Obama apoya abiertamente a Al Qaeda


#60 Estás 100% seguro (te jugarías a tu familia) en que es al qaeda el que ataca al dictador que mata a su pueblo?

1 respuesta

#61 Me respondes con una pregunta?

El líder de Al Qaeda en Irak, Abu Bakr al Bagdadi, acaba de anunciar la fusión de su grupo con el Frente al Nusra

Al nusra es el grupo que controla a todos los rebeldes sirios. Es la unificacion de los grupos rebeldes.

Estos rebeldes estan atacando al pueblo. El dictador esta defendiendose de esto.

Respondeme a la cuestion principal y basica que deberia hacer uno.

Que hace USA que no defiende al presidente Sirio de alqaeda? Banda terrorista que ataco a los ciudadanos americanos y europeos entre otros.

y sumo otra noticia

Israel entrega ayuda logística a terroristas de Al Nusra para atacar Siria


Tranquilos que este solo es un actor. No fue terrorista.


Que poca vision que teneis.... esto es por una sencilla razon:

1- EEUU desea Siria, pero tiene un gobierno consolidado, asique complicado entrar.
2- El Tio Sam observa que hay varios focos rebeldes, les echa un cable, para que se vayan matando entre ellos, mediante un crisol de armas, quimicas, fisicas, y de todos los sabores.
3- Una vez los rebeldes se hacen con el poder, pasan unos meses y EEUU anuncia al mundo “El actual gobierno sirio posee armas quimicas, y entre los gobernantes hay
miembros de Al Quequeda“
Periodista del Washington Herald: “Y como podemos fiarnos de esa informacion? La ultima vez que oimos eso, resulto que no era cierto, invadimos Iraq, matamos a muchitos, nos mataron a otros tantos, pero no habia armas quimicas....“
Obama: Precisamente tengo un albaran de entrega firmado por el primer ministro de Siria, el cual recogio 40000 toneladas de armas quimicas que fabricamos en Kentucky, y antes era de Al Quequeda, aqui tenemos una foto suya junto a Pin Laben, jugando al mus.

  • Ah, vale, siendo asi, vamos a por ellos, gou iuesei!!!!!
    4- Cinco dias de bombardeos, luego entran los tanques, pim pam pum bocadillo de atun, EEUU gana, pone la democracia que mas le gusta, y todos felices.
    Asin de facil, mediavideros sin vision!!!
    Y no olvidemos que Josemari ya se esta preparando otra vez para volver a Moncloa, hacerse una foto en las Azores, y apoyar, si es que todo cuadra amijos! Estamos trabajando en ello!!!!!!
1 respuesta

#63 Yo veo mas que nada que quiere controlar todos esos paises y que los gobiernen los de alqaeda.

Cuando Alqaeda gobierne la zona atacaran a Israel.

Dado que Siria esta en guerra con Israel. Egipto defendera los intereses de Siria al que estuvo apoyando para derrocar al presidente actual.

De esta manera tenemos una guerra en donde las victimas siempre seran los civiles.

Recordad que la hermandad musulmana de egipto esta controlada por el sionismo igual que la liga arabe.

Iran si quisiera atacaria a Israel. Pero saben que eso es lo que quieren por eso el estado hebreo siempre les provoca a Iran. Y estos no entran en el trapo.


No, Irán no amenaza ni provoca, son personas pacificas.

Entonces el resumen del hilo:

Se afirma que EEUU da apoyo directo a Al qaeda. No se aporta ninguna prueba para confirmar esto, la única tesis es que como EEUU creo Al qaeda y en entre los opositores del régimen sirio hay gente de Al qaeda, EEUU les esta apoyando, pero no se aporta ninguna prueba para ello.

Lo cierto es que entre hay personas de todo tipo entre los opositores y Al qaeda no es ni mayoritario, es patético intentar asociar a todos los opositores con Al qaeda, es una táctica pueril diga de enanos mentales.

Lo mejor de todo, es que es la propia EEUU la que avisa de que Al Qaeda esta infiltrandose.

Estados Unidos alerta sobre la creciente presencia de islamistas radicales, sobre todo de Irak

1 respuesta

#65 No, Iran no provoca.

Y ahi tienes innumerables fuentes con la informacion correspondiente desde todas las perspectivas.

Aun asi te haces el longui.

Repito USA no lo ha negado.

No se aporta ninguna prueba para confirmar esto, la única tesis es que como EEUU creo Al qaeda y en entre los opositores del régimen sirio hay gente de Al qaeda

Un grupo de rebeldes sirios se fusiona con la rama en Irak de Al Qaeda




Bill Clinton respalda la política de Obama de ayuda militar a los rebeldes sirios



No os preocupeis, que los rebeldes sirios se unificaron ayer. Ahora la administracion Obama reculara xddd

1 respuesta

Eso es así, para que el Mundo tenga "malos", los "buenos" deben cuidarse que siempre estén bien equipados los "malos".


Los rebeldes sirios graban en vídeo la decapitación de un sacerdote católico


Ostia tu a mi me contaron que los rebeldes sirios son los buenos igual que en la guerra de las galaxias.

Que hablas de que Alqaeda esta controlando las acciones de los rebeldes sirios?

Que si tio, mira el que controla los grupos rebeldes se llama al Nusra y estos son un brazo de Alqaeda.

Quiero pruebas no conjeturas.

Toma pruebas http://internacional.elpais.com/internacional/2013/04/10/actualidad/1365604217_873013.html


Mas pruebas en #1


Que estados están controlados por los sionistas?

1 respuesta

#69 Te dire los que no estan controlados.

Iran, Corea del Norte, Siria, Venezuela, Ecuador, Bolivia, Cuba y alguno mas.

Venga que sigan las pruebas que no son pruebas para algunos xd

Al Qaeda se une al Ejército Libre Sirio en Aleppo

Por si alguien tenía aún alguna duda, se ha anunciado la fusión entre dos grupos de al Qaeda, el Frente Jabhat al-Nusra y las Brigadas Ahrar al-Sham, con el autodenominado Ejército Libre Sirio. El pacto se ha sellado mediante una reunión pública y ha quedado grabado en un vídeo filmado en las cercanías de Aleppo, la siguiente región que va a ser asaltada por el Ejército Árabe Sirio en la contraofensiva triunfal que están emprendiendo estos días. Acabaron todos juntitos cantando una canción religiosa (la Shuhada) y llamando a la Yihad, a la guerra santa contra el gobierno árabe laico de Assad. Ya sabemos dónde van a ir las armas de la Unión Europea, ¿verdad?

Y tomar video, bien unidos.


Despues de todo lo que puse.

No hay pruebas.

2 respuestas

#70 Los sionistas van y vienen dependiendo del gobierno que se elija?? Bolivia, Venezuela y Ecuador hasta hace poco no tenían un régimen 'chavista'. Vaya mierda de poder en la sombra si cuando por ejemplo sale elegido un indígena como en Bolivia se van..

1 respuesta

#71 Bolivia desde que gobierna Evo morales que no deja pasar ni una al sionismo.

Ecuador lo mismo, desde que Correa gobierna ya ha dicho que su pais no estara al servicio de USA.

Venezuela muchisimos años denunciando el imperialismo que hay en el mundo, otra forma de decirlo.

Es evidente que depende del gobierno, vendra de la mano del sionismo o no.

Pero esto ocurre muy pocas veces, y son el caso de Bolivia y Ecuador. Sus gobiernos anteriores aceptaban las pretensiones de USA.

Entenderas tambien que las FARC a pesar de que se financian con la droga, son el ejercito latinoantiglobalista.

Es por eso que Venezuela entre otros son aliados de estos.


#70 entonces el eje del mal está controlado por los buenos y los países buenos por los malos? esto es demasiado confuso para mi

1 respuesta

#73 Lo que tu crees que es bueno, no lo es. Es lo mas malo que hay y que habido en la historia de la humanidad.

Comprueba la historia y la actualidad y señala que pais es el que ha atacado a mas de 50 paises en menos de 50 años.

2 respuestas

#74 Queremos la lista de los 50 paises y sus respectivos años en que fueron atacados, porque segun las cuentas sale a 1 ataque y pico por año.... y no caigo... o el dato es falso....

1 respuesta

#75 1950–1959

Map of military operations since 1950

1950–53 – Korean War. The United States responded to North Korean invasion of South Korea by going to its assistance, pursuant to United Nations Security Council resolutions. US forces deployed in Korea exceeded 300,000 during the last year of the conflict. Over 36,600 US military were killed in action.[RL30172]

1950–55 – Formosa (Taiwan). In June 1950 at the beginning of the Korean War, President Truman ordered the U.S. Seventh Fleet to prevent Chinese Communist attacks upon Formosa and Chinese Nationalist operations against mainland China.[RL30172]

1954–55 – China. Naval units evacuated U.S. civilians and military personnel from the Tachen Islands.[RL30172]

1955–64 – Vietnam. First military advisors sent to Vietnam on 12 Feb 1955. By 1964, US troop levels had grown to 21,000. On 7 August 1964, US Congress approved Gulf of Tonkin resolution affirming "All necessary measures to repel any armed attack against the forces of the United States. . .to prevent further aggression. . . (and) assist any member or protocol state of the Southeast Asian Collective Defense Treaty (SEATO) requesting assistance. . ."[Vietnam timeline]

1956 – Egypt. A marine battalion evacuated US nationals and other persons from Alexandria during the Suez crisis.[RL30172]

1958 – Lebanon. Lebanon crisis of 1958 Marines were landed in Lebanon at the invitation of President Camille Chamoun to help protect against threatened insurrection supported from the outside. The President's action was supported by a Congressional resolution passed in 1957 that authorized such actions in that area of the world.[RL30172]

1959–60 – The Caribbean. Second Marine Ground Task Force was deployed to protect U.S. nationals following the Cuban revolution.[RL30172]

1959–75 – Vietnam War. U.S. military advisers had been in South Vietnam for a decade, and their numbers had been increased as the military position of the Saigon government became weaker. After citing what he termed were attacks on U.S. destroyers in the Tonkin Gulf, President Johnson asked in August 1964 for a resolution expressing U.S. determination to support freedom and protect peace in Southeast Asia. Congress responded with the Tonkin Gulf Resolution, expressing support for "all necessary measures" the President might take to repel armed attacks against U.S. forces and prevent further aggression. Following this resolution, and following a communist attack on a U.S. installation in central Vietnam, the United States escalated its participation in the war to a peak of 543,000 military personnel by April 1969.[RL30172]

1962 – Thailand. The Third Marine Expeditionary Unit landed on May 17, 1962 to support that country during the threat of Communist pressure from outside; by July 30, the 5,000 marines had been withdrawn.[RL30172]

1962 – Cuba. Cuban Missile Crisis On October 22, President Kennedy instituted a "quarantine" on the shipment of offensive missiles to Cuba from the Soviet Union. He also warned Soviet Union that the launching of any missile from Cuba against nations in the Western Hemisphere would bring about U.S. nuclear retaliation on the Soviet Union. A negotiated settlement was achieved in a few days.[RL30172]

1962–75 – Laos. From October 1962 until 1975, the United States played an important role in military support of anti-Communist forces in Laos.[RL30172]

1964 – Congo (Zaire). The United States sent four transport planes to provide airlift for Congolese troops during a rebellion and to transport Belgian paratroopers to rescue foreigners.[RL30172]

1965 – Invasion of Dominican Republic. Operation Power Pack. The United States intervened to protect lives and property during a Dominican revolt and sent 20,000 U.S. troops as fears grew that the revolutionary forces were coming increasingly under Communist control.[RL30172] A popular rebellion breaks out, promising to reinstall Juan Bosch as the country's elected leader. The revolution is crushed when U.S. Marines land to uphold the military regime by force. The CIA directs everything behind the scenes.

1967 – Israel. The USS Liberty incident, whereupon a United States Navy Technical Research Ship was attacked June 8, 1967 by Israeli armed forces, killing 34 and wounding more than 170 U.S. crew members.

1967 – Congo (Zaire). The United States sent three military transport aircraft with crews to provide the Congo central government with logistical support during a revolt.[RL30172]

1968 – Laos & Cambodia. U.S. starts secret bombing campaign against targets along the Ho Chi Minh trail in the sovereign nations of Cambodia and Laos. The bombings last at least two years. (See Operation Commando Hunt)

1970 – Cambodian Campaign. U.S. troops were ordered into Cambodia to clean out Communist sanctuaries from which Viet Cong and North Vietnamese attacked U.S. and South Vietnamese forces in Vietnam. The object of this attack, which lasted from April 30 to June 30, was to ensure the continuing safe withdrawal of American forces from South Vietnam and to assist the program of Vietnamization.[RL30172]

1972 - North Vietnam - Christmas bombing Operation Linebacker II (not mentioned in RL30172, but an operation leading to peace negotiations). The operation was conducted from 18–29 December 1972. It was a bombing of the cities Hanoi and Haiphong by B-52 bombers.

1973 – Operation Nickel Grass, a strategic airlift operation conducted by the United States to deliver weapons and supplies to Israel during the Yom Kippur War.

1974 – Evacuation from Cyprus. United States naval forces evacuated U.S. civilians during the Turkish invasion of Cyprus.[RL30172]

1975 – Evacuation from Vietnam. Operation Frequent Wind. On April 3, 1975, President Ford reported U.S. naval vessels, helicopters, and Marines had been sent to assist in evacuation of refugees and US nationals from Vietnam.[RL30172]

1975 – Evacuation from Cambodia. Operation Eagle Pull. On April 12, 1975, President Ford reported that he had ordered U.S. military forces to proceed with the planned evacuation of U.S. citizens from Cambodia.[RL30172]

1975 – South Vietnam. On April 30, 1975, President Ford reported that a force of 70 evacuation helicopters and 865 Marines had evacuated about 1,400 U.S. citizens and 5,500 third country nationals and South Vietnamese from landing zones in and around the U.S. Embassy, Saigon and Tan Son Nhut Airport.[RL30172]

1975 – Cambodia. Mayagüez Incident. On May 15, 1975, President Ford reported he had ordered military forces to retake the SS Mayagüez, a merchant vessel which was seized from Cambodian naval patrol boats in international waters and forced to proceed to a nearby island.[RL30172]

1976 – Lebanon. On July 22 and 23, 1976, helicopters from five U.S. naval vessels evacuated approximately 250 Americans and Europeans from Lebanon during fighting between Lebanese factions after an overland convoy evacuation had been blocked by hostilities.[RL30172]

1976 – Korea. Additional forces were sent to Korea after two American soldiers were killed by North Korean soldiers in the demilitarized zone between North and South Korea while cutting down a tree.[RL30172]

1978 – Zaire (Congo). From May 19 through June 1978, the United States utilized military transport aircraft to provide logistical support to Belgian and French rescue operations in Zaire.[RL30172]

1980 – Iran. Operation Eagle Claw. On April 26, 1980, President Carter reported the use of six U.S. transport planes and eight helicopters in an unsuccessful attempt to rescue the American hostages in Iran.

1980 - U.S. Army and Air Force units arrive in the Sinai in September as part of "Operation Bright Star". They are there to train with Egyptians armed forces as part of the Camp David peace accords signed in 1979. Elements of the 101st Airborne Division, ( 1st Battalion, 502nd Infantry) and Air Force MAC (Military Airlift Command) units are in theater for four months and are the first U.S. military forces in the region since World War II.

1981 – El Salvador. After a guerrilla offensive against the government of El Salvador, additional U.S. military advisers were sent to El Salvador, bringing the total to approximately 55, to assist in training government forces in counterinsurgency.[RL30172]

1981 – Libya. First Gulf of Sidra Incident On August 19, 1981, U.S. planes based on the carrier USS Nimitz shot down two Libyan jets over the Gulf of Sidra after one of the Libyan jets had fired a heat-seeking missile. The United States periodically held freedom of navigation exercises in the Gulf of Sidra, claimed by Libya as territorial waters but considered international waters by the United States.[RL30172]

1982 – Sinai. On March 19, 1982, President Reagan reported the deployment of military personnel and equipment to participate in the Multinational Force and Observers in the Sinai. Participation had been authorized by the Multinational Force and Observers Resolution, Public Law 97-132.[RL30172]

1982 – Lebanon. Multinational Force in Lebanon. On August 21, 1982, President Reagan reported the dispatch of 800 Marines to serve in the multinational force to assist in the withdrawal of members of the Palestine Liberation force from Beirut. The Marines left September 20, 1982.[RL30172]

1982–83 – Lebanon. On September 29, 1982, President Reagan reported the deployment of 1200 marines to serve in a temporary multinational force to facilitate the restoration of Lebanese government sovereignty. On September 29, 1983, Congress passed the Multinational Force in Lebanon Resolution (P.L. 98-119) authorizing the continued participation for eighteen months.[RL30172]

1983 – Egypt. After a Libyan plane bombed a city in Sudan on March 18, 1983, and Sudan and Egypt appealed for assistance, the United States dispatched an AWACS electronic surveillance plane to Egypt.[RL30172]

1983 – Grenada. Operation Urgent Fury. Citing the increased threat of Soviet and Cuban influence and noting the development of an international airport following a coup d'état and alignment with the Soviets and Cuba, the U.S. invades the island nation of Grenada.[RL30172]

1983–89 – Honduras. In July 1983, the United States undertook a series of exercises in Honduras that some believed might lead to conflict with Nicaragua. On March 25, 1986, unarmed U.S. military helicopters and crewmen ferried Honduran troops to the Nicaraguan border to repel Nicaraguan troops.[RL30172]

1983 – Chad. On August 8, 1983, President Reagan reported the deployment of two AWACS electronic surveillance planes and eight F-15 fighter planes and ground logistical support forces to assist Chad against Libyan and rebel forces.[RL30172]

1984 – Persian Gulf. On June 5, 1984, Saudi Arabian jet fighter planes, aided by intelligence from a U.S. AWACS electronic surveillance aircraft and fueled by a U.S. KC-10 tanker, shot down two Iranian fighter planes over an area of the Persian Gulf proclaimed as a protected zone for shipping.[RL30172]

1985 – Italy. On October 10, 1985, U.S. Navy pilots intercepted an Egyptian airliner and forced it to land in Sicily. The airliner was carrying the hijackers of the Italian cruise ship Achille Lauro who had killed an American citizen during the hijacking.[RL30172]

1986 – Libya. Action in the Gulf of Sidra (1986) On March 26, 1986, President Reagan reported on March 24 and 25, U.S. forces, while engaged in freedom of navigation exercises around the Gulf of Sidra, had been attacked by Libyan missiles and the United States had responded with missiles.[RL30172]

1986 – Libya. Operation El Dorado Canyon. On April 16, 1986, President Reagan reported that U.S. air and naval forces had conducted bombing strikes on terrorist facilities and military installations in the Libyan capitol of Tripoli, claiming that Libyan leader Col. Muammar al-Gaddafi was responsible for a bomb attack at a German disco that killed two U.S. soldiers.[RL30172]

1986 – Bolivia. U.S. Army personnel and aircraft assisted Bolivia in anti-drug operations.[RL30172]

1987 – Persian Gulf. USS Stark was struck on May 17 by two Exocet antiship missiles fired from an Iraqi F-1 Mirage during the Iran-Iraq War, killing 37 U.S. Navy sailors.

1987 – Persian Gulf. Operation Nimble Archer. Attacks on two Iranian oil platforms in the Persian Gulf by United States Navy forces on October 19. The attack was a response to Iran's October 16, 1987 attack on the MV Sea Isle City, a reflagged Kuwaiti oil tanker at anchor off Kuwait, with a Silkworm missile.

1987–88 – Persian Gulf. Operation Earnest Will - After the Iran-Iraq War (the Tanker War phase) resulted in several military incidents in the Persian Gulf, the United States increased U.S. joint military forces operations in the Persian Gulf and adopted a policy of reflagging and escorting Kuwaiti oil tankers through the Persian Gulf to protect them from Iraqi and Iranian attacks. President Reagan reported that U.S. ships had been fired upon or struck mines or taken other military action on September 21 (Iran Ajr), October 8, and October 19, 1987 and April 18 (Operation Praying Mantis), July 3, and July 14, 1988. The United States gradually reduced its forces after a cease-fire between Iran and Iraq on August 20, 1988.[RL30172] It was the largest naval convoy operation since World War II.[5]

1987–88 – Persian Gulf. Operation Prime Chance was a United States Special Operations Command operation intended to protect U.S.-flagged oil tankers from Iranian attack during the Iran-Iraq War. The operation took place roughly at the same time as Operation Earnest Will.

1988 – Persian Gulf. Operation Praying Mantis was the April 18, 1988 action waged by U.S. naval forces in retaliation for the Iranian mining of the Persian Gulf and the subsequent damage to an American warship.

1988 – Honduras. Operation Golden Pheasant was an emergency deployment of U.S. troops to Honduras in 1988, as a result of threatening actions by the forces of the (then socialist) Nicaraguans.

1988 – USS Vincennes shoot down of Iran Air Flight 655

1988 – Panama. In mid-March and April 1988, during a period of instability in Panama and as the United States increased pressure on Panamanian head of state General Manuel Noriega to resign, the United States sent 1,000 troops to Panama, to "further safeguard the canal, US lives, property and interests in the area." The forces supplemented 10,000 U.S. military personnel already in the Panama Canal Zone.[RL30172]

1989 – Libya. Second Gulf of Sidra Incident On January 4, 1989, two U.S. Navy F-14 aircraft based on the USS John F. Kennedy shot down two Libyan jet fighters over the Mediterranean Sea about 70 miles north of Libya. The U.S. pilots said the Libyan planes had demonstrated hostile intentions.[RL30172]

1989 – Panama. On May 11, 1989, in response to General Noriega's disregard of the results of the Panamanian election, President Bush ordered a brigade-sized force of approximately 1,900 troops to augment the estimated 1,000 U.S. forces already in the area.[RL30172]

1989 – Colombia, Bolivia, and Peru. Andean Initiative in War on Drugs. On September 15, 1989, President Bush announced that military and law enforcement assistance would be sent to help the Andean nations of Colombia, Bolivia, and Peru combat illicit drug producers and traffickers. By mid-September there were 50–100 U.S. military advisers in Colombia in connection with transport and training in the use of military equipment, plus seven Special Forces teams of 2–12 persons to train troops in the three countries.[RL30172]

1989 – Philippines. Operation Classic Resolve. On December 2, 1989, President Bush reported that on December 1, Air Force fighters from Clark Air Base in Luzon had assisted the Aquino government to repel a coup attempt. In addition, 100 marines were sent from U.S. Naval Base Subic Bay to protect the United States Embassy in Manila.[RL30172]

1989–90 – Panama. Operation Just Cause. On December 21, 1989, President Bush reported that he had ordered U.S. military forces to Panama to protect the lives of American citizens and bring General Noriega to justice. By February 13, 1990, all the invasion forces had been withdrawn.[RL30172] Around 200 Panamanian civilians were reported killed. The Panamanian head of state, General Manuel Noriega, was captured and brought to the U.S.

1990 – Liberia: On August 6, 1990, President Bush reported that a reinforced rifle company had been sent to provide additional security to the U.S. Embassy in Monrovia, and that helicopter teams had evacuated U.S. citizens from Liberia.[RL30172]

1990 – Saudi Arabia: On August 9, 1990, President Bush reported that he launched Operation Desert Shield by ordering the forward deployment of substantial elements of the U.S. armed forces into the Persian Gulf region to help defend Saudi Arabia after the August 2 invasion of Kuwait by Iraq. On November 16, 1990, he reported the continued buildup of the forces to ensure an adequate offensive military option.[RL30172]American hostages being held in Iran.[RL30172] Staging point for the troops was primarily Bagram air field.

1991 – Iraq and Kuwait. Operation Desert Storm: On January 16, 1991, in response to the refusal by Iraq to leave Kuwait, U.S. and Coalition aircraft attacked Iraqi forces and military targets in Iraq and Kuwait in conjunction with a coalition of allies and under United Nations Security Council resolutions. In February 24, 1991, U.S.-led United Nation (UN) forces launched a ground offensive that finally drove Iraqi forces out of Kuwait within 100 hours. Combat operations ended on February 28, 1991, when President Bush declared a ceasefire.[RL30172]

1991–1996 – Iraq. Operation Provide Comfort: Delivery of humanitarian relief and military protection for Kurds fleeing their homes in northern Iraq during the 1991 uprising, by a small Allied ground force based in Turkey which began in April 1991.

1991 – Iraq: On May 17, 1991, President Bush stated that the Iraqi repression of the Kurdish people had necessitated a limited introduction of U.S. forces into northern Iraq for emergency relief purposes.[RL30172]

1991 – Zaire: On September 25–27, 1991, after widespread looting and rioting broke out in Kinshasa, Air Force C-141s transported 100 Belgian troops and equipment into Kinshasa. American planes also carried 300 French troops into the Central African Republic and hauled evacuated American citizens.[RL30172]

1992 – Sierra Leone. Operation Silver Anvil: Following the April 29 coup that overthrew President Joseph Saidu Momoh, a United States European Command (USEUCOM) Joint Special Operations Task Force evacuated 438 people (including 42 Third Country nationals) on May 3. Two Air Mobility Command (AMC) C-141s flew 136 people from Freetown, Sierra Leone, to the Rhein-Main Air Base in Germany and nine C-130 sorties carried another 302 people to Dakar, Senegal.[RL30172]

1992–1996 – Bosnia and Herzegovina: Operation Provide Promise was a humanitarian relief operation in Bosnia and Herzegovina during the Yugoslav Wars, from July 2, 1992, to January 9, 1996, which made it the longest running humanitarian airlift in history.[6]

1992 – Kuwait: On August 3, 1992, the United States began a series of military exercises in Kuwait, following Iraqi refusal to recognize a new border drawn up by the United Nations and refusal to cooperate with UN inspection teams.[RL30172]

1992–2003 – Iraq. Iraqi no-fly zones: The U.S., United Kingdom, and its Gulf War allies declared and enforced "no-fly zones" over the majority of sovereign Iraqi airspace, prohibiting Iraqi flights in zones in southern Iraq and northern Iraq, and conducting aerial reconnaissance and bombings. Often, Iraqi forces continued throughout a decade by firing on U.S. and British aircraft patrolling no-fly zones.(See also Operation Northern Watch, Operation Southern Watch) [RL30172]

1992–1995 – Somalia. Operation Restore Hope. Somali Civil War: On December 10, 1992, President Bush reported that he had deployed U.S. armed forces to Somalia in response to a humanitarian crisis and a UN Security Council Resolution in support for UNITAF. The operation came to an end on May 4, 1993. U.S. forces continued to participate in the successor United Nations Operation in Somalia (UNOSOM II).(See also Battle of Mogadishu)[RL30172]

1993-1995 - Bosnia. Operation Deny Flight: On April 12, 1993, in response to a United Nations Security Council passage of Resolution 816, U.S. and NATO enforced the no-fly zone over the Bosnian airspace, prohibited all unauthorized flights and allowed to "take all necessary measures to ensure compliance with [the no-fly zone restrictions]."

1993 – Macedonia: On July 9, 1993, President Clinton reported the deployment of 350 U.S. soldiers to the Republic of Macedonia to participate in the UN Protection Force to help maintain stability in the area of former Yugoslavia.[RL30172]

1994: Bosnia. Banja Luka incident: NATO become involved in the first combat situation when NATO U.S. Air Force F-16 jets shot down four of the six Bosnian Serb J-21 Jastreb single-seat light attack jets for violating UN-mandated no-fly zone.

1994–1995 – Haiti. Operation Uphold Democracy: U.S. ships had begun embargo against Haiti. Up to 20,000 U.S. military troops were later deployed to Haiti to restore democratically-elected Haiti President Jean-Bertrand Aristide from a military regime which came into power in 1991 after a major coup.[RL30172]

1994 – Macedonia: On April 19, 1994, President Clinton reported that the U.S. contingent in Macedonia had been increased by a reinforced company of 200 personnel.[RL30172]

1995 – Bosnia. Operation Deliberate Force: In August 30, 1995, U.S. and NATO aircraft began a major bombing campaign of Bosnian Serb Army in response to a Bosnian Serb mortar attack on a Sarajevo market that killed 37 people in August 28, 1995. This operation lasted until September 20, 1995. The air campaign along with a combined allied ground force of Muslim and Croatian Army against Serb positions led to a Dayton agreement in December 1995 with the signing of warring factions of the war. As part of Operation Joint Endeavor, U.S. and NATO dispatched the Implementation Force (IFOR) peacekeepers to Bosnia to uphold the Dayton agreement.[RL30172]

1996 – Liberia. Operation Assured Response: On April 11, 1996, President Clinton reported that on April 9, 1996 due to the "deterioration of the security situation and the resulting threat to American citizens" in Liberia he had ordered U.S. military forces to evacuate from that country "private U.S. citizens and certain third-country nationals who had taken refuge in the U.S. Embassy compound...."[RL30172]

1996 – Central African Republic. Operation Quick Response: On May 23, 1996, President Clinton reported the deployment of U.S. military personnel to Bangui, Central African Republic, to conduct the evacuation from that country of "private U.S. citizens and certain U.S. government employees", and to provide "enhanced security for the American Embassy in Bangui."[RL30172] United States Marine Corps elements of Joint Task Force Assured Response, responding in nearby Liberia, provided security to the embassy and evacuated 448 people, including between 190 and 208 Americans. The last Marines left Bangui on June 22.

1996 - Bosnia. Operation Joint Guard: In December 21, 1996, U.S. and NATO established the SFOR peacekeepers to replace the IFOR in enforcing the peace under the Dayton agreement.

1997 – Albania. Operation Silver Wake: On March 13, 1997, U.S. military forces were used to evacuate certain U.S. government employees and private U.S. citizens from Tirana, Albania.[RL30172]

1997 – Congo and Gabon: On March 27, 1997, President Clinton reported on March 25, 1997, a standby evacuation force of U.S. military personnel had been deployed to Congo and Gabon to provide enhanced security and to be available for any necessary evacuation operation.[RL30172]

1997 – Sierra Leone: On May 29 and May 30, 1997, U.S. military personnel were deployed to Freetown, Sierra Leone, to prepare for and undertake the evacuation of certain U.S. government employees and private U.S. citizens.[RL30172]

1997 – Cambodia: On July 11, 1997, In an effort to ensure the security of American citizens in Cambodia during a period of domestic conflict there, a Task Force of about 550 U.S. military personnel were deployed at Utapao Air Base in Thailand for possible evacuations. [RL30172]

1998 – Iraq. Operation Desert Fox: U.S. and British forces conduct a major four-day bombing campaign from December 16–19, 1998 on Iraqi targets.[RL30172]

1998 – Guinea-Bissau. Operation Shepherd Venture: On June 10, 1998, in response to an army mutiny in Guinea-Bissau endangering the U.S. Embassy, President Clinton deployed a standby evacuation force of U.S. military personnel to Dakar, Senegal, to evacuate from the city of Bissau.[RL30172]

1998–1999 – Kenya and Tanzania: U.S. military personnel were deployed to Nairobi, Kenya, to coordinate the medical and disaster assistance related to the bombing of the U.S. Embassies in Kenya and Tanzania.[RL30172]

1998 – Afghanistan and Sudan. Operation Infinite Reach: On August 20, President Clinton ordered a cruise missile attack against two suspected terrorist training camps in Afghanistan and a suspected chemical factory in Sudan.[RL30172]

1998 – Liberia: On September 27, 1998, America deployed a stand-by response and evacuation force of 30 U.S. military personnel to increase the security force at the U.S. Embassy in Monrovia. [1] [RL30172]

1999–2001 - East Timor: Limited number of U.S. military forces deployed with the United Nations-mandated International Force for East Timor restore peace to East Timor.[RL30172]

1999 – Serbia. Operation Allied Force: U.S. and NATO aircraft began a major bombing of Serbia and Serb positions in Kosovo in March 24, 1999, during the Kosovo War due to the refusal by Serbian President Slobodan Milosevic to end repression against ethnic Albanians in Kosovo. This operation ended in June 10, 1999, when Milosevic agreed to pull out his troops out of Kosovo. In response to the situation in Kosovo, NATO dispatched the KFOR peacekeepers to secure the peace under UNSC Resolution 1244.[RL30172]
2000 – Sierra Leone. On May 12, 2000 a U.S. Navy patrol craft deployed to Sierra Leone to support evacuation operations from that country if needed.[RL30172]
2000 - Nigeria. Special Forces troops are sent to Nigeria to lead a training mission in the county.[7]
2000 – Yemen. On October 12, 2000, after the USS Cole attack in the port of Aden, Yemen, military personnel were deployed to Aden.[RL30172]
2000 – East Timor. On February 25, 2000, a small number of U.S. military personnel were deployed to support the United Nations Transitional Administration in East Timor (UNTAET). [RL30172]
2001 – On April 1, 2001, a mid-air collision between a United States Navy EP-3E ARIES II signals surveillance aircraft and a People's Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) J-8II interceptor fighter jet resulted in an international dispute between the United States and the People's Republic of China called the Hainan Island incident.
2001 – War in Afghanistan. The War on Terrorism begins with Operation Enduring Freedom. On October 7, 2001, U.S. Armed Forces invade Afghanistan in response to the 9/11 attacks and "begin combat action in Afghanistan against Al Qaeda terrorists and their Taliban supporters."[RL30172]
2002 – Yemen. On November 3, 2002, an American MQ-1 Predator fired a Hellfire missile at a car in Yemen killing Qaed Salim Sinan al-Harethi, an al-Qaeda leader thought to be responsible for the USS Cole bombing.[RL30172]
2002 – Philippines. OEF-Philippines. January 2002 U.S. "combat-equipped and combat support forces" have been deployed to the Philippines to train with, assist and advise the Philippines' Armed Forces in enhancing their "counterterrorist capabilities."[RL30172]
2002 – Côte d'Ivoire. On September 25, 2002, in response to a rebellion in Côte d'Ivoire, U.S. military personnel went into Côte d'Ivoire to assist in the evacuation of American citizens from Bouake.[8]

2003–2011 – War in Iraq. Operation Iraqi Freedom. March 20, 2003. The United States leads a coalition that includes Britain, Australia and Spain to invade Iraq with the stated goal being "to disarm Iraq in pursuit of peace, stability, and security both in the Gulf region and in the United States."[RL30172]
2003 – Liberia. Second Liberian Civil War. On June 9, 2003, President Bush reported that on June 8 he had sent about 35 U.S. Marines into Monrovia, Liberia, to help secure the U.S. Embassy in Nouakchott, Mauritania, and to aid in any necessary evacuation from either Liberia or Mauritania.[RL30172]
2003 – Georgia and Djibouti. "US combat equipped and support forces" had been deployed to Georgia and Djibouti to help in enhancing their "counterterrorist capabilities."[9]
2004 – Haiti. 2004 Haïti rebellion occurs. The US first sent 55 combat equipped military personnel to augment the U.S. Embassy security forces there and to protect American citizens and property in light. Later 200 additional US combat-equipped, military personnel were sent to prepare the way for a UN Multinational Interim Force, MINUSTAH.[RL30172]
2004 – War on Terrorism: U.S. anti-terror related activities were underway in Georgia, Djibouti, Kenya, Ethiopia, Yemen, and Eritrea.[10]
2004–present: Drone attacks in Pakistan
2005–06 – Pakistan. President Bush deploys troops from US Army Air Cav Brigades to provide Humanitarian relief to far remote villages in the Kashmir mountain ranges of Pakistan stricken by a massive earthquake.
2006 – Lebanon. U.S. Marine Detachment, the 24th Marine Expeditionary Unit[citation needed], begins evacuation of U.S. citizens willing to leave the country in the face of a likely ground invasion by Israel and continued fighting between Hezbollah and the Israeli military.[11][12]
2007 – Somalia. Battle of Ras Kamboni. On January 8, 2007, while the conflict between the Islamic Courts Union and the Transitional Federal Government continues, an AC-130 gunship conducts an aerial strike on a suspected al-Qaeda operative, along with other Islamist fighters, on Badmadow Island near Ras Kamboni in southern Somalia.[13]
2008 – South Ossetia, Georgia. Helped Georgia humanitarian aid,[14] helped to transport Georgian forces from Iraq during the conflict. In the past, the US has provided training and weapons to Georgia.
2010-11 War in Iraq. Operation New Dawn. On February 17, 2010, U.S. Secretary of Defense Robert Gates announced that as of September 1, 2010, the name "Operation Iraqi Freedom" would be replaced by "Operation New Dawn". This coincides with the reduction of American troops to 50,000.
2011 - Libya. Operation Odyssey Dawn. Coalition forces enforcing U.N. Security Council Resolution 1973 with bombings of Libyan forces.
2011 - War on Terrorism. Osama Bin Laden is killed by U.S. military forces in Pakistan as part of Operation Neptune Spear.
2011 - Drone strikes on al-Shabab militants begin in Somalia.[15] This marks the 6th nation in which such strikes have been carried out, including Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Yemen and Libya.[citation needed]
2011 - Uganda. US Combat troops sent in as advisers to Uganda.[16]
2012 - Jordan. 150 US troops deployed to Jordan to help it contain the Syrian Civil War within Syria's borders.
2012 - Turkey. 400 troops and two batteries of Patriot missiles sent to Turkey to prevent any missile strikes from Syria.
2012 - Chad. 50 U.S. troops have deployed to the African country of Chad to help evacuate U.S. citizens and embassy personnel from the neighboring Central African Republic's capital of Bangui in the face of rebel advances toward the city.
2013 - Mali. US forces assisted the French in Operation Serval with air refueling and transport aircraft.
2013 - Somalia. US Air Force planes supported the French in the Bulo Marer hostage rescue attempt. However, they did not use any weapons.
2013 - North Korea crisis

Bueno nos ceñimos en las pruebas que no son pruebas en #1 xd

1 respuesta

#76 Me lo he leido por encima y bueno, si piensas que por ejemplo vayan 50 marines a sacar unos ciudadanos o diplomáticos, o proteger ciudadanos estadounidense, o prestar un par de misiles es atacar otro país...

1 respuesta

#77 Entonces si Marruecos entra a España con 50 soldados armados sin la autorizacion del gobierno español.

Que es?

Vamos a centrarnos en el thread.


#74 bueno, pero para la sociedad el eje del mal son los que son. No habló de mí. Para mí todo tipo de autoridad que he podido observar en mi corta vida se ha mostrado ineficaz, corrupta, incompetente, desleal, injusta y egoísta. Ya sea Corea del Norte, EE.UU, EU O Bután. Para mí no hay ningún eje del mal, pero tampoco del bien.

1 respuesta

el mundo es un puto teatro y nosotros, el pueblo, ni siquiera somos títeres.


Toda esta sarta de idioteces tendría algún interés si no fuera por la estúpida imagen del Obama reptiliano que veo nada más entrar en #1

Pero los magufos es que no aprendéis y os tratan de idiotas por cosas como estas xD

1 1 respuesta

otro premio nobel a la paz YA!


#79 Te parece poco todo lo que hace USA para no llamarles el eje del mal?

#81 Como no hay argumentos al que contraargumentar tienes que criticar una miserable foto.

Eso demuestra la capacidad critica de uno mismo.

2 respuestas

#83 No me vengas con tonterías de argumentos ni contraargumentos porque bien poco me importan tus noticias y teorías. Solo he dicho que tal vez me tomaría más en serio estas cosas si no pusieras esas "miserables fotos" que tanto os gustan a los magufos y que tan mal os hacen quedar.

Me dices: Obama apoya a Al Qaeda. Y yo digo: vaya, esto puede estar interesante. Entro en el hilo y lo primero que veo es un photoshop de Obama con cara de reptiliano. Primero pienso: menuda manera de cargarse un hilo desde el principio. Después cierro la puerta al salir.

1 1 respuesta

#66 Esa lógica es estúpida y pueril.

Te repito, que haya gente de Al qaeda entre los opositores no convierte a todos los opositores de Al qaeda.

¿También los Kurdos de la oposicion son de Al Qaeda? ¿George Sabra es de Al Qaeda? ¿Moaz al-Jatib también es de Al qaeda?

¿Ghassan Hito?

¿Cuantos de esta foto son de Al Qaeda?

Eres un mentiroso tendencioso, te dedicas a engañar a la gente, eres peor que los supuestos sionistas que dices atacar.

1 2 respuestas

#84 Ohh por dios una foto puede desvirtuar todo un thread lleno de informacion.

Sabes que pasa?

Ademas de no tener la capacidad critica adecuada, no entiendes lo que es la satira en esa foto.

Porque esta foto lo que enseña es un tono de burla y critica al presidente Obama.

Espero que haya comprendido el porque de la fabulosa imagen y espero que progrese en lo critico.

1 respuesta

#86 xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD Claro, ahora es en tono de brula y crítica. Estos magufos... si es que sois la mar de graciosos.

Y tranquilo, que capacidad crítica tengo, y bastante saludable. No como tú, que te critican que tus fuentes son basura y las defiendes y sigues usando sin plantearte si lo son o no xD

1 respuesta


Espera me pones a esos trajes de Corbata?

El mayor grupo opositor y el que se pone un arma son los del Ejercito libertador de SIRIA. No esos.

Es como si me sacaras a Bildur como partido en Euskadi. Lloro de la risa.

Moaz al-Jatib también es de Al qaeda?


Expresidente de la coalicion? hahahahaahahahaahahahahaha

Ese se ha ido corriendo no les matara Alqaeda.

George Sabra

Hahahahahaahahahahahaahhaahahahaha un cristiano reuniendo a los musulmanes en Siria?

Oposicion Kurda?

La oposicion Kurda esta solo defendendiendo sus poblaciones kurdas, que son minoria.


Al Qaeda se une al Ejército Libre Sirio en Aleppo

Por si alguien tenía aún alguna duda, se ha anunciado la fusión entre dos grupos de al Qaeda, el Frente Jabhat al-Nusra y las Brigadas Ahrar al-Sham, con el autodenominado Ejército Libre Sirio. El pacto se ha sellado mediante una reunión pública y ha quedado grabado en un vídeo filmado en las cercanías de Aleppo, la siguiente región que va a ser asaltada por el Ejército Árabe Sirio en la contraofensiva triunfal que están emprendiendo estos días. Acabaron todos juntitos cantando una canción religiosa (la Shuhada) y llamando a la Yihad, a la guerra santa contra el gobierno árabe laico de Assad. Ya sabemos dónde van a ir las armas de la Unión Europea, ¿verdad?


#87 no te ralles sionista xd

#89 Estas muy picado, tranquilizate y tomate una tila, es lo que tiene ser trilingue.

2 respuestas
1 comentario moderado

#89 Ahora la dieresis?

Si no me molesto en poner acentos aunque deberia.

Enserio tomate una tila por favor, que estas muy picado y no debes de rayarte, de verdad. A tu nulo criterio, tienes que disfrazarlo con la ortografia xd

El Ejército Libre Sirio ha recibido la "primera tanda de armas" desde el extranjero


Espera. Lo ha recibido George Sabra xddddddddddddd