Skins - 7ª temporada - Pure, Fire, Rise


#120 No es un pibon, pero tiene algo que gusta, no se si es el personaje o la actriz xdd


Ni vosotros mismos lo sabéis...



No hay nada que explicar, a mi Cassie me parece el mejor personaje de Skins con mucha diferencia, me encanta el personaje y como lo interpreta la actriz, desde que lo vi por primera vez me encantó.

5 1 respuesta

Un par más de Cassie:

El trailer sale el LUNES, 3 de junio.

5 1 respuesta

Tener ganas de que vuelva y verles es quedarme corta.


#124 se te ha olvidado la mejor de todas

El trailer de #Skins7 saldrá el próximo Lunes 3 de Junio


Pues yo prefiero a Naomily, la verdad...

2 1 respuesta

#127 cool :wow:

La verdad eran super monas


me derrito...

2 1 respuesta

A mí me pasa todo lo contrario que a #123, es el personaje que menos me gusta, me parece que está muy sobrevalorada.

Hasta dejé de ver la primera generación una vez (para retormarla más tarde) del asquete que me daba cada vez que salía xD


A mí Cassie no me parece un personaje que enamore (y más interpretando a una chica anoréxica) pero bueno para gustos colores, yo me quedo con Effy y con Naomily.

(La foto de #129 es <3 )


Mañana, mañana! :DDDD


Otro por aquí que no le tiene cariño a Cassie, eso si, comprendo que era un personaje importante.
Por cierto Naomily y Effy las mejores.


Parece que os moleste que nos guste Cassie xD.

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#134 No es que moleste, es que yo no lo entiendo xd


Me sorprende que no esté puesto aquí aún :)

5 1 respuesta

#136 acaba de salir, ponlo en spoiler que muchos no quieren saber nada

Edit: que imbécil si ya está jajaja


A ver, si has leído las sinopsis el trailer no 'destripa' nada XDD

Pedazo de trailer por cierto sdjkfilasjfas <3



Muchísimas ganas.
Me ha dejado un poco desconcertada una parte del tráiler que es


Ayayaya que poco queda :qq:


A mi no me jodas, pero como



8 días después

Entrevistas a Lily Loveless y Kathryn Prescott sobre Skins7:

Skins, the seminal teen/coming of age series that shocked parents and launched careers of several young Brit actors, has finally come to its conclusion after seven seasons.

The final episodes, which run like three mini-films, are bringing back old characters and giving closure for serious fans. We catch up with Lily Loveless and Kathryn Prescott to have a chat about the finish of the show that managed to truly capture what it was like to be a teenager in the noughties.

Lily Loveless
Naomi Campbell | Skins Series 3 & 4, 7

Were you excited when you heard about this final series?
Kinda shocked actually because it was a bit weird… they were saying they were going to do it, and because it’s been a very long time since I was in it. But it was good. I wanted to do it.

What were your thoughts on the script?
I thought it was really interesting the story that Effy (Kaya Scodelario) had gone into the finance world. It was random but actually makes a lot of sense because once she gets focused on something she really gets focused on it. It’s interesting to see her in that rather than just going out and partying. She’s got a really serious job in a serious company.

What was filming like? Did it feel like a bit of a reunion?
The crew was different but the director was the same. It was a lot quieter than it used to be and not nine of us at the same time. We did feel a bit weird.

How did you feel about your character being brought back rather than just being left behind as part of the past series?
I think it’s nice for people who like the characters to get closure. It’s nice to see them grown up and sort of away from the college and Bristol.

How was it revisiting the character of Naomi?
I’d completely forgotten who she was and what it was like to play her, and I said to the writer, do you think I should watch the old series back and he sai,d ‘don’t watch it just play it’. The character had changed and he didn’t want us to play it how we had back then because we’re a lot older. The first day was really hard, I didn’t know what I was doing!

Did it come flooding back?
Yeah, it was a weird sensation. I played her for 2 years, so once I got back into it it was surreal.

Would you have preferred a big screen film or were you cool with it being on the small screen?
I don’t know, I think I’m glad they did it this way because the thing I love about TV drama is that you want to know what happens next week.

You’ve been working consistently since Skins – do you feel grown as an actress and did you bring that to the job?
Oh I don’t know about that! I’m a lot more used to being in front of the camera but I’m still terrified my first day. My least favourite part is the first take on the first day of a new job, I’m so nervous and scared. But once I’ve done that, I’m fine.

You’ve played the teenager now, would you play younger again?
If the part was right. Teenagers are different, they’re not all the same, I’d never say no because the character was a teenager. I’d say no because the part didn’t interest me.

Is there a sense of loss now that Skins is truly done and dusted?
No, cos when we finished the first time we’d done it for two years consecutively and I said goodbye then. This time we were only shooting for 4 weeks and we knew that was it, so I’d already made my peace with it. Going back was a nice treat but it wasn’t emotional.

Kathryn Prescott

Emily Fitch | Skins Series 3 & 4, 7

Did you think you would be brought back to the Skins set?
I thought it might, but then it didn’t happen for a while so I assumed it wouldn’t go ahead so it was a surprise.

The rumours went on and on about a film and given The Inbetweeners made it to screen it seemed Skins would do it as well.
Yeah, it seemed like it would happen but they wanted to do the next generation so I think they wanted to focus their attention on that, then look to bring back some of the old characters. It seems like ages ago that we did it, in my head I was very young but it was only about three years ago.

Was there much to identify with your grown up character?
Well, my character is just guesting because she’s gone off to New York to do a photography internship, which I can relate to cos I do photography myself. When we last saw her she was in college but now she’s come into her own a bit.

Was it fun to film?
When I was filming – it was a different city, different crew and it was on location – so I was going, this feels very weird. It doesn’t feel like the same show, which is what they were going for. I quite like it cos Skins is about being in the present and being a young adult, and the good thing about these mini-films is that they show that there are consequences. Even when you’re 16 that has a knock on effect about how you live your life in your 20s. And some people can change the way they live and others stick to the same patterns.

Does this three-parter then make it a vital way to end Skins?
Yes, it’s a responsible thing for them to do as writers and producers. It was entertainment and it could have stayed as that, but because it’s aimed at a young audience it’s good that that they show actions have consequences. Everyone I know who’s in their early 20s, like we are in the series, doesn’t really know what they’re doing and is worried about life, and I think that really shows in this series. It’s about finding themselves as adults and not just doing whatever they want as kids.

Since Skins do you feel you’ve been transitioning from a teen actor into an adult actor?
Since Skins I’ve done a couple of things where I’ve actually played my age! I do play younger still, but I find it harder to play younger than older. The young person parts are sometimes… when you’re younger you’re still a bit two-dimensional but when you get older you get more layers to you. There’s more to play with if you play an older person. If you’re playing a young person without much life experience you have to un-know some stuff.

What’s the thing you’ll take away from Skins – both then and now?
Firstly, it was my break into acting, so it really was my first thing, if I hadn’t done Skins then I would still be acting but I don’t know how long it would have taken me to get something, like a prime time thing. So I’ll take that and also friends – Lily and Kaya are close friends. All the girls still speak and are close.


qué fea está Lily Loveless no? :S


Ugh, la verdad es que de rubia ganaba muchísimo


A mi me parece que sigue estando muy guapa. Flaco favor la ropa, que parece un saco patatas

1 respuesta

#145 será eso, espero.


Más imágenes de los episodios:


Que tal fue la serie después de la tercera temporada? Fue por ahí cuando dejé de verla, no recuerdo porque, pero ahora ando sin mucha cosa que ver, si no esta mal puede que me reenganche.

1 respuesta

#148 Pues la 4ta mola, es más dramática que la 3ra, como suelen ser las segundas temporadas de generación.

En cuanto a la 3ra generación (5ª y 6ª), a mí no terminó de enamorarme como las dos primeras, pero no está nada mal tampoco... sobre todo la 6ª, que mejora considerablemente respecto a la 5ª. Yo me las vería! total, no son muchos capítulos.


LLamadme raro pero para mí la mejor fue la 4ª

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