#433 Para mi lo esencial es filtro, poe trade macro para pricear items mas menos y mercury trade para tradear mas rapido, este ultimo es al que te refieres creo.
#433 MercuryTrade + PoeTradeMacro + PathOfBuilding + Filtro.
Webs para mirar precios: Poe.ninja, Poe.trade y la oficial https://www.pathofexile.com/trade
Yo con eso juego la ostia de agusto.
#452 Ya te digo,yo lo descubri al muy poco de empezar a jugar asi que ni concibo el trade sin el practicamente jajaja
#454 Eso se usaba para vender por el foro y bueno, igual puedes usarlo pero es un engorro. Es que ahora existen las premium stash que te permiten vender desde el juego, con su precio individual o por pestaña....
Mírate este video:
PoE Addon Launcher (Basically launcher for all other apps): https://github.com/POE-Addon-Launcher/PoE-Addon-Launcher
Path of Building (Theory crafting and build damage calculation): https://github.com/Openarl/PathOfBuilding
PoE Trade Macro (Check item prices in game): https://github.com/PoE-TradeMacro/POE-TradeMacro
Lab Compas (Labyrinth Map based on current layout): https://www.poelab.com/lab-compass/
Mercury Trade (Easy trading, preset replies and popup of item offers): https://github.com/Exslims/MercuryTrade
PoE Trades Companion (Easy trading, preset replies and popup of item offers): https://github.com/lemasato/POE-Trades-Companion
XenonTrade (Price checking/trading overlay): https://github.com/klayveR/xenontrade
Trader for PoE (Yet another trading app): https://github.com/labo89/TraderForPoe
PoE Level Buddy (Displays useful info while levelling): https://github.com/Pastillage/PoE_Level_Buddy
Poe Levelling Overlay (Shows possible layouts of an area to make levelling faster) https://github.com/Biggoron144/PoE-Leveling-Overlay
Filtration (Create your own Item Filter the easy way using intuitive GUI): https://github.com/ben-wallis/Filtration
Currency Cop (Calculates value of your tabs in Chaos Orbs): https://github.com/currency-cop/currency-cop
PoE Controller (Play Path of Exile using a controller [Not as good as Xbox One version... yet]): https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1594688
Filter Bro (Update many popular ItemFilters to it's newer versions): https://github.com/Skyline969/FilterBro
Exilence (Track net worth, maps, gear and more for you and your party): https://github.com/viktorgullmark/exilence
Exile Diary (Track drops, Exp and profit in your maps and more!): https://github.com/briansd9/exile-diary
PoE Direction Helper (Levelling overlay with zone layouts): https://github.com/flacostec/PoEDirectionHelper
YoloMouse (Change your cursor appearance to make it more visible): https://pandateemo.github.io/YoloMouse/
Acquisition (Trade items without premium tabs, find items in your stash): https://github.com/xyzz/acquisition/
LutBot (PoE AutoHotkey Macro with many options): http://lutbot.com/#/
PoE Racing (Racing companion and overlay): poe-racing.com
Grinding.Zone (Hub with most of these links): https://grinding.zone/
PoE Trade (Most popular Path of Exile shop indexer): http://poe.trade/
Official PoE Trading Site (Official trade site made by GGG): https://www.pathofexile.com/trade
PoE App (Yet another trading site with some new options): https://poeapp.com/
Poe Ninja (Currency/Item prices and past graph info): https://poe.ninja/
PoE Lab (Current Lab layouts, updated daily): https://www.poelab.com/
Poe Builds (Easy to navigate list of Path of Exile builds): https://www.poebuilds.cc/
PoE Build Browser (Another Easy to navigate list of Path of Exile builds): http://timtips.com/buildbrowser/
PoEDB (Data-mined info about items/gems/skills etc.): http://poedb.tw/us/
PoEAffix (Path of Exile item affixes): http://poeaffix.net/
Path of Exile Wiki (Well, it's Wiki, you should know what that is): https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Path_of_Exile_Wiki
PoE Planner (Plan your skill tree online): https://poeplanner.com/|
PoE Checklist (Checklist of all the maps (Even these that are not on the Atlas): http://poechecklist.com/
FilterBlade (Customize NeverSink filter to your own liking): https://www.filterblade.xyz/
FilterBlast (Customize many popular filters to your own liking): https://filterblast.xyz/
ExileNinja (Plan your levelling progress before league): https://exile.ninja/
PoE Antiquary (Check archival prices of items from the past leagues): https://poe-antiquary.xyz/
PoE Road-map (Use Path of Building code to create levelling road-map): http://poe-roadmap.com/
TLDR Exile (PoE forum in more responsive version): https://tldrexile.com/pathofexile.com/forum/
Mikelat's Aura Calc (Online Aura reservation planner): https://poe.mikelat.com/
#273 Me he decidido finalmente por algo así:
Gracias por la ayuda.
Una cosa no deberian haberse filtrado ya las cosas de la liga (los veiled mod, que hace exactamente cada scarab) y esas cosas en poedb y eso?
Y bueno el parche de steam espero que no tarde porque tengo 20 megas de adsl más lo lento de steam per se, miedo me da no poder estar a las 8 que lo llevo esperando con ansias.
#460 Nop no sirve desgraciadamente, se que como jugador muy recurrente es más optimo jugar en el standalone pero ya llevo tanto tiempo con las horas trackeadas en steam y el poder gastar el dinero que saque de cromos en el poe siempre viene bien, que ya no voy a cambiar, Y bueno antes tenia fibra 100 mb no me preocupaba tanto como ahora xD
#463 Por 200€ conozco a una que hace lo que le pidas.
#449 no invocas nada jaja dark pact es un conjuro en area. Los eskeletos es solo para momentos clave contra ciertos bosses
Ya deja poner cola
#474 A mi no me afecta mucho la verdad voy a tener el mismo dps que tenia la liga pasada o incluso mas si el mod de jewels de more chaos damage tiene valores altos.
#477 Cierra y abre Steam si no te ha saltado la actualización. Pero vamos, eso de que en Steam tarda más ni caso. 600mb de fibra y me ha usado todo el ancho de banda, unos minutillos y parche descargado