Parche semana 1 Heist


This weekend we launched Path of Exile: Heist! The launch day went quite well with just a few small hotfixes to address minor problems, you can view their patch notes here. Later today, we're planning to deploy a restart patch that includes various other fixes from the weekend. Today's news also outlines a few other details about the weekend and what to expect this week.

Later this week, on September 23 (PDT), we'll be launching Heist on our console platforms. We also hope to formally release our experimental macOS version within the next week as well. Thanks to everyone who has been testing it so far and giving us feedback.

The restart patch which is scheduled for later today includes quite a few more fixes for things like stash blocking in the Rogue Harbour. Later this week we'll prepare a post about what we're working on so that you have a better idea of what to expect from upcoming patches. In the meantime, check out the Patch Notes for 3.12.1 below.

Heist Improvements

  • Players no longer block other players in The Rogue Harbour.
  • Reward Chests in Unique Contracts no longer become locked when Lockdown occurs.
  • Reduced the damage that Clockwork Sentries deal with their on-death explosions.
  • Reduced the damage of Automaton Lightning Beam's impact area of effect hit.
  • Increased the damage of Automaton Lightning Beam's beam as well as its on-death explosion.
  • Escape Route minimap icons are now always visible to players in the same Wing.
  • Fixed a bug where Replica Quill Rain's "Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 1 Arrow Nova" did not work.
  • Fixed a bug where an Agility Laser hazard could generate with the disabling mechanism in an unreachable location.
  • Fixed a bug in Grand Heists where multiple Rogues with the same Job could attempt to do a single job, resulting in multiple job progress bars being visible.
  • Fixed a bug where various Heist Unique Items did not have a slot in the Unique Collection Tab.

Skill Improvements

  • Fixed a bug where Flame Wall required more experience than intended to level up.
  • Fixed a bug where Splitting Steel and Blazing Salvo weren't counted as projectiles for the sake of projectile-specific modifiers.
  • Fixed a bug where Splitting Steel wasn't affected by Area modifiers.
  • Fixed a bug where Cobra Lash didn't chain as many times as it should have.
  • Fixed a bug where the tooltip of Enduring Cry incorrectly displayed a higher value of "Regenerate x% of Life over 1 second" than it actually granted.
  • Fixed a bug where multiple copies of Shattering Steel were offered by a vendor.

Miscellaneous Improvements

  • Fixed a bug introduced in 3.12.0 which prevented players from changing their God Powers in their hideouts.
  • Fixed a bug introduced in 3.12.0 where Coward's Legacy unique belt didn't count you as being on Low Life when you were cursed with Vulnerability.

Crash Fixes\

If you've encountered any bugs, please report them in the bug reports forum. Our QA team monitors this forum closely and while they can't reply to everything, they do read everything and process it. We also recommend keeping an eye on our known issues list which we update frequently.

We also released the Twilight Mystery Box which contains 38 new microtransactions, some of which can be combined to create the epic Twilight Set. Check out the trailer below or read more about the mystery box here.


No está la noticia en español todavia, luego la edito.


Reduced the damage that Clockwork Sentries deal with their on-death explosions

Es que el daño que hacen es absurdo, y encima apenas se ve...

Bueno, poco a poco. Para la semana que viene se podrá jugar sin cabrearse xD


Lo de las mierdas que te one shoteaban saliendo del Heist no tenía sentido xddd

He estado teniendo un problema con las abyss que varias veces no me dan chest al terminar, no veo nada al respecto :/

1 respuesta

#4 han aumentado el daño de los laseres que lanzan los robots, asi que no se que es mejor.

Increased the damage of Automaton Lightning Beam's beam as well as its on-death explosion.


Bueno, por lo menos me han arreglado el Splitting steel.


Yo no se que ha pasado esta liga pero he tenido que pasarme a Vulkan porque DirectX me petaba cada 20 minutos el juego...

1 respuesta

#7 A mi me ha pasado lo mismo, he tenido que actualizar drivers y pasarme a vulkan para que me tirase, una hora y pico estuve el viernes tratando de solucionar el problema, del cual no fui consciente hasta que abrieron los servidores y pude entrar al juego para que me petara inmediatamente, no se si sobre eso arreglaran algo.



Pues no sabria decir como pasa exactamente pero hay veces que el dircharge no hace daño a pesar de consumir las cargas.

1 respuesta

#10 No te estarán stuneando o algo no?

1 respuesta

#11 no porque soy inmune, pero aun asi si te stunean te consumiria las cargas?

1 respuesta

El fix de hoy.


  • Killing Monsters Increasing Your Alert Level
    We killed this. It's not a thing anymore.

  • Choke Points in Heists
    We are reducing the number of rare guards that can gather in formation behind Heist doors. This change should be out today. We're also planning to make it so that some monsters will release their skills in a staggered way so that you are not being hit by many skills simultaneously. Fewer monsters in these choke points will have their abilities ready to go as soon as the door opens. This should make these encounters more manageable and less about being blasted in the face with damage.

2 2 respuestas

#13 A ver si he entendido bien, ¿dicen que matar a los guardias ya no sube la alerta?¿o se refiere a otros monstruos que pueda haber que no tienen consideración de guardias?

1 respuesta

#14 Todos los bichos parece.

EDIT: Npi, a mi me sigue subiendo la alerta.


Igual estoy yo empanado, pero si quitas la razón de que te suba la alerta... que sentido tiene? xd


#13 Todavia no está activo no?


lo de que matar no suba alert... entiendo que subirá más al abrir cofres o algo para compensar, porque sino va a ser una fiesta.


#12 Las skills vaal te quitan las cargas si te stunean y no se lanza la skill. No se si Discharge funcionará igual.

Pero vamos, si eres inmune tiene que ser otra cosa claro.


A mi me da la sensación de que ahora han subido mucho más el nivel de alerta. Muy dificil abrir más de dos cofres tochos.

2 respuestas

#20 Que yo sepa este último update aun no está metido, no?

1 respuesta

#21 No está metido no, pero a killingot ya le sube mas el nivel de alarma y a mole le caen menos mapas.

Es el grincheo preventivo

2 1 respuesta

#20 Normal que den la alerta máxima contigo apareciendo por allí macho, "HABRIR"?????????

1 respuesta

#22 ¿Qué te ha dado con el término ese ahora? Aquí hablamos spanish.

1 respuesta

#24 Menudo boomer estas hecho, deberias pasarte más por discord a socializar


#23 Tocando lo cojones un martes por la noche por una puta "h"

No dejas de sorprenderme.

1 respuesta

#26 Me ha gustado el rage a una pequeña bromita, jeje


Parad el grincheo que todos somos hermanos en este subforo.

Usuarios habituales

  • Larnox
  • killingot
  • RA_MeSiAs
  • JuGuLaToR
  • DunedainBF
  • warKa