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The 7 key questions of the E-democracy Forum
During the 5 plenary sessions and the 8 round tables, the 6th Worldide Forum on eDemocracy will look into 7 major questions...
What are the real stakes of the e-administration?
Why are the governments of the whole world launching E-government? To have a productivity? To be the fastest in the globalized world ? Because they are understanding the expectations of the citizens? The 1st plenary session will try to help us to understand the motivations of the Governments.
What can the citizens expect from the e-administration? Do the systems answer to the expectations of the citizens? Do the citizens use those systems? There are complaints because of a too small use of the e-administration in several countries. This subject is the theme of the 3rd session.
How can we fight the digitale devide?
The problem of accessibility to the networks exists in several fields:
what about the linguistic diversity if English is omnipresent? That will be the subject of the round table animated by the Intergovernmental Agency of the Francophonie
what about handicapped persons, or the social exclusion? ARTESI and the AMIF are going to work on this subject. (round table 2)
what about the gap between North and South? It is one of the key subjects of the next World Summit on the Information Society at Bilbao, in November. (round table animated by Global Cities Dialogues and the legislative assemblies Committee)
Which place for the free software?
Since a few years, the free software has been a major actor of the e-administration. Several countries have the will to promote the opensource and many administrations are beginning to use it. Which evolution on this probleme can we expect? A round table animated by the ASS2L] will allow to rewiew the frame of mind of the administrations.
Some want to go further : they think that free software and E-democracy go hand in hand, the two concepts symbolizing the transparency and the independence of mind. A special session will launch a "call for a free electronic democracy". Many personalities will take part to this session, since several countries have already taken engagements in this direction. Then this call will be published on the Internet to collect as many signatures of personalities or organizations or general public as possible.
What are the advantages and the disadvantages of the electronic identity?
Whereas several countries have already launched an electronic indentity card or are going to, France is still hesitating. The Forum on the Rights on the Internet launched a debate last spring. This debate showed that the subject causes many concerns, and that it is difficult to convince the citizens that there is a real advantage in the e-card.
The 2nd session will be on this debate and will try go further by listening for example what is happening in Belgium. And the Forum on the Rights on the Internet will animate a round table on the management of our identity, at the digitale time.
Will we soon have e-vote?
The question is not any more : will we vote by Internet? but : for which election and when? Two round tables on this subject : one animated by the "Club Hyper République" and the other animated by the European Institute "Politech". And the session on the digitale identity, if we consider the electronic Icard as an electronic voter registration card.
How to imply citizens in e-democracy ? The democracy crisis will be overcome only if the citizens are intersted by the public interest, are invested in the debates and take part in the political life. It means to teach the women and the men, to better understand the mechanisms of our global world.
And it is the objective of the European project eAGORA managed by Issy-les-Moulineaux with several other European and Latin-American cities. There are experiments in order to imply the citizens in the city life thanks to the ICTs, in the framework of the participative budgets in Brazil or in the framework of the district councils elections of Issy-les-Moulineaux, which will take place by Internet, but also a hundred of citizens from Europe and Latin America are having a formation, via an e-learning platform on the "new governorship practices".
A round table will review the results of this new formation thanks to the federal University of Minas Gerais (Brazil). This formation allows ordinary citizens, young people and public agents to share their experiments and to share their vision on E-democracy.
Are we all new citizen-journalists?
The 4th plenary session will be on the new relations between citizens, policians and media and will be probably largely commented... With a digitale camera, a video-camera, a mobile-phone, ordinary citizens invade the Web of information, photographs or vidéos. More and more politicians from everywhere in the world, pass above the media to communicate with the public. And, in several countries, newspapers online written by ordinary citizens slipping into the skin of journalists
pd: aunque el traductor no sea muy esacto da igual.