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Tipo de texto: essay
Input: climatic change, dogs, pets, carbon impact, pets are unnecessary
According to the International Union for Conservation of Nature, there are more than 7 million dogs in the world. Each year, more than 4 billion pets are born. The carbon footprint of keeping a pet dog is huge. They require food, water, space, and energy to keep them happy and healthy.
In addition to the environmental impact caused by global warming and climate change, dogs are also unnecessary. In fact, they're considered one of the most overused animals on Earth because they're easy to train and do not require much care once they're home!
Today, pets are considered a luxury. People go to great lengths to get them, whether it's for their own enjoyment or as an investment. However, we need to remember that not every pet is necessary.
The world has changed, and so has our relationship with the planet. The climate has changed; we now know that global warming is real and happening more rapidly than scientists previously believed. We all need to do our part in reducing our carbon footprint—and there's no better way than getting rid of those unnecessary pets you've been holding onto for years.
Let's talk about climate change and dogs.
Right now, we're living in a world where climate change is happening and it's happening fast. Every single day, we're seeing more extreme weather events that are making people homeless and destroying ecosystems. The problem is that our pets contribute to this problem too—they eat meat and wear leather, which means they're contributing to the carbon footprint of the planet. So what should we do?
The first step is to stop buying things made from animals (and from fossil fuels). That means no meat or leather products for you! It also means you can't have a pet—you can't keep them as your family members because their presence on Earth contributes to climate change.
But there's another way to help the planet: adopt an animal instead of buying one. If you adopt an animal instead of buying one (or adopting more than one), then every time someone buys an animal product, they're helping to support a lifeform that doesn't need to exist in order for humans to be happy!
Climate change is a real, present danger to our planet. We need to take action now before it's too late!
We need to stop using dogs for our own personal gain and instead use them as a tool for saving the planet.
We need to stop eating meat and start eating plants.
If we all stop using animals for our own benefit and start using them for the benefit of all species on this planet then we can save it from climate change!