Buenas el otro dia en casa de un amigo descubri este curioso programa (para los que no lo conozcan aqui un poco de informacion:
What is Spotify?
Spotify offers you legal and free access to a huge library of music. All you need to do is create an account and download our streaming music player. For more details have a look at our video or introduction page.
What is your goal?
Our dream is to let everyone listen to whatever they want, whenever and wherever they want.
Do I need to pay to use Spotify?
No, the advertising-funded version of Spotify is free of charge, however, for now it requires that you receive an invite to register unless you are in the UK. Visit our invitation page to sign up to the waiting list. Alternatively, you can pay for an ad-free premium subscription to Spotify.
Can I download or buy music in Spotify?
We have links on a large number of albums and tracks that you can click to purchase mp3’s from our download partner. To purchase tracks right click on the track or album (control click on Mac OS) and select “Buy From”. Downloading is currently only available in the UK, France and Spain.
How much advertising will I be exposed to?
There should be significantly fewer ads in Spotify than you’d find on commercial radio. We are trying to strike a balance between artists who want to be paid and providing the best possible user experience.
Is paying for Spotify online safe?
Yes, Spotify’s payment partners are PCI-certified, which is the global industry standard ensuring compliance to strict security and data protection standards.
En resumen es un programa por el cual escuchar musica por internet y parece que tiene MUY buena pinta. El problema es que cuando fui a descargarmelo veo que hace falta una invitacion, por lo tanto mi pregunta es: Alguien tiene alguna? es que me molaria mucho poder utilizar este programa=D.