ayto. de Crocus)


Si fuera falsa bandera se habría hecho de tal forma que no deja al FSB y al Estado ruso como un hatajo de inútiles.

5 respuestas

Lo de que haya gente creyendose que la mejor opcion para huir que tenian los 'terroristas' era atravesar la frontear entre DOS PUTOS PAISES EN GUERRA, es como poco fascinante

#481 tampoco creo que fuese falsa bandera, a RUS obviamente no le queda mas remedio que culpar a UKR y USA, pero a grandes rasgos han quedado como el orto, y recordad que pasó la ultima vez que Putin mostró debilidad


#481 Entonces daría el cante 8-)


Quizá es duro para algunos..

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#474 no has leído nada de la historia de Putin, no?

Sus primeras elecciones las gana poniendo bombas a sus propios ciudadanos

#481 Es Rusia

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#484 fuerzas especiales rusas con zapatillas de deporte del Decathlon… xdxdxd todo muy ruso.
Faltan unos chandals Adidas rojos


#481 Ese es el secreto, la población rusa asume que son un atajo de inútiles por lo que no desentona una operación antiterrorista mal hecha.


#485 No, ¿Eso está demostrado?

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#484 Video antiguo

#488 demostrado en Rusia? o estas muy fuera o estas baiteando xddd

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#489 Demostrado por parte de occidente y aceptado por Rusia.

Estoy fuera, dejad de pensar que todo el mundo baitea.

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Putin ya tiene su casus belli sólo diciendo que el Isis ha sido subcontratado por Ucrania y Usa.
No le hacen falta falsas banderas.


#490 Tanto en RUS como en Occidente se da por sentado, que es lo maximo a lo que se puede aspirar


Si un 87% vota Putin vota guerra ergo deja de ser civil ya me entendeis...

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140 muertos y de los 100 y pico heridos la mayoría graves, que puta locura.

Y el hijo de Putin intentando vincularlo con Ucrania como sea, la pena es que estas cosas no las hagan en una sala donde esté Putin y sus monos de feria, a lo Malditos Bastardos


#488 a, ver. Los mismos días de los atentados que auparon a Putin unos vecinos escucharon algo raro, bajaron al sótano y vieron a unos poniendo una bomba

Le metieron un palizón y una vez estaban medio muertos llamaron a la policía y en los medios empezaron a decir que premiaban a unos vecinos por participar en un simulacro antiterrorista

Los vecinos dijeron que no era ningún simulacro y que nadie les había dicho nada antes de que pasase y de repente todos se murieron en accidentes al poco.


7 1 respuesta

#481 No es comparable por la magnitud, pero la historia del FSB y Los Sims te la sabes? xD


#495 what? Eso tiene que ser fake no me jodas.

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El FSB, ese ente infalible que hace cosas como esta:

"Vasili, compra 3 tarjetas SIM para el montaje de los ucranianos nazis infiltrados que vamos a detener."
"Sí, mi capitán. Marchando tres discos de los Sims."


Ya va quedando menos.


#396 No hablo con gente que cobra en rublos. Saludos.


#461 si claro. Porque Ucrania entera esta muriendo de hambre, porque hay como 50k de niños muertos en menos de un año, no?

Porfavor... Me vais a comparar a Israel con Putin... Muy traumados estáis. Y que quede claro que yo ni lo apoyo, ni nunca hubiera entrado a Ucrania. Aparte si lo hiciera lo haría sutilmente, matando a los dirigentes.

#466 no es que no puedan, es que no quieren y ya. Me vas a decir que Rusia no puede enviar un misil a Kiev y reventarlo? Puede perfectamente. Pero como he dicho antes, Putin es mas humano que Natalanhu

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#502 Natalanhu, me encanta 😂😂😂

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#477 todo es posible. Pero no le veo la necesidad la verdad. Y sobretodo si se enfocan en el ISIS

#503 asi mas campechano, Natalanhu para los amigos


At 20:30 on 22 September 1999, Alexei Kartofelnikov, a resident of an apartment building in the city of Ryazan noticed two suspicious men who carried sacks into the basement from a car.[47][66][67] While the license plate indicated that the car was registered in Moscow, a sheet of paper was taped over the last two digits, and the number written on it implied that the car was local.[68]

Kartofelnikov alerted the police, but by the time they arrived the car and the men were gone. The policemen found three sacks of white powder in the basement, each weighing 50 kg (110 lb). A detonator and a timing device were attached to the sacks.[32] The detonator was reported by a Russian newspaper to be a 12-gauge shotgun shell filled with powder.[69] The timer was set to 5:30 AM.[32] Yuri Tkachenko, the head of the local bomb squad, disconnected the detonator and the timer. Reportedly, Tkachenko tested the three sacks of white substance with a "MO-2" gas analyser, which detected RDX vapors.[70]

Inhabitants of the apartment building were evacuated.[69] According to David Satter, residents of neighboring buildings fled their homes in terror, to the effect that nearly 30,000 residents spent the night on the street. Police and rescue vehicles converged from different parts of the city. As many as 1,200 local police officers were put on alert, the railroad stations and the airport were surrounded, and roadblocks were set up on highways leaving the city.[70]

At 01:30 on 23 September 1999, explosive engineers of the Ryazan UFSB took a sample of substance from the suspicious-looking sacks to a firing ground located about 1.6 km (1 mi) away from Ryazan for testing.[69][71] During the substance tests at that area they tried to explode it by means of a detonator, which was also made from a shotgun shell, but the substance failed to detonate.[69][72][73][74][75][76][77] At 05:00, Radio Rossiya reported about the attempted bombing, noting that the bomb was set up to go off at 05:30. In the morning, Ryazan resembled a city under siege. Composite sketches of three suspected terrorists, two men and a woman, were posted everywhere in the city and shown on TV. At 08:00 Russian television reported the attempt to blow out the building in Ryazan and identified the explosive used in the bomb as RDX.[72] Vladimir Rushailo announced later that police prevented a terrorist act. A news report at 16:00 reported that the explosives failed to detonate during their testing outside the city.[69][72][73][74][78][79]

At 19:00, Vladimir Putin praised the vigilance of the inhabitants of Ryazan, and called for the air bombing of the Chechen capital Grozny in response to the terrorism acts.[32] He said:[80]

If the sacks which proved to contain explosive were noticed, that means there is a positive side to it, if only the fact that the public is reacting correctly to the events taking place in our country today. I'd like ... to thank the public. ... No panic, no sympathy for the bandits.

On 23 September Natalia Yukhnova, a telephone service employee in Ryazan, tapped into a suspicious phone call to Moscow and overheard the following instruction: "Leave one at a time, there are patrols everywhere".[81][82][83] The called number was traced to a telephone exchange unit serving FSB offices.[84]

When arrested, the detainees produced FSB identification cards. They were soon released on orders from Moscow.[85][86][16][87]

The position of Russian authorities on the Ryazan incident changed significantly over time. Initially, it was declared by the FSB and federal government to be a real threat. However, after the people who planted the bomb were identified, the official version changed to "security training".[88]

On 24 September, FSB director Nikolai Patrushev announced that it was an exercise that was being carried out to test responses after the earlier blasts.[89][90]

The Ryazan FSB "reacted with fury" and issued a statement saying:[80]

This announcement came as a surprise to us and appeared at the moment when the ... FSB had identified the places of residence in Ryazan of those involved in planting the explosive device and was prepared to detain them.

FSB also issued a public apology about the incident.[89] In a show Independent Investigation on NTV, Evgeniy Savostyanov, former director of Moscow and Moscow Oblast regional FSB branch, has criticized the FSB for performing such exercise on residential buildings with inhabitants inside and without notifying local authorities.[91]

In excerpts from the planned Ryazan operation, first published in 2002, it was stated that the exercise was overseen by the head of the FSB's Center of Special Operations (CSO), Major General Alexander Tikhonov


Visto en Xhitter, lo que no se si realmente viene de esto o han colado el fake


#476 Casualidad que ocurra el atentado cuando la guerra queda estancada, cuando Ucrania necesita más armamento, y más implicación de los países OTAN. Casualidades de la vida, como que los servicios de inteligencia americanos avisaran de un atentado Islamista. Es todo un plan maestro de Putin jugando al 4Dchess para movilizar a toda su población.

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Algún día vamos a tener que plantearnos el tema de los bulos bastante más en serio, ya cualquier matado de Twitter te la puede colar... Antes eso solo lo podían hacer medios oficiales, se nos va de las manos la propaganda de uno y otro bando.


Están compartiendo esto por tuíter, no se cómo de cierto será.

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#509 26 años y calvo ya. Que ruina.