Rusia invade Ucrania. Y Ucrania a Rusia. Vol. 2

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#26151 Meanwhile en Alemania calefacción gratis para todos en Diciembre.

1 respuesta

Ya sabéis de que sirve hacer tratos con Ruzzia. Es firmar un contrato con tiza


#26157 lo de la propaganda rusa es algo digno de estudio, dios mio que esperpento y que escape de la realidad.

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#26158 Es un T-90M, el juguete más moderno que tienen los rusos. Y parece que a pesar de lo sucio que está no lo han desactivado al abandonarlo.

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#26158 Yes es un T90M
#26164 Lo que si parece dañado es el cañón, mecánicamente a saber en que estado esta.


#26163 Además viendo el flujo de videos que saca, puede que incluso sea producido por la embajada Rusa de algún país de LATAM, porque si o si hay un grupo de gente trabajando para sacar esos videos, y es curiosos como muchos son recortes de videos Rusos, sin traducción ni nada. Conozco a un UKR que trabaja de eso en Kiev, se hacen pasar por un canal de youtube, pero hay 10 personas currando 8-10h al dia editando videos, y es que saca uno cada 5-6 horas, y detrás de todo esta una empresa relacionada con el Gobierno.

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#26161 En Holanda han dado casi 400€ por casa para ayudar con la factura, en mi caso puede equivaler medio invierno gratis.

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#26168 En Escocia me dan un cheque por valor a 70 pavos durante seis meses.
Basicamente tengo luz gratis hasta Abril o asi

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#26134 Quien nos iba a decir al principio de la legislatura y más viendo el panorama actual, que nuestra ministra de defensa se iba a convertir en una de las pocas que está haciendo bien su trabajo.

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#26166 No me extrañaría tampoco que sea un tío solo al que le pasan los vídeos montados y el texto en castellano para locutar. Pero sí, eso está hecho por encargo y ni se molestan en disimular un poco.


#26169 aquí dar cheques es de comunistas, a menos que se lo den a los bancos, que entonces es inevitable.


Y encima se ríen en los canales de telegram.

Más ataques de precisión en masa de blindados:

Yura se baja su primer heli.

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It's a LONG interview - the only things of note I've picked up from it are:

  • this guy was in jail for theft, seems to have stolen a sheep/lamb for food

  • he's married, has family in Russia - none in Ukraine

  • as well as amnesty for their crimes the convicts are offered payment.

  • he'd worked in construction in Moscow, had issues with alcoholism and petty crime - he'd also been a car mechanic

  • he was in a group of 100+ convicts who agreed to sign up this time around - there seems to have been another group just from this facility as well

  • I wasn't sure if he said they'd arranged people into groups by what crime they'd committed or if they'd people who'd commited other offences in his group - but he referenced rapists and robbers specifically.

  • this guy seems to say he was offered 250,000 rubles a month - but payment either at the end of it or to his relatives - not to him directly during service

  • training given was very brief, said they practiced shooting only twice

  • spent a couple of weeks in a training/deployment collection camp

  • critically they were told they'd be used specifically in ASSAULT GROUPS and would be storming enemy positions (you can only imagine how high the casualty rates would be for this)

  • he'd never been to Ukraine before, didn't know much about the reasons behind the war

  • they were moved across into Ukraine at some point, went to the frontlines - seems Bakhmut

  • he was given an automatic rifle and bullet proof vest and CASCOM(?)

  • rotated with a group of 6 guys onto a frontline position, they relieved other guys that had been in that position for around 2 weeks. This was a forward observation point

  • They then prepared themselves on their 1st morning for assaulting the AFU position - he tried to take 2 grenades with him but was told he was NOT allowed to use/take those - so went with a gun as his only weapon

  • the Assault group was given very little info on what it was storming or it's distance - just told to go as far as they can forward.

  • there were other Russian units but they were a long way from these guys, so no real support or assistance from them

  • the assault group was very bunched, seems they came under fire pretty early - he jumped in a trench or hole and just huddled up for several hours - AFU came over and threatened to toss a grenade at him - so he threw his gun out and surrendered.

  • seems they were told that if they retreated or surrendered they could be shot on the spot - and were told to shoot anyone in their unit who retreated or surrendered

  • he does NOT want to be exchanged back to Russia, seemed to feel he could be a car mechanic in Ukraine - says it's more comfortable in Ukrainian captivity

  • says he's been treated well, others shouldn't come to fight as it's not worth it

EDIT - I'd only watched the first few minutes of the interview when I stated it was 'amazing' and that the auto-translate worked well.

In hindsight, it was very so-so - didn't really tell us much we didn't know - the main take away for me was that the convicts seem to be GENUINELY used as cannon fodder in the truest sense. Tossed forward lightly armed in assault groups.

Also you could see the shame in his eyes when he said he didn't want to go back to Russia, even via prisoner exchange and could not say anything to explain why Ukraine should allow him to stay considering he came to kill it's people.
he seemed like a harmless moron, who knew little of the war but signed up as I assume Russian prisons are pretty grim. He's VERY, very lucky to be alive.


#26174 Vaya se ve que esto a los equidistantes no les parece mal


Cuando creiais que no se podia caer aun mas bajo, llamaron desde las puertas del infierno. En Yakutia a las familias de los que se han mobilizado, les han dado a cambio pedazos de hielo, pedazos de hielo del puto rio, HIELO! en Yakutia! HIELO!!!!! XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

Echar un vistazo a cuanto estan ahora alli:

Spoiler, -36 grados


no keda calipo ninio, ni masibon, solo ielo


#26171 y mira que era tentador el mote de Margarita Rublos, pero no pudo ser :(


Otra prueba mas de que son Nigeria con nieve

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#26181 no entiendo cómo aguantan tanto en Bakhmut


#26180 y aquí quieren más de uno irse con una sidosa de allí.

#26181 me imagino la cantidad de gente que han metido ahí los rusos para acabar con los georgianos. Quizás sea momento de hacer una retirada ordenada y meterle un push por un flanco.


A cara descubierta.

25 1 respuesta

Si es cierto, vaya hostia de realidad ha sido Ucrania

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