Resulta que siendo inmigrante en Holanda me dejaron votar (llevaba un año allí y ya podía elegir alcalde).
En aquel momento, y siendo que tenía una compañera de clase que se presentaba por el D66, les eché un vistazo y terminé votándoles. Más tarde propuse un encuentro entre ella y el círculo de Podemos Holanda, pero en una sesión esporádica y sin capacidad de respuesta, escudados en una dudosa noticia de hacía no sé cuánto, se decidió cancelar su presencia sin ni siquiera avisarme (vamos, que me lo dijeron por email y me quedé con la duda de si eran gilipollas o, como ya pasó en el 11M, el CNI y cía. se dedicaban a dinamitar el auge de Podemos a través de topos).
(Añadir que el partido nació, en 1966, al estilo de Podemos, de forma asamblearia.)
Algunas de sus propuestasD66 is in favour of a mixed economy combining market economics and government intervention. D66 is also a proponent of increased flexibility in the labour market and tax cuts for the lower and middle classes.
D66 proposes to increase government spending on education and innovation, for instance increases in teachers' salaries. Also, D66 wants the education sector to be deregulated and introduce more competition in the sector.
The environment is an important issue for the party.
D66 favours more investment in sustainable energy.
D66 is a social liberal party. The first Kok cabinet, in which it participated introduced several liberal reforms in the past, such as the legalisation of euthanasia, same-sex marriage, and prostitution.
D66 is a proponent of democratic reform. It favours electoral reforms such as a binding referendum, abolition of the Senate, and direct election of prime ministers and mayors.
D66 favours a Federal Europe and more European cooperation on issues such as the environment, immigration policy, and foreign policy.
In exchange for an agreed upon mutual support in the second Balkenende cabinet, D66 helped them implement social security and healthcare reforms, which included discouraging early retirement and reforming the disability benefit system. (For more on that compromise, refer to the "1986-now" section in this article)
Organización internaThe highest organ of the D66 is the General Assembly, in which every member can participate. It convenes multiple times per year. It appoints the party board and has the last say over the party program. The party list, including the party's Parliamentary leader, for the Senate, House of Representatives, European Parliament candidates are elected directly by the members. The party has between 250 and 300 branches all over the Netherlands.
Corrientes internasThe ideology of D66 is a highly contested subject within the party. The question is tied to the reason for its existence. There are two currents within the party: the radical democrats and the progressive liberals. These two currents, although sometimes antagonistic, currently complement each other, as both emphasise the self-realisation of the individual. The Radical League and the Free-thinking Democratic League, two early twentieth century parties are historic exponents of these two traditions.
En Wikipedia:
Visto el carácter polar de la política española (derecha-izquierda), quería presentaros el partido y consultar:
- ¿Dónde lo enmarcarías?
- ¿Qué opinas de sus propuestas y línea ideológica?
- ¿Necesita España un partido así?
- ¿Hay algún partido similar en España?
- ¿Les votarías?