#360 A saber como lo han hecho en español.
#362 Ufff da mal rollo, tan pequeño... parece sacado de Pueblo Lavanda :c
Bueno, un poco de humor (para los que siguen las noticias XP):
#375 La virgen ke guapo, mira ke me ha parecido siempre feisimo el larvitar y sus evoluciones, pero ahora me acabo de enamorar de el
I have two daughters. I pre-ordered three copies. I called to confirm and the dude at Gamestop was like "Yes you have reserved Pokemon X.... And Pokemon Y... And Pokemon X... that must be a mistake." I explained it wasn't and he was like "yeah... ok man. They're in. Pick them up in the morning, we open at 9". I show up and when I am getting all three (plus a Chespin and Froakie plush for my girls) the guy ringing me out is giving me the weirdest looks. But you know what? Who cares. I fought in Afghanistan twice so that I could enjoy some simple time making imaginary creatures fight each other with my daughters. Worth it.