#3306 echale un ojo a esto, esa no es la unica resolucion que se tumbo ese dia, lo que pasa que los USA no necesitan usar veto ya que tiene bastanets miembros de la otan ahora mismo en el unsc, France, Netherlands, Peru, Poland, Sweden, United Kingdom, United States votaron en contra vs Bolivia, China, Equatorial Guinea, Ethiopia, Kazakhstan, Russian Federation, abstenciones Côte d’Ivoire, Kuwait
el texto entero merece la pena leerlo, pero yo creo que la miga esta aqui, despues de tumbar mutuamente las resoluciones para crear un mecanismo independiente
spoilerFollowing the failure of the Russian Federation’s text, that same delegation tabled a third draft resolution, which was shorter than the previous two. In contrast to those texts, the third contained no proposal to establish an independent mechanism of investigation. By its terms, the Council would reiterate its condemnation in the strongest terms of any use of any toxic chemical as a weapon in Syria, express its alarm at allegations of the use of such substances in Douma on 7 April, and express its full support to the OPCW fact-finding mission.
Following a suspension during which Council members held consultations on that draft, delegates ultimately failed to adopt it by a vote of 5 in favour (Bolivia, China, Ethiopia, Kazakhstan, Russian Federation) to 4 against (France, Poland, United Kingdom, United States), with 6 abstentions (Côte d’Ivoire, Equatorial Guinea, Kuwait, Netherlands, Peru, Sweden).
no se si se puede acceder a las resoluciones en si, estoy multitasking y me llevara horas encontrarlo pero si encuentro algo mas lo pondre por aqui