email sospechosamente de timo?


esto es lo que pone....

Lotteria Italia is happy to inform you that today is your lucky day!
Lotteria Italia is required to disburse the award of $ (One Million United States Dollars) to the correct recipient, but we must verify that you are the owner of the selected email address before we can send this money to you. This cash prize must be claimed not later than the 18th of May 2007 . After this date all unclaimed prizes will be declared void. Claimants must be over 20 years of age. All claims must abide by the claim rules stated in our official page. Click here to view rules: or paste it in your browser. You must read the rules and understand them before responding.

Contact us with your Claim Refence Number: 29NER08/2007 in conjunction with your email address is yours and yours alone, and has not been issued to any other person. Quote it when replying. You must act before the deadline date stated above or your claim will be void. You have received this message from Lotteria Italia prize disbursement department because you have visited one of our sponsored sites and have voluntarily given your email address to receive mails from their sponsors.

There is no cost to submit your claim, and no further obligation on your part to Lotteria Italia.

¿soy millonario?


Si. Millonariamente tonto.




Felicidades chico!


¿De vedad es necesario postearlo aquí para que te des cuenta?


Joder tio, cuan afortunado eres ;(


mira q tenes ganas algunos de abrir un post eh...


YOINK van a cerrar media-vida , para evitar esto debes ingresar 70€ en esta cuenta bancaria 2345 23 2334 424424595.
Se sortea un cerebro entre todos los ganadores.


Elimínalo de tu cuenta.

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