Fanáticos de las series.


Están aflorando las noticias sobre fanáticos que se toman demasiado en las series, así que me parecía oportuno hacer un hilo donde recopilar noticias, videos y paridas varias de estos sujetos...

Breaking Bad

Breaking Bad Home Owners Want Fans Out

The Albuquerque house that was used as the exterior for Walter White’s home during the filming of Breaking Bad has been visited by fans so often that the owners of the house have installed a six-foot wrought iron fence, local TV station KOB reported. In fact, the TV news crew saw 10 tourists visit the home in their first 15 minutes on the scene.

Aside from fans milling about the property with not-bad intentions, the homeowners have dealt over the years with “vandalisms, trespassing, and general rudeness” from those eager to view a TV landmark that also happens to be somebody’s house. According to Joanne Quintana, whose family owns the house, Breaking Bad fans have also stolen rocks from the property – and yes, visitors to the home have even thrown pizzas on the roof, as Walter White once did

Rick And Morty

La obsesión con la salsa Szechuan ha llegado demasiado lejos...

Bueno, espero que aportéis más momentos de estos para que nos descojonemos o sintamos vergüenza ajena, xDDDDDDD.

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