Redaccion Ingles


Tengo q escribir una redaccion de ingles para mñn y é aqui mi obra. Need help cn faltas y expresiones mal escritas.

Nowadays Pilar is a seventy nine years old vagrant who lives as well as she cans in Manhattan, New York. She came from Spain with her parents when she was just a child like many other people who had to exile due to Franco's dictatorship.

Pilar brought up in a little slum on the outskirts. She couldn't go to school because her parents didn't have enough money so she began working as a housecleaner when she was just eleven. Her father, who was appointed to fitght in the World War II, died on June 6th, 1944, in Normandy beach taken, and her mother got married with a young Mexican man, therefore Pilar found herself alone and she was only a fourteen years old girl. She grew up and got marry with a boy she knew since they arrived to the United States but they got divorce. Unfortunately Pilar didn't get over and she didn't want to meet any other boy.

Since then she has been living in the street and she continues working for a miserable salary with which she can only pay for the food she eats. Probably she will die soon an nobody will care about her but she has never lost her hope.


Nowadays Pilar is a seventy nine years old

el a sobra

PD: no se lo q es vagrant asi q puede q el a este bien :S


no sobra :/




She canS?? canSSSSSSSS? quita esa S por dios


ok errores corregidos


bring no era irregular?


brought up

esto ya es el colmo, pones un texto en MV y se autocorrige XD


miserable salary?
"with which she can only pay for the food she eats". With which suena fatal xd



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